Obama? Feel The Pressure Yet?

Soft talk about engagement, closing Gitmo, these things are not going to appease the terrorists,” said Jim DeMint, a Republican senator from South Carolina.
“They’re going to keep coming after us, and we can’t have politics as usual in Washington, and I’m afraid that’s what we’ve got right now with airport security,”
Barack Obama, US president, answered such critics on Tuesday with a surprisingly blunt admission that “human and systemic failures” were to blame for allowing the 23-year-old Nigerian, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, to board the aircraft.
His insistence of a preliminary report on investigators’ initial findings by Thursday will also go some way to suggestions that the president is gaining a reputation for taking his time to consider before making security decisions.
Security has been tightened at airports across the US and the Federal Bureau of Investigation is conducting an inquiry into how the incident happened.
The American People have been emboldened by the administration’s faltering response to the attempted attack. Janet Napolitano, the homeland security secretary, on Sunday said “the system worked” but later performed a U-turn, saying that it did not work and “no one is happy with that”, comments that were reinforced by Mr Obama on Tuesday.
Peter Hoekstra, a congressman from Michigan and ranking Republican of the House intelligence committee, said the suspect should have had a red flag next to his name.
“You would have thought this would go right to the top of the list,” Mr Hoekstra told CBS on Tuesday. “This threat is real . . . We need to be on offence.”
Americans traditionally perceive Republicans to be strong on national security issues.
“If this line of attack continues, it is going to reveal problems not just with the Obama administration but with the homeland security system, a system that was put in place by President [George W.] Bush,” said Julian Zelizer, a professor at Princeton University.
Rest Of Story Here
We are under attack once again and you are on vacation. You need to take care of YOUR PEOPLE!
You can not treat this as a Police Action Again! We are AT WAR!!! And the enemy is out there ready to strike us once again, probably New Year's Eve. You cannot ignore this situation or make some speech. You have to come home and deal with this crap.
Oh Man, If this was President Bush, the people would be calling for his head on a platter.
Dont think YOU are going to get away with hiding from this situation. If you do, you will be the weakest President I Have Ever Seen!!
Labels: National Defence, Obama, Weak