These People Are Pissing Me Off
If someone doesnt do something DRASTIC about these people soon, I dont know what will happen. I made a post about this previously in March, and since then the situation has gotten way worse. These people are NOT Christians. They go around to Military Funerals, hound the families of the fallen, hold up signs to the families saying things like "Thank God For IED's", and this kind of crap to where a Biker Group has formed "The Patriot Guard Riders" and stands Guard at Military Funerals. These people MUST be stopped! They are UNHINGED!!
Westboro Baptist Church Freaks

Patriot Guard Riders

Westboro Baptist Church FREAKS Website
Anti-Gay Church Hounds Military Funerals
Patriot Guard Riders
Audio of these FREAKS on Hannity, Courtesy: Expose The Left
Video Of these FREAKS on Hannity and Colmbs Courtesy: Expose The Left
I know one thing, If I EVER have to attend a Military Funeral or See you FREAKS in Oklahoma at a Military Funeral, I will be forced to do something that will Deffinately Involve The Police!!
Westboro Baptist Church Freaks

Patriot Guard Riders

Westboro Baptist Church FREAKS Website
Anti-Gay Church Hounds Military Funerals
Patriot Guard Riders
Audio of these FREAKS on Hannity, Courtesy: Expose The Left
Video Of these FREAKS on Hannity and Colmbs Courtesy: Expose The Left
I know one thing, If I EVER have to attend a Military Funeral or See you FREAKS in Oklahoma at a Military Funeral, I will be forced to do something that will Deffinately Involve The Police!!
I saw that witch on Hannity and Colmes. What a nutjob.
Roper is an anti-American a** hole.
Who in there right mind would pay any attention to her. Even everyone's favorite liberal, the Carville look alike, ALAN COLMES got on her case and told her she was disgrace. Doctor Dino would probably give her a job at The DNC.
Yah, Marie. They tend to bring out that response in people, which is one of the ways they stay in business.
The other ways include having supporters in law enforcement (one of them worked at the High Sheriff's office up until a few years ago, another is an assistant warden at the US Penitentiary in Leavenworth, and a former police chief issued a formal, but subsequently denied, order not to arrest the Westboro Baptists under any circumstances), having a sock puppet on the federal bench (one judge in particular would routinely throw out complaints against the group, until he realized that everybody knew what he was doing and why), support among our local politicians (one of our former county treasurers, a county commissioner and the current mayor of our town are generally agreed to have been in cahoots with him in the past).
There is also a general belief in our town that, if anyone else paraded the same behavior, our corrupt and brutal police department would not hesitate to use extrajudicial means to put a stop to it.
All of which means, that extrajudicial means are the only kind that will work against the Westboro Baptists, but if they are to be employed, it will have to be by people from out of town.
Happy motoring...
Not surprisingly, Fred Phelps is a registered Democrat, and has even run for Governor of Kansas in the Democratic primary more than once.
Of course the Mainstream Press is strangely silent on this point.
Sounds like the American version of the Taliban.
Actually, A.C., the Taliban were more polite and generally better dressed.
Happy motoring...
Ha! Yep Nutjob pretty much covers her. And the whole bunch of them.
I am amazed Alan Colmbs got onto her the way he did also.
That would be perfect if they gave her a job at the DNC, show thier true colors and all.
Uncle P,
The more I find out about these people, the more pissed I am getting. Protesting at Bethesda, where our wounded troops are and protesting at ANY Military Funeral should NOT be allowed period. Those places are SACRED. They can find somewhere else to protest I'm sure.
As you point out the corruption that is letting them get away with this nonsense should be halted. Audited? Looked into Federaly?
Extrajudicial definately! But joining up with the Patriot Guard Riders is a very good idea for the moment until someone does something about this crap. Like I said, If I see them at a Military Funeral Service in Oklahoma, I am going to stop my car and join in with the Patriot Guard Riders. Thank God for those guys!!
Not only is Phelps a registered Democrat but alot of pictures are surfacing all over the internet of Phelps pictured with Al Gore! And as I understand it, Phelps had donated alot of money to Gore's failed Presidential bid in 2000.
Of course the MSM isnt going to report on them very much as most lean far left.
Exactly. That's what they remind me of, that or a Jim Jones cult kind of freaky thing!
Lmao Uncle P...
The other difference between the Westboro Baptists and the Taliban, Marie, is that the Taliban don't cut and run when they get pelted by rocks and bottles, as the Westboro Baptists did a few years back when they took their message to San Francisco.
Happy motoring...
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