Ted Kennedy Is A Bitch
The confirmation hearings for Judge Samuel Alito

were barely underway and of course we expect to hear from the usual suspects Schumer, Leahey, Biden, Kennedy, etc., the usual suspects, and they should by all means have thier say. But at the opening of the confirmation hearings on Judge Samuel Alito where everyone is trying to get to know one another and tell what is expected of everyone, when it came time for Kennedy's chance to speak naturaly the Moron said:

"In an era where the White House is abusing power, is excusing and authorizing torture, and is spying on American Citizens, I find Judge Alito's support for an all powerful executive brance to be genuinely troubleing"!
What Kennedy forgot to mention was:
The White House is doing everything in it's power to prevent us from getting attacked once again, President Bush has NEVER authorized Torture and those that have commited it, have been tried, convicted, and are paying the penalty for it now, and as for spying on American citizens, Kennedy forgets to mention or for Political reasons omits the fact that the phone calls that have been monitored are from Al-Quiada members to someone in the United States Or Vise Versa! If someone in the US is talking to someone from Al-Qaida I would like to know why also!!!
Either way Kennedy has to grandstand and even in the first day of Alito confirmations!!!
What a show we can expect from this Liberal asshole.
Is there ANYBODY in Mass that are clear thinking individuals that could unseat Kennedy in the next election? What are you people thinking in Mass? Why do you keep electing this Liberal fuckhead? He has been there since 1968! Cant you find anyone better to serve your interests in Mass? Because Kennedy is a Bitch!!! Not to mention the Murderer Of Mary Jo Kopechne! Which his father got him out of having to stand trial for her murder. If you want more info on this infamous asshole go to http://www.ytedk.com. I just think someone would be better suited to serve the good people of Mass!!!!
Here is what another of Ted Kennedy's Local Newspapers thinks of his diluded ass!!!
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Jesus Please Unseat Ths Asshole!!!

were barely underway and of course we expect to hear from the usual suspects Schumer, Leahey, Biden, Kennedy, etc., the usual suspects, and they should by all means have thier say. But at the opening of the confirmation hearings on Judge Samuel Alito where everyone is trying to get to know one another and tell what is expected of everyone, when it came time for Kennedy's chance to speak naturaly the Moron said:

"In an era where the White House is abusing power, is excusing and authorizing torture, and is spying on American Citizens, I find Judge Alito's support for an all powerful executive brance to be genuinely troubleing"!
What Kennedy forgot to mention was:
The White House is doing everything in it's power to prevent us from getting attacked once again, President Bush has NEVER authorized Torture and those that have commited it, have been tried, convicted, and are paying the penalty for it now, and as for spying on American citizens, Kennedy forgets to mention or for Political reasons omits the fact that the phone calls that have been monitored are from Al-Quiada members to someone in the United States Or Vise Versa! If someone in the US is talking to someone from Al-Qaida I would like to know why also!!!
Either way Kennedy has to grandstand and even in the first day of Alito confirmations!!!
What a show we can expect from this Liberal asshole.
Is there ANYBODY in Mass that are clear thinking individuals that could unseat Kennedy in the next election? What are you people thinking in Mass? Why do you keep electing this Liberal fuckhead? He has been there since 1968! Cant you find anyone better to serve your interests in Mass? Because Kennedy is a Bitch!!! Not to mention the Murderer Of Mary Jo Kopechne! Which his father got him out of having to stand trial for her murder. If you want more info on this infamous asshole go to http://www.ytedk.com. I just think someone would be better suited to serve the good people of Mass!!!!
Here is what another of Ted Kennedy's Local Newspapers thinks of his diluded ass!!!
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Jesus Please Unseat Ths Asshole!!!
Mary Jo Kopechne could not be reached for comment.
And thank's to Teddy she never will.
I dont think I have ever despised anyone on Capital Hill as much as I do Kennedy!
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