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Maries Two Cents

Far Right Conservative And Proud Of It!..... Stories That I Think Need Special Attention, And, Of Course, My Two Cents :-)

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Homeland Security Advisory

February 10, 2007

Feed Shark Turbo Tagger

The Rock Star Is In


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I watched about 2 minutes of his speech and had to turn it off. It was pretty standard fare there is nothing new with Obama, he is your standard liberal democrat. Obama wiil apeal to about 20-25% of the democrats. much less than that if it were a general election. First American of African decent to be a viable second place on the democrat ticket. I hope he isn't surprised by that. Clinton/Obama that's the ticket like or not dems. It's pretty much set in stone as long as Obama doesn't try and get ahead of himself because the mean machine will hand him his head and destroy his character and his political life. Edwards and Biden, you got to be kidding me right?

February 10, 2007 10:24 AM  
Blogger Marie's Two Cents said...


Cant you see the mud sling now?

Oh man wait till Hillary's war machine kicks into high gear lol.

February 10, 2007 10:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think they will pretty much give Obama a pass and focus in on Edwards and whoever else decides they want to go against the party endorsed candidate, Clinton. I think they want Obama for the number two slot. The other meatheads will be fodder for the mean machine to practice on until the general election. None of those others even come close to beating the Clinton mean machine.

John Edwards the people's choice, two Americas? Yeah there is two Americas alright, one where all of us go to work everyday and have to pay for everything including our health insurance and then there is John Edwards in his Taj Mahal palace in Carolina reaping the benefits of driving up all our healthcare costs with all the profits he made filing frivolous lawsuits against healthcare providers.

Talk about the biggest hypocrite I've ever seen. This guy is so blind he doesn't even know we all see right through his utter arrogance with his huge mansion and property. I don't care if someone gets rich, this is America after all. To have someone though tell me about two Americas and go through such utter and outright conspicous consumtion of money and natural resources is almost too ridiculous to even talk about. It's almost too much for words.

February 10, 2007 11:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, j_g, I'd have to agree with you when you say, Yeah there is two Americas alright, one where all of us go to work everyday and have to pay for everything including our health insurance and then there is John Edwards in his Taj Mahal palace in Carolina reaping the benefits of driving up all our healthcare costs with all the profits he made filing frivolous lawsuits against healthcare providers.

Talk about the biggest hypocrite I've ever seen. This guy is so blind he doesn't even know we all see right through his utter arrogance with his huge mansion and property. I don't care if someone gets rich, this is America after all. To have someone though tell me about two Americas and go through such utter and outright conspicous consumtion of money and natural resources is almost too ridiculous to even talk about.

But you talk about it as if it's a Bad Thing. To a liberal, those are exactly the reasons for electing him.

February 10, 2007 12:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama is lucky if the mean amchine doesn't work him over. I saw Clinton on the news today with a Q and A from New Hampshire with dem voters. Gosh one guy had the temerity to ask Clinton to answer the question about her vote for the war and to not use any nuances in her answer. The voter wanted a straight out answer he said. Whew, if that guy made it home alive he was surely fortunate. Clinton was pissed and made no bones about it. she dressed that guy down and was just as angry as could be.

The Clinton mean machine was in full tilt with fangs and all. That guy better hope that he dosn't live too close to a public park or open field where his body could be found after he committs Arkancide.

Obama had better been watching that show and not the one with all the Americas Edwards lives in.

February 10, 2007 3:11 PM  
Blogger Marie's Two Cents said...

Whew, if that guy made it home alive he was surely fortunate

That guy better hope that he dosn't live too close to a public park or open field where his body could be found after he committs Arkancide.

Lmao Jenn!

February 10, 2007 3:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Marie,

Yeah there is two Americas alright, Liberals hypocrisy of propagating global warming while the Left wants to have all the military C130's for non stop transportation while that supposedly contributes the most to the very thing that they say is bad for us. What a bunch of whoie.

February 10, 2007 11:40 PM  
Blogger The Liberal Lie The Conservative Truth said...

Hey the pic looks great. Just got the e-mail! This guy will give the Hildabeast a run for her money for a while but won't make it through the primaries. He will most likely be strong enough for her to offer VP to at the Convention. Still don't think that ticket will be enough to gain the White House though.

February 11, 2007 6:54 AM  
Blogger The Liberal Lie The Conservative Truth said...

I'm kind of wondering when a pic will surface with his head on the body of his famous namesake Saddam!

February 11, 2007 7:25 AM  
Blogger Mark said...

Good job re-sizing the pic, Marie.

Come on, now! Obama for President? As a Democrat? Don't make me laugh.

The Democrat is the Racist party. If Obama were elected Prtesident they would no longer have an excuse to open the racial divide in this country further.

The Democrats will never elect a black President.

Well, not unless they can raise taxes to buy some '88 Monte Carlo's with bullet proof glass.

Mark my words. The first black President will be a Republican.

February 11, 2007 7:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If there is one thing I have learned over the last thirty years in politics is to never say "never" The dems are going to go with whoever they think will win so they can pull the troops out of Iraq. Obama is their man for that. Clinton and the mean machine will do whatever it is that benefits the Clintons the most. We still haven't seen what ol' wooden head algore is going to do. I think if the Clinton mean machine looks weak he'll jump in. Obama isn't amking any nuanced speeches, he says he's against the war and if elected he'll cut n run. At least he's honest about his intentions no matter how ill thought out they sound.

February 11, 2007 11:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cant you see the mud sling now?

This is a joke. Right?

You're saying you can't wait for the mud sling? And you post a picture of Obama surrounded by cocaine?

You don't think that's slinging mud?

Obama admitted to trying cocaine when he was young. Didn't try to obfuscate, he admitted it. Unlike a certain president we know. See Bush never admitted to using it, but he NEVER outright denied it, either. I wonder why.

So now, because Obama admitted to trying it, you sling it back in his face to smear him?

Hillary couldn't do as good a job as you (or whoever photoshopped that piece of slime.)

Think of what the person or persons who did this is giving as a message to young men and women, black and white:

You do a really dumb thing as a young person (experiment with cocaine), but turn away from it, and make your life an American dream. But to certain political parties, it doesn't matter. You'll always be ridiculed and denigrated for that lapse in good judgement. That political party, the Republicans, will never give you props for making something good of your life. You will be remembered for your mistakes.

I'm glad none of you here counsel young people who need help in chosing to do the right thing.

Your message to them is this:

You'll always be a loser.

Great way to inspire young people.

Your smearing Obama exactly sends that message.

And to the poster who wrote about Obama's middle name, are you going to say the same thing about anyone named Timothy? Will you make fun of every young person for having to go through life with the same name as that Terrorist?

Mean machine handing Obama his head?

I just saw the smears begin. Right here.

February 11, 2007 1:37 PM  
Blogger Marie's Two Cents said...


Hypocrisy is thier middle name, just ask Nancy lol

February 11, 2007 4:44 PM  
Blogger Marie's Two Cents said...


But Obama is the "Rock Star" lol

Yeah interesting how his middle name is Hussein!

February 11, 2007 4:47 PM  
Blogger Marie's Two Cents said...


But he is the "Rock Star" of the left lol.

It is interesting that Obama gave a speech where President Lincoln did, a Republican President that ended slavery!

I know what you mean, they pretend they are the party of all colors but look who all Bush appointed to his cabinet, multi-racial in all areas!

February 11, 2007 4:54 PM  
Blogger Marie's Two Cents said...


I agree, the Dems will do ANYTHING to win, and the rest of the Country be damned!

February 11, 2007 4:57 PM  
Blogger Marie's Two Cents said...

Mrs Green,

You're saying you can't wait for the mud sling? And you post a picture of Obama surrounded by cocaine?

That was me who posted the pic lol

I am saying I cant wait to see the mud slinging from left to left! All the attacks that will go on amongst the Democrat candidates will be quite amusing.

You don't think that's slinging mud?

Obama admitted to trying cocaine when he was young. Didn't try to obfuscate, he admitted it. Unlike a certain president we know. See Bush never admitted to using it, but he NEVER outright denied it, either. I wonder why.


Oh C'mon Bush admitted to everything including having alcohol problems, that's why he doesnt drink anymore. He hasnt picked up a drink in what 20, 30 Years?
It's my job to sling mud on the Democratic candidates lol, I mean I have to before they toatally destroy this Country!

So now, because Obama admitted to trying it, you sling it back in his face to smear him?

Hillary couldn't do as good a job as you (or whoever photoshopped that piece of slime.)

Think of what the person or persons who did this is giving as a message to young men and women, black and white:

I got that Picture in an email and was waiting to use it, you would be surprised at what all I get in my mail lol

And this is the first I have heard of Obama snorting Cocain. lol, I was wondering why that was in the picture, thank's for the ammo lol

You do a really dumb thing as a young person (experiment with cocaine), but turn away from it, and make your life an American dream. But to certain political parties, it doesn't matter. You'll always be ridiculed and denigrated for that lapse in good judgement. That political party, the Republicans, will never give you props for making something good of your life. You will be remembered for your mistakes.

Gee that sounds alot like what the Left has done to George Bush ever since he has been President doesnt it? The left has pounded him for his drinking earlier in life and accused him of cocain and everything else they could think of, and they have never let up on that man for the past 6 years!
Talk about hypocrites!! The left are the masters of Hypocracy!

I'm glad none of you here counsel young people who need help in chosing to do the right thing.

Your message to them is this:

You'll always be a loser.

Great way to inspire young people.

Your smearing Obama exactly sends that message.


That's Lunacy! The left can dish it out but they sure as hell have a hard time taking it dont they?

Your smearing Obama exactly sends that message.

And to the poster who wrote about Obama's middle name, are you going to say the same thing about anyone named Timothy? Will you make fun of every young person for having to go through life with the same name as that Terrorist?

Mean machine handing Obama his head?

I just saw the smears begin. Right here.


Well for one thing "Timothy" was a homegrown terrorist, big difference when we are in a fight for our lives with the Islamic terrorists with Hussein in thier name!

And the smears do begin here, after all we have been putting up with them for 6 friggen years!

Payback's a bitch aint it?

February 11, 2007 5:39 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Mrs. Green is correct. Mistakes Obama made as a youth should not be held agaist him as if he were still doing it. It was a credit to him that he admitted that he had experimented with drugs.

There is no shame in admitting previous indiscretions. As long as the indiscretions don't continue.

Bill Clinton springs to mind. He was ..what? ...50 years old when he cheated on his wife with Monica?

However, Mrs Green is wrong to suggest only Republicans engage in slanderous attacks against their opponents. Democrats are the Masters of that tactic.

February 12, 2007 7:14 AM  
Blogger Mark said...

By the way, Marie, it is useless to try to convince Mrs. Green, or any other Liberal that they are wrong. I tried to do that for a while, but then I gave up. That is why I changed my blog title to "Casting Pearls before Swine."

Trying to persuade Liberals that they are wrong is doing exactly that.

February 12, 2007 7:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs. Clinton's operatives have already floated the story that Mr. Obama was raised a Muslim and was educated in a madrassa is Indonesia.
While it's true that the U.S. Constitution specifies that "no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States" (in Art. VI, ΒΆ3, for lawyers or the unspeakably depraved), that doesn't apply to voters, who are free to elect or not elect a candidate based on his religion if they want to.
A more interesting question is, if Mr. Obama really was a Muslim in his youth, and now says he isn't, won't the other Muslims have to kill him?
Mrs. Clinton's problem may just resolve itself.

February 12, 2007 7:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs. Green... Obama admitted to trying cocaine when he was young. Didn't try to obfuscate, he admitted it. Unlike a certain president we know.

The differnce Mrs. Green is that Bush is the President and Obama is not. It very doubtful that he will ever be after admitting to coacin use. Pot yeah, if Obama said he used pot, no problemo, smack on the wrist and raise your right hand. Cocaine is whole different animal though. It's not the Republicans that are going to use that against him Mrs. Green. It'll be the Clinton mean machine that will things like that if he becomes a threat in the polls.

I don't think you completely understand the nature of of the Clinton mean machine. Obamam isn't too bad of a guy, he's wrong about many issues but he seems like decent kind of guy. You just watch though if he come close or wins the New Hampshire primary the gloves will be off and the politics of personal destruction will go into full operation.

I'll give you an example over at my place if I can put it up today. I watched that town meeting with the Clinton mean machine up in NH while working out Saturday. That was scary for the guy that asked the question about her vote on the war.

February 12, 2007 7:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exactly, j_g. But we may have only 710 days left to say Hillary Clinton is bad for the country. I suggest we make the most of it now.

February 12, 2007 8:45 AM  
Blogger Marie's Two Cents said...


I know it's almost futile but it HAS to be done, sort of like you and your buddy Dan lol.

February 12, 2007 10:33 AM  
Blogger Marie's Two Cents said...

Uncle P,

There ia another story floated today:

Al-Qaida Want's Obama

This is only the beginning lol.

By the time Hillary is done with this guy, he wont even want to run for Senator again.

February 12, 2007 10:41 AM  

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