More Democrat Corruption
GEE!, Since I Last posted there has been Charlie Rangel "D-NY": "Accused: Tax Evasion"

Charlie Rangel Accused Of Tax Evation
William Jefferson,"$90,000.00 In The Freezer": "D-LA" "CONVICTED-BRIBERY"
William Jefferson D-LA Convicted Of Bribery

And Now!!!!
"Maxine Waters "D-CAL"

California Democrat Maxine Waters faces a House trial this fall on three charges of ethical wrongdoing, setting the stage for a second election-season public airing of ethics problems for a longtime Democratic lawmaker.
The charges focus on whether Waters broke the rules in requesting federal help for a bank where her husband owned stock and had served on the board of directors. She denied the charges Monday.
Maxine Waters D-Cal Accussed Of Ethics Violations
Oh There Goes The Democrat Transparency!!! And More and More Democrat Corruption!!!!

Charlie Rangel Accused Of Tax Evation
William Jefferson,"$90,000.00 In The Freezer": "D-LA" "CONVICTED-BRIBERY"
William Jefferson D-LA Convicted Of Bribery

And Now!!!!

The charges focus on whether Waters broke the rules in requesting federal help for a bank where her husband owned stock and had served on the board of directors. She denied the charges Monday.
Maxine Waters D-Cal Accussed Of Ethics Violations
Oh There Goes The Democrat Transparency!!! And More and More Democrat Corruption!!!!
Labels: Charlie Rangel, Democrat Corruption, Jefferson, Waters