Maries Two Cents
Far Right Conservative And Proud Of It!..... Stories That I Think Need Special Attention, And, Of Course, My Two Cents :-)
About Me
- Name: Marie's Two Cents
- Location: Del City, Oklahoma, United States

January 27, 2010
Feed Shark Turbo TaggerJanuary 22, 2010
Feed Shark Turbo TaggerJanuary 20, 2010
Feed Shark Turbo TaggerOMG !!!!! Scott Brown Wins In Democrat Controlled Mass. !!!!

Scott Brown Win's In Mass.
Even Kid's Are Turning Against Obama
Independent voters Abandon Democrats
Dems To Lose Supermajority
Republicans Rise
Ongoing Revolt Against Obama Continues In Mass.
Oh yes this is a Referendum against Obama and ObamaCare, Spending, Taxes, Closing GITMO, and ALL of Obama's Policies! The Love Affair With Obama Is Over!!!!
People are coming to their senses again, and realizing what a mistake they made in electing Obama, Pelosi, Reid, etc.....
A Republican from Mass.? Who would have thunk it? Wooooooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!
This is the beginning of the end for the Obama Policies and Possibly Obama! Thank You Mass.
We have REAL Hope again :-)
Labels: Scott Brown R-Mass
January 19, 2010
Feed Shark Turbo TaggerJanuary 18, 2010
Feed Shark Turbo TaggerGO SCOTT GO !!!!!!

Scott Brown For Senate R-Mass
GO SCOTT GO !!!!! Put an end to this Government Run Health Care Debacle that none of us can afford.
Labels: Scott Brown R-Mass
January 15, 2010
Feed Shark Turbo TaggerSarah Palin Joins Fox News

Sarah Palin, former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican vice-presidential candidate, will take her conservative message to Fox News as a regular commentator, the cable channel announced Monday.
"I am thrilled to be joining the great talent and management team at Fox News," Palin said in a statement posted on the network's website. "It's wonderful to be part of a place that so values fair and balanced news."
Fox said that according to the multi-year deal, Palin will offer political commentary and analysis. She also will host occasional episodes of Fox News Real American Stories, a series featuring true inspirational stories about Americans.
Rest Of Story Here
Bring On That Conservative Message! Way To Go Sarah!
Labels: Sarah Palin
January 13, 2010
Feed Shark Turbo TaggerJanuary 11, 2010
Feed Shark Turbo TaggerDingy Harry Reid Has To Go....

Harry Reid And the "Negro" Comment
Sorry but Harry Reid's mouth has gotten to big to fit both his feet in. If this was a Republican that said this the Democrat's would drag he/she out of Congress by the ear and kick him/her down the stairs. Can we say "Double Standard" yet again? Harry Reid is irrespossible and wreckless in his attitude, behavior, and comments and he must go. By The Way, What The Heck Is "Negro Dialect"?
Labels: Backstabbing Democrats, Harry Reid, Idiot's
January 07, 2010
Feed Shark Turbo TaggerDemocrat's Head For The Hills

Chris Dodd D-Conn., Gone!
Is it something in the Air? The ObamaCare plan? The Polls? The Economy? The 10%Unemployment Rate? Taxes? Cash For Cloture? The Stimulus Bust? Whatever it is Democrat's are running for the hills. GOOD! Chris Dodd has joined a laundry list of Democrat's that are not running for re-election, kicked out over corruption,($90,000In the Freezer William Jefferson comes to mind) kickbacks, (Sen. Ben Nelson D-Nebraska, comes to mind) and seeing the writing on the wall that their chances in 2010 dont look so good. So far we have Sen. Byron Dorgan D-North Dakota, Bowing out, And Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter D-Colorado, viewed as a rising Democratic star after a 2006 election victory that laid the groundwork for a Democratic pickup there in the 2008 presidential race, announced Wednesday that he will bow out rather than seek re-election.
The retirements underscore how sharply the political climate has turned against the majority party, which looked almost impregnable after the 2008 elections. With major initiatives such as the stimulus and the health-care overhaul unpopular, Democrats are looking increasingly vulnerable in the states that formed the basis of their new majority, particular places such as Colorado and Virginia.
Another setback came in Michigan, where the Democratic front-runner for governor, Lt. Gov. John Cherry (D), announced that he would not run after all. Mr. Cherry, strategists believe, was too closely associated with the state's unpopular Democratic Gov. Jennifer Granholm, who is blamed by many voters for a jobless rate that is far higher than the national average.
And so on and so on, it seems the Democrat's are not only fighting with the Republic Of America that disagree with them, but they are the wrong party at the wrong time and American's are sick of this crap!!! IT'S TIME TO TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK!!!! NOW!!!!
January 05, 2010
Feed Shark Turbo TaggerRush Limbaugh Say's: He's Fine!

HONOLULU -- Radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh said he's fine and leaving the hospital with plans to return to work on Wednesday. The combative conservative said tests show nothing wrong after he was hospitalized with chest pains.
He remained at a hospital in Hawaii Thursday night, a day after being admitted for chest pains.
According to his radio program, Limbaugh underwent a complete examination on Thursday that gave doctors more information about his condition.
Walter E. Williams, who filled in for Limbaugh on his radio show, offered a brief update on the host's condition.
"Rush continues to rest very comfortably in the hospital in Honolulu this afternoon," Williams said.
Limbaugh was in Hawaii for a Christmas vacation. He was spotted golfing earlier in the week at the Waialae Country Club.
On Wednesday, he was taken from the Kahala Hotel and Resort to Queens Medical Center after complaining of chest pains.
"Those pains were the kind of pains that makes one feel like he has a heart attack coming on, but it's not been confirmed that it was a heart attack," Williams said. "Rush is in good and stable condition. (He's) comfortable, as comfortable as one can be in a hospital while on vacation and he's in good hands."
On Friday, Limbaugh held a conference to brief reporters at the Cardiac Comprehensive Care Unit of the hospital.
"I experienced pain in my upper left chest like I had never felt before," Limbaugh said. (Video: Watch the entire interview.)
He said the pain was real but he still doesn't know what caused it.
Limbaugh said an angiogram found nothing wrong and that he's never had heart problems.
"Best guess," Limbaugh said, "it might have been a spasm in an artery."
"The treatment I received here was first rate," he said, thanking the doctors, nurses and nurses aides at Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu.
Limbaugh checked out of the hospital after his news conference. He said he would return to work on Wednesday, a two-day delay because of his hospitalization.
Rest Of Story Here
Well Thank You American Medical System!!!! Do NOT let Obama get us involved in some weird, twisted, UK/Canadian, Health Care System! Our system works just fine, but if Congress is allowed to gain control, we are screwed! We will NEVER be seen IMMEDIATELY again! We will have to wait weeks. I know first hand about the health care billing system. If you owe, you only have to pay 10.00 a month and they have to accept it. The Health Care Company may want more, but the truth is if ten dollars a month is paid, (It may take longer to pay off but) it will get paid off. And you or a family member will be seen immediately, unlike ObamaCare, where if you have ever been to Harbor General Hospital in Los Angeles, California you know what I'm talking about, it will take weeks.
Affordable Health Care YES!!
ObamaCare NO!!!!
Thank God For The Current American Medical Care System.
Labels: Left Wing Idiots, ObamaCare
January 02, 2010
Feed Shark Turbo The Ring of Republican Websites Ring Owner: Republicans Site: - The Ring of Republican Websites |
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