5 People Will Testify Under Oath In Libby Trial That Joe Wilson Outed Own Wife
National Review Online Is Reporting:
This afternoon CNN reported the news, published earlier in The Corner, that Lewis Libby's defense lawyers say they will produce five witnesses who will testify under oath that former ambassador Joseph Wilson told them that his wife, Valerie Plame Wilson, worked for the CIA, a job status that, allegedly, was classified. CNN also reported a response from Joseph Wilson:
.......................Valerie Plame

BLITZER: And John, producer, Stephanie Katube (sp), just got a statement from Ambassador Joe Wilson. Let me read it to you and to our viewers. "The last I heard," Wilson says, "this is case is about allegations Mr. Libby lied, perjured himself before the FBI, special prosecutor and grand jury and obstructed justice. None of those charges of which he's been indicted has anything to do with me."
Wilson goes on to say, "Furthermore, the government in the person of the special prosecutor in his court filings has made it clear it believes several White House officials were engaged in a campaign to, quote, `discredit, punish and seek revenge' on me. It would appear that campaign is ongoing."
....................Joe Wilson

What seems notable about Wilson's statement, if CNN read it in full, is that it does not address the issue of whether or not he told people that his wife worked for the CIA.
...................."Scooter" Libby

Read Full Story Here: The Corner
Also In Another Related Story:
Live Journal Is Reporting:
May 5, 2006 — - I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby's lawyers plan to call on White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove as a witness in his trial for allegedly lying to a federal grand jury and investigators over the CIA leak case.
The defense revealed today it will also focus on testimony from former State Department official Marc Grossman and Joseph Wilson, husband of undercover CIA officer Valerie Plame.
Libby, the former aide to Vice President Dick Cheney, was charged in October 2005 over statements about how he learned about Plame's CIA connections. Plame was identified by columnist Robert Novak in July 2003, and U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald was appointed as a special prosecutor to investigate the matter later that year.
At a hearing today, Libby's lawyer Ted Wells said five witnesses would testify that Wilson revealed Plame's status before Novak did. U.S. District Judge Reggie B. Walton fired back at Wells saying, "I don't know how it has any bearing on whether your client allegedly testified falsely."
The defense team also asked that the government produce any documents and e-mails they have in their possession relating to the ongoing investigation.
The hearing offered no clues on Fitzgerald's investigation into Rove's statements made before the grand jury last week or whether Fitzgerald will bring charges against Rove.
Wells asked that materials relating to Rove be provided to the defense, asserting that the prosecution is required to do so even if no charges have been brought against Rove. Fitzgerald denied he was withholding evidence.
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So it seems what I heard/read long ago was true. Joe Wilson "Outed" his own wife. Joe Wilson was running around town telling just about anyone that would listen that his wife worked for the CIA, (Her job status was aledgedly classified). He even told General Paul Vallely in the "Green Room" of Fox News that his wife worked for the CIA. WHICH SURE AS HECK MEANT SHE WASNT COVERT/UNDERCOVER DUH. It will be interesting to see if Vallely is going to be one of the witnesses. If these 5 people come forward and testify under oath that Joe Wilson told them his wife worked for the CIA, this case is about over. They could try perjury charges but if Libby didnt lie, he didnt perjur himself! And they can call Carl Rove to the stand all day long, but it isnt going to change the fact that Wilson "Outed" his own wife. I believe this whole indictment, charges, trial, etc..were concocted purposely by the left (Among alot of other things) to try and make the Bush administration look corrupt. They have been trying to get people to believe that for a long time now. And alot of these trumped up charges on alot of other innocent Republicans (Not all, but some, there are no complete innocents in either party) are going to start unraveling in your faces. I say if they are guilty they need to pay. But if they arent, you on the left should have the decency and burden of giving back that person's good name by the same way you besmirched it. And if this has been ANOTHER waste of Liberal spending for this kind of crud at taxpayers expense once again, you are going to have some pretty pissed off Republicans!!
This afternoon CNN reported the news, published earlier in The Corner, that Lewis Libby's defense lawyers say they will produce five witnesses who will testify under oath that former ambassador Joseph Wilson told them that his wife, Valerie Plame Wilson, worked for the CIA, a job status that, allegedly, was classified. CNN also reported a response from Joseph Wilson:
.......................Valerie Plame

BLITZER: And John, producer, Stephanie Katube (sp), just got a statement from Ambassador Joe Wilson. Let me read it to you and to our viewers. "The last I heard," Wilson says, "this is case is about allegations Mr. Libby lied, perjured himself before the FBI, special prosecutor and grand jury and obstructed justice. None of those charges of which he's been indicted has anything to do with me."
Wilson goes on to say, "Furthermore, the government in the person of the special prosecutor in his court filings has made it clear it believes several White House officials were engaged in a campaign to, quote, `discredit, punish and seek revenge' on me. It would appear that campaign is ongoing."
....................Joe Wilson

What seems notable about Wilson's statement, if CNN read it in full, is that it does not address the issue of whether or not he told people that his wife worked for the CIA.
...................."Scooter" Libby

Read Full Story Here: The Corner
Also In Another Related Story:
Live Journal Is Reporting:
May 5, 2006 — - I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby's lawyers plan to call on White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove as a witness in his trial for allegedly lying to a federal grand jury and investigators over the CIA leak case.
The defense revealed today it will also focus on testimony from former State Department official Marc Grossman and Joseph Wilson, husband of undercover CIA officer Valerie Plame.
Libby, the former aide to Vice President Dick Cheney, was charged in October 2005 over statements about how he learned about Plame's CIA connections. Plame was identified by columnist Robert Novak in July 2003, and U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald was appointed as a special prosecutor to investigate the matter later that year.
At a hearing today, Libby's lawyer Ted Wells said five witnesses would testify that Wilson revealed Plame's status before Novak did. U.S. District Judge Reggie B. Walton fired back at Wells saying, "I don't know how it has any bearing on whether your client allegedly testified falsely."
The defense team also asked that the government produce any documents and e-mails they have in their possession relating to the ongoing investigation.
The hearing offered no clues on Fitzgerald's investigation into Rove's statements made before the grand jury last week or whether Fitzgerald will bring charges against Rove.
Wells asked that materials relating to Rove be provided to the defense, asserting that the prosecution is required to do so even if no charges have been brought against Rove. Fitzgerald denied he was withholding evidence.
Read Full Story Here
So it seems what I heard/read long ago was true. Joe Wilson "Outed" his own wife. Joe Wilson was running around town telling just about anyone that would listen that his wife worked for the CIA, (Her job status was aledgedly classified). He even told General Paul Vallely in the "Green Room" of Fox News that his wife worked for the CIA. WHICH SURE AS HECK MEANT SHE WASNT COVERT/UNDERCOVER DUH. It will be interesting to see if Vallely is going to be one of the witnesses. If these 5 people come forward and testify under oath that Joe Wilson told them his wife worked for the CIA, this case is about over. They could try perjury charges but if Libby didnt lie, he didnt perjur himself! And they can call Carl Rove to the stand all day long, but it isnt going to change the fact that Wilson "Outed" his own wife. I believe this whole indictment, charges, trial, etc..were concocted purposely by the left (Among alot of other things) to try and make the Bush administration look corrupt. They have been trying to get people to believe that for a long time now. And alot of these trumped up charges on alot of other innocent Republicans (Not all, but some, there are no complete innocents in either party) are going to start unraveling in your faces. I say if they are guilty they need to pay. But if they arent, you on the left should have the decency and burden of giving back that person's good name by the same way you besmirched it. And if this has been ANOTHER waste of Liberal spending for this kind of crud at taxpayers expense once again, you are going to have some pretty pissed off Republicans!!
It was a sting all along. The trip to Niger was set up by Plame, the interviews with the Times, WaPo, Novak, et al. Everything set up to trap the administration into responding, which they could then say was an attack on his wife. It seems to have worked with the help of the MSM, who never fails to suggest Plame was 'outed' and was 'a spy' working on top secret stuff even though she drove through the front gate of Langley in clear view every day.
It just illustrates the depths of democrat hatred towards Bush.
Thank's for pointing all that out.
Your right the MSM never misses an opportunity to mislead the public, bash Bush, or fuel the fire of a story that alot of times backfires in thier faces. (Rathergate comes to mind).
Nancy Pelosi has already oulined the Democrat strategy should they take back control of the House, to tie up the remaining time left of Bush's Presidency in frivilous investigations, needless indictments, and impeachment. Which means nothing will get accomplished for the next 2 years should they regain control.
But nothing ever gets done when they are in control anyway so why should anyone be surprised.
If that is thier only plan for the future, God help us all.
Pelosi's party just wants power and prestige back, and will continue the 'gotcha' mentality by continually investigating Bush while pretending Bin Laden and the Mexican border incursion don't exist.
Actually, based on the border issue I'm pretty fed up with both parties right now.
Yep, Pelosi has her own agenda going on here. And the MSM is helping her. They have already been slipping calling her "Speaker of the House" and stuff.
If Pelosi does get to be Speaker of the House you can bet your bottom dollar Bin Hidin and The Border Control Issue will probably not even be mentioned by her.
She and her party want to go back to pre-9-11 and pretend this can all just go away. That's what scares the hell out of me about all of them.
I am pretty disgusted with both sides on the border issue also.
It's like neither side want's to touch it because alot of them are up for re-election this year and thier to scrared to lose the hispanic vote. Yet both sides are playing with our lives here.
On a personal note-
A couple of years ago, I took the US State Department's Foreign Service Officer test. I passed, but I was too broke to go to Chicago for the interview, so I dropped out of the selection process.
When I look at Ambassador Wilson, I have to think that he's pretty typical of career foreign service officers, and I would hate to be working for him in some God-forsaken hell-hole.
Funny how things work out, y'know?
Uncle P,
That's kind of a shame, I mean thinking of the money you could have been making, not that I know what you make now but I can just imagine what you might have.
But working under Joe Wilson at this particular or that particular time would have been Chaos!
Maybe things worked out for the best.
I think most of the time, they usually do.
But good for you, at least you know where you can always get a job.
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