I Wasnt Going To Get Into This But....
As most of you already know there was a Suicide bombing in front of the OU Campus in Norman, Oklahoma on October 1, 2005.
Read Full Story Here
This Guy:

Joel Henry Hinrichs III
Is responsible for this crazy suicide plot if it was one.
I am not one for conspiracy thoeries but...
And I sure dont want to frighten the good people of Oklahoma City, and the rest of the Country, but I even have to admit there is something terribly strange going on here. Ever since the bombing of our Ferderal Building downtown "The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building" April 19, 1995 a day I sure as hell wont EVER forget we have had numerous incidents such as:
Zacarias Moussaoui the 20th hijacker that was suppose to be on one of the flights on 9-11 that had flight courses at a local fight training school in Norman, OK that has been apprehended and is in jail at this moment in another state:
The so-called "Terrorist Motel"
Full Story Here
Which I find disturbing but do not believe most of what that story says, However I do know for certain Tim McViegh as well as Mohammed Atta (The terrorist who flew the first plane into the first tower at the World Trade Center 9-11) both stayed at, and if it is true that McViegh was mingling around with "Iraqi's" as the motel owner claims, then there is a deffinate link between the McViegh, Iraq (Which McVeigh did serve in The First Gulf War In Iraq), and the terrorists that pulled off 9-11!! And if that's the case we had EVERY reason to go to Iraq even if no WMD has been found there yet. It certainly seems there is a tie between all this stuff. Maybe the previous administration, and the Bush administration are still investigating all this, questioning people till yet and are not yet ready to terrorize the public with this information yet. Someday we will know.
This guy Joel Hinrichs tried to buy Amonium Nitrate (Same fertilizer substance which was the main component of the bomb Tim McViegh and Terry Nichols used to blow up the Murrah Federal building), but found some other way to make this back pack bomb ( He sure picked a hell of a city to try to buy amonium nitrate Idiot). His roomate was of Pakastani decent also in custody, they both attended a nearby Mosque close to OU, The police found more bomb making materials in thier room. And there are some other examples I have forgotten and will update when I either remember or find out more about.
I know this all seems like Oklahoma is a stomping ground or a half way point for terrorist activity, and I really dont believe all the hype, but this is beginning to seem a bit odd!
I dont see alot of Muslims here, and I dont think I have seen a Mosque, a Church on every corner yes, a Mosque no.
But the question I have is: If this Hinrichs fellow decided to commit suicide would he not have picked a simpler way besides blowing himself to pieces?
I think he was thinking about going into OU during the football game and detonating the bomb but due to the high security he must have known we have since 4-19-95 he either chose to sit and think about this on that bench, or he accidently exploded himself on the bench before he did whatver it was he was setting off to do. I just dont see someone as disturbed as they claim he was blowing themself up to commit suicide instead of picking up a gun which would have been much easier to obtain and quicker.
A series of coincidenses? Or is there much more to this entire thing?
I will update as I find out more!
Read Full Story Here
This Guy:

Joel Henry Hinrichs III
Is responsible for this crazy suicide plot if it was one.
I am not one for conspiracy thoeries but...
And I sure dont want to frighten the good people of Oklahoma City, and the rest of the Country, but I even have to admit there is something terribly strange going on here. Ever since the bombing of our Ferderal Building downtown "The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building" April 19, 1995 a day I sure as hell wont EVER forget we have had numerous incidents such as:
Zacarias Moussaoui the 20th hijacker that was suppose to be on one of the flights on 9-11 that had flight courses at a local fight training school in Norman, OK that has been apprehended and is in jail at this moment in another state:
The so-called "Terrorist Motel"
Full Story Here
Which I find disturbing but do not believe most of what that story says, However I do know for certain Tim McViegh as well as Mohammed Atta (The terrorist who flew the first plane into the first tower at the World Trade Center 9-11) both stayed at, and if it is true that McViegh was mingling around with "Iraqi's" as the motel owner claims, then there is a deffinate link between the McViegh, Iraq (Which McVeigh did serve in The First Gulf War In Iraq), and the terrorists that pulled off 9-11!! And if that's the case we had EVERY reason to go to Iraq even if no WMD has been found there yet. It certainly seems there is a tie between all this stuff. Maybe the previous administration, and the Bush administration are still investigating all this, questioning people till yet and are not yet ready to terrorize the public with this information yet. Someday we will know.
This guy Joel Hinrichs tried to buy Amonium Nitrate (Same fertilizer substance which was the main component of the bomb Tim McViegh and Terry Nichols used to blow up the Murrah Federal building), but found some other way to make this back pack bomb ( He sure picked a hell of a city to try to buy amonium nitrate Idiot). His roomate was of Pakastani decent also in custody, they both attended a nearby Mosque close to OU, The police found more bomb making materials in thier room. And there are some other examples I have forgotten and will update when I either remember or find out more about.
I know this all seems like Oklahoma is a stomping ground or a half way point for terrorist activity, and I really dont believe all the hype, but this is beginning to seem a bit odd!
I dont see alot of Muslims here, and I dont think I have seen a Mosque, a Church on every corner yes, a Mosque no.
But the question I have is: If this Hinrichs fellow decided to commit suicide would he not have picked a simpler way besides blowing himself to pieces?
I think he was thinking about going into OU during the football game and detonating the bomb but due to the high security he must have known we have since 4-19-95 he either chose to sit and think about this on that bench, or he accidently exploded himself on the bench before he did whatver it was he was setting off to do. I just dont see someone as disturbed as they claim he was blowing themself up to commit suicide instead of picking up a gun which would have been much easier to obtain and quicker.
A series of coincidenses? Or is there much more to this entire thing?
I will update as I find out more!
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