Congresswoman Gwen Moore D-WI Son Sentenced In 04 Election Day Tire Slashing
Ever wonder what happened to those Moron's who slashed the tires of Republican "Get Out The Vote" Vehicles on Election Day 2004? And who they were tied to?
FOXNEWS Is Reporting:
Four Sentenced for Election Day Tire Slashing
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Wisc. Prosecutor: Dem Campaigners Slashed Tires in '04 Election
MILWAUKEE — A U.S. lawmaker's son and three Democratic campaign workers were sentenced Wednesday to four to six months in jail for slashing tires outside a Bush-Cheney campaign office on Election Day 2004.
The men pleaded no contest in January to misdemeanor property damage. A fifth worker was found not guilty.
"This case had to be a public example of what can happen when you interfere with voters' rights," said Milwaukee County Circuit Judge Michael Brennan, who rejected prosecutors' recommendation of probation for the four men.
The Wisconsin state Republican Party had rented more than 100 vehicles to give rides to voters and poll monitors on Nov. 2, 2004. The cars were parked outside a Republican campaign office when the tires were punctured. The vandalism left the drivers scrambling for new vehicles.
Among those sentenced Wednesday were Sowande A. Omokunde, the son of Democratic
..........Lawmaker Congresswoman Gwen Moore D-WI

and Michael Pratt, the son of former acting Milwaukee Mayor Marvin Pratt.
"I love my son very much. I'm very proud of him," Moore said. "He's accepted responsibility". Omokunde was sentenced to four months in jail; Pratt and Lewis Caldwell of Milwaukee were sentenced to six months; and Lavelle Mohammad of Milwaukee was sentenced to five months. All were granted work-release privileges.
Brennan also ordered them to pay a $1,000 fine each, in addition to the $5,317 in total restitution ordered earlier.
The four could have faced up to nine months in jail term and fines of $10,000.
Wisconsin's 10 electoral votes in the 2004 election ended up going to Democrat John Kerry.
Read Full Story Here
Well that explains alot. I knew it was a Democrat behind the tire slashings, but not a CongressWoman. Proving once again the Liberals will do ANYTHING to steal ANY election. Looks like the judge wanted to make an example of these kids. More corruption on the left!! Big Surprize!!
FOXNEWS Is Reporting:
Four Sentenced for Election Day Tire Slashing
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Wisc. Prosecutor: Dem Campaigners Slashed Tires in '04 Election
MILWAUKEE — A U.S. lawmaker's son and three Democratic campaign workers were sentenced Wednesday to four to six months in jail for slashing tires outside a Bush-Cheney campaign office on Election Day 2004.
The men pleaded no contest in January to misdemeanor property damage. A fifth worker was found not guilty.
"This case had to be a public example of what can happen when you interfere with voters' rights," said Milwaukee County Circuit Judge Michael Brennan, who rejected prosecutors' recommendation of probation for the four men.
The Wisconsin state Republican Party had rented more than 100 vehicles to give rides to voters and poll monitors on Nov. 2, 2004. The cars were parked outside a Republican campaign office when the tires were punctured. The vandalism left the drivers scrambling for new vehicles.
Among those sentenced Wednesday were Sowande A. Omokunde, the son of Democratic
..........Lawmaker Congresswoman Gwen Moore D-WI

and Michael Pratt, the son of former acting Milwaukee Mayor Marvin Pratt.
"I love my son very much. I'm very proud of him," Moore said. "He's accepted responsibility". Omokunde was sentenced to four months in jail; Pratt and Lewis Caldwell of Milwaukee were sentenced to six months; and Lavelle Mohammad of Milwaukee was sentenced to five months. All were granted work-release privileges.
Brennan also ordered them to pay a $1,000 fine each, in addition to the $5,317 in total restitution ordered earlier.
The four could have faced up to nine months in jail term and fines of $10,000.
Wisconsin's 10 electoral votes in the 2004 election ended up going to Democrat John Kerry.
Read Full Story Here
Well that explains alot. I knew it was a Democrat behind the tire slashings, but not a CongressWoman. Proving once again the Liberals will do ANYTHING to steal ANY election. Looks like the judge wanted to make an example of these kids. More corruption on the left!! Big Surprize!!
The only time I sported a pro-Bush bumpersticker on my car was the week leading up to Election 2004. After a few days of gloating post-Election, it came off. You might call it "giving in to terrorism", but I certainly don't need the headache of my car keyed or the tires slashed. In this instance, it's not worth it. I'll stand my ground elsewhere.
You must remember this incident!
What they are talking about in this story was on election day 2004, Republican vehicles consisting of vans, small buses, and other vehicles were suppose to pick up those that couldnt make it to the polls on thier own to vote. Elderly, disabled, etc..
Whether they were displaying Bush bumper stickers or not I have no clue, they may have been since they were from the Republican party to pick these people up.
But the Dems including the son of Congresswoman Gwen Moore D-WI knew where these vehicles were parked and what they were going to be used for and planned to slash thier tires so (In his and his friends stupid way of thinking) that would prevent them (The Disabled and Elderly etc..) from getting to the polls to vote. Well these people from the Republican party arranged other means of transportation to get them to the polls. They managed to get to the polls, and they managed to vote. And the 10 electoral votes went to Kerry anyway.
I never mentioned anything about taking off your Bush bumper sticker as "Giving In To Terrorism", I dont think I or the story mentioned anything about Bush Bummper stickers at all.
However, I can fully understand why you wouldnt want to keep a Bush bumper sticker on to this day since the election was almost 2 years ago.
I can also understand why you wouldnt want the headache of having your vehicle "Keyed" among other things that those ruthless individuals in the Liberal party and it's supporters may do to your vehicle.
But I dont think this post had anything to do with Bush Bumper stickers.
Marie, it's not surprising that there was a Congreffsperson's son involved. All the Democrats have left by way of supporters are the illegal immigrants (who are all out doing the jobs American's won't do), the felons (who are already in jail and don't get out much), and the dead (who, being dead, also don't get out much).
Apart from Ms. Moore's parenting skills, the incident raises the question of whether African-American members of Congreffs understand the American political system well enough to be full participants.
Uncle P,
That brings me back to a piece Ann Coulter wrote the day after election 04. One Last Flip Flop
And what all we had to endure from the left, alot of which I forget unless I look up her article.
We really put up with alot, and I'm glad to finally see a little justice out of this.
Here is just a part of Ann's take on the events like this one leading up to the election, and the rest is really a funny yet serious look at that whole bizzare mess, a good read:
Ann Coulter:
November 3, 2004
I guess John Kerry went into the primary without a plan to win the election.
The Democrats threw everything they had at this election. They ran a phony Vietnam War hero and a phony Southerner. They had middle-aged women executives at MTV hawking "Rock the Vote" to entice the most uninformed young people to vote for Kerry. They had Bruce Springsteen, Dave Matthews and New York Times darling Eminem. They had documentaries, books, the universities, Hollywood (and the French!) on their side.
They had liberal thugs ransacking Bush-Cheney headquarters, stealing Bush-Cheney signs and slashing the tires of Bush-Cheney get-out-the-vote vans on Election Day. In Colorado, they traded voter registrations for crack cocaine. In Ohio, they registered Mary Poppins and Dick Tracy. In South Carolina, Emily's List called Republican households and gave them incorrect information about the location of polling places.
The media campaigned heavily for Kerry with endless Abu Ghraib coverage, phony National Guard documents and, days before the election, false news reports that hundreds of tons of munitions had been looted in Iraq.
The Democrats' cheating never stopped. The big story of this election is the fraudulent exit polls on Election Day. Strange as it seems to me, it is well acknowledged that people are more likely to come out and vote for a winner. Early exit polls showing Kerry the clear winner could be expected to depress the vote for Bush.
Stunningly inaccurate exit polls released around noon on Election Day convinced news anchors, talking heads and even the campaigns that Kerry would win walking away. But at 9 p.m., when the first actual results began to come in, the election flipped to Bush. It was the first Kerry flip-flop that actually served the national interest.
The rest of her piece is up there ^^
It's amazing to think that had all that not occured what the tally of President Bush's vote total would have really been.
that whole story is a lie the only ones that registerd dead people was you republitards
You people are crazy.
You will never believe the truth, and you probably still think the Moon Landing was staged in some Hollyweird Studio!
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