Dont Let 'Moderate' Hillary Fool You
Human Events Online Is Reporting:
Don't Let 'Moderate' Hillary Fool You
by Kathleen Willey, Candice E. Jackson, and Juanita Broaddrick
Posted May 11, 2006
Hillary Clinton weighed in on the immigration reform debate recently by accusing the House Republicans of passing a bill that would “criminalize the Good Samaritan and probably even Jesus himself.” Hillary also opined that the House bill “flew in the face” of Republicans’ stated support for faith and values.
Hillary eagerly pounces on her political opponents’ supposed betrayal of their values, but what about her values? Far from walking in the footsteps of the Good Samaritan or “Jesus himself,” Hillary has consistently revealed a personal and political character the core values of which are ruthlessness, unbounding arrogance and endless ambition.
One of us had the surreal experience of being confronted by Hillary -- self-declared feminist and champion of “women’s rights” -- as she protected her husband Bill against the charge of rape. Another of us worked with the Clintons prior to being sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton, and witnessed her dismissive, contemptuous interactions with others whenever the cameras weren’t present. Our experience of Hillary Clinton as ruthless and vindictive is validated in a newly released book, “I’ve Always Been a Yankees Fan: Hillary Clinton in Her Own Words,” by Tom Kuiper.

“I’ve Always Been a Yankees Fan” is a collection of quotes -- hundreds of them -- by and about Hillary Clinton, spanning her entire life and career, complete with pictures, captions and humorous but spot-on commentary. The quotes show a crass, insensitive side of Hillary, and in the foreword Dick Morris writes of this “wonderful little book” that “No politician could possibly amass quotes like this and expect to run for office. Nobody would dare.” Hillary Clinton, however, possesses an extraordinary level of arrogance (even for a politician), and expects to claw her way back to the White House despite being called out for her despicable attitudes and statements.
Our perception of Hillary, one shared by Tom Kuiper and Dick Morris, stands in stark contrast to the one touted by feminist legal scholar and author Susan Estrich. In her recent book, Estrich opines that Hillary can and should be elected the first female president. Estrich writes, “I think that Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, soon-to-be second-term senator from New York, centrist Democrat, strong on security, tough, moderate, family values, middle-aged, qualified, managed by Bill Clinton, is the next president of the United States.” Moderate? Family values? Kuiper’s new book goes a long way toward discrediting the version of Hillary Clinton that permitted her to launch her own political career, and on which she hopes to ascend to the presidency in 2008.
For example, Kuiper quotes multi-millionaire Hillary opining that “The unfettered free market has been the most radically disruptive force in American life in the last generation.” It is difficult to discern any moderation in that statement. Or in this response by Hillary to a constituent who expressed concern over being forced into a government-run health-care plan: “It’s time to put the common good, the national interest, ahead of individuals.” Or in this explanation to wealthy donors regarding her support for repealing the Bush tax cuts: “Many of you are well enough off that [the] tax cuts may have helped you. We’re saying that for America to get back on track, we’re probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.”
How about Hillary’s supposed support for family values, which should include justice for abused women and children? “I’ve Always Been a Yankees Fan” presents Hillary publicly announcing, “I am proud that my husband has stood up as president to confront the violence and to protect American women.” But Kuiper also accurately recounts how Hillary privately revealed a complete lack of concern for “protecting women against violence” when she asked to meet Juanita Broaddrick just weeks after Juanita had been raped by Bill Clinton. Hillary was willing to do whatever it took to prevent Juanita from holding her husband accountable for an unspeakable act of violence.
Kuiper also quotes Hillary Clinton as saying of the many women who have reported having sexual encounters with Bill Clinton (forced or otherwise): “These women are all trash. Nobody’s going to believe them.” This is hardly how “Jesus himself” would respond to women reporting what often amounted to sexual mistreatment, and we doubt that He would “crucify” Gennifer Flowers for daring to disclose her affair with Hillary’s husband -- even though Bill Clinton himself eventually admitted under oath to having the affair with Flowers. Hillary professes to be “a voice for America’s children,” yet at an event with preschoolers at the governor’s mansion as first lady of Arkansas Mother Clinton was overheard on the intercom system saying, “I want to get this s--- over with and get these damn people out of here.” Hillary has not demonstrated a consistent track record of treating women and children -- at least children not her own -- with care and concern. She was certainly quick enough to demand that taxpayers fund a pool for the governor’s mansion while first “lady” of Arkansas.
Hillary invariably relies on the maxim “the best defense is a good offense” to deflect attention from her own wrongdoing. She refuses to address or apologize for the statements -- many of them vulgar and outrageous -- that Tom Kuiper has painstakingly assembled, but she audaciously continues to malign others for supposedly failing to act on “faith” and “values.” Based on our personal experiences with Hillary Clinton, we encourage others to explore the true nature of this woman through Kuiper’s entertaining but revealing book before throwing political support to Hillary on the misguided impression that she is the moderate, family-values candidate she wants you to think she is.
Mrs. Willey is a Virginia businesswoman and former White House volunteer who was allegedly sexually assaulted by Clinton in 1993.
Ms. Jackson is an attorney, rape survivor, and author of "Their Lives: The Women Targeted by the Clinton Machine."
Ms. Broaddrick is an Arkansas businesswoman and former "Clinton for Governor" supporter who was allegedly raped by Bill Clinton in 1978.
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Don't Let 'Moderate' Hillary Fool You
by Kathleen Willey, Candice E. Jackson, and Juanita Broaddrick
Posted May 11, 2006
Hillary Clinton weighed in on the immigration reform debate recently by accusing the House Republicans of passing a bill that would “criminalize the Good Samaritan and probably even Jesus himself.” Hillary also opined that the House bill “flew in the face” of Republicans’ stated support for faith and values.
Hillary eagerly pounces on her political opponents’ supposed betrayal of their values, but what about her values? Far from walking in the footsteps of the Good Samaritan or “Jesus himself,” Hillary has consistently revealed a personal and political character the core values of which are ruthlessness, unbounding arrogance and endless ambition.
One of us had the surreal experience of being confronted by Hillary -- self-declared feminist and champion of “women’s rights” -- as she protected her husband Bill against the charge of rape. Another of us worked with the Clintons prior to being sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton, and witnessed her dismissive, contemptuous interactions with others whenever the cameras weren’t present. Our experience of Hillary Clinton as ruthless and vindictive is validated in a newly released book, “I’ve Always Been a Yankees Fan: Hillary Clinton in Her Own Words,” by Tom Kuiper.

“I’ve Always Been a Yankees Fan” is a collection of quotes -- hundreds of them -- by and about Hillary Clinton, spanning her entire life and career, complete with pictures, captions and humorous but spot-on commentary. The quotes show a crass, insensitive side of Hillary, and in the foreword Dick Morris writes of this “wonderful little book” that “No politician could possibly amass quotes like this and expect to run for office. Nobody would dare.” Hillary Clinton, however, possesses an extraordinary level of arrogance (even for a politician), and expects to claw her way back to the White House despite being called out for her despicable attitudes and statements.
Our perception of Hillary, one shared by Tom Kuiper and Dick Morris, stands in stark contrast to the one touted by feminist legal scholar and author Susan Estrich. In her recent book, Estrich opines that Hillary can and should be elected the first female president. Estrich writes, “I think that Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, soon-to-be second-term senator from New York, centrist Democrat, strong on security, tough, moderate, family values, middle-aged, qualified, managed by Bill Clinton, is the next president of the United States.” Moderate? Family values? Kuiper’s new book goes a long way toward discrediting the version of Hillary Clinton that permitted her to launch her own political career, and on which she hopes to ascend to the presidency in 2008.
For example, Kuiper quotes multi-millionaire Hillary opining that “The unfettered free market has been the most radically disruptive force in American life in the last generation.” It is difficult to discern any moderation in that statement. Or in this response by Hillary to a constituent who expressed concern over being forced into a government-run health-care plan: “It’s time to put the common good, the national interest, ahead of individuals.” Or in this explanation to wealthy donors regarding her support for repealing the Bush tax cuts: “Many of you are well enough off that [the] tax cuts may have helped you. We’re saying that for America to get back on track, we’re probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.”
How about Hillary’s supposed support for family values, which should include justice for abused women and children? “I’ve Always Been a Yankees Fan” presents Hillary publicly announcing, “I am proud that my husband has stood up as president to confront the violence and to protect American women.” But Kuiper also accurately recounts how Hillary privately revealed a complete lack of concern for “protecting women against violence” when she asked to meet Juanita Broaddrick just weeks after Juanita had been raped by Bill Clinton. Hillary was willing to do whatever it took to prevent Juanita from holding her husband accountable for an unspeakable act of violence.
Kuiper also quotes Hillary Clinton as saying of the many women who have reported having sexual encounters with Bill Clinton (forced or otherwise): “These women are all trash. Nobody’s going to believe them.” This is hardly how “Jesus himself” would respond to women reporting what often amounted to sexual mistreatment, and we doubt that He would “crucify” Gennifer Flowers for daring to disclose her affair with Hillary’s husband -- even though Bill Clinton himself eventually admitted under oath to having the affair with Flowers. Hillary professes to be “a voice for America’s children,” yet at an event with preschoolers at the governor’s mansion as first lady of Arkansas Mother Clinton was overheard on the intercom system saying, “I want to get this s--- over with and get these damn people out of here.” Hillary has not demonstrated a consistent track record of treating women and children -- at least children not her own -- with care and concern. She was certainly quick enough to demand that taxpayers fund a pool for the governor’s mansion while first “lady” of Arkansas.
Hillary invariably relies on the maxim “the best defense is a good offense” to deflect attention from her own wrongdoing. She refuses to address or apologize for the statements -- many of them vulgar and outrageous -- that Tom Kuiper has painstakingly assembled, but she audaciously continues to malign others for supposedly failing to act on “faith” and “values.” Based on our personal experiences with Hillary Clinton, we encourage others to explore the true nature of this woman through Kuiper’s entertaining but revealing book before throwing political support to Hillary on the misguided impression that she is the moderate, family-values candidate she wants you to think she is.
Mrs. Willey is a Virginia businesswoman and former White House volunteer who was allegedly sexually assaulted by Clinton in 1993.
Ms. Jackson is an attorney, rape survivor, and author of "Their Lives: The Women Targeted by the Clinton Machine."
Ms. Broaddrick is an Arkansas businesswoman and former "Clinton for Governor" supporter who was allegedly raped by Bill Clinton in 1978.
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