Maries Two Cents
Far Right Conservative And Proud Of It!..... Stories That I Think Need Special Attention, And, Of Course, My Two Cents :-)
About Me
- Name: Marie's Two Cents
- Location: Del City, Oklahoma, United States The Ring of Republican Websites Ring Owner: Republicans Site: - The Ring of Republican Websites |
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I hear ya, girl! The Bush regime added over 5 trillion to the national debt! Clinton had left him with 5 trillion, which was given to him by Reagan/Bush. Clinton nearly broke even during his 8 years as president. So that brought it to 10 trillion the day Obama took office ! You hit the nail on the head by saying, "Thanks, George!" The 5 biggest increases to the federal debt were all done during the last 5 Republican presidents' terms: Reagan had the second largest increase, George H.W. had the third and his son outperformed both his father and Reagan by having the largest increase in the federal debt. These are facts Marie, sorry again for the truth :-(
Under Republican presidents the federal debt has grown each time by an average of 36%. Federal debt under Democrat presidents has grown by an average of 4%. Another fact.
I just can't understand how anyone in the middle-class can be Republican. Your taxes go up while the super-wealthy get unbelievable tax breaks that NEVER TRICKLE DOWN TO ANYTHING.
You know how much I hate to report this stuff, Marie...
hey Marie! Sweet Holidays my friend and big NY hugs!
Sometimes I feel sorry for your ignorant ass, but not this time.
Bush did bail out Fannie and Freddie but the rest belongs to Obama sorry for the real facts but live with it!
This Trillions of dollars in debt belongs exclusively to Obama.
Not to mention our Children and grandchildren and probabaly their children.
Obama has risen the debt level well (Between He and Congress) to a level never seen by the American People. This rediculous spending is so out of control there is a new party forming (The Tea Party). They are so friggen tired of the taxes they cant stand it and I cant blame them.
How are your Great Grandchildren going to pay for this? Take on 3 jobs and never have a life?
Lowering Taxes is the only way to create jobs, and pay for this debt that isnt going away anytime soon.
That's the problem with the Democrat Party, Tax, Tax, and Tax Again. Till there is nothing left in the American workers pocket, no money to hire employees, and sink us farther into debt we will never see paid off in our life time.
Oh yeah! You guy's have a great plan, not only do you have a President with no balls, but you also have one that wont create a job even if he buy's the comnpany!!!
How's that Hope and Change working out for you?
Merry Christmas, Angel :-)
You still didn't answer to why Bush raised the deficit more than any other president in history?
Why is that, Marie?
I know you hate facts, Marie, but try them just this once.
Bush had to raise the National Debt, we had a War On Terrorism To Fight.
Oops we arent suppose to use that term anymore are we? Well we are still at war with Terrorist's so I will continue to use it no matter what you on the left want.
But sorry, this National Debt now belongs to Obama. And he has run us and our children and granchildren and thier children in debt as far as the eye can see and he isnt done yet!
Raising the Debt Ceiling? A Health Care system NO ONE will be able to afford, Lord knows how much it will cost all of us taxpayers to try Kalied Sheik Mohammad and the others from GITMO in the United States, not to menttion housing them and Security!
And Global Warming Taxes? Oh Hell No!
Obama and the Dicticrats arent done taxing us to death by a long shot!
Bush isnt in office anymore, you cant blame him anymore, this economy now belongs to Obama.
Get ready for a real ass whoopin' this year, the Obama Love Affair is Over!
Actually the wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan are not counted in the deficit increase under Bush. Bushy decided to keep that expense separate. Obama just added it to the deficit as it should have been added all along.
So...wrong again, Marie! Gosh darn it! You're getting closer to facts and truth. Couple more turns and you'll make it.
Why weren't you posting how upset you were when the tried Moussauoi, the 19th hijacker, in criminal court?
Sessions, Kyl and Graham all said how they supported Bush's decision to try him in federal court.
Oooh...I get it. Obama did it.
Hypocrisy is a bitch.
The over 5 trillion dollar increase to the federal deficit still and will always belong to George W. Bush.
Fact. Truth. Game. Set. Match.
Sorry, Marie.
Uh Yeah the War's In Iraq and Afghanistan were chalked full of spending spree's by the Democrat Congress attached to a Defense spending bill, which raised the National Debt, remember the money for Spinach Growers? My Personel favorite!
Mousoui was caught in America, not on the battlefeild. HUGE DIFFERENCE!!
Sorry Fed, since the second Stimulous Bill passed by Obama and the Democrat led Congress, Cash For Clunkers (What a joke) etc.., Obama OWNES This Economy.
Hypocricy is a bitch aint it?
LOL...caught on the battlefield vs. caught? Where exactly IS the battlefield? Global war on terror? Huh...sounds like the globe is the battlefield...doesn't it?
You Neoconned are all alike. Bush freed hundreds from Gitmo who returned to the "battlefield". No big deal. Obama does it and he should be impeached. Amazing.
Bush tries a terrorist in federal court. Hooray for America. Obama does it and suddenly it is a bad thing.
You guys invented the perfume "Hypocrisy No. 5" and you bathe in it daily.
Democrat congress from 2001 -2006? That's news to me, Marie. Oh...wait a second. Is this that Fox News thing...where I'm supposed to believe that as truth even though it is anything but?? You have to give me the cue on these make-believe facts, Marie. I'm old school: I just go for facts.
I just remember hundreds of "emergency supplementals" that do not go against the federal deficit.
Slick way that Neoconned divide money with their brethren at Raytheon, Haliburton and McDonnell-Douglas.
Iraq is Bush's war. Forever. And just like he said, "Years from now this will be a comma in the history books."
LOL...caught on the battlefield vs. caught? Where exactly IS the battlefield? Global war on terror? Huh...sounds like the globe is the battlefield...doesn't it?
Are you completely delerious? The "Battlefield" is anywhere but America! Dufuss!
Dont try to turn this around like all you Liberals want to do.
There is a Reason it was and is called "The Global War On Terror" IT'S GLOBAL!!
Democrat congress from 2001 -2006? That's news to me, Marie. Oh...wait a second. Is this that Fox News thing...where I'm supposed to believe that as truth even though it is anything but?? You have to give me the cue on these make-believe facts, Marie. I'm old school: I just go for facts.
I just remember hundreds of "emergency supplementals" that do not go against the federal deficit.
Oh My! "Emergency Supplementals" Hmmm, well explain Peanut storage, Spinach Handlers (Most Likely Illegal), Crop Dusting, Etc..IN AN EMERGENCY WAR SUPPLEMENTAL BILL?????
No matter which way you try to spin it, President Obama is President, it's been a year and he can blame no one but himself for the current crisis (Which Is The Economy) which is growing day by day.
At least unemployment was 4% under President Bush, unlike the current 10% under Obama.
I'm Old School As Well, and this picture looks bleak to say the least.
Now I know YOU DO make your stuff up on this blog! No wonder I can't debate with don't have the facts! Read the FACTS below!!!!!!
Article on CNN Money, January 9, 2009 (Bush was STILL president, Marie!)
Worst year for jobs since '45
Annual loss biggest since end of World War II. Unemployment rate rises to 7.2%.
By David Goldman, staff writer
Last Updated: January 9, 2009: 12:11 PM ET
NEW YORK ( -- The hemorrhaging of American jobs accelerated at a record pace at the end of 2008, bringing the year's total job losses to 2.6 million or the highest level in more than six decades.
A sobering U.S. Labor Department jobs report Friday showed the economy lost 524,000 jobs in December and 1.9 million in the year's final four months, after the credit crisis began in September.
(The next sentence is REALLY important, carefully!)
The unemployment rate rose to 7.2% last month from 6.7% in November - its highest rate since January 1993.
Here is a "Flow Chart" from the years 1999 till 2009.
President Clinton enjoyed a 3.9% unemployment rate, it's hard for me to say this but even Clinton did better than Obama on unemployment.
President Bush enjoyed 4.2% fluxuating between 4.2 to 6.5 most of his terms in office, the jump to 7% was during the gas price crisis we had his last year in office.
Flow Chart From 1999 to 2009
Stuff that in your pipe and smoke it.
Make things up? I dont think so.
And Fed,
We dont debate, we spar.
I forgot, notice on the Flow Chart that ever since Obama took office Unemployment has risen and there is a big huge 10% for the year Nov. 2009?
Dont make me beat you to death with my Flow Chart!
Gas crisis causes unemployment???
We've been in a nosedive since Bush's last year. To think that unemployment suddenly out of the blue began when Obama took office, you've got to be...well...Marie from California! Even Republicans in Washington can't spin that.
Clinton inherited 7.5% from the first Bush and took it down as you pointed out. But not before it had risen even higher in Clinton's first year. When Obama gets it down to 5%, you guys will be in a WORLD of hurt. You better be like Cheney and Rush who pray daily for another terrorist attack to gain momentum.
But I gotta give you credit, Marie. You can spin even Nixon and Watergate if you had to.
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