What The Troops & (We) Have Accomplished In 3 Years
The Washington Post Reports:
Here are a few excerpts:
What We've Gained In 3 Years in Iraq
By Donald H. Rumsfeld
Sunday, March 19, 2006; B07

Some have described the situation in Iraq as a tightening noose, noting that "time is not on our side"and that "morale is down." Others have described a "very dangerous" turn of events and are "extremely concerned."
Who are they that have expressed these concerns? In fact, these are the exact words of terrorists discussing Iraq -- Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and his associates -- who are describing their own situation and must be watching with fear the progress that Iraq has made over the past three years.
The terrorists seem to recognize that they are losing in Iraq. I believe that history will show that to be the case.
Consider that in three years Iraq has gone from enduring a brutal dictatorship to electing a provisional government to ratifying a new constitution written by Iraqis to electing a permanent government last December. In each of these elections, the number of voters participating has increased significantly -- from 8.5 million in the January 2005 election to nearly 12 million in the December election -- in defiance of terrorists' threats and attacks.
The terrorists are determined to stoke sectarian tension and are attempting to spark a civil war. But despite the many acts of violence and provocation, the vast majority of Iraqis have shown that they want their country to remain whole and free of ethnic conflict. We saw this last month after the attack on the Shiite shrine in Samarra, when leaders of Iraq's various political parties and religious groups condemned the violence and called for calm.
And The Men And Women We Have To Thank

Read The Entire Rumsfeld Article Here
God Bless Our Troops! No Matter What The Lunatic Left Says: We Support You! And God Bless all the Support Groups Out There Too, Alot are listed on the side of this blog!
Tony Blair:
Prime Minister-Great Britain
I'd Do It All Again:
Unrepentant and unmoved in spite of the rising death toll, Tony Blair has declared that if he was faced with the same circumstances, he would support the invasion of Iraq all over again.
Tony Blair

Tony Blair's Full Interview With The Independent
God Bless Tony Blair, And the rest of the coalition! When all of the Saddam/Al-Quaida/Terrorist Related De-Classified Documents are all read and understood History will show they were ALL Right.
There are to many to post but you can read alot of these documents
Here are a few excerpts:
What We've Gained In 3 Years in Iraq
By Donald H. Rumsfeld
Sunday, March 19, 2006; B07

Some have described the situation in Iraq as a tightening noose, noting that "time is not on our side"and that "morale is down." Others have described a "very dangerous" turn of events and are "extremely concerned."
Who are they that have expressed these concerns? In fact, these are the exact words of terrorists discussing Iraq -- Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and his associates -- who are describing their own situation and must be watching with fear the progress that Iraq has made over the past three years.
The terrorists seem to recognize that they are losing in Iraq. I believe that history will show that to be the case.
Consider that in three years Iraq has gone from enduring a brutal dictatorship to electing a provisional government to ratifying a new constitution written by Iraqis to electing a permanent government last December. In each of these elections, the number of voters participating has increased significantly -- from 8.5 million in the January 2005 election to nearly 12 million in the December election -- in defiance of terrorists' threats and attacks.
The terrorists are determined to stoke sectarian tension and are attempting to spark a civil war. But despite the many acts of violence and provocation, the vast majority of Iraqis have shown that they want their country to remain whole and free of ethnic conflict. We saw this last month after the attack on the Shiite shrine in Samarra, when leaders of Iraq's various political parties and religious groups condemned the violence and called for calm.
And The Men And Women We Have To Thank

Read The Entire Rumsfeld Article Here
God Bless Our Troops! No Matter What The Lunatic Left Says: We Support You! And God Bless all the Support Groups Out There Too, Alot are listed on the side of this blog!
Tony Blair:
Prime Minister-Great Britain
I'd Do It All Again:
Unrepentant and unmoved in spite of the rising death toll, Tony Blair has declared that if he was faced with the same circumstances, he would support the invasion of Iraq all over again.
Tony Blair

Tony Blair's Full Interview With The Independent
God Bless Tony Blair, And the rest of the coalition! When all of the Saddam/Al-Quaida/Terrorist Related De-Classified Documents are all read and understood History will show they were ALL Right.
There are to many to post but you can read alot of these documents
Former Iraq PM: 'We Are In Civil War'
LONDON, March 19, 2006
Former Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi. (AP)
"If this is not civil war, then God knows what civil war is."
(CBS/AP) Iraq is in the middle of a civil war, Iraq's former prime minister, Ayad Allawi, said in an interview with the British Broadcasting Corp. aired on Sunday.
Allawi said there was no other way to describe the increasing violence across the country.
"It is unfortunate that we are in civil war. We are losing each day as an average 50 to 60 people throughout the country, if not more," Allawi told the BBC. "If this is not civil war, then God knows what civil war is."
Allawi heads the Iraqi National List, a secular alliance of Shiite and Sunni politicians.
Allawi said the violence in the country was moving toward "the point of no return" and that Iraq is "in a terrible civil conflict."
Allawi warned that European nations and the United States would not be immune from the conflict, saying that not only will Iraq "fall apart," but that "sectarianism will spread throughout the region, and even Europe and the United States would not be spared all the violence that may occur as a result of sectarian problems in this region."
Thank you presnit Boosh.
Great content here, Marie........What's with the format though??
I'll be coming by more often, and hope you'll take a look at The Right is Right
Pissed, I agree to an extent. Mistakes have been made, but I believe Rumsfeld leaves the decision making to the commanders on the ground. My son being a Soldier himself Loves Rumsfeld. I Dont know what the rest of them are saying except those I post on my other blog For The Troops
The sky is falling too isnt it? The Iraqi's know who is behind all this nonsense and know full well the terrorists are trying to insite a civil war, but it isnt going to happen.
75% of Iraq is getting ready to be turned over to the Iraqi's.
They are making a great ally!
Thank You. The format is pretty self explanitory, if your a Liberal! Watch It!
I will visit the blog addy you posted and I will be blogrolling that one and the one I visited.
Thank's for visiting!
Christian Pundit,
That was beautiful and true!
I dont believe in caving in, I want to see this mission completed and us victorious, and I believe that will be the outcome :-)
Here You Go Anonymous:
By Donna Miles
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, March 19, 2006 - Agreements announced today
regarding Iraq's unity government "prove that the civil war
is out of the question and that the Iraqi people will not
accept [for] a civil war to take place," Iraqi President
Jalal Talabani said during a Baghdad news conference today.
Talabani's assessment came on the third anniversary of
Operation Iraqi Freedom, and corresponded with agreements on
the policy statement for national unit government and on the
concept of a political national security council to
participate in running the country's affairs.
Only minor issues regarding the council's powers have yet
to be worked out, he told reporters today.
"We reached an agreement on the major issues," Talabani
said. "We have also discussed other issues on proposed
amendments to the laws in the future."
Talabani declared the agreements a big step forward for the
"We have passed through difficult times, during which the
situation in the country was tense," Talabani said. He
credited the Iraqi people, who he said in concern for their
national unity have "foiled the attempts of those who sought to
foment sectarian sedition."
"We are far from a civil war," the Iraqi president said.
"We are also heading toward a complete and comprehensive
national accord [and] we will also form a national unity
government soon."
Talabani said the Iraqis have agreed to work together to
promote their security, police and army forces "so as to be
able to bid the coalition forces farewell as soon as
In other words, pissed off old man, the Bush administration has been massively incompetent.
My heart aches for the men and women who have to serve under such a bumbling, clueless, incompetent administration. It costs them their precious lives. While it costs the politicians poll numbers.
With all due respect Pissed,
I think that's Bullshit! Rumsfeld has been masterful and Cheney was Secretary of Defense when Bush41 was in office, he didnt do so bad in Desert Storm! (Am I the ONLY one who keeps up with this stuff?) A shakeup in this President's administration would make him look weak, and he is ANYTHING but weak!
I mean think about it, if the plan all along has been "Let's let them (The Terrorists) flood into Iraq and kill the terrorists there", that's a HUGE amount less that we will face when we have to kick the shit out of Iran and Syria! (If it comes to that)
And please dont be one of those "Poll Number Nuts", sometimes the Reps do this on purpose to let the President know what they want him to do, the polls really dont matter.
And you of all people should know (Believing you are a vet) when you first enter a war, things pop up, things change, you have to change tactics constantly, to combat the enemy. Pulling out NOW is not an option. We do NOT Retreat, we do NOT wave white flags, we see this through till the terrorist assholes are beat.
The draft is not necessary and I cant even believe you mentioned that! Especially when all the armed services have met and/or exceeded thier recruiting goals. Why the hell would we need more troops when we are trying to stand back and let the Iraqi's have at it with the terrorists? The idea is to train the Iraqi's, let them loose on the insurgents, have an ally right in the heart of terrorist central, and get the heck out of there. My God we could turn that place to glass if we wanted to. But we are Americans, and we want peace and to just be left the F... alone.
And to say we are "Losing" this is unrealistic, we could start major combat operations back up in a heartbeat if need be, but we dont have to, the Iraqi's are stepping up and taking charge, no matter what the "Main Stream Media"/MSM leads you to believe, and 75% of Iraq will be controlled by Iraqi's soon. This is the fastest Goverment that has ever been established which proves Iraq was Ready for Democracy, they just had to overcome thier fear of the Saddam loyalists, and they have, and they know the terrorists are the ones causing all the trouble, and they arent buying thier nonsense! I know you have some balls Pissed, Use Them!!!
Call me crazy but I stand right beside my President on this one, and no-one in the MSM will change my mind!
Claudia I wish to God you would get a clue. Here we go again , Incompetent, Bungling Idiot, etc...
If this were Clinton you would be out there with a Flag waving in the wind Claudia!
But here we go with the name calling.
My son just happens to serve under this "Idiot" as you call him, 612th Transportation Battalion United States Army!!! And the only ones he thinks are incompetant, as I do are you Left Wing Nutjobs!
Besides sticking your tail between your legs like a beaten dog and running, you have any other plan to get rid of the terrorists?
Marie, it's good to see you are getting such a following. Tug tells me that if you get a lot of argument on your blog it is because you are striking a nerve. Go for it.
The president is talking about cutting back the number of troops by this summer/fall.
Would you call the president's plan "sticking your tail between your legs like a beaten dog and running, you have any other plan to get rid of the terrorists?"
And we will never NEVER NEVER get rid of terrorists. NEVER. Apparently you don't read a lot of history. Civilization has been dealing with terrorism since the first clan of cavemen terrorized their neighbors for their supply of rancid mammoth meat.
You and the rest of the 33% of the people who support Bush and his war apparently still believe in his "noble cause."
I have nothing but admiration for your son who is serving there. And as a mother of a son, I give you props for dealing with uncertainty.
I'm sorry that you still persist in supporting the man who started this mess and doesn't seem to know where he's going with it.
We're into the 4th year of this war, and no one, except the architects of the disaster, see what Bush has done as noble.
If all you listen to is Rummy and Rush, you're getting a skewed view of the mess that is the Middle East.
Gee Thank's Mark lol, striking a nerve seems to be an understatement at the moment.
Claudia, Isnt that what you guys want? Make up your mind do you want the troops to start getting out of there or not?
We have to start standing back and let the Iraqi's take the lead role in some of this, it is thier Country and they will have to do all the fighting at some point.
And we will never NEVER NEVER get rid of terrorists. NEVER. Apparently you don't read a lot of history. Civilization has been dealing with terrorism since the first clan of cavemen terrorized their neighbors for their supply of rancid mammoth meat.
We may actually agree on something Claudia, I'm not sure we will ever end terrorism, neither you or I know that, but we sure as heck will prevent them as best we can from hitting the United States again! Or really make them think real hard about leaving us alone seeing what consequenses they WILL face.
But somehow I believe there will be and end to terrorism if Democracy flourishes throught the part of the world that needs it the most. They wont be training children to be terrorists when they grow up if they are busy doing other things, like working, trading with the US and other countries, etc..
But I also think back on comments made by the same type of people that said "There will never be an end to communizm"
They turned out to be wrong also!
I have nothing but admiration for your son who is serving there. And as a mother of a son, I give you props for dealing with uncertainty.
Thank's for the kind words about my son. But He and I both believe there will be certainty.
I'm sorry that you still persist in supporting the man who started this mess and doesn't seem to know where he's going with it.
As I recall terrorists started this mess Claudia, and Saddam had alot to do with them. And he's not the only one.
What are we suppose to do sit back and wait till they have the capability to attack us again? I dont think so! Havent we been attacked enough with nothing done about it? Maybe there is a certain element of us out there that believe we have to get these lunatics before they strike us again, maybe there are quite alot of us that are still in shock from 9-11 and want to make damn good and sure that NEVER happens to us again by any means neccessary!!
If all you listen to is Rummy and Rush, you're getting a skewed view of the mess that is the Middle East.
I tend to listen more to the troops on the ground Claudia! I think they know more about what's going on than any of them.
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