Cynthia McKinney Case Goes Federal
McKinney Case Goes to Federal Prosecutor
The U.S. Capitol Police on Monday submitted their case against
Rep. Cynthia McKinney

to the U.S. Attorney's office, which will consider whether the Georgia congresswoman will face charges for tangling with a law enforcement officer last week.
"We are working with Capitol Hill police to fully understand and appreciate the incident," principal assistant U.S. Attorney Channing Phillips told The Associated Press in a telephone interview.
Citing the ongoing investigation, he declined to say whether the referral included a recommended charge against the six-term Democrat or when a warrant for her arrest might be issued.
McKinney spokesman Coz Carson acknowledged the investigation.
"We're aware that the wheels are turning in Washington," Carson said. "We have no control over what they decide to do. We will make the appropriate statement and take the appropriate action once we know where they're going."
For her part, McKinney said she expects to represent her suburban Atlanta district for many years.
"Rest assured, I am doing the work they sent me to Washington to do. Nothing is going to keep me away from my responsibilities," McKinney told a crowd of supporters in Atlanta Monday.
McKinney, 51, scuffled with a police officer on March 29 when she entered a House office building without her identifying lapel pin and did not stop when asked. Several police sources said the officer, who was not identified, asked her three times to stop. When she kept going, he placed a hand somewhere on her and she hit him, according to the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity.Read Full Story Here
"Mckinney Admits Misusing Taxpayer Money"
WASHINGTON -- Rep. Cynthia McKinney admits that she broke government rules by spending money to fly a celebrity to Atlanta.
Channel 2 Action News has uncovered documents showing McKinney, D-Ga., spent about $1,000 of taxpayer's money to fly singer Isaac Hayes to Georgia to help dedicate a new office in Atlanta.
The money came from a fund members of Congress are supposed to use for office supplies.
Using the money to pay for Hayes' airline ticket and hotel expenses is a violation of strict congressional rules. Those rules state that taxpayer money can only be used for "travel by Members, Members' employees and vendors. A vendor is an employee of a private company that provides maintenance and support for equipment and software..."
Watchdog groups call taxpayer-funded celebrity travel a blatant waste of taxpayer money.
McKinney staffers say they will reimburse the congressional fund for the cost of Hayes' flight and hotel room.
Read Full Story Here
Oh this is getting crazier by the minute.
She assault's a Police Officer, claims SHE is the victim of Racial Descrimination, then misuses taxpayer money to fly to Atlanta to meet Isaac Hayes? She not only needs to be arrested for the attack on the Police Officer, but Impeached for Misusing Taxpayer Money...Here we go again, the corruption on the left gets worse and worse...
The U.S. Capitol Police on Monday submitted their case against
Rep. Cynthia McKinney

to the U.S. Attorney's office, which will consider whether the Georgia congresswoman will face charges for tangling with a law enforcement officer last week.
"We are working with Capitol Hill police to fully understand and appreciate the incident," principal assistant U.S. Attorney Channing Phillips told The Associated Press in a telephone interview.
Citing the ongoing investigation, he declined to say whether the referral included a recommended charge against the six-term Democrat or when a warrant for her arrest might be issued.
McKinney spokesman Coz Carson acknowledged the investigation.
"We're aware that the wheels are turning in Washington," Carson said. "We have no control over what they decide to do. We will make the appropriate statement and take the appropriate action once we know where they're going."
For her part, McKinney said she expects to represent her suburban Atlanta district for many years.
"Rest assured, I am doing the work they sent me to Washington to do. Nothing is going to keep me away from my responsibilities," McKinney told a crowd of supporters in Atlanta Monday.
McKinney, 51, scuffled with a police officer on March 29 when she entered a House office building without her identifying lapel pin and did not stop when asked. Several police sources said the officer, who was not identified, asked her three times to stop. When she kept going, he placed a hand somewhere on her and she hit him, according to the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity.Read Full Story Here
"Mckinney Admits Misusing Taxpayer Money"
WASHINGTON -- Rep. Cynthia McKinney admits that she broke government rules by spending money to fly a celebrity to Atlanta.
Channel 2 Action News has uncovered documents showing McKinney, D-Ga., spent about $1,000 of taxpayer's money to fly singer Isaac Hayes to Georgia to help dedicate a new office in Atlanta.
The money came from a fund members of Congress are supposed to use for office supplies.
Using the money to pay for Hayes' airline ticket and hotel expenses is a violation of strict congressional rules. Those rules state that taxpayer money can only be used for "travel by Members, Members' employees and vendors. A vendor is an employee of a private company that provides maintenance and support for equipment and software..."
Watchdog groups call taxpayer-funded celebrity travel a blatant waste of taxpayer money.
McKinney staffers say they will reimburse the congressional fund for the cost of Hayes' flight and hotel room.
Read Full Story Here
Oh this is getting crazier by the minute.
She assault's a Police Officer, claims SHE is the victim of Racial Descrimination, then misuses taxpayer money to fly to Atlanta to meet Isaac Hayes? She not only needs to be arrested for the attack on the Police Officer, but Impeached for Misusing Taxpayer Money...Here we go again, the corruption on the left gets worse and worse...
McKinny should step aside while the investigation is ongoing, and should absolutely resign if she broke the law.
Meanwhile another close DeLay associate was arrested, and DeLay himself has decided to leave Congress. Wonder why?
Thanks for clearing that up, Marie. After looking at Channel 2's copyright notice (way down at the end of the item), I was afraid to actually read the story.
Oh Marie, you destroyed my credibility. After I posted a flattering picture of her on my blog, and commented on what an attractive woman she is, You put that scary picture of her up.
McKinny should step aside while the investigation is ongoing, and should absolutely resign if she broke the law.
Meanwhile another close DeLay associate was arrested, and DeLay himself has decided to leave Congress. Wonder why?
Well this might help you understand why!
Tuesday, April 4, 2006 9:29 a.m.
DeLay Tells Fox: I Want a GOP Majority
Rep. Tom DeLay, R-Texas, told Fox News Channel in an exclusive interview Tuesday that the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal has nothing to do with him and his decision to resign from the House of Representatives.
Responding to attacks by critics who claim he is "tainted by scandal” and "embroiled in the Abramoff affair,” DeLay said his decision is "not a defeat” for himself or the Republican Party.
"The Abramoff affair has nothing to do with me,” Abromoff Clears Delayhe told Fox News. "The Justice Department has told my lawyers I’m not a target of this investigation. What those men did has greatly disappointed me, but it has nothing to do with me.”
DeLay defended his 21-year record as a congressman.
"I know that the left has used it [the Abramoff affair] to try to brand me with guilt by association, but I have always served, I think, honorably and ethically,” he said. "I have never broken a law, the spirit of the law or a House rule. In fact, I’m the most investigated man in Washington and they still have not been able to charge me with anything because there is nothing there.”
As for his decision to resign from the House, DeLay said it was made on behalf of his Texas constituents and the Republican Party.
"This campaign actually started over a year ago,” DeLay said. "It’s very nasty. Every leftist organization is down here in Houston [in a smearing effort]. I just realized that my constituents don’t deserve this. I think I could have won the seat, but it would have been nasty, it would have cost a fortune to do it.”
DeLay reiterated his reason for entering public office and the defended the political party he has served for more than two decades.
"The challenge has always been in the interest of the conservative cause and the Republican majority,” he said. "I’m more interested in growing the Republican majority than I am in my own future. I can still be out there working for the Republican majority and the conservative movement and not jeopardize this seat.”Delay Wins Primary
DeLay, without naming names, said his former Democrat opponent for the House of Representatives has been a successful fund-raiser by targeting DeLay and trying to smear the GOP in exchange for campaign contributions. The donations, however, are largely coming from outside the Texas district long represented by DeLay.
"It will no longer be a national race,” DeLay said. "My liberal Democrat opponent has been raising money all over the nation. He’s got Barbra Streisand’s support, George Soros’ support, Nancy Pelosi’s support ... and money from Boston, Chicago and Hollywood. Very little money is coming from Houston, Texas. His money will dry up [and] this is probably the worst day of his campaign because he knows that any Republican who replaces me on the ballot will win this seat.”
DeLay made a prediction about the Democratic Party that he is confident will prove itself to be true after the 2006 election and beyond.
"This is a Democrat Party that has no agenda, can’t come up with an agenda, has no solutions – all they’ve got is the strategy of personal destruction and character assassination. It hasn’t worked in the past, it’s not going to work in the future and they are a permanent minority party.”
DeLay said he is "excited” to be out of the House and looks forward to continuing his work on behalf of the conservative cause.
"I don’t know what the future holds at all,” he told Fox News. "I just know that I’m going to continue to work hard for the conservative movement and I’m going to continue to work hard to elect Republicans.”Read Full Story Here
Abromoff Clears Delay
Delay Wins Texas GOP Primary
Republicans Police Themselves! Delay knows what's best for the Party. I too believe McKinney should not only step aside, but should be arrested, (Assault is quite different than alleged allegations of Illegal Campaign Contributions) while her trial goes forward. But dont hold your breath. Democrats dont have a clue how to Police themselves or most of them wouldnt be serving right now. If she broke the law If she broke the law? She assaulted a Police Officer!!! And this is not the first time she has pulled shinanigans like this.
I think she pulled this stupid stunt, knowing she was going to get in trouble just to promote her new book.
As for Delay, I think he may be better for the Party on the "Outside" than the inside. He raises alot of money.
But at least Delay knew that while this whole thing is one of the biggest waste's of taxpayer money, that it was no good for the Party while this drags on and on, and he had the courage to Police Himself!
Well Uncle P,
If you didnt read the story, you would have never seen the (Copyright Notice) way down there at the bottom :-)
I'm glad everything is clear now!
Sorry Mark,
I'm sure your credibility is till in tact lol...
If DeLay is innocent, why did he quit? An innocent person stands and fights. He doesn't quit.
Delay is still fighting on the outside of the party. If he think's he is bringing the party down with all this nonsense why stay? Just because your not guilty of anything doesnt mean you cant step down and fight frivilous charges without bringing the rest of the party with you.
Besides he is a very good fundraiser.
Brian Doyle, Deputy Press Secretary for the Department of Homeland Security. Alleged pedophile.
The fact that a Bush Administration Department of Homeland Security Official was arrested yesterday for attempting to solicit sex from a 14-year-old girl over the internet is a shock for some people.
Here we go again, the corruption on the left gets worse and worse... --Marie
Corruption on the left? LEFT?
I almost felt bad about posting this latest culture of corruption news here. Every day brings someone new into the fold...
I'm so sorry for you guys.
And I forgot this:
...Here we go again, the corruption on the left gets worse and worse...--Marie
Frank Figueroa, the former head of the Department of Homeland Security’s program to stop child predators (Operation Predator), today pleaded no contest to charges he exposed himself to a 16-year-old girl. According to the victim, “Figueroa pulled up a leg of his shorts, exposed himself and masturbated for about 10 minutes” in front of her. 2:35 pm
Debbie Schlussel: Homeland Security for Sex Criminals:
ICE/Customs Knew of Agent Fig's Arrest, Promoted Him
By Debbie Schlussel
Federal officials knew all along about a top law enforcement official's arrest on a sex crime against the underaged and, yet, promoted him every step of the way--even to the leadership of a federal law enforcement agency's child sex crime enforcement program. Worse, Homeland Security officials may have LIED about it to a U.S. Senator investigating the episode.
Brian Doyle, Deputy Press Secretary for the Department of Homeland Security. Alleged pedophile.
This may come as a shock to you Claudia, and I have no clue how many Democrats or Republican's work at the Department Of Homeland Security! They both work there. But I'm sure they are ALL Guilty of something. But Doyle was caught. With his pant's down litteraly, trying to speak online, and planing to have sex with a 14 year old girl. He was stung. And to me that means guilty, no trial, nothing, I would personnely like to remove his genitals slowly and painfully. I dont give a rats ass if he's Republican Or Democrat, this sick crap goes way beyond any party.
Frank Figueroa, same thing applies to him in my above post!
You still dont get us Claudia, if it's someone in our party that commit's haneous crimes, we will hang them out to dry ourselves or make sure someone does. Can you say the same about your party Claudia?
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