Rummy Your Staying Right Where You Are
Apparently there have been a half dozen or so Retired Generals calling for Our Secretary Of Defense Resignation.
......Secretary Of Defense Donald Rumsfeld......

But Secretary Rumsfeld got backed up today from the person who matters the most his boss, President Bush
President Bush's statement on Friday in support of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld:
Earlier today I spoke with Don Rumsfeld about ongoing military operations in the Global War on Terror. I reiterated my strong support for his leadership during this historic and challenging time for our Nation.
The Department of Defense has been tasked with many difficult missions. Upon assuming office, I asked Don to transform the largest department in our government. That kind of change is hard, but our Nation must have a military that is fully prepared to confront the dangerous threats of the 21st century. Don and our military commanders have also been tasked to take the fight to the enemy abroad on multiple fronts.
I have seen first-hand how Don relies upon our military commanders in the field and at the Pentagon to make decisions about how best to complete these missions. Secretary Rumsfeld's energetic and steady leadership is exactly what is needed at this critical period. He has my full support and deepest appreciation.
George W. Bush
Rumsfeld Stays, Says Commander-In-Chief
Powerline: Those Griping Ex-Generals
I dont know what is really going on here but apparently these Ex-Generals, have been communicating through e-mail and the like. I find this absolutely crazy to get rid of your Secretary of Defense in the middle of a War!!!
......Secretary Of Defense Donald Rumsfeld......

But Secretary Rumsfeld got backed up today from the person who matters the most his boss, President Bush
President Bush's statement on Friday in support of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld:
Earlier today I spoke with Don Rumsfeld about ongoing military operations in the Global War on Terror. I reiterated my strong support for his leadership during this historic and challenging time for our Nation.
The Department of Defense has been tasked with many difficult missions. Upon assuming office, I asked Don to transform the largest department in our government. That kind of change is hard, but our Nation must have a military that is fully prepared to confront the dangerous threats of the 21st century. Don and our military commanders have also been tasked to take the fight to the enemy abroad on multiple fronts.
I have seen first-hand how Don relies upon our military commanders in the field and at the Pentagon to make decisions about how best to complete these missions. Secretary Rumsfeld's energetic and steady leadership is exactly what is needed at this critical period. He has my full support and deepest appreciation.
George W. Bush
Rumsfeld Stays, Says Commander-In-Chief
Powerline: Those Griping Ex-Generals
I dont know what is really going on here but apparently these Ex-Generals, have been communicating through e-mail and the like. I find this absolutely crazy to get rid of your Secretary of Defense in the middle of a War!!!
If it's not one thing, it's something else. I can't believe how much pounding this Administration takes every single week. If it's not one thing, it's another.
I'm sure they will weather this as well.
I know Word,
Everyday another attack. I know they will weather this too it's just they shouldnt have to.
Oh come on can you not be the least bit critical of such a poorly planned military operation? The left is not making this shit up. These are highly ranked Army veterans which served in Iraq on the ground. I think they may know a little more about the job he's doing than you or I. Perhaps your right though POOR POOR Rummy
purple jesus
Poorly planned Military Operation?
I wouldnt call 3 successful Iraqi elections, the Iraqi's forming thier own Government, and US and Coalition Soldiers standing in the background while the Iraqi's are being trained, and taking the fight to the enemy themselves for thier own Country a poorly planned Military Operation!
And these are Retired Generals, 2 of which were on the ground in Iraq and some that have been retired for years and some who were left over from the Clinton administration! Some are 2 and 3 Star Generals who are quite mad that Rumsfeld wanted cancellation of the Crusader artillery system. That we no longer need and would have cost us something like 80 million dollars. (I could be wrong about the money figure). Rumsfeld was instructed to do a job, to make the Military (All branches) a lighter, leaner, Military force with lighter moving capability, and more Special Forces in order to combat "Today's" war on terrorism. In the long run it would save everyone money and the Military would be able to get to where they need to go faster, and have the capability to operate and take care of business more accurately with fewer troops on the ground. I know you dont like to hear this but "A leaner meaner fighting machine". I would pay more attention to Retired Generals like Tommy Franks, Paul Vallely, and several others that are coming out in support of Rummy. Who have no political agenda.
When Rumsfeld was Secretary of Defense under Nixon/Ford he wanted to put this big gun on top of this big tank and have mobile firing capability, Generals and other Officers got mad at him then also, some moaned and whined, and you know what? That Tank was the A1H1 Abrams, and the gun was the Howitzer, and that vehicle is still in use today!!
I think I may have found the perfect job for you. It seems that little Scotty McClellan got tired of trying to polish Bush turd's but you seem to have perfected making everything come up smelling of roses no matter how big the pile of shit.
Rumsfeld sucks, not enough troops, not enough body armor and no plan for success. Their lucky it isn't any worse than it actually is.
But of course it is all going great right?
Sad the next president will have to clean up this mess. Hopefully it's a Democrat so that you have somebody to blame.
Your going to blow a vein or something.
It's no secret "Little Scotty" was moving on.
I mean C'mon, who wants to have to deal with Helen Thomas every day? There is only so much of that woman any Press Secretary could stomach.
Rummy is a very good Sec. Def. I just hope the person who replaces "Little Scotty" can handle the media the way Rummy can.
It's almost as if you guys have to be drawn a picture of what's going on constantly. Are you not understanding the plan? Is there another way to explain it to you that we are missing? The plan is and always has been to train the Iraqi Military so THEY can handle defending thier OWN Country so WE can get the heck out of there.
How can you honestly think sending in more troops that arent necessary is a plan?
You are such a "Glass half empty" kind of person. If you cant destroy the troop morale, and say they have accomplished nothing at every corner you just arent happy are you?
I shudder to think what the troops are thinking about all this crap going on back home. They have enough to deal with and this sure isnt helping them one iota.
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