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Homeland Security Advisory

November 04, 2004

Feed Shark Turbo Tagger

Liberals Need To Re-Think Thier Stance

Where did the Liberals go wrong? How could it be that a President alot of people said was "Incompetant", an "Idiot", didnt know what he "Was Doing", get re-elected? Yes I said RE-ELECTED Not RE-SELECTED!! Could it be the Michael Moore's, the Whoopi Goldberg's, The Bruce Springsteen's the Howard Stern's of the world underestimated the man AGAIN? That is after all what Senator Kerry called "This Is The The Heart and Soul" of the American people when Whoopi Goldberg last year at a Hollywood "Galla" event in honor of Kerry was saying our President was (Some disgusting thing between her legs). I guess I wasnt included in thier "Heart and Soul" Revival concert. Thank God. Because that sure wasnt my "Heart and Soul".
That is the "Heart and Soul" of the Liberal party these days. They want nothing to go well for any party in this Country but thiers. America be damned unless a Liberal is in charge! Well the American people have spoken. And spoken by the millions. Not only did America put our President BACK in office, but added a few Senator's, and a Governor as well. Maybe we will be able to get more done this time around without the Liberal's even Minority though they were. I wish they would come together for the good of this Country, but I am not counting on it. Liberal's should think, maybe this Country doesnt WANT your kind of leadership. Maybe HELL, we DONT want your kind of leadership. If the Liberal party is going to Represent the Whoopi Goldberg's on this earth, we dont need them, we dont want them, and we surely wont elect them.I hope Liberal's re-think what this Country really wants. And that's Dignity, Truthfulness, Humor, Humility, and Safety. I sure hope the Liberal/Democrats learn from this, because if they dont they will be sitting on the sidelines for a long, long, time. No matter what dirty tricks they pull, no matter how many lies they tell, no matter what they call our Commander-In-Cheif, we will see through them and we will surely let them know how we feel come election day. Gloating? You bet your ass I am! After all I have put up with this election season. I've earned my right to. So has the MAJORITY of this Country. We have HAD to make these far left lunatics realize we arent going to take this crap anymore. I aplaud you America! Way to go!


Blogger Librarian Babe said...

"I hope Liberal's re-think what this Country really wants. And that's Dignity, Truthfulness, Humor, Humility, and Safety"

Let's see what we have under GW Bush -
Dignity? Nope. We're ridiculed and reviled the world over. I miss the days when the world looked up to the US.

Truthfulness? Nope. He lied about weapons of mass destruction. Most of the goverment decisions go on behind closed doors and are kept secret from the American public.

Humor? Well ok. It IS fun to laugh at his verbal gaffes.

Humility? Bush has none. He thinks God talks to him. Last I checked delusions were a symptom of schizophrenia.

Safety? Nope. Where's Osama bin Laden? He's still Osama been Hidin'. Al Qaeda still runs rampant.

Remind me - why did a significant portion vote for Bush if they wanted these things?

(And yes, you still need remedial spelling, grammar and punctuation. It's hard to take someone seriously when they can't write a cohesive and coherent blog post.)

November 04, 2004 7:12 PM  
Blogger RJay said...

A Liberal proves the point."(And yes, you still need remedial spelling, grammar and punctuation. It's hard to take someone seriously when they can't write a cohesive and coherent blog post.)"They have no issues and no solutions for anything. all they can do is bash and ridicule.

The only excuse for making a useless thing, is that one admires it intensely.

Two birds are sitting on a perch. One says to the other, "do you smell fish?"

November 06, 2004 10:24 AM  

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