Hillary And Coulter Battle It Out
NewsMax Is Reporting:
Conservative author Ann Coulter is firing back at Sen. Hillary Clinton, after the former first lady attacked her for being "vicious [and] mean-spirited" towards a group of politically active 9/11 widows.
"I think if she's worried about people being mean to women she should have a talk with her husband," Coulter told radio host Sean Hannity, who was hosting a book signing for the conservative firebrand on Long Island.

"This is, I remind you, Bill Clinton's wife," Coulter added. "[And I'm the one who's] mean to women?"
Earlier in the day, Mrs. Clinton complained about Coulter's attacks on the Jersey Girls, a group of 9/11 widows who blamed President Bush for the attacks that killed their husbands and who campaigned for John Kerry in 2004.
"Perhaps [Coulter's] book should have been called 'Heartless,"' the top Democrat said. "I know a lot of the widows and family members who lost loved ones on 9/11. They never wanted to be a member of a group that is defined by the tragedy of what happened."
An angry Clinton added that she found it "unimaginable that anyone in the public eye could launch a vicious, mean-spirited attack on people whom I've known over the last four and a half years to be concerned deeply about the safety and security of our country."

But Coulter told Hannity: "She may know the 9/11 widows, but you and I know Juanita Broaddrick" - a reference to the woman who accused Mr. Clinton of sexually assaulting her in 1978.
Coulter delivered her broadsides against Mrs. Clinton as a phalanx of TV and print reporters looked on.
The heavy coverage was prompted by the New York Daily News, which frontpaged Coulter's comments on the Jersey Girls in Wednesday editions.
If Murtha and Kerry can get away with bashing our troops at every opportunity, and Cindy Sheehan can call our Commander-In-Cheif a liar, Howard Dean saying Republicans have never worked an honest day in our lives, and everything else the Lunatic Left says, I think Ann Coulter has earned the right to say anything she wants to.
Conservative author Ann Coulter is firing back at Sen. Hillary Clinton, after the former first lady attacked her for being "vicious [and] mean-spirited" towards a group of politically active 9/11 widows.
"I think if she's worried about people being mean to women she should have a talk with her husband," Coulter told radio host Sean Hannity, who was hosting a book signing for the conservative firebrand on Long Island.

"This is, I remind you, Bill Clinton's wife," Coulter added. "[And I'm the one who's] mean to women?"
Earlier in the day, Mrs. Clinton complained about Coulter's attacks on the Jersey Girls, a group of 9/11 widows who blamed President Bush for the attacks that killed their husbands and who campaigned for John Kerry in 2004.
"Perhaps [Coulter's] book should have been called 'Heartless,"' the top Democrat said. "I know a lot of the widows and family members who lost loved ones on 9/11. They never wanted to be a member of a group that is defined by the tragedy of what happened."
An angry Clinton added that she found it "unimaginable that anyone in the public eye could launch a vicious, mean-spirited attack on people whom I've known over the last four and a half years to be concerned deeply about the safety and security of our country."

But Coulter told Hannity: "She may know the 9/11 widows, but you and I know Juanita Broaddrick" - a reference to the woman who accused Mr. Clinton of sexually assaulting her in 1978.
Coulter delivered her broadsides against Mrs. Clinton as a phalanx of TV and print reporters looked on.
The heavy coverage was prompted by the New York Daily News, which frontpaged Coulter's comments on the Jersey Girls in Wednesday editions.
If Murtha and Kerry can get away with bashing our troops at every opportunity, and Cindy Sheehan can call our Commander-In-Cheif a liar, Howard Dean saying Republicans have never worked an honest day in our lives, and everything else the Lunatic Left says, I think Ann Coulter has earned the right to say anything she wants to.
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