Hey You Liberals Lmmfao!
Hey you Liberals that want to move to Canada lol. If you so chose, make sure you renounce your American Citizenship before you go, take all your Liberal friends with you, and make sure you never come back!!! I have never seen such Chickenshit people in all my life!!! I am seriously laughing at you. This is so totally ReDickULouse!!!!
You are acting like children. But hey, the REDDER the better lol.
You are acting like children. But hey, the REDDER the better lol.
It is truely amazing the stupidity of the right wing conservatives. I am not Liberal or Conservative I just seek the truth. The beauty of this country is that we can have OPPOSING views - and STILL work together to make a stronger America. One view isnt the only one and another view can exist alongside. Those that think they should leave because this country is going the wrong way have the right to that view protected by the Constitution. You can have your views, also protected by the Constitution but this hate talk is NOT in the spirit of one of your own heroes - Ronald Reagan. In his first inaugural address could have taken credit for the release of the hostages in Iran. He would have been correct in doing that because the Iranian militans refused to release the Hostages while Carter was still President. YET - Reagan gave credit for the hostages release to Carter. Why? Because he knew in the long term this country needed healing not division, we needed to be united not divided, we needed to be strong to face the dangers at hand. Giving the credit to Carter began the healing this country so desparately needed.Reagan beat communism but he did it by getting every one on the bus, not tearing down those with differing views. He was the "Great Communicator" because he could communicate the common theme of this country: "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness". W. won this election and you obviously are estactic at the victory. So now comes the hard work, unify a very divided country, resolve the economic woes of this country, finish the job of setting up a Democracy in Iraq, and finally, defend every persons right to Life, Liberty & the pursuit of Happiness. If you can take a page from your Cowboy hero Ronald Reagan and begin the healing here you wont continue to foster the stereotype of the typical red-necked, Bible thumping, hate filled, right-winged conservative dolt.
Blithered, I find it humorous that you think for a moment I even read or was concerned with your comment. All, I am saying is stop spreading the rhetoric and start working with your fellow citizens on making this the great nation it can be, NOT the divided mess that it has become. If you dont think this country is divided just take a look how the vote went with the exception of 6 or 7 states both canidates won by a margin of more than 10% yet the total vote was 51% to 48% not much of a margin of victory. So once again look to Reagan and take some lessons... He was the last President to be voted in by a 2/3 majority. Or you can do as you have been and just go with the standard hate message.
I want to respond to the above critique that conservatives must "heal division" and let liberalism and conservatism coexist in the marketplace of ideas. The author reffered to Ronald Regan's treatment of the Iran hostage crisis as an example. I think instead, we should examine the ultimate play from Regan's playbook: his treatment of the USSR. Regan simply called a spade a spade: he called the USSR what it was, an evil empire. This is a very apt lesson for today's political climate. Let's stop calling liberal ideology a "differing opinoin" or an "alternative view" and call it what it is: evil. This is the ideology that advocates the theft of the wages of citezens through taxes, and "redistributes" income to those who don't earn it. This is just one of many evils of the liberal ideology. We conservatives should call it what it is: evil. We should refuse to compromise with it, and instead strive to utterly defeat it. To paraphrase Ayn Rand (very roughly from memory) "Good has nothing to gain through compromise with evil. Good will always lose and evil will always gain in such a deal. What benefit does a person gain from compromising food with poision? Only death."
Unbelievable, the assumption that those with differing opinions to yours as evil is appalling. These fellow American citizens are not attmpting to destroy your freedoms to worship as you see fit, or to earn a living wage, or to spout the kind of hatred you seem justified spewing forth. The poison you talk of is intollerance and hatred. They do not even closely resemble the Communist menace that Reagan brought down. They never rose up in arms to try and destroy you, they never spied on you to topple your government.
As for evil do you think that you are pure and rightous? Remember the Scripture, "But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away" Isaiah 64:6. The best part of this is that you do not have the integrity to even post with your name. I do not understand the cowardice that you display by not owning your own comment. Yet, it is to be expected in these times of division and back biting.
Blithered & Maries thank you both for owning your beliefs by placing your names to them it shows courage and integrity... We may not agree but at least we can be responcible for our own statements.
qaTs5T The best blog you have!
6i1UP7 Magnific!
Nice Article.
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