What's At Stake For America Nov. 7? Today Let's Examine: John Conyers

John Conyers D-MI
(If Elected)
John Conyers would become Head of the House Judiciary Committee
Which means for the next 2 years we will be tied up in Hearing after Hearing to Impeach President Bush. And pretty much every member of the Bush administration. Which they wont be able to do anyway because everything President Bush has done has been within the law. But that wont stop the Democrat's, Conyers has already drawn up motions for Impeachment Proceedings Papers and Resolutions one being HR 635. So while all this would be going on, who would be protecting America from another attack?
Important to note is Conyers voting record on key issues that matter to voters:
Private Property Rights Implementation Act of 2006
On Passage
House Roll Call No. 511
109th Congress, 2nd Session
Passed: 231-181
The House passed H.R. 4772, to simplify and expedite access to the Federal courts for injured parties whose rights and privileges under the United States Constitution have been deprived by final actions of Federal agencies or other government officials or entities acting under color of State law, by a yea-and-nay vote of 231 yeas to 181 nays, Roll No. 511.
Conyers Voted NO
Military Commissions Act
On Passage
House Roll Call No. 508
109th Congress, 2nd Session
Passed: 250-170
The House passed S. 3930, to authorize trial by military commission for violations of the law of war, by a yea-and-nay vote of 250 yeas to 170 nays, Roll No. 508--clearing the measure for the President.
Conyers Voted NO
Electronic Surveillance Modernization Act
On Passage
House Roll Call No. 502
109th Congress, 2nd Session
Passed: 232-191
The House passed H.R. 5825, to update the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, by a yea-and-nay vote of 232 yeas to 191 nays, Roll No. 502.
Conyers Voted NO
Public Expression of Religion Act
On Passage
House Roll Call No. 480
109th Congress, 2nd Session
Passed: 244-173
The House passed H.R. 2679, to amend the Revised Statutes of the United States to eliminate the chilling effect on the constitutionally protected expression of religion by State and local officials that results from the threat that potential litigants may seek damages and attorney's fees, by a yea-and-nay vote of 244 yeas to 173 nays, Roll No. 480.
Conyers Voted NO
Child Custody Protection Act
On Passage
House Roll Call No. 479
109th Congress, 2nd Session
Passed: 264-153
S. 403, to amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit taking minors across State lines in circumvention of laws requiring the involvement of parents in abortion decisions, by a yea-and-nay vote of 264 yeas to 153 nays, Roll No. 479--clearing the measure for the President.
Conyers Voted NO
Security and Accountability for Every Port (SAFE) Act
On Agreeing to the Conference Report
House Roll Call No. 516
109th Congress, 2nd Session
Passed: 409-2
The House agreed to the conference report to accompany H.R. 4954, to improve maritime and cargo security D1078through enhanced layered defenses by a recorded vote of 409 ayes to 2 noes, Roll No. 516.
In All Fairness Conyers Voted Yes (Shocking)
Conyers Voting Record On Key Issues...Read Here
This is John Conyers. This isnt even including Repealing ALL Bush's Tax Cut's. And taking YOUR'S AND MY MONEY AWAY FROM US. (Thus screwing up the economy) Which the Democrat's have stated CLEARLY this is what they intend to do once they "Gain Control"
Conyers has voted NO on the most important issues to the American People that will safeguard this Country from another attack, with the exception of the Safe Port's Bill. Conyers will vote to: Impeach the President, tie up the Country with all that crap for the next 2 years, Take away Intercepting Phone calls from Al-Queda to anyone in this Country and Vise Versa, tieing up OUR Court System with trials for enemy combatant's taken off the battlefield instead of trying them where they should be tried in Military Tribunals, (We are at WAR this is NOT a Police Action anymore) Take away "Data Mining" so we cant track the money that is going to and from Al-Queda all over the world, do away with the Patriot Act that is vital to securing this Country from another attack, and the list goes on and on. JUST SAY NO!!!