What Kind Of Nonsense Is This?

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Get's indicted on 5 counts ranging from Perjury to Obstruction of Justice in the CIA Leak investigation in the outing of supposed CIA covert/undercover operative Valerie Plame

Who wasnt even covert at the time and hadnt been for 6 years, everyone in Washington knew who she was and even her own husband Joe Wilson

Gave a Speech outing his own wife, wrote a book,
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Then lied about his wife's involvement in geting him the job to begin with? Scooter Libby faces almost 30 years in jail (If convicted) and no one still knows if Valerie Plame was even outed by Libby or anyone besides her own husband for that matter! The charges against Libby arent even related to this.
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Then you have Former President Bill Clinton's National Security Adviser Sandy Berger

who at the time of the theft was John Kerry's Political Adviser, who went into the National Archives and STOLE Classified Documents pertaining to our Nation's Security, Foreign Policy, and Terrorism by stuffing them down his pants, socks, and jacket thenRead Full Story HereDestroying some of the documents before they were presented to the 9-11 commission, made a plea deal, paid a $10,000 fine, had his security clearance revoked, and will spend no time in jail? And coincidentaly the day after the theft John Kerry gave a speech on..... "Foreign Policy"!! (Wonder where he got his material?)Read Full Story Here
Why was there no Grand Jury conviened on this matter?
Berger didnt have to turn himself in, get arrested, booked, and fingerprinted!!!
Stealing Classified Information that Berger Plead Guilty to? And yet nothing happened to him but a slap on the wrist?
And they have NO proof that Libby outed a CIA operative?
No one even knows for sure he lied about anything, and since Libby,and Carl Rove had clearance to know the information about Valerie Plame being a CIA operative (Which IS illegal to talk about to anyone if they are covert/undercover for 5 years or less) but NOT illegal to talk to reporters or anyone else about if that person was NOT covert/undercover for 5 years or more. He could have and likely did talk to Bob Novak (Syndicated Columnist and a usual on the now defunk Crossfire show on CNN)and that would have been LEGAL to do so anyway!
I didnt even bring up Bill Clinton lieing to the American people and getting impeached for doing so. And I wont because that will take an entire web page to post all that material. I will save that for another time. And most of the American people that actualy care about any of this already know anyway.
I am just outraged at the way the Liberal's in the Media, these cockamamee "Special Procecutors", and the Liberal Party in General are using this new to some, but actually same ole tactic of making the Republicans look like liars, cheats and thieves and getting away with it.
When in the Liberal party they are literally getting away with murder (Ted Hiccup Kennedy for example) and nothing has been done about this.
Clinton gets away with Lieing to the American people, Sandy Berger gets away with stealing classified documents, the list goes on and on!
Then the indictment of Tom Delay knowing by Republican rules (Because Republicans do police themselves unlike Liberals)they knew if indicted he would have to step aside as House Majority Leader.
The Liberals feel if they can charge these officials and members of Congress they will resign or step down or aside, or resign until the outcome of the trial if any.
But the Liberal's know all of this.
And it's appauling that the Republicans arent totally wanting to rip someboby's eyes out at the thought that Liberal's are going at this full steam, and accomplishing thier goals. And we are and have been doing absolutely NOTHING about any of these other criminals from the previous administration.
Where is the OUTRAGE for justice on the right?