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March 17, 2008

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What Are Barack Obama's Ties To The Weather Underground, And Who Is The Weather Underground?

Four Leaf Clover Glittering Comments from

Barack Obama Visited '60s Radicals

In 1995, State Senator Alice Palmer introduced her chosen successor, Barack Obama, to a few of the district’s influential liberals at the home of two well known figures William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.

While Ayers and Dohrn may be thought of in Hyde Park as local activists, they’re better known nationally as two of the most notorious — and unrepentant — figures from the violent fringe of the 1960s anti-war movement.

William Ayers/Weather Underground

Now, as Barack Obama runs for president, what two guests recall as an unremarkable gathering on the road to a minor elected office stands as a symbol of how swiftly he has risen from a man in the Hyde Park left to one closing in fast on the Democratic nomination for president.

“I can remember being one of a small group of people who came to Bill Ayers’ house to learn that Alice Palmer was stepping down from the senate and running for Congress,” said Dr. Quentin Young, a prominent Chicago physician and advocate for single-payer health care, of the informal gathering at the home of Ayers and his wife, Dohrn.

Barack Obama and Palmer “were both there,” he said.

Barack Obama’s connections to Ayers and Dorhn have been noted in some fleeting news coverage in the past. But the visit by Barack Obama to their home — part of a campaign courtship — reflects more extensive interaction than has been previously reported.

Neither Ayers nor the Barack Obama campaign would describe the relationship between the two men. Dr. Young described Barack Obama and Ayers as “friends,” but there’s no evidence their relationship is more than the casual friendship of two men who occupy overlapping Chicago political circles and who served together on the board of a Chicago foundation.

But Barack Obama’s relationship with Ayers is an especially vivid milepost on his rise, in record time, from a local official who unabashedly reflected a very liberal district to the leader of national movement based largely on the claim that he can transcend ideological divides.

In one sense, Barack Obama’s journey toward the cultural and political center is not unusual among national politicians. But its velocity is.

Politicians of an earlier generation had their own relationships with figures now far to their left. Hillary Rodham Clinton, for instance, interned at a radical San Francisco law firm while in law school.

The relationship with Ayers gives context to his recent past in Hyde Park politics. It’s milieu in which a former violent radical was a stalwart of the local scene, not especially controversial.

It’s also a scene whose liberal ideological features — while taken for granted by the Chicago press corps that knows Barack Obama best — provides a jarring contrast with Barack Obama’s current, anti-ideological stance. This contrast between past and present — not least the Ayers connection — is virtually certain to be a subject Republican operatives will warm to if Barack Obama is the Democratic nominee.

The tension between the present and recent Chicago past is also evident in some of his positions on major national issues. Many national politicians, including Clinton, have moved toward the center over time. But Barack Obama’s transitions are still quite fresh.

Weather Undergound Suppoter's

A questionnaire from his 1996 campaign indicated more blanket opposition to the death penalty, and support of abortion rights, than he currently espouses. He spoke in support of single-payer health care as recently as 2003.

Like many of the most extreme figures from the 1960s Ayers and Dohrn are ambiguous figures in American life.

They disappeared in 1970, after a bomb — designed to kill Army officers in New Jersey — accidentally destroyed a Greenwich Village townhouse, and turned themselves into authorities in 1980. They were never prosecuted for their involvement with the 25 bombings the Weather Underground claimed; charges were dropped because of improper FBI surveillance.

Both have written and spoken at length about their pasts, and today he is an advocate for progressive education and a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago; she’s an associate professor of law at Northwestern University.

But — unlike some other fringe figures of the era — they’re also flatly unrepentant about the bombings they committed in the name of ending the war, defending them on the grounds that they killed no one, except, accidentally, their own members.

Dohrn, however, was jailed for less than a year for refusing to testify before a grand jury investigating other Weather Underground members’ robbery of a Brinks truck, in which a guard and two New York State Troopers were killed.

“I don't regret setting bombs; I feel we didn't do enough,” Ayers told the New York Times in 2001.

And their rehabilitation in establishment circles, even in Hyde Park, has its limits.

Though he is a respected figure in liberal educational circles, Ayers wrote recently about how in 2006 he was informed he was persona non grata at a progressive educators’ conference in the summer of 2006.
“We cannot risk a simplistic and dubious association between progressive education and the violent aspects of your past,” he quoted the conference organizers, whom he described as friends, as writing to him.

But the couple has been embraced, by and large, in the liberal circles dominating Hyde Park politics.

“Bill Ayers is one of my heroes in life,” said Sam Ackerman, a longtime local activist. “I knew Tony Rezko, and he ain’t no Rezko.”

(The Same Tony Rezko That Dumped Money Into The Barack Obama Campaign)

But others in Hyde Park, whose intellectual and political life revolves around the University of Chicago, view the couple with ambivalence

Rest Of Story Here

More Interesting Tidbit's On Obama And The Weather Underground, and Jeremiah Wright/Obama's Hate Speech Pastor

Obama Attended Hate America Sermon

Obama Visited Home Of Weather Underground Terrorists In '90s
Oh Brother! The more we find out about Barack Obama, the worse this is getting. Not only does he have ties to his Pastor that Preaches "Hate Speech", Now we find he had ties to the Weather Underground who blew up a Greenwitch Village Townhouse instead of thier intended target Army Officers in New Jersey. And Ayer's claims he wished he could have done more! Just who else is Barack Obama Tied to? STAY TUNED!

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Blogger Gayle said...

Yep! Obama has dealt with some very unsavory characters in Chicago. I'm really tired of hearing some on the MSM claim that we can't judge people by the company we keep. The hell we can't! That's exactly how people are judged and have been since the beginning of time. "If you lie down with dogs you get up with fleas." "Birds of a feather flock together." Obama is covered from head to foot with fleas and dirty bird feathers! Ugh!

Good post, Marie.

March 17, 2008 11:51 AM  
Blogger Marie's Two Cents said...


Yep! Obama has dealt with some very unsavory characters in Chicago. I'm really tired of hearing some on the MSM claim that we can't judge people by the company we keep. The hell we can't! That's exactly how people are judged and have been since the beginning of time. "If you lie down with dogs you get up with fleas." "Birds of a feather flock together." Obama is covered from head to foot with fleas and dirty bird feathers! Ugh!

Good post, Marie.

That's one way to look at it lol

But It's true.

I wonder what else there is we havent found out about Obama yet?

Stay Tuned! :-)

March 17, 2008 1:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I said on my blog today, he is going to make what he calls a MAJOR speech Tomorrow about race.
What can he say that will change our minds? Nothing.
It will be another self serving speech about nothing.
I don't care what church or what race of people are attending, church is no place for hate and politics. Esp. someone that is running for the president od the United States... You would think he'd have more brains than to do that. But I guess he doesn't. How can anyone believe that he attended that church with his friend, his mentor and advisor pastor of said church and he never heard the Rev. preach hate or an anti-American sermon? I keep reading people saying Obama isn't responsible for what his preacher said. Obama is responsible for listening to such racist, hate filled sermons. He is responsible for exposing his children to such hate. Very bad decisions.
You can tell that Mrs. Obama got the preacher's message

March 17, 2008 4:55 PM  
Blogger WomanHonorThyself said...

Odinga, Wright, Rezzzzzzzzzzko and now this head is spinning!!!..what great reporting girl!:)

March 17, 2008 5:24 PM  
Blogger The Federalist said...

Yep, one guy says he saw Obama at the service on July 22 and it's fact!

I think I saw Obama at a KKK rally once. Wasn't he jumping up and down with the after 9/11? He had a white gown, an AK-47 and some curry chicken on a stick...? I could be mistaken but I would recognize those ears anywhere!

It's obvious that someone doesn't want McCain to run against him. The war issue would crush McCain...probably the economy, too...since he admits to not knowing anything about it...and probably the whole education thing as well...but McSame could use the crazy pastor thingy...wait, he's got Hagee on this team...damn.

March 17, 2008 5:58 PM  
Blogger Marie's Two Cents said...


He is being forced to make a major speech on race this time lol

But it wont matter what he say's now, the damage is already done.


Yeahhhhhhhh Rezzzzzzzzzzzko LOL

March 17, 2008 7:27 PM  
Blogger Marie's Two Cents said...


Yep, one guy says he saw Obama at the service on July 22 and it's fact!

I think I saw Obama at a KKK rally once. Wasn't he jumping up and down with the after 9/11? He had a white gown, an AK-47 and some curry chicken on a stick...? I could be mistaken but I would recognize those ears anywhere!

It's obvious that someone doesn't want McCain to run against him. The war issue would crush McCain...probably the economy, too...since he admits to not knowing anything about it...and probably the whole education thing as well...but McSame could use the crazy pastor thingy...wait, he's got Hagee on this team...damn.

Nah I think that chicken on a stick and probably slaughtering of goats and jumping up and down with Ak 47's and KKK stuff oh that's right it has to be attached to Amerikkka, goes on in Obama's church LOL! No tellin what goes on in that place, only time will tell.

HaHa Oh Please someone doesnt want McCain to run against Obama? Ha! Bring it on oh yeah, as soon as you guy's ever get a Nominiee and have a do over vote and all that crap that's about to come up.

McCain will rock both thier worlds with experience alone.

But it seems your party is in quite disaray at the moment oh how on earth are you guy's going to get yourselves out of this mess?

March 17, 2008 7:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marie's Two Cents said...
He is being forced to make a major speech on race this time lol
But it wont matter what he say's now, the damage is already done.

I don't think so Marie
I just wrote a blog on that subject this morning.
Take a peek.
I predict that it's all goes away

March 18, 2008 6:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know that we can fault B-O for associating with criminals in Chicago politics. In Chicago, that's all there is.
Funny how it was okay for B-O to go to that church for 20 years, and happen to miss the service the one day Rev. Wright starts talking about what a bad country the USA is.

March 18, 2008 9:31 AM  
Blogger Marie's Two Cents said...

Uncle P,


Well that shortens it down some.

Dont forget that book BO wrote "The Audacity Of Hope"

Do you think this guy ever remembers his mother is white?

March 18, 2008 9:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dunno, Marie. The more I hear about him, the more I think he was raised by aldermen. In a madrassa.

March 18, 2008 7:13 PM  
Blogger Marie's Two Cents said...

Uncle P,

Ya Know,

I heard that somewhere also Hmmmm

March 19, 2008 8:20 PM  

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