Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.), one of the leading anti-war voices in the House Democratic Caucus, is back from a trip to Iraq and he now says the “surge is working.” This could be a huge problem for Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and other Democratic leaders, who are blocking approval of the full $200 billion being sought by President Bush for combat operations in Iraq in 2008.
Murtha’s latest comments are also a stark reversal from what he said earlier in the year. The Pennsylvania Democrat, who chairs the powerful Defense Subcommittee on the House Appropriations Committee, has previously stated that the surge “is not working” and the United States faced a military disaster in Iraq.
Back in July of this year Murtha said the following about the surge and Bush’s words that it’s working: “Well it’s delusional to say the least. As I said earlier, and you heard me say it, it’s a failed policy wrapped in illusion. Nothing’s gotten better. Incidents have increased. We have had more Americans killed in the last four months than any other period during the war.”

A top House Democratic aide, speaking on the condition of anonymity told the Politico: “This could be a real headache for us. Pelosi is going to be furious.”
And rightfully so, of course, The sad part is that Pelosi will be furious with Murtha for him telling the truth. All evidence indicates that the surge is indeed working. That doesn’t mean that Iraq will be stable and peaceful within two months time, but it does mean that the strategy adopted by Bush this year is paying off and that it may be wise for the US to hang in there a while longer.
It also means that the Democrats were wrong.
And that they can’t deliver on their promise to withdraw the troops asap.
It’s amazing to see how the political landscape has changed. A couple of months ago Bush had no credibility left, Republicans were waiting to jump from the sinking ship… now, Democrats suddenly have a problem and a consensus is emerging that the surge is, truly, working. Suddenly, Republicans dont look so bad anymore do they?
Story Here
I am convinced there is NO WAY the Democrats can Run this Country, the War On Terror, National Security, or anything else at this point. Is this not the most Treasonous Turnabout by a Congressman you have ever heard?
You low life, cowardly, scumbag! You were a nay sayer from the very beginning, you did everything you could to undermine and weaken our Troops and their families, which I happened to have been one not to long ago. You make me sick. You tried to drive down Troop Morale more than any former Veteran I have seen. You should'nt even be called a Veteran for turning on your own Countrymen during a time OF WAR!! You called our Troops "Murderers" "They are worn out, "They cant win this war" "They murdered Innocent Iraqi's In Haditha" (Which turned out NOT to be true) etc..etc..etc..
You know what? We knew all along the Surge would work and you tried to stop it. Our Troops will come home Victorious and that must gall you to death since you have been against this surge from the beginning.
You Know what Mr. Murtha? We supported our Troops all along this twisted road you assholes in Congress have put us on. You Havent. We have supported our Troops ALL ALONG, you didnt. You have put all Military families through absolute hell, You have played Political football with our Troops lives by bouncing around Troop funding for our Soldiers on the battlefeild, in harms way, NOW. As far as I'm concerned, you Mr. Murtha can kiss my ass! Because your opinion, nor any of the Democrats matters anymore! F*** YOU!!!
Labels: Iraq, John Murtha, Victory