Chuck Schumer Owes Michael Steele An Apology
I was watching part of Hannity and Colmbs tonight and I saw the same poor guy
Lt. Gov. Michael Steele R-MD

and I had seen him on there before so I start thinking, what happened to him this time? This man has been attacked by his own people, he has been called an Oreo, Uncle Tom, Simple Sambo, Token, and now his credit report has been stolen by none other than a researcher that worked for
Sen. Charles Schumer D-NY

This is an old story but one that deserves a bit more attention.
Stealing Steele's Credit Report: How Safe Is Yours?
Two researchers working for Charles Schumer at the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, (DSCC), used the social security number of Maryland Lieutenant Governor Michael Steele, an undeclared senatorial candidate, to illegally obtain his personal credit report last July. The researchers, Katie Barge and Lauren Weiner, reported their actions at the time and were suspended with pay until they resigned this month. Both are under federal investigation. Since they received paid suspensions rather than being fired, it does not appear that their employer took this violation of privacy very seriously.
Feds Investigate Dems' Obtaining Steele's Credit Report
Silence Says A Thousand Words
By Refusing To Condemn Insensitive Racial Attacks Against Lt. Governor Michael Steele, DNC Chairman Howard Dean Follows The Lead Set By DSCC Chairman Senator Charles Schumer – Apologize For Nothing
Howard Dean And Senator Schumer Remain Mum On Racially Tinged Attacks And The DSCC’s Illegal Obtaining Of Lt. Governor Michael Steele’s Credit Report – Dismissing The Incidents Instead Of Decrying Them.
Steele Is Still Waiting For An Apology After The DSCC Linked To The Offensive Blog Portraying Him In Minstrel Makeup. “Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele, a Republican trying to become the state’s first African-American senator, is demanding an apology from Sen. Charles Schumer - over an Internet link to a blog that includes racially based attacks on Steele. The blog, run by Steve Gilliard, who is himself black, portrays Steele in minstrel blackface and calls him ‘Simple Sambo.’” (Deborah Orin, “Chuck ‘Sorry’ Sought Over ‘Sambo’ Slur,” The New York Post, November 4, 2005)
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Cal Thomas wrote a good piece praising Steele calling him "Man Of Steele"-
What would you call a man born into poverty who became a success in spite of many obstacles? You'd probably call him an inspiration and invite him to speak at your next business convention.
Suppose that man from humble roots is African American? He might be a keynote speaker at the next NAACP gathering, or the 2008 Democratic National Convention.
Except that this man is not a Democrat. He's a Republican and a conservative. What would you call him now - an "Oreo," an "Uncle Tom," a "token"?
Cal then goes on to rip those that have tried to tear this man's career apart
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This whole thing sounds strikingly familiar, like a few months before the Presidential Election/2004 Sandy Berger got caught stealing classified documents out of the Government Archives and stuffed them down his underwear and crap. Now this man is constantly picked on and he is just trying to run for Senator in 06. But... He's a Republican. This just keeps proving my point that the Liberals will step on ANYBODY that get's in thier way to regain House and Senate seats. Even if it's the same people they claim to embrace! Can we expect to see slashed tires on the Republican "Get Out The Vote" Vans again? You owe this man an apology Chuck Schumer. And all the rest that racially slur this man!
Lt. Gov. Michael Steele R-MD

and I had seen him on there before so I start thinking, what happened to him this time? This man has been attacked by his own people, he has been called an Oreo, Uncle Tom, Simple Sambo, Token, and now his credit report has been stolen by none other than a researcher that worked for
Sen. Charles Schumer D-NY

This is an old story but one that deserves a bit more attention.
Stealing Steele's Credit Report: How Safe Is Yours?
Two researchers working for Charles Schumer at the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, (DSCC), used the social security number of Maryland Lieutenant Governor Michael Steele, an undeclared senatorial candidate, to illegally obtain his personal credit report last July. The researchers, Katie Barge and Lauren Weiner, reported their actions at the time and were suspended with pay until they resigned this month. Both are under federal investigation. Since they received paid suspensions rather than being fired, it does not appear that their employer took this violation of privacy very seriously.
Feds Investigate Dems' Obtaining Steele's Credit Report
Silence Says A Thousand Words
By Refusing To Condemn Insensitive Racial Attacks Against Lt. Governor Michael Steele, DNC Chairman Howard Dean Follows The Lead Set By DSCC Chairman Senator Charles Schumer – Apologize For Nothing
Howard Dean And Senator Schumer Remain Mum On Racially Tinged Attacks And The DSCC’s Illegal Obtaining Of Lt. Governor Michael Steele’s Credit Report – Dismissing The Incidents Instead Of Decrying Them.
Steele Is Still Waiting For An Apology After The DSCC Linked To The Offensive Blog Portraying Him In Minstrel Makeup. “Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele, a Republican trying to become the state’s first African-American senator, is demanding an apology from Sen. Charles Schumer - over an Internet link to a blog that includes racially based attacks on Steele. The blog, run by Steve Gilliard, who is himself black, portrays Steele in minstrel blackface and calls him ‘Simple Sambo.’” (Deborah Orin, “Chuck ‘Sorry’ Sought Over ‘Sambo’ Slur,” The New York Post, November 4, 2005)
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Cal Thomas wrote a good piece praising Steele calling him "Man Of Steele"-
What would you call a man born into poverty who became a success in spite of many obstacles? You'd probably call him an inspiration and invite him to speak at your next business convention.
Suppose that man from humble roots is African American? He might be a keynote speaker at the next NAACP gathering, or the 2008 Democratic National Convention.
Except that this man is not a Democrat. He's a Republican and a conservative. What would you call him now - an "Oreo," an "Uncle Tom," a "token"?
Cal then goes on to rip those that have tried to tear this man's career apart
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This whole thing sounds strikingly familiar, like a few months before the Presidential Election/2004 Sandy Berger got caught stealing classified documents out of the Government Archives and stuffed them down his underwear and crap. Now this man is constantly picked on and he is just trying to run for Senator in 06. But... He's a Republican. This just keeps proving my point that the Liberals will step on ANYBODY that get's in thier way to regain House and Senate seats. Even if it's the same people they claim to embrace! Can we expect to see slashed tires on the Republican "Get Out The Vote" Vans again? You owe this man an apology Chuck Schumer. And all the rest that racially slur this man!
I heard something about this man a time back, they are picking on him because he is black. Thats a switch i thought the democrats claim they are the party for the balck people. But it was a republican Abraham Lincoln who freed the black people.
What they are doing to this man is terrible.
So, Chuck Schumer's people hijacked a credit report on the Lieutenant Governor of Maryland. Big deal.
Bush's poll numbers are in the toilet. He's going DOWN! Ha-ha-ha-ha!!!!
Just thought I'd save the Lefties the trouble.
Happy motoring...
How soon the Liberals forget ALL thier scandals, actually they dont forget them they just try to bury them. Then go on a tiraid against this President In Wartime, and any Republican they can get even if they havent been convicted of a damn thing.
You forgot Teddy and Mary Jo, never forget that!
But to go after this man, and the names the so-called "Party of the black people" are calling him, and Schumer wont apologise, and Dean is screaming, this is absurd.
You said it Gayle!
Yes let it be known a REPUBLICAN freed the black people and the Democrats somehow are now the party of the black people.
With the exception of people like Michael Steele, Condi Rice, Colin Powell, etc.. And the Liberals actually get them thinking taking thier tax money, and (Lets go back to pre-9-11) is the way to stay safe in this Country. Oh and let's steal Steele's Credit report just for good measure! Schumer, Kennedy, Reid, Pelosi, Boxer, Biden, and that ilk must be the way to go as far as some think.
Liberal Lunatics.
Lmao Uncle P,
You read thier minds very well!
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