Democrats Vow Not To Give Up Useless Persuit Of Congress
Democrats Vow Not To Give Up Hopelessness
WASHINGTON, DC—In a press conference on the steps of the Capitol Monday, Congressional Democrats announced that, despite the scandals plaguing the Democrat Party and widespread calls for change in Congress, their party will remain true to its hopeless direction.
"We are entirely capable of bungling this opportunity to regain control of the House and Senate and the trust of the American people," Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said to scattered applause. "It will take some doing, but we're in this for the long and pointless haul."
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi reaffirms the Democratic Party’s promise to remain without a plan.

"We can still lose this," Reid added. "All it takes is a little lack of backbone."
"In times like these, when the American public is palpably dismayed with the political status quo, it is crucial that Democrats remain unfocused and defer to the larger, smarter, and better-equipped Republican machine," House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said. "If we play our cards right, we will be intimidated to the point of total paralysis."
Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-CT) cited the State and Local levels bungled response to Hurricane Katrina as a model for Democrats.
" Lieberman said. "I'm here to promise that we Democrats will find a way to let you down again like that."
According to Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA), Democrats are not willing to sacrifice their core values—indecision, incoherence, and disorganization—for the sake of short-term electoral gain.
"Don't lose faithlessness, Democrats," Kennedy said as he put his flask back in his jacket. "The next election is ours to lose. To those who say we can't, I say: Remember Michael Dukakis. Remember Al Gore. Remember John Kerry."
Kennedy said that, even if the Democrats were to regain the upper hand in the midterm elections, they would still need to agree on a platform and chart a legislative agenda—an obstacle he called "unacheivable."
"Universal health care, the war in Iraq, civil liberties, a living wage, gun control—we're not even close to contiousness within our own ranks," Kennedy said. "And even if we were, we wouldn't know how to implement that state of contiousness." As he took the flask back out of his jacket.
Democratic Party faithful cheer on their leaders’ resolutely defeatist agenda.

"Some rising stars with leadership potential like [Sen. Barack] Obama (D-IL) and [New York State Attorney General Eliot] Spitzer have emerged, but don't worry: We've still got some infight left in us," Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean screamed. "Over the last decade, we've found a reliably losing formula, and we're sticking with it."
Dean reminded Democratic candidates to "stay on our unclear message, maintain a defensive, reactive posture, and keep an elitist distance from voters."
Political consultant and Democratic operative James Carville said that, if properly disseminated, the message of hopelessness could be the Democrats' most effective tool in more than a decade.
"For the first time in a long time, we're really connecting with the American people, who 48% are comatose," Carville said. "If we can harness that and run on it in '06, I believe we can finish a strong second."
Now That's The Spirit!!
WASHINGTON, DC—In a press conference on the steps of the Capitol Monday, Congressional Democrats announced that, despite the scandals plaguing the Democrat Party and widespread calls for change in Congress, their party will remain true to its hopeless direction.
"We are entirely capable of bungling this opportunity to regain control of the House and Senate and the trust of the American people," Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said to scattered applause. "It will take some doing, but we're in this for the long and pointless haul."
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi reaffirms the Democratic Party’s promise to remain without a plan.

"We can still lose this," Reid added. "All it takes is a little lack of backbone."
"In times like these, when the American public is palpably dismayed with the political status quo, it is crucial that Democrats remain unfocused and defer to the larger, smarter, and better-equipped Republican machine," House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said. "If we play our cards right, we will be intimidated to the point of total paralysis."
Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-CT) cited the State and Local levels bungled response to Hurricane Katrina as a model for Democrats.
" Lieberman said. "I'm here to promise that we Democrats will find a way to let you down again like that."
According to Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA), Democrats are not willing to sacrifice their core values—indecision, incoherence, and disorganization—for the sake of short-term electoral gain.
"Don't lose faithlessness, Democrats," Kennedy said as he put his flask back in his jacket. "The next election is ours to lose. To those who say we can't, I say: Remember Michael Dukakis. Remember Al Gore. Remember John Kerry."
Kennedy said that, even if the Democrats were to regain the upper hand in the midterm elections, they would still need to agree on a platform and chart a legislative agenda—an obstacle he called "unacheivable."
"Universal health care, the war in Iraq, civil liberties, a living wage, gun control—we're not even close to contiousness within our own ranks," Kennedy said. "And even if we were, we wouldn't know how to implement that state of contiousness." As he took the flask back out of his jacket.
Democratic Party faithful cheer on their leaders’ resolutely defeatist agenda.

"Some rising stars with leadership potential like [Sen. Barack] Obama (D-IL) and [New York State Attorney General Eliot] Spitzer have emerged, but don't worry: We've still got some infight left in us," Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean screamed. "Over the last decade, we've found a reliably losing formula, and we're sticking with it."
Dean reminded Democratic candidates to "stay on our unclear message, maintain a defensive, reactive posture, and keep an elitist distance from voters."
Political consultant and Democratic operative James Carville said that, if properly disseminated, the message of hopelessness could be the Democrats' most effective tool in more than a decade.
"For the first time in a long time, we're really connecting with the American people, who 48% are comatose," Carville said. "If we can harness that and run on it in '06, I believe we can finish a strong second."
Now That's The Spirit!!
Is there any room in your party for one who is sick of the democrat agenda? I love my party dont get me wrong but i feel they have left me behind and they are headed in a different direction than i want to take.
Of Course Sick Of Dems,
Like on the Statue of Liberty, bring us your sick, weak, and tired of Howard Dean
I cant say I blame you. I think the last of your party was Zell Miller and Joe Lieberman. The rest of your party went bonkers! I am glad to see there are some like you out there that feel the way you do. There are links to the side of this blog and people on here that will turn you into a Republican in a Heartbeat!
Haha Christian,
No I aint sceered I own one of them thar guns. Any varment that reckons hes gonna crawl through my bedroom winder and blow out a big ol yeeeehawwww will git quite a shock thar.
The Howie Pic, well I guess it did it's job lol.
I should have someone make a huge cardboard sign of that and put that out in my backyard to sceer away the other critters!
I will be over to visit your site in a bit and have a sit down with them thar pics right quick like lol...
That was a good one Marie
Thank's Cristian, sometimes I like to throw a bit of humor in there now and then to lighten things up a bit. Glad to know it put a smile on your face :-)
I dont know who your talking to but I guarantee you I'm NO Liberal!
Thank's Dave
I stand by my President yes, I idolize no-one, but I am NO Liberal.
I dont get who you think is not preserving the Constitution!
No-One ever said the Constitution was a piece of paper, and I wish you would be more clear about what you are talking about!
Capital Hill Blue?
Some left wing rant session?
You surely dont expect me to believe that nonsense!
Had President Bush actually said that (As much as he is scrutinized) it would have been all over the Main Stream Media and not just some left wing rant session. Show me he actually said that in a real News link. And Harriet Miers was ages ago.
Your picture serves you well lol your like a rabid dog! No offence!
See this stevan person and some others on your blog are the reason i need to leave them behind. The way they are acting now is not my party anymore. Thanks for the welcome mat.
You posted a link well now several and they all look to me like left wing websites! Not anything from the La Times maybe? Reuters? Even a Left Leaning popular paper like the New York Times?
If you are conservative in any form then why are you posting left wing websites?
Scrutinized?? The mainstream media did not report it because it is not in there interests---- a corporate run media with strong ties to the government who cares about one bottom line: the profit.
Not in thier interests? Are you serious? The MSM would have pounced on that like a Lion on fresh kill, The Congress would have held hearings by now, and Impeachment proceedings would have taken place already!! I think you better pull your head out of your...uh left wing papers.
Your as Liberal as they come. Whether you realize it or not. Or you are just mad at both parties!
Anger is not a good thing.
Rolls out the welcome mat for Mad at Dems....
Oops I meant Sick Of Dems...
Are you suggesting that these sources are lying?
Yes I am and here is the reason, at the moment, ANYTHING the Liberals could get on this President (And I realize you are not a Liberal) but, if the President had actually said that it would have (Trust me on this) hit every MSM network, the Congress would have had a field day
with it, and they would have created a firestorm over this because the Liberals soul reason for excisting is to Impeach this President even if they are wrong.
Being an avowed neokahn is not synonymous with being a conservative. Traditional conservatives supported non-interventionism, closed borders, economic sovereignty, and small government.
I am not a Neo-Con either. I am a Reagan Republican. Traditional Values yes, strong on Defense yes, closed borders? Before 9-11 I would have said no, but 9-11 changed everything and I am all for building a wall up North and down South with the stricktest scrutiny on who is getting into this Country. That's where me and the President differ. I dont always agree with him you know. He spend's like a drunken sailor, but I look at it this way, had he not spent money after 9-11, our economy would be in the toilet and Bin Hidin would have accomplished what he wanted to do bring our economy crashing down and shut down the United States of America. We could not afford to let that happen.
I have no clue where you are getting this "We fight for Israel" stuff! I think Israel is perfectly capable of defending themselves. I mean look at how many leaders of Hamas they took out strategically.
I believe the Jewish people have been through enough, and I do believe we should defend them if someone (Iran) for instance wants to wipe them off the map. The world would be screeming for us to do something if it was the British, Iran wanted to wipe off the map.
Bush never started out to want "Big Government" when he was elected but like I said 9-11 changed everything. He had to add another department to our Government "Homeland Security" and all that goes with it, that costs a fortune. And intervention is a viable option (At this point), and I dont mean with troops, by other means we dont hear alot about, unless of course you want to see us just get attacked repeatedly!!
What you havent mentioned yet is, the Economy is booming, unemployment is at its lowest rate ever, employment is at its highest rate ever, more people own thier own homes than ever before, and we havent been attacked since 9-11.
Tax cuts have worked, Bush had some other good plans in place for this Country until the Liberals started screeching "Wire Tapping" and all that other crap that we have to have in order to protect our National Security. But you never know he may get somewhere with some of those plans before the end of his term I guess we will see.
But if you would pay attention and open up your heart to the man and see what he is really made of you might actually like him. I dont think he is a fake and a danger. I think we are in danger WITHOUT him!
I do however wish he would have used his veto power on alot of this crap Congress seems to throw right past him with pork barrel spending attatched to it.
Now go ahead and bite my head off!
Yes the Deficit will have to be paid off, and if we get rid of programs in this country that just arent working and are a waste of taxpayer money, quit passing all these bills with pork attached to them with no Veto, (Bush get off your butt and veto something once in a while),and collect the money owed to us by other Countries which is way past the Trillions, that would be a good start.
Anyways, is the standard of living improving? I have never seen statistics on this---unemployment or even positive growth rates in real GDP are not synonymous with an improvement in standard of living---maybe that is why few Americans are willing to acknowledge that the economy is strong.
Well you can measure the standard of living improving by more people own thier own homes than ever in history, and Consumer spending which does fluxuate from time to time but generally stays on a even keel. As well as the lowest unemployment rate in like 60 years or whatever, I would say the quality of life as well as the standard of living in this Country if you are willing to go to work is quite well.
People are generally happier when they are working anyway.
The reason this all gets overshadowed is the Loons on the left want only to screech about Impeaching the President and so does the left wing MSM.
And No I havent read the recent Harvard study!
You have got to be one of the most optomistic people I have heard.
Your a "Glass half empty" kind of guy arent you?
What in the hell does any of this have to do with the story I posted?
Did you even read it? It was supposed to be funny.
And this fixation on Jews is not healthy!
And Stefan,
My son chose to join. I dont think he sees things the same way you do.
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