Gov. Paterson Admits To Sex With Other Woman For Years
What is going on in the Democrat Party? Cant any of them keep thier pant's zipped?
Now this guy is going to have to go, you Democrats in New York cant even keep a Governor? Especially for more than One Day?*snip*The thunderous applause was still ringing in his ears when the state's new governor, David Paterson, told the Daily News that he and his wife had extramarital affairs.
In a stunning revelation, both Paterson, 53, and his wife, Michelle, 46, acknowledged in a joint interview they each had intimate relationships with others during a rocky period in their marriage several years ago.
In the course of several interviews in the past few days, Paterson said he maintained a relationship for two or three years with "a woman other than my wife," beginning in 1999.

As part of that relationship, Paterson said, he and the other woman sometimes stayed at an upper West Side hotel — the Days Inn at Broadway and W. 94th St.
He said members of his Albany legislative staff often used the same hotel when they visit the city.
"This was a marriage that appeared to be going sour at one point," Paterson conceded in his first interview Saturday. "But I went to counseling and we decided we wanted to make it work. Michelle is well aware of what went on."
In a second interview with Paterson and his wife Monday, only hours after he was sworn in to replace scandal-scarred Eliot Spitzer, Michelle Paterson confirmed her husband's account.
"Like most marriages, you go through certain difficult periods," Michelle Paterson said. "What's important is for your kids to see you worked them out."
The First Couple agreed to speak publicly about the difficulties in their marriage in response to a variety of rumors about Paterson's personal life that have been circulating in Albany and among the press corps in recent days.
They spoke in the governor's office even as scores of friends, family members and political supporters were celebrating in the corridors of the Capitol his ascension to the state's highest post.
Given the call-girl scandal that erupted last week and forced Spitzer's stunning resignation, Paterson conceded that top government officials are bound to come under closer scrutiny for their personal actions.
The governor flatly denied what he called a "sporadic rumor in Albany that I had a love child" by another woman. "That's just not true," he said.
"Don't you think he'd take care of a child if he'd had one?" Michelle Paterson said, in obvious disgust over that persistent rumor.
The romantic relationship he did have, Paterson said, lasted until sometime in 2001. He did not identify the former girlfriend.
Asked if he had stayed with anyone else since 2001 at the same West Side hotel, Paterson said, "From time to time I used to take Michelle to that hotel."
Rest Of The Story Here~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This is incredible. This guy couldnt have mentioned any of this before he was sworn in? What is truly going on with the Democrat Party? This is totally Insane! Well No, It's to be expected!*****************************************************************
Mean While In Other News (Heavens)*snip*
TEDDY PEDERSEN" She made the moves. We all did."
A former driver and aide to former New Jersey Gov. Jim McGreevey yesterday made the bombshell claim that Dina Matos McGreevey must have always known her husband was gay - because he was the other man in bed with them.
In an explosive interview with The Post, the McGreeveys' self-professed man in the middle, Teddy Pedersen, gave explicit details of three-way sex romps that he claimed to have had with the now-divorcing duo, starting during their courtship and continuing into the marriage.
Pedersen - who said he had already spilled the beans on the ménage a trois arrangement under oath in a deposition for the couple's divorce battle - hinted that he thinks his presence was required to get Jim's motor running for Dina.
Matos McGreevey's basic argument in her divorce war with the former gov is that he covered up his homosexuality and tricked her into a loveless marriage. She said today that the stories of sexual trysts were "completely false."
But McGreevey confirmed the accounts. "This happened, this happened in the past, and now we need to move on with our lives," he said in an email to the Associated Press.
Pedersen - who is named in Matos McGreevey's court papers - agreed to talk about the alleged unconventional relationship after Dina sounded off to the media last week about Eliot Spitzer's sex scandal.
"It's frustrating to hear her call Gov. Spitzer a hypocrite while she's out there being as dishonest as anyone could be about her own life," said Pedersen, 29.
Rest Of Story Here~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This is unreal. Sex scandal After Sex Scandal. The Democrat Party as we knew it is just gone. The coluture of Democrat Corruption goes on and on and on. And this is really getting sickning. Three Somes? My Heavens!*************************************************************
And In More Democrat News LOL!The walls are crumbling for embattled Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, (D-MI) who is under increasing pressure to resign over his role in a police whistleblower settlement scandal that many say is paralyzing the already struggling city.
High-profile critics have been lining up to call for Mr. Kilpatrick's resignation. The latest is Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox, a Republican who told a Detroit radio station yesterday that the mayor is a liar who lost the public trust in using the race card at a Tuesday night State of the City speech.
"It was race-baiting on par with David Duke and George Wallace — all to save his political career," Mr. Cox said in an interview on talk-radio station WJR–AM.
Mr. Kilpatrick, a Democrat, is under investigation for reportedly lying in sworn testimony in a police whistleblower trial about an affair with his chief of staff and a secret $8.4 million settlement he brokered without the City Council's knowledge,

On Wednesday, three top Detroit-area business leaders met with Mr. Kilpatrick to discuss the current situation facing the city. Though they didn't call for him to leave, they let him know that his remarks, asserting that his detractors displayed a "lynch-mob mentality" and used the "n-word," were polarizing to the city, which is struggling to revive itself amid significant economic woes.
The mayor, through his spokesman, reiterated yesterday that he would not resign and would continue to push forward his agenda for growth. However, his time in office may be limited. The City Council voted unanimously on Wednesday to order Mr. Kilpatrick, along with his former chief of staff and suspected mistress, Christine Beatty, as well as others involved in the police whistleblower settlement case to appear before the City Council.
Council members, meeting after Mr. Kilpatrick blamed race and the news media for his legal and political problems, said if the mayor did not comply, they would use subpoena power to force him and other figures in the scandal to appear before them in an effort to resolve the matter.
Even as the calls for him to "Just go!" continued outside his speech, Mr. Kilpatrick, giving the annual State of the City message Tuesday night, strayed from prepared text in the last portion of his remarks to fight back angrily against his detractors, saying that he and his family have been the victims of attacks fueled by racial hatred.
Detroit Mayor Swamped With Calls For Resignation~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Oh Heavens, this is almost laughable at this point. If it wasnt all so sad. All this hate speech, all this immoral activity, all this corruption, how much more of this Democrat Corruption is going on out there that we dont know about? And do we need to know because this is sick. I think we do no matter ho sick it is. These Democrat Pride themselves on being so moral and it looks like the tide has turned this time. The Democrats are no better than the Republican, THEY ARE WORSE!!!Labels: Democrat Corruption, Kilpatrick, McGreevy, Patterson