OMG! OMG! I Saw Sarah Palin!
So my GF calls me up this morning and say's "Hey one of the Candidates Is going to be at Carson High School" so I say who is it going to be? Her brother said I think it's Joe Biden I said well phooey. My GF say's I dont know for sure, turn on CNN, I was like UGH.
So I turn on CNN, and it was showing alot of the candidates and where they were, then it said, awaiting Sarah Palin in Carson Calif. I told her, OMG! I gotta go!
So I get in the shower real quick and get my clothes on and told my Dad I'll Be back going to see Sarah Palin. He say's ok not thinking what was really going on because he was busy on his computer lol.
So it turns out the event wasn't at Carson High School at all (Which is only a mile or two from me) It was at Cal State Dominguez Hills/Home Depot Center IN Carson.
So by the time I get there traffic is so damn heavy, and there was only one parking lot left with a few open spaces. Then I parked, and walked and walked and walked till I finally get to the event center, and like and Idiot I took off in my thongs and forgot my camera I was in such a rush. So by now I have blisters on my feet and upset because I forgot my camera.
Get up to the event center and they said "Sorry no one else is allowed in"! There were so many of us wanting to get in that we were all pissed as you can imagine, If I had only known about this sooner and left like at 10:00 this morning all would have been fine.
So there was a bunch of us that snuck up all over the grass in all kinds of places so that we could at least hear her. By that time they were just introducing her, the crowd went bizzerk!!! We peaked through one of the fences and got chased away by secret service of course then went back to the grass where they couldnt see us. But we could still hear her.
She started off with a line I will never forget, she said: I was drinking coffee out of my Starbucks Cup (Crowd Cheering) and on the cup there was a quote it read: "There is a special place reserved in hell for women that dont support other women"! Crowd cheering again, "And you know who the quote is from? She say's Madeline Albright"! Crowd goes wild. Then she went on the attack and started in on Obama's connections to Domestic terrorist Bill Ayres and others, Crowd goes wild again.
Ok so I got to at least listen to her whole speech. THEN, I go looking for my car which if you have ever been to Cal State Dominguez Hills/Home Depot Center you know there are a million parking lots and ya better write down where you parked if you expect to find it!
Well like an ass I didnt, I was walking and walking and walking again and then I ran into one of the employees for the event and I asked him approximately where I was. He say's Ma'am you are going to have to step off the road, I said why? What's going on? He said "Sarah Palin's motorcade is coming"! I said NO WAY! So I just stood there next to this guy waiting and sure enough here comes her motorcade, I start waving like a lunatic lol and then all the sudden there she was! Not 2 feet from me! She looked at me, smiled and waved at me! AT ME! I was like I dont believe this! She made eye contact with me! And was just as natural as could be!
I was so excited, then I really forgot where my car was and was walking and walking blisters on my feet and all, and then one of those golf cart driving people came up to me and told me to get in and they helped me find my car.
Needless to say every blister on my feet was worth it.
What an awesome day!
I am still so thrilled I cant stand it, even if I didnt get pictures this was an experience I will NEVER forget! :-)

A California Wave For Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin Getting Introduced By Democrat Feminist! In Carson California!
Beginning And Middle Of Speech
End Of Speech
Jon Voight Takes on the Liberal Media
So I turn on CNN, and it was showing alot of the candidates and where they were, then it said, awaiting Sarah Palin in Carson Calif. I told her, OMG! I gotta go!
So I get in the shower real quick and get my clothes on and told my Dad I'll Be back going to see Sarah Palin. He say's ok not thinking what was really going on because he was busy on his computer lol.
So it turns out the event wasn't at Carson High School at all (Which is only a mile or two from me) It was at Cal State Dominguez Hills/Home Depot Center IN Carson.
So by the time I get there traffic is so damn heavy, and there was only one parking lot left with a few open spaces. Then I parked, and walked and walked and walked till I finally get to the event center, and like and Idiot I took off in my thongs and forgot my camera I was in such a rush. So by now I have blisters on my feet and upset because I forgot my camera.
Get up to the event center and they said "Sorry no one else is allowed in"! There were so many of us wanting to get in that we were all pissed as you can imagine, If I had only known about this sooner and left like at 10:00 this morning all would have been fine.
So there was a bunch of us that snuck up all over the grass in all kinds of places so that we could at least hear her. By that time they were just introducing her, the crowd went bizzerk!!! We peaked through one of the fences and got chased away by secret service of course then went back to the grass where they couldnt see us. But we could still hear her.
She started off with a line I will never forget, she said: I was drinking coffee out of my Starbucks Cup (Crowd Cheering) and on the cup there was a quote it read: "There is a special place reserved in hell for women that dont support other women"! Crowd cheering again, "And you know who the quote is from? She say's Madeline Albright"! Crowd goes wild. Then she went on the attack and started in on Obama's connections to Domestic terrorist Bill Ayres and others, Crowd goes wild again.
Ok so I got to at least listen to her whole speech. THEN, I go looking for my car which if you have ever been to Cal State Dominguez Hills/Home Depot Center you know there are a million parking lots and ya better write down where you parked if you expect to find it!
Well like an ass I didnt, I was walking and walking and walking again and then I ran into one of the employees for the event and I asked him approximately where I was. He say's Ma'am you are going to have to step off the road, I said why? What's going on? He said "Sarah Palin's motorcade is coming"! I said NO WAY! So I just stood there next to this guy waiting and sure enough here comes her motorcade, I start waving like a lunatic lol and then all the sudden there she was! Not 2 feet from me! She looked at me, smiled and waved at me! AT ME! I was like I dont believe this! She made eye contact with me! And was just as natural as could be!
I was so excited, then I really forgot where my car was and was walking and walking blisters on my feet and all, and then one of those golf cart driving people came up to me and told me to get in and they helped me find my car.
Needless to say every blister on my feet was worth it.
What an awesome day!
I am still so thrilled I cant stand it, even if I didnt get pictures this was an experience I will NEVER forget! :-)

Labels: Seeing Sarah Palin
"There is a special place reserved in hell for women that dont support other women"! Crowd cheering again, "And you know who the quote is from? She say's Madeline Albright"!
Lol...I actually have thought about using that line in a post, as I had blog-mentioned it in this post.
Congratulations! I had to work, but would have loved to have gone.
Sorry ya had to work.
It was excilerating!
I cant believe she saw me face to face and waved at me :-)
I am so sore and blistered lol but ya know what?
It was WORTH IT! :-)
I am so upset that I ran out the door with out my camera though :-(
If only Sarah Palin knew what you went through. Lol.
Thanks for sharing your story with us.
I should copy and paste this post and send it to Sarah! lol She must know how devoted we are to her becoming VP, I may as well walked through fire lol.
It still would have been worth it :-)
I am still so excited I cant stand it, that is the first candidate in my life I have ever had the pleasure of meeting eye to eye :-)
hey Marie..good on u girl!..woohoo!
That is so cool, Marie. Here via Word's post at Flopping Aces. I used the quote in a post one time, too. I loved it then and love it now. Sarah is too good.
Marie: When you said "I took off in my thongs " I hope you are refering to footwear and not some other kind of apparel.
You got much closer than me. I rode over there on my motorcycle thinking if I got there by 1PM I could find a spot. Well, No. The roads were jammed, the lots were full, I threaded through the traffic and realized there was no way I'd get near the stadium.
California? When did you leave Oklahoma and why?
By the way, I saw Sarah, too, in Virginia. I posted pictures of the even that I took with my own cheap little Koday Easy Share Digital camera on my blog.
Thank You :-)
Welcome to my blog
That is a cool quote, I am glad she is getting to get out there and speak on her own :-)
She is really going on the attack!
Yes footwear! LMAO!
If you got there at 1:00, not only whould you have found a place to park, but you would have after one hell of an extensive walk got in to see Sarah they didnt start locking the gates till 2:00.
I got there at 2:14 UGH!
But had I not gone through all the hell I went through, I probably would have NEVER have got to see Sarah in her Motorcade waving at me.
To me that was the most special moment of the entire day! :-)
I was so flustered and this was so last minute I didnt even take mt tennis shoes like an ass let alone my camera.
I am in California Mark because my mom passed away and there is no one left to take care of my Dad and my Uncle! So it's up to me!
Besides no Candidates ever stopped over in Oklahoma lol. The Democrat's alway's said forget it and the Republican's alway's knew they had it sewn up. So no one ever battled over Oklahoma lol.
COOL Marie, That was really exciting..thanks for the great info on this post
Thank's :-)
That was the most exciting thing that's happened to me in a long time :-)
I'll never forget this!
Wow! The way you acted about seeing Sarah Palin, one would only think you were running to see Jesus Christ!!! Get real!
Republican definition of "feminist":
a person with a uterus
But then again, as I've said a thousand times...facts do not matter with NeoConned lemmings; like this Palin's claim that Obama "pals around" with terrorists.
This is from the article about Palin defending the accusation, despite every single credible news source that unequivocally reports that the accusation is completely false:
"During her stop in California, Palin was asked about an Associated Press analysis that said her charge about Ayers was unsubstantiated, a point made by other news organizations, and the criticism carried a "racially tinged subtext that McCain may come to regret."
"The Associated Press is wrong," Palin said, before arguing that the issue had not been adequately discussed."
Unbelievable. It's now a question of "whoever says it first means it's true."
This won't be like 2004. Obama will do what you guys do best: preemptive strike.
wow! Karen and Mustang sent me over here to read your account of PALIN IN MY STATE!! I'm in LA, too!
Thanks SO MUCH for covering this so well and posting all the videos, etc.
Man, was she GREAT, or WHAT? I posted a speech I'd like her to make and I swear she's actually starting to hit on the things she HAS TO HIT ON! You gave me a lift with this post.
great blog!
You made not be so excited about seeing a candidate but I was!
When was the last time you saw a candidate 2 feet way from you?
Oh Ya know what? Shut the fuck up!
Thank's and welcome to my blog :-)
She was awesome ;-)
Even though I dint get to see her until her motorcade, her speech was well worth it!
She's goin on the attack whether McCain like's it or not lol, sometimes I think it should be Palin/McCain lol.
Congrats Marie! You lucky dog!
What a great crowd for a State that is considered extremely blue.
Sarah appeals to everyone across the board. Even those who don't like her politics like her.
You made not be so excited about seeing a candidate but I was!
When was the last time you saw a candidate 2 feet way from you?
Not like the Obama minions would ever faint, shed tears, or get emotional upon seeing their messiah talk about "hope" and "change".
Seeing that HUGE crowd out there, I mean standing room only, I wouldn't count out California at all!
I think California is in play big time.
I hope she and McCain come back here and give California a shot. I also think Sarah is right, turn her loose and let her go back and Try Michigan!
Of course there were some Obama supporters there, about 30 maybe, maybe 20, I just looked at them and said talk to the hand lol.
I truly think we have a good shot in all 50 states! :-)
Or as Obama would say 57 HAHA
Really! If Anon were to see Obama he/she would probably faint!
Marie, when McCain and Palin appeared here in Virginia, I drove past some Lib protestors on the way, and you gotta know they talked to my hand. Or at least one of my fingers, if you catch my drift.
I'm glad you got out to see Vice President Palin Marie. I went to see her before the debate when she was in Media PA. There were huge crowds there and I couldn't resist irritating the Obamorons that showed up. I also ran into some other Patriots from West Chester there too. I only had mt cell phone camera but I got a few good pics of Sarah giving a her speech. I didn't have to go through what you did and as always I'm darn proud of ya Marie. I always want you on my side.
One more thing though. I saw where you said this to faux guy earlier...
Oh Ya know what? Shut the fuck up!
Amen to that Marie, I don't let that Obamaton over at my blog. I'm pretty tired of dealing with morons and there aren't too many that can top his robot like allegiance to stupidity.
I'm so proud of you: two consecutive posts without spitting up Hannity talking points.
There is a God!
Keep up the good work J_G, you're going places, kid!
Well more good news, I thought I just had blisters that werent healing fast enough, go to the foot Dr yesterday, wound up breaking to little bones in one of my feet.
So now I have to wear this Boot looking thing I guess they are replacing cast's with these things for 3 weeks!
I still say it was worth it lol
Oops 2 bones!
I'm happy for ya, Marie!
I would love to meet a candidate, or hear one speak in person.
She's certainly charismatic, isn't she? I think it's FABULOUS that the LA leader of NOW introduced her, and supports Palin....although she's a dem.
Now, that's a woman who will stand on principles. I can admire that.
Anyway, I came here via Z from Geeeez. Nice to meet you! Cool blog, and I love that you told your troll to STFU. Sometimes it has to be done! ;-)
Thank You and Welcome to my Blog
I know that was my first candidate too. When I lived in Oklahoma no one ever came though there cause they either thought they had the state all sewn up or wouldn't get elected from Oklahoman's anyway!
I think Oklahoma has only 3 electoral votes anyway lol
But since I came to live with my Dad in Torannce, Carson is only a mile or two from here and I dont remember when I grew up here ANY candidate coming to Carson of all places lol.
The Coliseum maybe, but not Carson.
I might have went even if it was Obama if they were serving free food LMAO!
Hell no I scambled to see Sarah!
All my injuries were worth it too :-)
I will have to drop by Z's
I have so many new friends to add to my blogroll.
I will stop by your place as well :-)
big deal I can see Palin from my window. oh wait thats just a rock. My mistake.
Too bad she doesn't know what the VP actually does.
Sure is nice to see Mrs. Joe sixpack spend $150K on clothes, I mean she really is just like all of us in 'real' small town ameria spending over $2000 a day on clothing gosh darn if she aint just the folksiest trigger in the southwest.
LMAO!! losers
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