CNN/YouTube Republican Setup/Debate
As if we needed this nonsense! YouTube Debate P'SHAW!! But I guess I should do one of these.
Rudy Giuliani

Giuliani got off to a great start and then faded out when it got to the 2nd amendment, sanctuary cities, and who Romney employed at his home. Would be great in the War On Terror however.
Mike Huckabee

Huckabee sounded great, answered all the questions, gave some great one liners, (Sending Hillary To Mars Stole The Show), sounded very convincing and believable. Not sure how he would handle the War On Terror.
Duncan Hunter

Hunter, wonderful. He had a plan for everything, yet I wonder if his plans to pay for and implement the plans he has will cost us all something in the long run. Would be great on border issues. Dont know how he would handle the War On Terror.
John McCain

Excellent come backs. Great one liners, to soft on immigration, water boarding, and taxes. Hangs out with the Liberals too much, Would be great in the War On Terror, but that's about all I can give him.
Ron Paul

Well what can we say about Ron Paul that has'nt already been said? He rambled on with his wild vision for America that will never go over with the American voter. Then again he was being, well.....Ron Paul.
Mitt Romney

Did Great! Look's Presidential. Has alot of plans also. I like the talk of the use of his veto pen. Not sure how he would manage the War On Terror.
Tom Tancredo

Seal the border or this man will haunt you for the rest of your life. Great on the border issues, not sure how he would handle the War On Terror.
Fred Thompson

Excellent. A little more gumption in this debate. Has a plan for everything AND a way to pay for it. Great on Taxes, Social Security, National Security, the Global War On Terror. Wont put up with Islamic Terrorist Crap. Snappy comebacks, gave Ron Paul what for. Want's States to take more responsibility for what goes on in thier states rather than the Federal Govt. Look's Presidential. Did ALOT better in this debate than previous debates. Know's exactly how to handle the War On Terror.
What was with all the stupid questions? I am hearing the YouTube "supposed" undecided Republican Voters (As was described By Anderson Cooper) were mostly Democrat plants! I didnt know having gay's in the Military was a huge issue in this Presidential Election! BECAUSE IT ISNT!!! Farm Subsidies? A Rebel Flag? The Bible? What would Jesus do? This was as bad as stuffing Spinach funding into a Troop Funding Bill! The YouTube crowd steered clear from asking the real questions: Taxes, The Border, The War On Terror, Foreign Policy, Education, Medical, etc.. Which makes me think the stories I am hearing about Democrat plant's is right!
So still confused? I cant blame you because this was one stupid debate.
Who won this loopy debate? I say Fred, but let's hear from YOU!!!
REPORT: CNN Republican questioners were DECLARED Edwards and Obama voters...
McCain: 'I think it should have been revealed'...
MSNBC HOST: 'Total crap to suggest that nobody in CNN knew'...
VIDEO: Anderson Cooper's Mea Culpa...
CNN Cooper: 'I had not heard that he's actually working for a campaign. If so, that would certainly be an issue that should be addressed immediately'...

McCain Slams CNN Over Gay General
Conservative Group Threaten Legal Action Against CNN
REDSTATE: A "Do Over" Debate

Giuliani got off to a great start and then faded out when it got to the 2nd amendment, sanctuary cities, and who Romney employed at his home. Would be great in the War On Terror however.

Huckabee sounded great, answered all the questions, gave some great one liners, (Sending Hillary To Mars Stole The Show), sounded very convincing and believable. Not sure how he would handle the War On Terror.

Hunter, wonderful. He had a plan for everything, yet I wonder if his plans to pay for and implement the plans he has will cost us all something in the long run. Would be great on border issues. Dont know how he would handle the War On Terror.

Excellent come backs. Great one liners, to soft on immigration, water boarding, and taxes. Hangs out with the Liberals too much, Would be great in the War On Terror, but that's about all I can give him.

Well what can we say about Ron Paul that has'nt already been said? He rambled on with his wild vision for America that will never go over with the American voter. Then again he was being, well.....Ron Paul.

Did Great! Look's Presidential. Has alot of plans also. I like the talk of the use of his veto pen. Not sure how he would manage the War On Terror.

Seal the border or this man will haunt you for the rest of your life. Great on the border issues, not sure how he would handle the War On Terror.

Excellent. A little more gumption in this debate. Has a plan for everything AND a way to pay for it. Great on Taxes, Social Security, National Security, the Global War On Terror. Wont put up with Islamic Terrorist Crap. Snappy comebacks, gave Ron Paul what for. Want's States to take more responsibility for what goes on in thier states rather than the Federal Govt. Look's Presidential. Did ALOT better in this debate than previous debates. Know's exactly how to handle the War On Terror.
What was with all the stupid questions? I am hearing the YouTube "supposed" undecided Republican Voters (As was described By Anderson Cooper) were mostly Democrat plants! I didnt know having gay's in the Military was a huge issue in this Presidential Election! BECAUSE IT ISNT!!! Farm Subsidies? A Rebel Flag? The Bible? What would Jesus do? This was as bad as stuffing Spinach funding into a Troop Funding Bill! The YouTube crowd steered clear from asking the real questions: Taxes, The Border, The War On Terror, Foreign Policy, Education, Medical, etc.. Which makes me think the stories I am hearing about Democrat plant's is right!
So still confused? I cant blame you because this was one stupid debate.
Who won this loopy debate? I say Fred, but let's hear from YOU!!!
REPORT: CNN Republican questioners were DECLARED Edwards and Obama voters...
McCain: 'I think it should have been revealed'...
MSNBC HOST: 'Total crap to suggest that nobody in CNN knew'...
VIDEO: Anderson Cooper's Mea Culpa...
CNN Cooper: 'I had not heard that he's actually working for a campaign. If so, that would certainly be an issue that should be addressed immediately'...

McCain Slams CNN Over Gay General
Conservative Group Threaten Legal Action Against CNN
REDSTATE: A "Do Over" Debate
Labels: Republican YouTube Debate
how do you know it was a setup?
I missed about the first 15 minues of the debate last night, sure I was impressed with all of the candidates about cutting taxes, sure I am all for it.
However only one candidate, discussed along with cutting taxes spoke about cutting spending too. No other presidential candidate even discussed about ways they would cut spending.
It just seems we only have two types of politicians left, that is either their agenda is tax and spend or borrow and spend. It is really time that we find lawmakers that are more responsible with borrowing, taxing, and spending.
Well Ralph,
DUH! It's all over the news, and when the YouTube Fool got up there and played some stupid song before the debate even got started, everyone should have known it was going to be a stupid debate. Ron Paul had plants, Hillary had plants, Edwards, Obama, etc..
And the questions that were asked? C'Mon....
Fred Thompson layed out a plan for out of control spending, sounded good to me.
Fred Thompson layed out a bunch of plans that sounded good and way's to pay for them, he talked about reducing the size of government, having a good look at all the plans in place already that are wasting money and that could be downsized if not cut alotgether, like studying the Bears DNA in Utah !@#$%^%$#@! WTF? Crap like that Thompson would get rid of.
Thompson is strong on defense which is MY most important issue.
I just think if people take a real good look at Thompson they will find a Fiscally Conservative, Constitution Abiding, Strong on Defense, Tax Cutting, Needless Program Cutting, More power to the States Giving, Moving away from Forein Oil Planning, Border Securing, Doesnt believe (Unless there is an emergancy) in babysitting the Country with Taxpayer money, all in all I think Thompson is worth looking into by the undecided and the Ron Paul supporters.
Fred is pretty much all the Republican Candidates rolled all into one.
No doubt Fred Thompson is a smart guy, plenty of charisma, but his platform is very vague.
I do like some of his issues on states rights and agree with Fred Thompson, alot of things can be handled better by the states. That part of his platform is quite clear, but platform on fiscal management says nothing about cutting the size of government.
Opening the government’s fiscal books on this looming crisis for all to see and understand.
Working with individuals of all political persuasions to develop a comprehensive solution to the pending fiscal crisis.
Leading and making the hard choices necessary, to include cutting wasteful government spending, to safeguard our security, promote our prosperity, and protect our children and grandchildren from fiscal calamity.
Great things to say, hey that is what this country needs. But exactly what I need is specific on how he is going to "Working with individuals of all political persuasions to develop a comprehensive solution to the pending fiscal crisis."
He is going to have to work quite hard and put alot of effort into it. It isn't that convincing to me.
"Leading and making the hard choices necessary, to include cutting wasteful government spending, to safeguard our security, promote our prosperity, and protect our children and grandchildren from fiscal calamity."
I would like to know what programs and which government bureacracies he is going to cut.
Attracting and rewarding the best Americans to serve in government and ensuring they have the authority and resources needed to get the job done.
Fixing government accounting so tax dollars are properly spent and the American people know exactly what they are being spent on.
Improving government performance by making agencies accountable for accomplishing their missions on time and within budget.
Ensuring information technology systems are secure and that they give our government the capacity and effectiveness to get the job done.
The first two I applaud him for, but it's not specific. The last two I am skeptical, because it seems that every president, since who knows how long, has been trying to do that with limited success.
but platform on fiscal management says nothing about cutting the size of government.
Fred layed out at least 100 Government entitlements that needed to be cut, and/or done away with altogether!
Attracting and rewarding the best Americans to serve in government and ensuring they have the authority and resources needed to get the job done.
Fixing government accounting so tax dollars are properly spent and the American people know exactly what they are being spent on.
Improving government performance by making agencies accountable for accomplishing their missions on time and within budget.
Ensuring information technology systems are secure and that they give our government the capacity and effectiveness to get the job done.
Yes Fred mentioned all that, I recorded it so I could go back over it and see who said what about what. lol
The first two I applaud him for, but it's not specific. The last two I am skeptical, because it seems that every president, since who knows how long, has been trying to do that with limited success.
Well some things you might have to visit Fred's website on to see exactly where he is coming from and his voting record from when he was in the Senate. It's located on my sidebar under Fred Thompson Links I think.
Remember when President Reagan took the huge books of the tax code and drove down to the Congress and walked in, Presented those books to Congress and said "What The Hell Is This?" And the tax code magically came down to I think 1 or 2 books after Reagan got finished with Congress lol, well Fred seems to have that same Reagan fire in his belly.
If enough Republican President's get in there and do the same thing, we will have a much easier to understand tax code, unless of course they get rid of the IRS altogether.
I think Fred layed out the best plans, had answers and how to pay for them WITHOUT raising taxes, and was the stongest next to Giuliani on Defense.
In a time of War, we have to think about who will keep protecting us the same way Bush has for the last 6 1/2 years. And the person who has the best plans for working on our homefront.
I think Fred thompson is the man
His website was the exact location I got my infomation from and quoted everything from
Everything I research, the info quoted came from his website, I would love to know where he put it on his website what and where he was going to cut.
The IRS does need to be eliminated as well as the Federal Reserve.
I have a better idea, see if you can go to YouTube and type in Republican YouTube Debate, and there will probably be like 5 parts or something but it's in there.
I'll get my two cents in on Duncan Hunter...
As far as how he will win the war on terror... He was a Army Ranger in Vietnam who has served on the Armed Services Committee for decades, chaired it until democrats took control of the house in 06... is currently the ranking member.
Has a son Duncan II, that JUST this past week returned from his second tour in Iraq.
Duncan would continue the current surge plan and stand up the Iraqi Army at as fast a pace as possible while building and increasing the capacity of the entire military.
On China- authored the fair trade agreement under which China would be forced to STOP CHEATING on trade.
Built the fence that reduced crime in San Diego by over 58% and pledged to complete the rest of the 850+ miles in SIX MONTHS when elected... all the other candidates only refer to supporting enforcing the border...whatever that means (except tancredo).
Supported impeachment of Bill Clinton, not all candidates did.
Asked Americans to join him (which I have) in pledging to "BUY AMERICAN" this Christmas.
Toughest on the borders
Toughest on defense and military
Best record on tax cutting
Anti-Embryonic stem cell research
PRO adult stem cell research
Anti-abortion ...always.
Endorsed by the Missouri Republican Assy saying he represents "The Republican Wing of the Republican party".
Thats about as good as it gets folks.
I like Duncan Hunter's plans.
I think he would be a great President.
Let's see who the frontrunner turns out to be because that's who we have to vote for (With the exception of Ron Paul) Because we have to get away from the damage a Democrat President would do to this Country.
I could live with a President Hunter :-)
You Tube debates sponsored by CNN is a setup by default. If the R's can do well there just think how well they will do with islamafacists and democrats that CNN is allied with.
True, the YouTube Lunatics threw everything at the candidates but the kitchen sink and they never caved.
All the Candidates did great!
Well except, you know who.
Once all the plants were revealed CNN just looked like such a joke network. As if they had any credibility left, if they did it is gone.
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