The Biggest Hoax Of All

THE scientific consensus that mankind has caused climate change was rocked yesterday as a leading academic called it a “load of hot air underpinned by fraud”.
Professor Ian Plimer condemned the climate change lobby as “climate comrades” keeping the “gravy train” going.
In a controversial talk just days before the start of a climate summit attended by world leaders in Copenhagen, Prof Plimer said Governments were treating the public like “fools” and using climate change to increase taxes.
He said carbon dioxide has had no impact on temperature and that recent warming was part of the natural cycle of climate stretching over billions of years.
"If you have to argue your science by using fraud, your science is not valid".
'Professor Pilmer'
His comments came days after a scandal in climate-change research emerged through the leak of emails from the world-leading research unit at the University of East Anglia. They appeared to show that scientists had been massaging data to prove that global warming was taking place
The Climate Research Unit also admitted getting rid of much of its raw climate data, which means other scientists cannot check the subsequent research. Last night the head of the CRU, Professor Phil Jones, said he would stand down while an independent review took place.
Rest of the story here CLIMATE CHANGE 'FRAUD'
How could this be? Fudging the numbers for profit by the left? NO WAY!!!! Can we now say "We told ya so"?
Labels: Environment, Green, Hoax
Welcome back Marie!!!! I saw your comment at Mike's America and had to say, "glad to see you!"
Now to your post. This fraud is going to become a huge scandla but Obama and clan are going to try and push their crap through before is gets to be the huge problem it will become.
Babs Boxer has already shown what their strategy is going to be as she announced thet her Senate investigation is going to concentrate on the hackers and NOT the fraud of Global Warming.
Thank's Ken,
I am on my way to your place in a few :-)
I have been away way too long.
I have to get on with life and just accept the things I can not change. Life goes on.
I am alot better now that I have been back to Oklahoma and have seen my family :-)
Thank's for caring :-)
welcome back girl!!!
Thank's Angel :-)
Good to have you back, Marie!
It's hard for me to read these stories on climate warming fraud. I've known it all along so this is all old news.
That Boxer and the Dems are going after the whistleblowers/hackers is not surprising since they are also going after the SEALs and CIA for protecting the country.
I know this is old news and we have known it all along, but why miss a chance to say "I told ya so"! lol
Boxer can press all she want's for the whistleblower but that makes her look like an imbicile now.
Contest as they want, their cover has been BLOWN!!!!
Oops, Thank's Indigo :-)
Global baloney has always been a hoax and we had algore to prove it. Anything he says is a lie. He sure did scoop up some dough before he caught. There's still some mindnumb robots repeating the same old lines.
I knew you'd be OK Marie, I prayed a lot for ya.
I like winter in Florida!!!!
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Good to see your back Marie. Welcome back and I hope your OK.
Yes you have been away too long, you have been missed by many.
Saving the Planet to me means cleansing it from Obama and the rest of the Lefties.
I think that we have ALL had enough from these dangerous clowns in Washington.
Dittos to the above!
Hi and thanks for having this great blog. I'm in total agreement with what you are saying here.
Hi Marie and welcome back. Al Gore has canceled his next speech in Denmark so they can rest easy now--there won't be a record blizzard!
So I guess you would want to take back Al Gore's Oscar!
WEe could gibe it to Sarah Pain for all he good work in.............. ah, ah..
Did she do any good work?
Oh yeah Gore made a bundle didnt he?
We need REAL numbers now instead of all this fudged crud!
I knew you were praying for me, Thank You :-)
Trader Rick,
Welcome to my blog.
Doesnt Florida have only one season Summer? lol
Thank's DD,
I agree completely!
Thank's Mike
A Political Nightmare,
Welcome to my blog and Thank You!
Thank's AC,
Ha! Havent the last few Global Warming Conferences been snowed out? lol
I would like to take back not only Al Gore's awards, but the money he has made off of us so far. Not one more dime should go to his lieing ass.
Has Sarah Palin done anything good? Oh you mean like Governing an entire state and giving the people of Alaska a check back in oil profits?
BTW, are you drinking?
Thank's for the story above lol
Why can't we just be like Sarah and shoot the damn polar bears from helicopters? What's the big deal?
Shooting Polar Bears?
Get Real!!!!!
I worry about you sometimes!!
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