Maybe I'm Morbid, !New! !!!!WARNING GRAPHIC!!!
I think we need to show the pictures of Usama Bin Laden DEAD!
If we were going to have retribution for the Death of the Maniac it will happen anyway. Or it would have already.
I dont want to put the Troops in any more harm's way, but they are already in harm's way after the death of this Evil Bastard.
We got to see Uday and Kusay Hussein dead, and the hanging of Saddam Hussein, so why not show the world the pictures of this Evil Bastard Dead?
After all Bin Hidin didnt give the same courtesy to the thousands of our Service Members and the Innocent Americans he had killed.
And Bin Hidin isnt Hidin anymore Ha!
Whoa!!! Is this Photo Released By Reuters Usama Bin Laden Dead?

Is This Bin Laden? I thought his eye was gone?
I think we need to show the pictures of Usama Bin Laden DEAD!
If we were going to have retribution for the Death of the Maniac it will happen anyway. Or it would have already.
I dont want to put the Troops in any more harm's way, but they are already in harm's way after the death of this Evil Bastard.
We got to see Uday and Kusay Hussein dead, and the hanging of Saddam Hussein, so why not show the world the pictures of this Evil Bastard Dead?
After all Bin Hidin didnt give the same courtesy to the thousands of our Service Members and the Innocent Americans he had killed.
And Bin Hidin isnt Hidin anymore Ha!

Marie, good to see you back in the mix again!!!! This is a picture of one of the couriers but not OBL. First he still had his beard and OBL was 54 years old and this guy looks to be much younger. Either way though it shows a picture of an evil scum who met the best soldiers in the world and LOST!
Not OBL, but one of the two courier brothers. One of the three photos shows a dead gut with a striking resemblance to OBL, probably the son. I copied all three photos from The Guardian certain they would be taken down, which they were. They were put back up later.
Like you said, the pix of Usay and Kudai were made public as was that of Saddam. The photos of the hanged and burned bodies of the Blackwater operators won a Pulitzer prize. The JFK autopsy photos are readily available. Gory and icky are not reasons for withholding OBL pix. Not wanting to inflame the animal passions of the practitioners of the religion of peace is a reason and an excuse.
Hey Marie, the left wing nut jobs welcome you back also as anonyMOUSE has greeted you with the typical lib name calling trash!
Anonymouse: What country are you talking about? North Korea?
We love America and respect it's fine traditions. That's more than anyone could say about bottom feeders like yourself!
I know, really?
It sounds like some kind of Al Queda sympathyser.
Either way, Hail To Troops :-)
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