Democrat Woman Pleads Guilty To Stealing Steele's Credit Report
Woman pleads guilty in Steele credit report case
Former Democratic staffer avoids jail time for computer fraud
Originally published March 24, 2006, 3:59 PM EST
WASHINGTON // A former Democratic staffer Who worked for Sen-Chuck Schumer D-NY pleaded guilty today to computer fraud for snooping on Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele.
Under the plea agreement in U.S. District Court, Lauren B. Weiner, 25, avoids jail time, but she has a year to do 150 hours of community service.

-- a Republican running for U.S. Senate -- was notified by Democrats in Washington that a staffer used Steele's Social Security number to obtain his credit report last year. Weiner was fired from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee after the breach was discovered.
Democrats say Steele's credit information was promptly destroyed, but Steele's lawyer, E. Mark Braden, says he wants to know more about why Democrats tapped into Steele's personal financial records.
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Yeah I would like to know more myself, and who else's information the Democrats have stolen. The corruption on the left never stops.
Former Democratic staffer avoids jail time for computer fraud
Originally published March 24, 2006, 3:59 PM EST
WASHINGTON // A former Democratic staffer Who worked for Sen-Chuck Schumer D-NY pleaded guilty today to computer fraud for snooping on Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele.
Under the plea agreement in U.S. District Court, Lauren B. Weiner, 25, avoids jail time, but she has a year to do 150 hours of community service.

-- a Republican running for U.S. Senate -- was notified by Democrats in Washington that a staffer used Steele's Social Security number to obtain his credit report last year. Weiner was fired from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee after the breach was discovered.
Democrats say Steele's credit information was promptly destroyed, but Steele's lawyer, E. Mark Braden, says he wants to know more about why Democrats tapped into Steele's personal financial records.
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Yeah I would like to know more myself, and who else's information the Democrats have stolen. The corruption on the left never stops.
Here's more to the story: She was on Senator Chuckie Shumer's staff. I believe he ordered this intrusion because he fears that a black Republican might become a senator. He is an offense to America. He should be recalled or impeached or whatever.
Censure Schumer Mark?
How I would Love to Censure all the Liberal Senator's starting with Teddy!
Naw, censure is only telling him "shame on you". It means nothing. He needs to lose his job.
I say we make him go and live with Hillary Clinton. In Cuba.
The corruption on the left never stops.
Oh, please, you're killing me here. Best laugh I've had in weeks.
Tom DeLay--Republican, indicted on criminal charges
Bill Frist--Republican, Senator from Tenn., under investigation by the DoJ AND the SEC
Karl Rove--Republican, Bush's chief advisor, under investigation by a special prosecutor
"Scooter" Libby--Republican, Cheney's top aide and advisor, criminally indicted by a grand jury
Jack Abramoff--Republican lobbyist, power broker, and good friend of Tom Delay, pleads guilty to 3 felony charges.
Michael Scanlon, Republican and former aide to Tom Delay and one-time partner of Jack Abramoff, pleaded guilty to a federal conspiracy charge
Randy "Duke" Cunningham-- Republican Congressman, resigns in disgrace after admitting to
taking bribes
Bob Ney, Republican Congressman from Ohio, gives up his chairmanship after he was implicated in the scandal surrounding lobbyist Jack Abramoff, who pleaded guilty to corruption charges January 3.
David Savafian--Republican, Head of Office of Budget and Management and former WH aide, arrested and indicted
Claude Allen--Republican, Bush's chief of domestic policy, resigns, caught scamming Target stores and admitted that he was committing fraudulent returns.
Armstrong Williams--Republican, admits to taking $250,000 to promote White House agenda in his "news" column.
Project much?
I know what's good for the Goose and all but since they want to do that to our President, most of the Liberals need to be taight a lesson also. Shame on the Liberal Corruption
Good idea Uncle P, now how do we get Hillary to move?
Please there is so much corruption the Liberals have gotten themselves into over the years it's insane.
Laura Weiner- A Chuck Schumer/D-NY Staffer Pleaded Guilty to Computer Fraud for stealing Michael Steele's Credit Report
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Hillary Clinton/D-NY Is still under investigation for For Illegal Fund Raising and Fraud
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And when the Barrett Report comes out (If Hillary manages not to sweep that one under the carpet until the 06 election)The Barrett Report will sink Hillary's career
Barrett Report/Read Full Story Here
John Conyers/D-Mich Violated House Ethic's Rules and is still under investigation, and this nutjob want's to Impeach the President?
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Nancy Pelosi/D-Cal Nancy Pelosi's PAC Broke The Law another one on Campaign Finance Fraud
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Harry Reid/D-NevHarry Reid Aided Abramoff Clients, Records Show
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Not to mention not only did Reid take money from Abromoff He refuses to Give it back!!
Al Gore/ Democrat Former Vice President, His TV Station is already facing 2 lawsuits
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Barbara Boxer/D-Cal Fraud Tainted law firm #1 source of Law Biz contributions to Barbara Boxer's 2004 re-election campaign
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Other Contributions made to:
Barbara Boxer is only the 6th largest recipient others include:
1 $50,750 Schumer, Charles E
2 $50,000 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte
3 $41,900 Kerry, John
4 $37,500 DNC Services Corp
5 $32,250 Edwards, John
6 $31,500 Boxer, Barbara
7 $28,315 Democratic Congressional Campaign Cmte (plus #10?)
8 $26,000 Nelson, Bill
9 $20,400 Blue, Daniel Jr
10 $20,000 DCCC/Non-Federal Account 5 (same as #7?)
11 $20,000 Democratic Executive Cmte of Florida
12 $17,500 Gephardt, Richard A
13 $15,250 Feingold, Russell D
14 $15,000 Biden, Joseph R Jr
15 $14,999 New Jersey Democratic State Cmte
Full Story Here
I mean the list is endless Claudia, at least the Republican's Police themselves and step aside while an investigation insues, I havent seen one Democrat do that yet. Oh and that's not even mentioning all the antic's of the former administration that little Impeachment thing that Bill Clinton had going on, and Previously, Ted Kennedy never getting convicted because his daddy bought his way out of even going to trial over the Mary Jo Kopechne murder, Robert Byrd and his ties to the KKK,etc.. So Please Claudia corruption has run rampant on the Liberal side for ever. So dont hand me that crap.
marie said:
I mean the list is endless Claudia, at least the Republican's Police themselves and step aside while an investigation insues,
Huh? Rove? Frist? The others didn't, ah, step aside, they were arrested.
I havent seen one Democrat do that yet. Oh and that's not even mentioning all the antic's of the former administration that little Impeachment thing that Bill Clinton had going on,
Clinton was impeached, and the Senate did not convict.
and Previously, Ted Kennedy never getting convicted because his daddy bought his way out of even going to trial over the Mary Jo Kopechne murder,
You guys really need to get help for your Teddy obsession.
Ted's father was incapacitated with a stroke when that happened. All he could do was drool. And wasn't George Bush a fortunate son to have his Daddy, as head of the CIA, make sure none of his AWOL TANG records came to light.
Robert Byrd and his ties to the KKK,etc..
Well, if you all can forgive George for his days of drunkeness and cocaine sniffing, I guess you should extend your forgiveness to Byrd, who, IIRC, was long gone from the Klan when he ran for Senator.
And BTW: Almost everyone in the South who was anyone was a proud member of the Klan at that time in our history.
So Please Claudia corruption has run rampant on the Liberal side for ever. So dont hand me that crap.
But the Republican corruption reaches all the way into the White House--just like in Clinton's era!!!!!!
Delay did step aside as House Majority Whip while Ronnie Earle is busy with his attempt to prove his frivilous allegations and crazy indictment that is proving to be one of the most useless waste's of taxpayer's time and money there has been in a long time.
I did mispeak however I should have said (Almost) all Republican's step aside, while it's impossible for those that are still serving along side the President to do so while serving in the Administration.
And last I heard Rove and Frist havent been arrested for anything.
Your right Clinton wasnt convicted although he should have been but he was Impeached.
And Teddy's daddy's money is what got Teddy off no matter who spent it. Teddy should have went to jail like his nephew did for slautering Martha Moxley.
And President Bush DID serve his Country proudly in the Air National Guard, just because he wasnt called up for "Deployment" to Viet Nam doesnt mean he didnt serve and he was NEVER AWOL. You dont have anyone in the Military do you? It's a fact "If you dont show up you dont get paid" President Bush layed out his paystubs for the Country to see just before the 04 election and signed his 180 form. Where is Kerry's? We still have yet to see that!
President Bush's Coke and Drunkeness lol, ok like Clinton "Didnt Inhale" Give me a break!
And how do we know any of Byrd's decisions over the years didnt come FROM his day's as a KKK leader?
When all is said and done these allegations and criminal investigations supported by the Liberal Lunatics against the Republican's will be just another fruitless waste of taxpayer time and money, and I for one hate paying for this crap.
Face it, your party is comprised of War Criminals, X-KKK members, Murderer's, and continuous ongoing corruption!
Claudia. It has recently come to light that Abramoff didn't name Delay when he enumerated all the people he gave money to. In fact, out of all the Senators and congressmen he did give money to, Delay was the only name missing. remember, for a guilty plea to be accepted, he has to come completely clean. Therefore, Delay is NOT guilty of anything!
Too bad you can't say the same for the Democrats.
Claudia, here's another example of Law abiding Democrats:
A federal appeals court ruled today that Rep. Jim McDermott, D-Wash., violated federal law by turning over an illegally taped telephone call to reporters nearly a decade ago.
In a 2-1 opinion, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled that McDermott violated the rights of House Majority Leader John Boehner, who was heard on the 1996 call involving former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.
McDermott leaked a tape of a 1996 cell phone call involving former House Speaker Newt Gingrich to The New York Times and other news organizations.
And BTW: Almost everyone in the South who was anyone was a proud member of the Klan at that time in our history.
What did you mean by that?
You think the KKK was some great organization or something?
A Proud member?
Please tell me you are NOT one of those skin head people or something!
No, Marie, I am not a skinhead. I was referring to the fact that during a very nasty time in US history, many white Christian southerners and midwesterners were proud to belong to the KKKlan.
President U.S. Grant signed a bill that outlawed the Klan, but it gained popularity again in the 1900s.
The second Ku Klux Klan rose to great prominence and spread from the South into the Midwest region and Northern states and even into Canada.
At its peak, Klan membership exceeded 4 million and comprised 20% of the adult white male population in many broad geographic regions, as high as 40% in some areas. Most of the membership resided in Midwestern states.
Through sympathetic elected officials, the KKK controlled the governments of Tennessee, Indiana, Oklahoma, and Oregon in addition to some of the Southern legislatures. Klan influence was particularly strong in Indiana, where Republican Klansman Edward Jackson was elected governor in 1924, and the entire apparatus of state government was riddled with Klansmen.
A number of highly notable political figures in the U.S. and Canada joined the Klan or flirted with membership. The list includes two Supreme Court justices and, according to evidence which is in some cases contested, possibly two presidents.
You sure seem to know an awful lot about the KKK!
Your beginning to worry me.
Don't worry about me, Marie. I just like learning and knowing our country's history, good and bad.
Knowledge is power.
Well yeah but that's alot of knowledge about the KKK !@#$#@!
Um, Marie? I hate to disagree with you about this, but the vile Teddy Kennedy shouldn't be in jail for the Chappaquiddick incident. He should be in jail for being a Kennedy. Along with the rest of his unspeakably depraved, social parasite relatives.
Hapy motoring...
Well I agree Uncle P,
There is NO family I think should have a real good looking into and alot of jail time dished out to a Huge amount of people with the Kennedy last name!!
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