If You Dont Believe The ACLU Is Trying To Ruin America, And Her Troops, Read This!!!
Court Orders Release of Images of Detainee Abuse at Abu Ghraib (09/29/2005)
NEW YORK – A federal judge has ordered the release of photos and videos of detainee abuse at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison, saying that the photos may answer important questions about government accountability. In seeking the release of the images, the American Civil Liberties Union and its allies said the images are a critical component in the quest for public accountability.Read Full Story Here
Public Accountability? We dont need more of the same pictures released until the war in Iraq or the war on Terrorism is OVER!!! The people that commited crimes have already been punished. And this will do NOTHING more than put our troops in more of harms way, and enable Al Jazeera to exploit the situation so there will be more kidnapings, beheadings, etc...In WW2 the War dept. never released pictures of that kind of crap knowing it would undermine the war effort, and put our troops in harms way. Why should we do that with this war? We are after all fighting WW3, and if you dont believe that, you are blind!
ACLU Responds to Court Ruling Upholding Detention of Jose Padilla (09/09/2005)
NEW YORK -- The American Civil Liberties Union expressed disappointment at today's ruling upholding the military detention of Jose Padilla, and reversing a trial court decision that had ordered the government either to criminally charge him or to release him.Read Full Story Here
Dissappointment? Let me get this right, Jose Padilla is an admitted member of Al Quaida, he planned to carry out a terrorist attack against the United States, he was captured in America, that makes him an enemy combatant on American soil! He has NO rights until the Military Court not the Supreme court deems so. Heavens to Betsy!!!
Following ACLU Action, Pasadena to Allow Residents to Hang Political Signs (09/27/2005)
LOS ANGELES – Following a lawsuit by the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California, a Pasadena couple who was forced to remove a sign questioning the war in Iraq from the exterior of their home will be allowed to hang it from their home once again, according to the city attorney.Read Full Story Here
Remember these people?

I think this is self explanatory!!! I hope thier neighbors rip it down again!!!
Supreme Court Keeps Gag Intact as Appeals Court Set to Hear Patriot Act Challenge (10/07/2005)
WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court today denied an emergency application to vacate a stay in the American Civil Liberties Union's challenge to a Patriot Act provision that authorizes the FBI to demand library and Internet records without judicial review. A district court judge had ordered a gag in the case lifted on September 9, but stayed the ruling on appeal; the Second Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the stay.Read Full Story Here
It's no secret the ACLU wants to do away with the Patriot Act. A tool we desperately need to prevent terrorist attacks. In a time of war delving in to those who would try to commit another atrocity on this Country need to be investigated. The CIA and FBI need to know if suspected people are communicating with Al Quaida and/or other terrorist groups. But I guess the ACLU believes those who would do us harm have more rights than those who may be killed by those who want to do us harm!@#$%$#@!
I saved the best for last:
Court Overturns Two Sex-Show Laws
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I cant speak for them but I'm almost posative the Framers of this Country did NOT have Sex Shows in mind when they wrote the Constitution!!!
I think clear thinking people know where I am going with all of this. The ACLU is trying to flush our Country down the toilet! The ACLU wants:
Flag Burning:
10 commandments removed from ALL Public Places (Courthouses Included):
No more "Merry Christmas", "Happy Holidays" Instead:
"Under God" taken OUT of the Pledge Of Alligiance:
The list goes on and on and on...
We must stop them!
Or at least sign the petition to stop taxpayer funding of the ACLU!!
Do you want your tax dollars to go to an organization that is trying to take away instead of restore our rights in this Country?
Let's clean it up people, and get rid of the ACLU while there is still an America left to defend!!!!
NEW YORK – A federal judge has ordered the release of photos and videos of detainee abuse at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison, saying that the photos may answer important questions about government accountability. In seeking the release of the images, the American Civil Liberties Union and its allies said the images are a critical component in the quest for public accountability.Read Full Story Here
Public Accountability? We dont need more of the same pictures released until the war in Iraq or the war on Terrorism is OVER!!! The people that commited crimes have already been punished. And this will do NOTHING more than put our troops in more of harms way, and enable Al Jazeera to exploit the situation so there will be more kidnapings, beheadings, etc...In WW2 the War dept. never released pictures of that kind of crap knowing it would undermine the war effort, and put our troops in harms way. Why should we do that with this war? We are after all fighting WW3, and if you dont believe that, you are blind!
ACLU Responds to Court Ruling Upholding Detention of Jose Padilla (09/09/2005)
NEW YORK -- The American Civil Liberties Union expressed disappointment at today's ruling upholding the military detention of Jose Padilla, and reversing a trial court decision that had ordered the government either to criminally charge him or to release him.Read Full Story Here
Dissappointment? Let me get this right, Jose Padilla is an admitted member of Al Quaida, he planned to carry out a terrorist attack against the United States, he was captured in America, that makes him an enemy combatant on American soil! He has NO rights until the Military Court not the Supreme court deems so. Heavens to Betsy!!!
Following ACLU Action, Pasadena to Allow Residents to Hang Political Signs (09/27/2005)
LOS ANGELES – Following a lawsuit by the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California, a Pasadena couple who was forced to remove a sign questioning the war in Iraq from the exterior of their home will be allowed to hang it from their home once again, according to the city attorney.Read Full Story Here
Remember these people?

I think this is self explanatory!!! I hope thier neighbors rip it down again!!!
Supreme Court Keeps Gag Intact as Appeals Court Set to Hear Patriot Act Challenge (10/07/2005)
WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court today denied an emergency application to vacate a stay in the American Civil Liberties Union's challenge to a Patriot Act provision that authorizes the FBI to demand library and Internet records without judicial review. A district court judge had ordered a gag in the case lifted on September 9, but stayed the ruling on appeal; the Second Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the stay.Read Full Story Here
It's no secret the ACLU wants to do away with the Patriot Act. A tool we desperately need to prevent terrorist attacks. In a time of war delving in to those who would try to commit another atrocity on this Country need to be investigated. The CIA and FBI need to know if suspected people are communicating with Al Quaida and/or other terrorist groups. But I guess the ACLU believes those who would do us harm have more rights than those who may be killed by those who want to do us harm!@#$%$#@!
I saved the best for last:
Court Overturns Two Sex-Show Laws
Read Full Story Here
I cant speak for them but I'm almost posative the Framers of this Country did NOT have Sex Shows in mind when they wrote the Constitution!!!
I think clear thinking people know where I am going with all of this. The ACLU is trying to flush our Country down the toilet! The ACLU wants:
Flag Burning:
10 commandments removed from ALL Public Places (Courthouses Included):
No more "Merry Christmas", "Happy Holidays" Instead:
"Under God" taken OUT of the Pledge Of Alligiance:
The list goes on and on and on...
We must stop them!
Or at least sign the petition to stop taxpayer funding of the ACLU!!
Do you want your tax dollars to go to an organization that is trying to take away instead of restore our rights in this Country?
Let's clean it up people, and get rid of the ACLU while there is still an America left to defend!!!!
It amazes me that anyone can fail to see the ACLU for what it really is. They are not about civil liberties, unless it is taking a position that supports Leftist worldviews. I see their organization almost like a brainwashing cult that thinks they are doing what's right, but are so blind, that they can't even see the great evil and harm they are doing to this country.
Oh I do believe the ACLU knows full well the evil they are doing to this Country and dont give a rats ass!! After all the ACLU was started by communists, and they support NAMBLA...(North American Man Boy Love Association)
They are a pain in the ass and need to be stopped. They are trying to take away everything decent in this Country and we are the ONLY ones who can stop them.
Phantom You make a good point there. Yes like I support the players but I dont support the World Series!@#$#@! I like that Uncle Sam with an animated finger LOL. And Thank Your son for me for serving this Country, I'm Proud to call him an American!
Liberatarian, The ACLU I'm not sure EVER had good intentions for this Country. The were started by communists dont forget. I am in FULL support of the Patriot Act, that is a tool we desperately need in war time to catch would be terrorists before they have another chance to strike us again. I mean think about it, they arent after the average Joe selling a bag of weed! They want terrorists before they have another chance to lob off another attack on us and I am all for doing whatever is neccessary to stop them before they can strike. Besides I havent heard of one person picked up because of a privacy violation. Only would be terorists.
And PLEASE, the ACLU wants to do away with "Merry Christmas", Under God in almost everything, up to and including the Pledge of Alligiance for God's sake. If they had thier way and could win they would have "Under God" taken off US currency! The basic ideals this Country was founded on. And NAMBLA is more than just discusting. They are for more rights for criminals more than for victims, for showing the same pictures from Abu Ghraib which are useless at this point they just want to undermine the war effort. The Ten Commandment's removed from all public places, courthouses included. If there is such a seperation of Church and State, then why on earth do I vote for any kind of election in a Church! Some will tell you from the ACLU standpoint "If it wasnt for us you wouldnt have the rights you have today. We are protecting your rights too" I'm sorry but they dont protect MY rights, The Constitution did that for me not the ACLU! They have already taken away Christmas Carol'ers, when was the last time you saw them at YOUR door? I miss them. And you watch soon they will want to take away Santa Claus, and The Easter Bunny!
The ACLU is turning this Country to shit, and I would LOVE to see them stopped. They are useless. I think you need to visit a wonderful site and judge for yourself:
You will learn alot on that site.
Oh and Liberatarian,
Can you imagine the Public Outcry if someone was had hung a Soldier in effigy from thier home during World War 2? I can just imagine that.
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