Bikers Stand Guard At Military Funerals
By Donna Miles
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, March 22, 2006 - A motorcycle group that
travels the country attending military funerals is experiencing
near-explosive growth, the group's national spokesman
reported today.
Patriot Guard Riders

attend military funerals to show
respect for those who have sacrificed and to shield their loved
ones from interruptions by

The group, which started as a grassroots effort in the fall
in response to protesters who were attending military
funerals, now has 20,000 members in all 50 states, Puerto Rico,
Guam and Germany, Kurt Mayer said in an interview with
American Forces Press Service.
Fifteen thousand members have joined the group during the
past seven weeks alone, he said.
"It's all happening kind of fast. It's amazing the response
we've gotten," Mayer said. "It shows that all this has hit
a raw, patriotic nerve, and we're attracting a
cross-section of America -- everyone from CEOs to coal miners and
aerospace engineers to corner-garage mechanics."
These members, who range in age from 14 to 82, form a loose
perimeter around funeral services and create a "corridor of
honor," hoisting flags along the funeral procession route,
Mayer explained. "It's a very impressive sight to see 100
flags on either side," he said. "There's a wash of
overwhelming emotion."
The Patriot Guard Riders started attending funerals and
forming a line of flags and motorcycles to block people
attending military funerals from having to see protesters who
began appearing at military funerals. But as the group has
grown and more families request the honor cordon, the riders
now attend all funerals of fallen servicemembers when asked,
Mayer said.
Mayer emphasized that the group attends funerals only at
the family's request. "We recognize that this is a very
private affair, and we ensure that the family wants us to be
there and that we're not intruding on their feelings," he
The goal, he said, is to show respect for fallen
servicemembers and "to show a grieving family and a sometimes shocked
community that America still cares."
"The most important thing we can do is let families know
that the nation cares," Don Woodrick, the group's Kentucky
captain, told reporters following a recent memorial service
at Fort Campbell, Ky. "When a total stranger gets on a
motorcycle in the middle of winter and drives 300 miles to hold
a flag, that makes a powerful statement."
"Each of us holding a three-by-five (foot) American flag
(is letting) the family know and providing some confront that
yes, America really does care about their loss," agreed
Jason Wallin, a group member.
"We're just simply Americans doing the right thing," Mayer
said, noting that the effort transcends politics. "We're
completely apolitical," he said. "Some members of our
organization are pro-war and some are completely, completely
against the war. What we have in common is an unwavering respect
for the fallen and the sacrifice they have made."
"The group is made up mostly of motorcyclists who have
served in the military, but it's not a requirement," Mayer
"We don't care what you ride, what your political views
are, or whether you're a 'hawk' or a 'dove,'" according to the
group's Web site. "It is not a requirement that you be a
veteran. It doesn't matter where you're from or what your
income is. You don't even have to ride. The only prerequisite
is respect."
Mayer said the group has received "very, very, very
positive" responses from the families of individuals whose
funerals it has attended. "Without exception, there's a very
heartfelt response," he said.
The organization's Web site has a feature titled "We Get
Letters," which contains - among other testimonials -
expressions of gratitude from the families of fallen
The family of Marine Lance Cpl. Adam VanAlstine, who was
killed in February by an improvised explosive device in
Ramadi, Iraq, expressed deep appreciation for the group's
participation in his memorial service earlier this month in
Superior, Wisc.
"What an amazing relief and comfort you provided to our
grieving family and friends -- not to mention providing the
coolest and most honorable way to enter a service that any of
us had ever seen," the family wrote following the service.
"Your service to us was a real blessing Please know that
your show of love and support was felt by all. We were so
proud to have you with us that day. Thank you for your honor
and respect of our fallen hero."
The family of Army Pfc. Peter Wagler, killed in January by
an improvised explosive device in Baghdad, expressed a
similar sentiment. "I have never seen such a display of flags
as we encountered when leaving the church," one family
member wrote. "I have a video in my head of the 'tunnel of
flags,' but really wish I had an actual video of it. Many people
have told me how meaningful the flags were to them; many
shed tears as they drove through the tunnel.
"As for your protecting us from the demonstrators," he
wrote, "I looked for them, but could not see them. I never did
see them."
Wagler loved motorcycles and planned to buy one after
returning from Iraq, the family member wrote. "He won't get to
do that, but he would have loved the tremendous display you
put on. Our family feels inadequate in expressing our
thanks, but please know that we deeply appreciate what you did
for us."
For More Info:
America Supports You
Patriot Guard
God Bless These People!!!
I posted about these people a couple weeks back on my other blog For The Troops
But that was like when they were 5000 members strong now they are 20,000 members strong. It is sad that it has come to haveing this kind of protesting crud at our Military Funerals, and it's time someone put's a stop to these nutcases! It's a true blessing to have the Patriot Guard! Take a real good look, those on the protest picture are the Extreme Far Left a/k/a Liberals!!
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, March 22, 2006 - A motorcycle group that
travels the country attending military funerals is experiencing
near-explosive growth, the group's national spokesman
reported today.
Patriot Guard Riders

attend military funerals to show
respect for those who have sacrificed and to shield their loved
ones from interruptions by

The group, which started as a grassroots effort in the fall
in response to protesters who were attending military
funerals, now has 20,000 members in all 50 states, Puerto Rico,
Guam and Germany, Kurt Mayer said in an interview with
American Forces Press Service.
Fifteen thousand members have joined the group during the
past seven weeks alone, he said.
"It's all happening kind of fast. It's amazing the response
we've gotten," Mayer said. "It shows that all this has hit
a raw, patriotic nerve, and we're attracting a
cross-section of America -- everyone from CEOs to coal miners and
aerospace engineers to corner-garage mechanics."
These members, who range in age from 14 to 82, form a loose
perimeter around funeral services and create a "corridor of
honor," hoisting flags along the funeral procession route,
Mayer explained. "It's a very impressive sight to see 100
flags on either side," he said. "There's a wash of
overwhelming emotion."
The Patriot Guard Riders started attending funerals and
forming a line of flags and motorcycles to block people
attending military funerals from having to see protesters who
began appearing at military funerals. But as the group has
grown and more families request the honor cordon, the riders
now attend all funerals of fallen servicemembers when asked,
Mayer said.
Mayer emphasized that the group attends funerals only at
the family's request. "We recognize that this is a very
private affair, and we ensure that the family wants us to be
there and that we're not intruding on their feelings," he
The goal, he said, is to show respect for fallen
servicemembers and "to show a grieving family and a sometimes shocked
community that America still cares."
"The most important thing we can do is let families know
that the nation cares," Don Woodrick, the group's Kentucky
captain, told reporters following a recent memorial service
at Fort Campbell, Ky. "When a total stranger gets on a
motorcycle in the middle of winter and drives 300 miles to hold
a flag, that makes a powerful statement."
"Each of us holding a three-by-five (foot) American flag
(is letting) the family know and providing some confront that
yes, America really does care about their loss," agreed
Jason Wallin, a group member.
"We're just simply Americans doing the right thing," Mayer
said, noting that the effort transcends politics. "We're
completely apolitical," he said. "Some members of our
organization are pro-war and some are completely, completely
against the war. What we have in common is an unwavering respect
for the fallen and the sacrifice they have made."
"The group is made up mostly of motorcyclists who have
served in the military, but it's not a requirement," Mayer
"We don't care what you ride, what your political views
are, or whether you're a 'hawk' or a 'dove,'" according to the
group's Web site. "It is not a requirement that you be a
veteran. It doesn't matter where you're from or what your
income is. You don't even have to ride. The only prerequisite
is respect."
Mayer said the group has received "very, very, very
positive" responses from the families of individuals whose
funerals it has attended. "Without exception, there's a very
heartfelt response," he said.
The organization's Web site has a feature titled "We Get
Letters," which contains - among other testimonials -
expressions of gratitude from the families of fallen
The family of Marine Lance Cpl. Adam VanAlstine, who was
killed in February by an improvised explosive device in
Ramadi, Iraq, expressed deep appreciation for the group's
participation in his memorial service earlier this month in
Superior, Wisc.
"What an amazing relief and comfort you provided to our
grieving family and friends -- not to mention providing the
coolest and most honorable way to enter a service that any of
us had ever seen," the family wrote following the service.
"Your service to us was a real blessing Please know that
your show of love and support was felt by all. We were so
proud to have you with us that day. Thank you for your honor
and respect of our fallen hero."
The family of Army Pfc. Peter Wagler, killed in January by
an improvised explosive device in Baghdad, expressed a
similar sentiment. "I have never seen such a display of flags
as we encountered when leaving the church," one family
member wrote. "I have a video in my head of the 'tunnel of
flags,' but really wish I had an actual video of it. Many people
have told me how meaningful the flags were to them; many
shed tears as they drove through the tunnel.
"As for your protecting us from the demonstrators," he
wrote, "I looked for them, but could not see them. I never did
see them."
Wagler loved motorcycles and planned to buy one after
returning from Iraq, the family member wrote. "He won't get to
do that, but he would have loved the tremendous display you
put on. Our family feels inadequate in expressing our
thanks, but please know that we deeply appreciate what you did
for us."
For More Info:
America Supports You
Patriot Guard
God Bless These People!!!
I posted about these people a couple weeks back on my other blog For The Troops
But that was like when they were 5000 members strong now they are 20,000 members strong. It is sad that it has come to haveing this kind of protesting crud at our Military Funerals, and it's time someone put's a stop to these nutcases! It's a true blessing to have the Patriot Guard! Take a real good look, those on the protest picture are the Extreme Far Left a/k/a Liberals!!
Thats sick to do that to military family at funerals
As I understand it those are gay rights protestors. What they are doing at Military funerals i dont know.
I being a Democrat not a 'Liberal' there is a difference, am appauled at this.
No,Anonymous. These are members of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas. They are not gay rights protestors. Their leader runs for governor every election cycle, but loses every time in the primary.
Now that the Kansas Legislature has overridden the governor's veto of concealed-carry (that is, allowing Kansas citizens to get a permit to carry concealed firearms), the whole debate is about to take a new turn.
Come to think of it, what the Westboro Baptists are doing isn't really all that much different from the CodePink4Peace protest vigil outside Walter Reed Army Hospital (see, for example, here. Except the CodePink people are generally better dressed.
I know Dave it's upsets me.
Gay rights Protestors at a Military Funeral?
Uncle P,
That's who I thought it was Code Pink or some crap.
Baptists? I'm baffled.
That sure doesnt seem like the Christian thing to do!
Well no matter who these lunatics are they should stay the hell away from our Military families! And dont they have to get a permit to protest? Do they hold a permanent permit at every Military graveyard?
I dont think that falls under "Right to Protest" at a Military Funeral. It may even be illegal. If I was one of those families I would find out if that crap is legal.
Poor families like they dont have enough to deal with, thier privacy gets invaded while burying a loved one. That pisses me off!
You both might be right here is what I posted on my other blog a couple weeks ago.
Bikers Escort Military Families...
Regarding the "gay rights protestors", isn't it Fred Phelps group, that we're touching upon? Various bloggers have posted on their appearances at military funerals. They celebrate the deaths of our soldiers because they think we are becoming a "f**got nation" (their words).
Phelps is a Democrat, btw...God knows why. Both Parties share nothing in common with his viewpoints.
Yes Word, on my other blog I found a post I made a few weeks ago and it had that Fred Guy in it.
I am still baffled at why these people insist protesting at military funerals. If they do believe we are turning into a Nation of uh..well what you said lol, cant they find a streetcorner or something? I believe protesting ANYTHING at a Military Funeral is "Out Of Bounds" entirely!
Well Fred's a Democrat, go figure.
Well Star, I knew I liked you for some reason too!
Thank You for your service to Our Country.
I am still wanting to know if a Funeral, be it Military "Especially" shouldnt be considered "Sacred", and these lunatics should NOT have the right to Protest there. Where does Public property end and Private property begin?
At the Gravesite?
This is getting totally out of hand and like Uncle P, pointed out this crap goes on at Walter Reed and other Military hospitals. Something really needs to be done about this particular form of "Protesting". I mean if the Soldiers are protecting us, isnt it our right to protect them?
I think I am going to e-mail my Senators and Representatives about this nonsense.
Marie, the Westboro Baptist Church is not affiliated with any Baptist organization that I know of. Not the Southern Baptist Convention, not the American Baptist Convention, not the General Association of Regular Baptists, not the Baptist World Alliance, not any of them. They used to have some connection with the Primitive Baptists, but the story goes that they split with that group over a disagreement about church music.
You can find out more about them on Wikipedia or in the online archives of the Topeka Capital Journal, but I don't want to encourage hits on their web site, so you're on your own.
This behavior is nothing new, although its only in recent years that its come up nationally at military funerals. The Westboro Baptists were doing pretty much the same thing back in the days when Curt Schneider (Kansas Attorney General from 1975 to 1979) was arresting flight attendants for serving liquor on airliners flying over his jurisdiction and jumping out of the trunks of Highway Patrol cars at gambling raids.
Opinion varies as to how they have managed to carry on for this long, but there seems to be general agreement that they are in cahoots with local officials at some level (our current mayor, law enforcement, a disgraced former Shawnee County treasurer, etc.) and at least one Federal judge, they have a reputation for being litigious (although highly competent) attorneys, and it is more important to them to keep doing what they are doing than it is to anyone else to stop them.
A more interesting question is over the horizon: When the patriarch shuffles off into the Great Beyond, will his followers take up productive lives as if waking from a long, bad, annoying dream? Or will they drink the Kool-Aid and set fire to the compound?
Uncle P,
So this guy is like another Jim Jones freak! I was giving Props to the Patriot Riders and had no clue who this guy was.
Thank's for enlightening me. I figured it WAS Code Pink or one of those twisted groups, like we were talking about harrassing the wounded Soldiers at Walter Reed. I didnt know there was another Jim Jones kind of crap thing going on, well I thought perhaps but it wasn't out in the open yet, boy was I wrong! So I guess this guy wants some attention? Well he's going to get some now. Remembering a freind of mine's post just this last week about Al Gore being associated with this this guy (At the time I didnt know what was going on) but going back and reading her post I am shocked. And I am understanding this alot more clearly now. Here is something you might be interested in reading, she has this Phelps guy in pictures with Al and Tipper Gore in 1988 and all kinds of interesting stuff about this Phelps guy and his ties to Al Gore and other things that man is or has been up to. Christian Pundits
Now how do we stop him without some Branch Dividian thing going on? Or like you said them drinking the Kool-Aid and setting fire to the compound.
Well, Marie, they're pretty twisted, all right. As for drinking the Kool-Aid and setting fire to the compound, I say "Let 'em."
Yeah Uncle P, although with my luck some nutjob will spring up out of the deal and come back and attack Oklahoma City again!
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