Laura Ingraham Challenges Media "Tell The Truth"
Douglas Mills
Executive Director
Media Research Center
A lot is going on in the media right now and our staff is
in high-gear pouring over news stories to make certain
we are getting at the truth.
The other day, there were fireworks on the Today show when
conservative talk show host Laura Ingraham boldly
challenged NBC to report the truth about the war
in Iraq.

Ingraham, who just returned from an extended trip to
the frontlines of Iraq herself, tenaciously fought
through an NBC double-team of David Gregory and
James Carville, who were intent on painting the
President -as a liar. Click Here to read the
Newsbusters exclusive:

MRC research has determined that the networks are spending
too much time focusing on Saddam's outbursts in the
courtroom and downplaying witness testimony and evidence
of his crimes:

These are the kinds of skewed and misleading
messages that the media is presenting to tens of millions
of Americans each and every day. In each of these instances
it underscores the depth of deception and network
willingness to mislead Americans about the war.

Americans are being misled, deceived and lied to, and it
is up to you and me to shine the light of truth--exposing
the media and holding them accountable.
Petition To Demand The Media Tell The Truth
Laura Ingraham On The Today Show
Laura Ingraham
There are ALOT of pictures on Laura's website with her and the troops and facinating stories about her trip to Iraq
Boy this lady has guts. It is high time the media starts reporting the good stories comming out of Iraq, instead of "Another Car Bomb Blew Up Today" I applaud Laura Ingraham for seeking the truth and getting the story MOST of us want to read and hear about! (Mark, you ought to like this one!)
CBS's Logan Calls Ingraham's Iraq Coverage Criticism "Outrageous"
Appearing live from Baghdad on Sunday's Reliable Sources on CNN, CBS News chief foreign correspondent Lara Logan lashed back at critics who say Iraq war coverage is not giving enough prominence to positive developments and Newsweek's Richard Wolffe ominously warned of a "bias witch hunt." When host Howard Kurtz suggested "critics would say, 'well, no wonder people back home think things are falling apart in Iraq because we get this steady drumbeat of negativity from the correspondents there,'" Logan retorted: "Well, who says things aren't falling apart in Iraq?" She proceeded to recite the bad news she didn't report, such as "all the unidentified bodies that have been turning up." After a bite of conservative radio talk show host Laura Ingraham on NBC's Today urging journalists "to actually have a conversation with the people instead of reporting from hotel balconies about the latest IEDs going off," a clearly angry Logan expressed her contempt: "I think it's outrageous. I mean, Laura Ingraham should come to Iraq and not be talking about what journalists are doing from the comfort of her studio in the United States." Kurtz pointed out Ingraham was on Today because she had spent eight days in Iraq, to which Logan sniffed: "For eight days.
Full Video and Story Here
Executive Director
Media Research Center
A lot is going on in the media right now and our staff is
in high-gear pouring over news stories to make certain
we are getting at the truth.
The other day, there were fireworks on the Today show when
conservative talk show host Laura Ingraham boldly
challenged NBC to report the truth about the war
in Iraq.

Ingraham, who just returned from an extended trip to
the frontlines of Iraq herself, tenaciously fought
through an NBC double-team of David Gregory and
James Carville, who were intent on painting the
President -as a liar. Click Here to read the
Newsbusters exclusive:

MRC research has determined that the networks are spending
too much time focusing on Saddam's outbursts in the
courtroom and downplaying witness testimony and evidence
of his crimes:

These are the kinds of skewed and misleading
messages that the media is presenting to tens of millions
of Americans each and every day. In each of these instances
it underscores the depth of deception and network
willingness to mislead Americans about the war.

Americans are being misled, deceived and lied to, and it
is up to you and me to shine the light of truth--exposing
the media and holding them accountable.
Petition To Demand The Media Tell The Truth
Laura Ingraham On The Today Show
Laura Ingraham
There are ALOT of pictures on Laura's website with her and the troops and facinating stories about her trip to Iraq
Boy this lady has guts. It is high time the media starts reporting the good stories comming out of Iraq, instead of "Another Car Bomb Blew Up Today" I applaud Laura Ingraham for seeking the truth and getting the story MOST of us want to read and hear about! (Mark, you ought to like this one!)
CBS's Logan Calls Ingraham's Iraq Coverage Criticism "Outrageous"
Appearing live from Baghdad on Sunday's Reliable Sources on CNN, CBS News chief foreign correspondent Lara Logan lashed back at critics who say Iraq war coverage is not giving enough prominence to positive developments and Newsweek's Richard Wolffe ominously warned of a "bias witch hunt." When host Howard Kurtz suggested "critics would say, 'well, no wonder people back home think things are falling apart in Iraq because we get this steady drumbeat of negativity from the correspondents there,'" Logan retorted: "Well, who says things aren't falling apart in Iraq?" She proceeded to recite the bad news she didn't report, such as "all the unidentified bodies that have been turning up." After a bite of conservative radio talk show host Laura Ingraham on NBC's Today urging journalists "to actually have a conversation with the people instead of reporting from hotel balconies about the latest IEDs going off," a clearly angry Logan expressed her contempt: "I think it's outrageous. I mean, Laura Ingraham should come to Iraq and not be talking about what journalists are doing from the comfort of her studio in the United States." Kurtz pointed out Ingraham was on Today because she had spent eight days in Iraq, to which Logan sniffed: "For eight days.
Full Video and Story Here
Oh, I do, I do!
I'm finally going to put up my post on this tomorrow. Consider yourselves both linked.
Well I knew you would Mark lol
Now if I knew how to make that tackback link thing work!!!
Thank's Word.
I mean Trackback Jeez
Welcome back CP,
Laura Ingraham is great.
Oh yes Sean and Alec lol, I heard all about that, those two really went at it I'm wrather glad Sean whipped Alec's Behind, he had it comming.
And it was my pleasure to add you to the list :-)
Somewhere on this site there is an audio clip from that. This site is really wild though.
Expose The Left
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