Patrick Kennedy Involved In Suspicious Car Accident
Fox News Is Reporting:
Kennedy: 'I was disoriented from the medication'
WASHINGTON — Rep. Patrick Kennedy crashed his car near the Capitol early Thursday, and a police official said he appeared intoxicated. Kennedy said he had taken sleep medication and a prescription anti-nausea drug that can cause drowsiness.
Kennedy, D-R.I., addressed the issue after a spate of news reports. His initial statement said, "I consumed no alcohol prior to the incident."

Later, however, he issued a longer statement saying the attending physician for Congress had prescribed Phenergan on Tuesday to treat Kennedy's gastroenteritis, an inflammation of the stomach and intestines.
Kennedy said he returned to his Capitol Hill home on Wednesday evening after a final series of votes in Congress and took "prescribed" amounts of Phenergan and Ambien, another prescribed drug that he occasionally takes to fall asleep.
"Some time around 2:45 a.m., I drove the few blocks to the Capitol Complex believing I needed to vote," his second statement said. "Apparently, I was disoriented from the medication."
In the later statement, he repeated, "At no time before the incident did I consume any alcohol."
Kennedy appeared to be intoxicated when he crashed his Ford Mustang into a barrier on Capitol Hill early Thursday morning, said Louis P. Cannon, president of the Washington chapter of the Fraternal Order of Police.
Cannon, who was not there, said the officers involved in the accident were instructed by an official "above the rank of patrolman" to take Kennedy home.
No sobriety tests were conducted at the scene.
A letter written by a Capitol Police officer to Acting Chief Christopher McGaffin said Kennedy appeared to be staggering when he left the vehicle after the crash about 3 a.m. The letter was first reported by Roll Call, a Capitol Hill newspaper.
Kennedy said he was late for a vote, officer Greg Baird said in the letter to McGaffin. Baird is acting chairman of the Capitol Hill chapter of the FOP police union. The last vote of the night had occurred almost six hours earlier.
Kennedy said he was driven home by Capitol police.
"At no time did I ask for any special consideration," he said. "I simply complied with what the officers asked me to do."
Kennedy, the son of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., and his staff declined to discuss any further details of the accident. The congressman took part in House votes Thursday.
Capitol Police did not immediately return phone calls for comment. They issued a one-line statement saying they were investigating a traffic violation that occurred early in the morning at that location.
Baird wrote McGaffin that two sergeants who responded to the accident conferred with the watch commander and were ordered to leave the scene.
He said that after the officers left, Capitol Police officials gave Kennedy a ride home.
Kennedy spent time at a drug rehabilitation clinic before he went to Providence College. He has been open about mental health issues, including being diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
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Linked With: Nunc Pro Lunch
Linked With DrudgeReport: Kennedy Car Crash Cover Up?
Linked With: Expose The Left
Let me just say that I have taken Phenergan and Ambien at one time or another NEVER TOGETHER, and Phenergan alone is enough to knock you out. I cant imagine the combination. Ambien works so fast (That's why the directions tell you take it when you can devote AT LEAST 8 hours to sleep) that it would have been impossible for Kennedy to have gotten up to do ANYTHING, let alone DRIVE somewhere. I'm not buying this story one bit. Say Kennedy DID get up and go drive back to work after taking a combination of drugs like that, he wouldnt be staggering for one thing, neither drug makes you stagger, sleepy yes, stagger NO. But if he had taken those drugs, and he told the Capitol Police that, shouldnt they have called an Ambulance and taken him to a hospital thinking he may have had "A Reaction" to the medication? And since when did the Capitol Police become a Taxi Cab Service? I read another article that said one of the first Capitol Police officers on the scene "Smelled Alcohol". Why was there no Sobriety test taken at the scene? And why were the first officers on the scene ORDERED to leave? Nope, that boy was DRUNK AS A SKUNK. Can we say "LIKE FATHER LIKE SON"? They better check around the Barrier where he crashed for a body! But by now Teddy has already covered those tracks I'm sure. This incident warrants a full investigation, but Teddy I'm sure will find a way to cover this up just like Chappaquiddick.
UPDATE: The Boston Herald Is Reporting: Kennedy Was Drinking
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Kennedy: 'I was disoriented from the medication'
WASHINGTON — Rep. Patrick Kennedy crashed his car near the Capitol early Thursday, and a police official said he appeared intoxicated. Kennedy said he had taken sleep medication and a prescription anti-nausea drug that can cause drowsiness.
Kennedy, D-R.I., addressed the issue after a spate of news reports. His initial statement said, "I consumed no alcohol prior to the incident."

Later, however, he issued a longer statement saying the attending physician for Congress had prescribed Phenergan on Tuesday to treat Kennedy's gastroenteritis, an inflammation of the stomach and intestines.
Kennedy said he returned to his Capitol Hill home on Wednesday evening after a final series of votes in Congress and took "prescribed" amounts of Phenergan and Ambien, another prescribed drug that he occasionally takes to fall asleep.
"Some time around 2:45 a.m., I drove the few blocks to the Capitol Complex believing I needed to vote," his second statement said. "Apparently, I was disoriented from the medication."
In the later statement, he repeated, "At no time before the incident did I consume any alcohol."
Kennedy appeared to be intoxicated when he crashed his Ford Mustang into a barrier on Capitol Hill early Thursday morning, said Louis P. Cannon, president of the Washington chapter of the Fraternal Order of Police.
Cannon, who was not there, said the officers involved in the accident were instructed by an official "above the rank of patrolman" to take Kennedy home.
No sobriety tests were conducted at the scene.
A letter written by a Capitol Police officer to Acting Chief Christopher McGaffin said Kennedy appeared to be staggering when he left the vehicle after the crash about 3 a.m. The letter was first reported by Roll Call, a Capitol Hill newspaper.
Kennedy said he was late for a vote, officer Greg Baird said in the letter to McGaffin. Baird is acting chairman of the Capitol Hill chapter of the FOP police union. The last vote of the night had occurred almost six hours earlier.
Kennedy said he was driven home by Capitol police.
"At no time did I ask for any special consideration," he said. "I simply complied with what the officers asked me to do."
Kennedy, the son of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., and his staff declined to discuss any further details of the accident. The congressman took part in House votes Thursday.
Capitol Police did not immediately return phone calls for comment. They issued a one-line statement saying they were investigating a traffic violation that occurred early in the morning at that location.
Baird wrote McGaffin that two sergeants who responded to the accident conferred with the watch commander and were ordered to leave the scene.
He said that after the officers left, Capitol Police officials gave Kennedy a ride home.
Kennedy spent time at a drug rehabilitation clinic before he went to Providence College. He has been open about mental health issues, including being diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
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Linked With: Nunc Pro Lunch
Linked With DrudgeReport: Kennedy Car Crash Cover Up?
Linked With: Expose The Left
Let me just say that I have taken Phenergan and Ambien at one time or another NEVER TOGETHER, and Phenergan alone is enough to knock you out. I cant imagine the combination. Ambien works so fast (That's why the directions tell you take it when you can devote AT LEAST 8 hours to sleep) that it would have been impossible for Kennedy to have gotten up to do ANYTHING, let alone DRIVE somewhere. I'm not buying this story one bit. Say Kennedy DID get up and go drive back to work after taking a combination of drugs like that, he wouldnt be staggering for one thing, neither drug makes you stagger, sleepy yes, stagger NO. But if he had taken those drugs, and he told the Capitol Police that, shouldnt they have called an Ambulance and taken him to a hospital thinking he may have had "A Reaction" to the medication? And since when did the Capitol Police become a Taxi Cab Service? I read another article that said one of the first Capitol Police officers on the scene "Smelled Alcohol". Why was there no Sobriety test taken at the scene? And why were the first officers on the scene ORDERED to leave? Nope, that boy was DRUNK AS A SKUNK. Can we say "LIKE FATHER LIKE SON"? They better check around the Barrier where he crashed for a body! But by now Teddy has already covered those tracks I'm sure. This incident warrants a full investigation, but Teddy I'm sure will find a way to cover this up just like Chappaquiddick.
UPDATE: The Boston Herald Is Reporting: Kennedy Was Drinking
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You know Patrick Kennedy admitted that he has a habit and a problem and you guys just make fun of him.
Why cant you leave the Kennedys alone?
Your not affecred by them.
You dont live in Mass anyway so why bother with the Kennedys?
Both Patrick Kennedy and his father, Teddy, should resign. They are an embarrassment to the Democratic party and America. They are both dangerous drunks. Teddy already murdered at least one person. Who knows how many other bodies are buried within the Kennedy family history?
Hey Marie I am back to give you a lesson on "who gives a F*ck". Another Kennedy possibly drunk and driving? That is like, oh, another Priest molesting an alter boy or Marie posts another idiotic theory. Not a cover up out of the ordinary and not any more news worthy than you at home in your double wide eating pork rinds. SO, if you want to do this country some good use this blog to start a petition to do something about the rising fuel prices or get the U.S. on an alternative fuel program. That would be a good use of your time and pork rind fueled energy. Hmmmmmm... Maybe that could be the alternate fuel we have been looking for? Have a great day.
Yes Patrick Kennedy did admit he had a problem, AFTER HE GOT CAUGHT!!! Can you imagine if he had a woman in the car like Daddy did? They would be trying to cover up her death too.
I think Patty got special treatment and maybe Cynthia McKinney's defense fund needs a bit of a boost because I am beginning to see a double standard here.
Then again they both broke the law and should be held accountable.
Senator (Hiccup) Kennedy sit's on the Judiciary committee, he makes decisions that affect ALL of us.
So yes I am affected by the decisions the Sr. Drunk makes! No matter if I'm in Mass or not.
Leave the Kennedy's alone?
You cant be serious.
Exactly. I have never been so embarrased by one Political family in all my life. From the time the eldest (Daddy of all the Kennedy's) allowed his daughter to have a Labotomy FOR NO REASON, to his President son John that started Viet Nam, to Bobby Kennedy that wire-tapped Martin Luther King Jr., to Teddy Kennedy who let Mary Jo Kopechne suffocate in the car HE was driving DRUNK and ran it off the CBB bridge into the Chappaquiddick Bay while he went back to his "Party" and spoke to his lawyer on how to handle the "Mess" while this woman was suffocating to death, to another nephew Michael Skakel that murdered Martha Moxley, to this son of Teddy's who get's special treatment for the drunken and drug derived "Mess" he got himslef into! And who knows what other "Skeletons" LITTERALY are in thier closets.
The only hero I see in that family was the eldest son Joe Kennedy who was shot down and died a heroic death in WW2!!
Yes they should resign before someone else is killed. Or before they completely destroy this Country.
I dont even remember you. Gracing me with your presense and giving ME a lesson again? Wonderful since I cant remember you to begin with.
I give a **** since the Kennedy's are destroying this Country.
And if Patty Kennedy wasnt "Drunk" he certainly was "Under the Influence" and should have never been allowed to be on the road!
Then claims to have a Pain Pill dependence, and that wasnt even what he was taking on the night in question. (That's what he says anyway) Then again he was given NO drug test, or sobreity test, so who knows what all was in his system, and given a ride home! Then you have a woman claiming he WAS drinking on the night in question, and now some mystery woman that says he wasnt!@#$#@!
You tell me that isnt a cover up?
I'm not Catholic so I cant respond to Alter Boy's and all that stuff.
Sorry to dissapoint you but I dont sit at home in a double wide eating pork rinds, I work contrary to what Dr. Dean would have you believe about Republican's.
If that is your opinion of all people that live in the mid-west and the south you are sadly mistaken and sure blew any chance of a vote for ANY Democrat cantidate with your opinion of those of us who wind up deciding these elections! But hey, keep aleinating us, your doing a fine job and blowing any chance Dr. Dean had about reaching out to the mid-west and southern voters!
Remember the cantidate that can sway the south and the mid-west voters carries the electorate, which you just blew.
Now who is the idiot again?
Mmmm...pork rinds...
Actually, anonymous, the younger Mr. Kennedy represents Rhode Island in the Congress.
Exactly what prompts the voters to elect a Congressman who admits to being manic-depressive and an alcoholic is beyond me, but the fecklessness of the electorate there and in Massachusetts (which as you recall, was the epicenter of the clergy sex abuse scandal) does affect those of us who live in the rest of the country. By sending the unspeakably depraved Ted and his vile relatives to Congress year after year, the voters allow them to make bad laws that burden the rest of us.
Contrary to what you may think, I view Patrick Kennedy's latest run-in with a large, stationary object, and the personal issues that led up to it, are a personal and family tragedy. I don't wish anything bad would happen to the Kennedys, any of them. What I do wish and ferevently pray for, is that they would all retire from public life and have to get real jobs like the rest of the Americans whom they treat with such contempt.
I can like father like son hehe
Just a Kennedy imitating a Limbaugh. God bless America! I remember when Fat drug addicts were the lead guitarist for the Grateful Dead, not conservative talk show hosts preaching family values, even though Fat Man Limbaugh has been divorced three times and has no kids or family values.
Uncle P,
I'm glad you put things in a much better perspective than I can.
I should have said, They are "Lawmakers" (When they are coherent) and thier "Decisions" affect us all.
You are much kinder than I, I do wish something would happen to the Kennedy's at least those who continue to commit murder, drive under the influence of alcohol, drugs, what have you.
Thank's for reading the entire post!
To all you anonymous users, can you at least make up a name? It get's confusing as to which anonymous we all are reffering to. And have no idea if you are all the same person or different ones.
Thank's for your cooperation!
marie is right i dont have a blog and if i can make up a name anyone can
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