Dead Actor Roy Scheider Donates To Barack Obama Campain?
Dead Actor Roy Scheider Donates To Barack Obama Campaign
Sen. Barack Obama does come from the Chicago school of politics, where historically voter turnout has been unusually high for residents of certain graveyards. And he has been unusually successful raising money.
Now, he's raising money by raising the dead.
The Times' campaign finance expert Dan Morain has found Obama campaign records reporting a $50 donation by Roy Scheider, who lists his occupation as actor and his home as Sag Harbor, N.Y.
Remember him from many great movies, including "The French Connection" and "Jaws" and the immortal line: "You're gonna need a bigger boat"?

According to the campaign records, Scheider made the donation March 10.
Trouble is, Scheider died exactly one month before that, on Feb. 10, at age 75. Just another example of Hollywood's undying affection for Democrats.
Obama recently reported other donations from breathing actors: Sam Waterston, $2,300; Lynn Redgrave, $600; Sydney Poitier, $250; and Treat Williams, $100.
Scheider was unavailable for comment. However, informed of the deceased donor's generosity, an Obama campaign spokesman said late Tuesday it had come under a monthly credit card donation program and that it would be halted this month. The $50 March donation would be donated to another cause, the spokesman said.
Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton's campaign has been waiting weeks for Marlon Brando to return its calls. Same for John McCain and Charlton Heston.
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Now how is this possible? This is hillarious, but somewhat expected. Democrat's are notorious for registering Dead people to vote, Convicted Felons, Illegal Aliens, etc... Oh yes and look for the Lunatic's to slash the tires of the Republican "Get Out The Vote Vans" AGAIN! Democrat's will pull any stunt, even illegal to win! Moron's!
Sen. Barack Obama does come from the Chicago school of politics, where historically voter turnout has been unusually high for residents of certain graveyards. And he has been unusually successful raising money.
Now, he's raising money by raising the dead.
The Times' campaign finance expert Dan Morain has found Obama campaign records reporting a $50 donation by Roy Scheider, who lists his occupation as actor and his home as Sag Harbor, N.Y.
Remember him from many great movies, including "The French Connection" and "Jaws" and the immortal line: "You're gonna need a bigger boat"?

According to the campaign records, Scheider made the donation March 10.
Trouble is, Scheider died exactly one month before that, on Feb. 10, at age 75. Just another example of Hollywood's undying affection for Democrats.
Obama recently reported other donations from breathing actors: Sam Waterston, $2,300; Lynn Redgrave, $600; Sydney Poitier, $250; and Treat Williams, $100.
Scheider was unavailable for comment. However, informed of the deceased donor's generosity, an Obama campaign spokesman said late Tuesday it had come under a monthly credit card donation program and that it would be halted this month. The $50 March donation would be donated to another cause, the spokesman said.
Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton's campaign has been waiting weeks for Marlon Brando to return its calls. Same for John McCain and Charlton Heston.
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Now how is this possible? This is hillarious, but somewhat expected. Democrat's are notorious for registering Dead people to vote, Convicted Felons, Illegal Aliens, etc... Oh yes and look for the Lunatic's to slash the tires of the Republican "Get Out The Vote Vans" AGAIN! Democrat's will pull any stunt, even illegal to win! Moron's!
This really has nothing to do with the Democratic Party. All it has to do with is manipulating donations, which really says nothing about the issues facing this country. I'm surprised that people would use such things to attack the other party. Who cares if it's discovered that a bunch of donations were made by someone posing as a dead guy? What difference does it make concerning the issues?
I've talked to people who support McCain and have asked them why they plan to vote for McCain. The only real reason they give me is simply, he's not Obama. This to me sounds very much what Democrats said about John Kerry in 2004. I think this is because McCain was not an easy favorite of the mainstream Republican Party, that was until he began winning all of the primaries. Anyway, I hope you can come up with better reasons to vote McCain/Palin as the election is a month away.
Lighter up hun, what's a little humor now and then in this election cycle?
Has the thought ever crossed your mind that some people YOU are talking to are littlerally SCARED of Barack Hussein Obama?
The ones I talk to are a little more intellectual, we believe in experience!
Shaking up Washington, getting rid of pork barrel spending, keeping the Government from taking half our paycheck's, and keeping us safe from the next terrorist attack.
It amazes me that you guy's could vote for anyone who votes "Present" constantly, pretty much tells you to your face he is going to take things away from you, has some pretty shady connections with Domestic terrorist's, has one wacked out Pastor, and no experience at all.
He promises change? Change to what?
Turning our healthcare system into one huge Free Clinic?
No Thank's I will stick with the guy who has experience and will get rid of corruption on BOTH sides of the isle, and will do away with crap like spending all kinds of money on the mateing habit's of the Porcupine Caribou!
Give em hell Marie!
I'd vote for my dentist over Obama because absolutely NONE of O's platform is admirable when considering the founding fathers of this country and this great country of self-reliant, proud Americans we've been until now. I'm not ashamed to say that.
ANYBODY but a man with the kind of background and associations he has with his Marxist goals.
Re: Roy Scheider, this is hilarious. Obama goes to Iraq and tells them to hold off talk about sending troops back until HE's PRESIDENT (The German media reported German diplomats were there and thought WTF?? maybe we misunderstood?) When Iraq reported that's exactly what Obama said, HIS ADVISOR WHO WAS THERE, denied it and the media said "Oh, OKAY!"
Now an OBAMA ADVISOR says "No, this was a monthly pymt amount..that's all" and the media says "OKAY". Ya, sure..that's OKAY, as long as it's making Obama look better.
I'm wondering if the highlighted band at Obama's inaugural balls (GOD FORBID) won't be THE GRATEFUL DEAD?
So...the story is that someone had an automatic debit donation to the Obama campaign, was dying, and dadgamit...he forgot to do the single most important thing before taking his last breath: cancel his automatic payment to Obama's campaign.
What a loser Roy Scheider was!
I do remember a donation to McSame's campaign, back in the late 80's...what was that slips my mind...OH
(Fat lady singing)
I do remember a donation to McSame's campaign, back in the late 80's...what was that slips my mind...OH
You mean that scandal that saw McCain exonerated of any wrong-doing? That's nice. Interesting that John Glenn, one of the Keating 5, is doing surrogate work for Obama.
I see that the deranged Dem's are at it again, Marie. How anyone calling themselves Americans can vote for such a clown is beyond me. As if Obama's associations with unsavory characters weren't enough, Hamas has endorsed Obama and all of our enemies will be praising Allah and dancing in the streets if he wins. That should be enough for any thoughtful American! Oops! I said "thoughtful", and therin lies the problem.
This is funny Marie! A little humor is always needed.
BTW you are getting top heavy with the videos. LOL, there are just to many good ones to choose from aren't there ?
Federalist, as far as the Keating Five goes not only was McCain exonerated but the Democrat lead prosecutor is on the record as saying that the ONLY reason he was even kept in the mix was not because of any wrong doing but because the Democrats did not want ONLY Democrats investigated. He called for McCain to be dropped from the investigation at the beginning because McCain had no involvment or wrong doing.
Also why do you consider yourself a , "Federalist, " and use Teddy Roosevelts picture and defend Obama which leads one to beleive that you support him ?
Obama's plans and ideas are as far from Federalist as Karl Marx is which is why Obama is closer to being a Marxist. Also Teddy Roosevelt and John McCain would have been good freinds in the fact that their views are VERY similar.
I beleive McCain asked Teddy about it once LOL. BTW in case you did not get it that was a joke about McCain's age !
Don’t worry, Marie . . . I saw the humor.
And your guest is probably correct that it has nothing to do with the Democratic Party; just like the thousands of dollars flowing in to the Obama coffers from overseas locations — some from the Middle East and from Islamatized Europe. And neither does the Democratic Party have anything to do with the massive fraud, perpetrated by the Acorn organizations that have no hesitation to help register homeless people in return for a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of wine. No, the Democratic Party isn’t involved in any of these dishonest and un-American activities; they’re just proud to welcome the support of such undeniable patriotism from among the dearly departed.
I also have a bridge for sale, if anyone is interested.
what else is new?
This just in:
Employees of ACORN in Las Vegas have just been either arrested or indicted (I don't know which) for registering the roster of the Dallas Cowboys to Obama Democrats!
What we call "gangland-style slayings" in the rest of the country, they call "voter registration" in Chicago.
I intend to :-)
Your Dentist could probably run the Country better than Obama and be alot less painfull!
Re: Roy Scheider, this is hilarious. Obama goes to Iraq and tells them to hold off talk about sending troops back until HE's PRESIDENT (The German media reported German diplomats were there and thought WTF?? maybe we misunderstood?) When Iraq reported that's exactly what Obama said, HIS ADVISOR WHO WAS THERE, denied it and the media said "Oh, OKAY!"
Now an OBAMA ADVISOR says "No, this was a monthly pymt amount..that's all" and the media says "OKAY". Ya, sure..that's OKAY, as long as it's making Obama look better.
I'm wondering if the highlighted band at Obama's inaugural balls (GOD FORBID) won't be THE GRATEFUL DEAD?
Oh it's already starting. ACORN is registering Dead People, Illegal Aliens, Convicted Felons, and this year they are pulling a new trick, they registered The Dallas Cowboy's and a 12 year old! LMMFAO!
So it comes as no surpise that Obama is getting money from overseas and more Dead People!
You Liberals are nutjobs, you will do ANYTHING to win!
Picture this (God Forbid) Obama get's sworn in as President and places his hand on the Koran and says so help me Allah!
Think the Liberals will get it then and realize what they did?
I thought it was funny :-)
Yes I'm getting clogged with Videos and have started a second row now lol
This is really getting rediculous, Picking up homeless people and regitering them to vote for Obama, that just beat's all!
Throwing Stones,
LOL!~ It isnt new is it?
I know I just did a piece on that before I got to answer you!
ACORN is being investigated left and right!
And Obama is up to his neck in this mess.
Uncle P,
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