Kennedy And Reid Hold Up Bill- "The ChildHelp National Registry Act"
Bill Oreilly's Talking Points Memo:
Why is Senator Kennedy blocking a bill that would protect American kids?
The proposed law is called "The ChildHelp National Registry Act," and it would mandate that federal authorities keep a database of convicted child predators and child abusers.
Of course, that would help local authorities, who could tap into the computerized information and instantly know who is in the neighborhood. Right now, child predators can roam from state to state, and the cops are blind to their backgrounds.
So... does anyone oppose that proposed law? Anyone? Only fools and people who don't care about kids would object to the national database.
But in the Senate, a vote on the bill is being held up by Ted Kennedy

and Harry Reid, the Minority Leader in the Senate. Mr. Reid says that Kennedy was promised a vote on a new "hate crimes" bill, and that's why the child protection bill is not going to the floor for a vote. Apparently, Senator Kennedy wants to attach some kind of hate crime legislation to the ChildHelp bill.
With all due respect to Kennedy and Reid... this is politics at its worst. There is no need to burden the ChildHelp bill with any other piece of legislation. The child bill should stand alone. If the hate crimes bill is a good law, that should stand alone as well.
Here's a no spin message to Senators Reid and Kennedy. Every day that you guys dither around, thousands of children get hurt in America. Every day that local law enforcement does not have the information it should have, predators are more free to rape and kill.
Sometimes the people-the folks-have to send a message to Washington, and this is one of those times. We are posting information on so you can get a message to Ted Kennedy and Harry Reid. If they put the bill to a vote, it will pass; if they continue to hold it up, more kids will get hurt.
Finally, Talking Points doesn't think Kennedy and Reid are bad men, but they are playing politics with the safety of children, and I hope you'll tell them that is unacceptable. And that's the Memo.
Contact Information:
Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)
(202) 224-3542
Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA)
(202) 224-4543
So if it's in Kennedy's back yard (Windmill Farms) NO, and unless it's Ted Kennedy's kids I guess it's a NO also. But then again Kennedy doesnt care about anything but keeping his own ass out of jail!
Why is Senator Kennedy blocking a bill that would protect American kids?
The proposed law is called "The ChildHelp National Registry Act," and it would mandate that federal authorities keep a database of convicted child predators and child abusers.
Of course, that would help local authorities, who could tap into the computerized information and instantly know who is in the neighborhood. Right now, child predators can roam from state to state, and the cops are blind to their backgrounds.
So... does anyone oppose that proposed law? Anyone? Only fools and people who don't care about kids would object to the national database.
But in the Senate, a vote on the bill is being held up by Ted Kennedy

and Harry Reid, the Minority Leader in the Senate. Mr. Reid says that Kennedy was promised a vote on a new "hate crimes" bill, and that's why the child protection bill is not going to the floor for a vote. Apparently, Senator Kennedy wants to attach some kind of hate crime legislation to the ChildHelp bill.
With all due respect to Kennedy and Reid... this is politics at its worst. There is no need to burden the ChildHelp bill with any other piece of legislation. The child bill should stand alone. If the hate crimes bill is a good law, that should stand alone as well.
Here's a no spin message to Senators Reid and Kennedy. Every day that you guys dither around, thousands of children get hurt in America. Every day that local law enforcement does not have the information it should have, predators are more free to rape and kill.
Sometimes the people-the folks-have to send a message to Washington, and this is one of those times. We are posting information on so you can get a message to Ted Kennedy and Harry Reid. If they put the bill to a vote, it will pass; if they continue to hold it up, more kids will get hurt.
Finally, Talking Points doesn't think Kennedy and Reid are bad men, but they are playing politics with the safety of children, and I hope you'll tell them that is unacceptable. And that's the Memo.
Contact Information:
Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)
(202) 224-3542
Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA)
(202) 224-4543
So if it's in Kennedy's back yard (Windmill Farms) NO, and unless it's Ted Kennedy's kids I guess it's a NO also. But then again Kennedy doesnt care about anything but keeping his own ass out of jail!
Y'know, Marie, we're going through the same kind of thing here. Our legislature is considering Jessica's Law, but a couple of senators want to attach other provisions to the bill, some of which are good, some of which are not so good.
I hate to be seen agreeing with the Senior Senator from Chappaquiddick on whether it's day or night, so I'll just point out that on this National Day of Prayer, we should ask the Lord to grant all Kennedys a comfortable and immediate retirement, out of public life.
Happy Motoring...
Uncle P,
It's sad to think any bill cant get passed these days without attaching something else/pork to them.
Especially Jessica's Law. Jessica's Law should be en entity all it's own.
We are having a good debate here too in Oklahoma, we will probably remain in the Gray area for a bit considering Jessica's Law because we have one legislator that want's to give all Child Molestor's/Sexual Predators the DEATH PENALTY (I like that idea), and some others that want Jessica's law. The squabble will continue for a while in Oklahoma.
Oh yes Dear Lord I wish ALL the Kennedy's would depart public life, all they do is screw up someomone else's.
I was on my second time through this post on the way to the comments before I noticed Mary Jo Kopechne Photoshopped onto the monitors behind the vile Senator Ted.
Nice touch.
Kennedys Kennedys Kennedys cant you think of someone else to pick on like Tom Delay?
Uh, now that you mention it, anonymous, no.
Uncle P,
I cant take any credit for the Kennedy photo, I snatched it from some other site I was on I forget which one.
But it did add a nice touch :-)
Why would I want to pick on Tom Delay?
And as Uncle P said, Uhhhhh NO!
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