Teddy Kennedy Attends Illegal/Legal Immigration Rally
Today, Senator Teddy Kennedy stagered over to join 200,000 inebriated people for a rally supporting his plan for comprehensive immigration reform that he and Sen. John McCain R-AZ wrote when they had a few shot's of Jack Daniels. Demonstrations took place across the country tequila was amidst all around, in 65 cities, for the “National Day of Action for Immigrant Justice”. Last week, comprehensive immigration legislation spearheaded by Senators Kennedy and McCain fell short of the votes needed to move forward. No one seemed to like the plan, Congress claimed it was invented by two inebriated people. Leaders in the labor, business and religious community came together in an unprecedented way and were quoted as saying: "We arent sure if they were drinking but we think they may have been very high to have come up with an idea like that. Senator Kennedy has vowed to continue his fight for tough, fair legislation that deals with our prohabition laws and economic challenges so that everyone can afford a bottle of bourbon in a way that is consistent with our values and the American Dream as long as no one ever goes after him for the murder of Mary Jo Kopechne.

For More Of Teddy:(Enter at your own risk, and deffinately bring your snorkle)
Hold The Presses:
Rush Limbaugh has another view of this Lunatic:
RUSH: Let's go to yesterday, the immigration rally in Washington at the National Mall. This is a portion of Senator Kennedy's remarks. He had his translator out there. He looks out over the masses, the huddles, suffering, starving, thirsting masses, and he tells them he sees the future of America. The funny thing about this is that he's got this translator out there. He pauses every sentence and the translator translates it, and then near the end of his remarks here he says something and encourages the assembled masses to repeat what he says, and they don't even wait for the translator to repeat it, because most of them speak English! Here's the bit.
SEÑOR SWIMMER: Let me ah-sk you some questions. Are you ready? (cheering) Are you ready? (cheering)
RUSH: Stop the tape. Do you hear the translator asking them if they are ready in Spanish? No! They're not Spanish. They're not Spanish-speaking. They may be bilingual, but these are not the people that you have been led to believe they are, ladies and gentlemen.
SEÑOR SWIMMER: Do you have a good job?
CROWD: Noooo!
TRANSLATOR: Trabajo...
RUSH: Stop the tape. Stop the tape. Stop. You hear this? I want to play it again. Cue this back to the beginning, Mike, because he asked them, "Do you have a good job?" They say "no" before the translator even translates this! So you see what this is? Okay, listen to this. Now that you know what's happened, listen for the crowd to respond before the translator responds to what Senator Kennedy is saying.
SEÑOR SWIMMER: Let me ask you some questions. Are you ready? (Cheering) Are you ready? (Cheering) Do you have a good job? (Noooo!) Do you love your family? (Yeeees!)
TRANSLATOR: (Do you love your family?)
SEÑOR SWIMMER: Do you love your community? (Yeeees!)
TRANSLATOR: (Do you love your community?)
SEÑOR SWIMMER: Do you love America?
CROWD: Yeeees!
TRANSLATOR: (Do you love America?)
CROWD: Yeeees!
RUSH: All right. So I'll tell you what, they've all -- well, no. I think they don't have good jobs. It's hard to tell. I mean, they answered the questions the way Senator Kennedy wanted them answered. I mean he says, "Do you have a good job?" they were shouting "no." Of course they must not have jobs, period. What are they doing there in such numbers? "Siiiii!" (Laughing.) It's too bad, you know, that this translator wasn't there when Senator Kennedy was making the speech at the Clinton rally. See if we can get that. I don't see it on the sound bite list here. See if we can get that, because if he'd have had a translator, we might today understand what it was Senator Kennedy was saying when he was introducing Bill Clinton at a rally.
For more of Rush's Hillarious article:
Rush Limbaugh.com
For the Video Of Teddy Kennedy's RantExposeTheLeft.com
I wasnt going to get into this Immigration issue yet, but this was just to funny to pass up. Do you think Teddy Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, and Chuckie Schumer have a clue that they just alienated the black voters of this country? They have now put the Hispanic Voters on a pedestal above the black community. Teddy and others in his ilk, Hillary, Chuckie, etc.. used the theme "We Have A Dream too", very familiar sounding to Martin Luther king Jr.'s Theme "I Have A Dream", which apparently has ticked off the black community according to a Reverend that was on Hannity and Colmbs lastnight. Maybe we should just sit back and watch the Democrats implode! It is quite hillarious, sad but hillarious at the same time. President Bush's Guest Worker plan sounds better and better every day. I mean if our forefathers came here legally, or waited in line to become legal, why cant the Hispanic people do the same thing? And after 9-11, shouldnt we be exremely cautious as to whom is entering OUR Country from either border?

For More Of Teddy:(Enter at your own risk, and deffinately bring your snorkle)
Hold The Presses:
Rush Limbaugh has another view of this Lunatic:
RUSH: Let's go to yesterday, the immigration rally in Washington at the National Mall. This is a portion of Senator Kennedy's remarks. He had his translator out there. He looks out over the masses, the huddles, suffering, starving, thirsting masses, and he tells them he sees the future of America. The funny thing about this is that he's got this translator out there. He pauses every sentence and the translator translates it, and then near the end of his remarks here he says something and encourages the assembled masses to repeat what he says, and they don't even wait for the translator to repeat it, because most of them speak English! Here's the bit.
SEÑOR SWIMMER: Let me ah-sk you some questions. Are you ready? (cheering) Are you ready? (cheering)
RUSH: Stop the tape. Do you hear the translator asking them if they are ready in Spanish? No! They're not Spanish. They're not Spanish-speaking. They may be bilingual, but these are not the people that you have been led to believe they are, ladies and gentlemen.
SEÑOR SWIMMER: Do you have a good job?
CROWD: Noooo!
TRANSLATOR: Trabajo...
RUSH: Stop the tape. Stop the tape. Stop. You hear this? I want to play it again. Cue this back to the beginning, Mike, because he asked them, "Do you have a good job?" They say "no" before the translator even translates this! So you see what this is? Okay, listen to this. Now that you know what's happened, listen for the crowd to respond before the translator responds to what Senator Kennedy is saying.
SEÑOR SWIMMER: Let me ask you some questions. Are you ready? (Cheering) Are you ready? (Cheering) Do you have a good job? (Noooo!) Do you love your family? (Yeeees!)
TRANSLATOR: (Do you love your family?)
SEÑOR SWIMMER: Do you love your community? (Yeeees!)
TRANSLATOR: (Do you love your community?)
SEÑOR SWIMMER: Do you love America?
CROWD: Yeeees!
TRANSLATOR: (Do you love America?)
CROWD: Yeeees!
RUSH: All right. So I'll tell you what, they've all -- well, no. I think they don't have good jobs. It's hard to tell. I mean, they answered the questions the way Senator Kennedy wanted them answered. I mean he says, "Do you have a good job?" they were shouting "no." Of course they must not have jobs, period. What are they doing there in such numbers? "Siiiii!" (Laughing.) It's too bad, you know, that this translator wasn't there when Senator Kennedy was making the speech at the Clinton rally. See if we can get that. I don't see it on the sound bite list here. See if we can get that, because if he'd have had a translator, we might today understand what it was Senator Kennedy was saying when he was introducing Bill Clinton at a rally.
For more of Rush's Hillarious article:
Rush Limbaugh.com
For the Video Of Teddy Kennedy's RantExposeTheLeft.com
I wasnt going to get into this Immigration issue yet, but this was just to funny to pass up. Do you think Teddy Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, and Chuckie Schumer have a clue that they just alienated the black voters of this country? They have now put the Hispanic Voters on a pedestal above the black community. Teddy and others in his ilk, Hillary, Chuckie, etc.. used the theme "We Have A Dream too", very familiar sounding to Martin Luther king Jr.'s Theme "I Have A Dream", which apparently has ticked off the black community according to a Reverend that was on Hannity and Colmbs lastnight. Maybe we should just sit back and watch the Democrats implode! It is quite hillarious, sad but hillarious at the same time. President Bush's Guest Worker plan sounds better and better every day. I mean if our forefathers came here legally, or waited in line to become legal, why cant the Hispanic people do the same thing? And after 9-11, shouldnt we be exremely cautious as to whom is entering OUR Country from either border?
Whenever I get bummed out by the news, I go to my political happy place: a world where there are no Kennedys.
It's my version of immantizing the eschaton.
Happy motoring...
Marie there is one sane person in Mass, its the governor he signed a health care bill today you would be impressed with
Uncle P,
I never knew there was a Political happy place free of Kennedy's.
It sounds like a good idea, but I would like to know a little more about it. I will check that out. Thank's
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