Maries Two Cents
Far Right Conservative And Proud Of It!..... Stories That I Think Need Special Attention, And, Of Course, My Two Cents :-)
About Me
- Name: Marie's Two Cents
- Location: Del City, Oklahoma, United States The Ring of Republican Websites Ring Owner: Republicans Site: - The Ring of Republican Websites |
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Did you hear it yet? Louis Farrakhan has Declared Obama
as the Messiah.
So with this and with Wright his mentor. How can he go wrong?
The REAL terrorist would be the person who authorized the NSA to spy on phone calls from U.S. troops to their wives here at home.
Under normal circumstances this would be called "voyeurism". In this case it's sick and disgusting and morally reprehensible.
Nothing like spreading democracy by spying on your own troops...what will this regime do next?
Here's the story:
Report: U.S. spied on Americans' intimate conversations abroad
By Pam Benson
CNN National Security Producer
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Congress is looking into allegations that National Security Agency linguists have been eavesdropping on Americans abroad.
Government linguists say the U.S. eavesdropped on Americans, including military officers serving in Iraq.
The congressional oversight committees said Thursday that the Americans targeted included military officers in Iraq who called friends and family in the United States.
The allegations were made by two former military intercept operators on a television news report Thursday evening.
A terrorist surveillance program instituted by the Bush administration allows the intelligence community to monitor phone calls between the United States and overseas without a court order -- as long as one party to the call is a terror suspect.
Adrienne Kinne, a former U.S. Army Reserves Arab linguist, told ABC News the NSA was listening to the phone calls of U.S. military officers, journalists and aid workers overseas who were talking about "personal, private things with Americans who are not in any way, shape or form associated with anything to do with terrorism."
David Murfee Faulk, a former U.S. Navy Arab linguist, said in the news report that he and his colleagues were listening to the conversations of military officers in Iraq who were talking with their spouses or girlfriends in the United States.
According to Faulk, they would often share the contents of some of the more salacious calls stored on their computers, listening to what he called "phone sex" and "pillow talk."
Both Kinne and Faulk worked at the NSA listening facility at Fort Gordon, Georgia. They told ABC that when linguists complained to supervisors about eavesdropping on personal conversations, they were ordered to continue transcribing the calls.
NSA spokeswoman Judith Emmel said the agency's Inspector General has investigated some of the allegations and found them "unsubstantiated." Other accusations are still being looked at, she said.
The NSA operates in "strict accordance with U.S. laws and regulations," she said. "Any allegation of wrongdoing by employees is thoroughly investigated" and if misconduct is discovered, "we take swift and certain remedial action."
CIA Director Mike Hayden, who was the head of the NSA when the terrorist surveillance program began, has always maintained that private conversations of Americans are not intercepted and if it should happen inadvertently, the name is removed from the record.
"At NSA, the law was followed assiduously," said Hayden's spokesman, Mark Mansfeld. "The notion that Gen. Hayden sanctioned or tolerated illegalities of any sort is ridiculous on its face."
Author Jim Bamford was the first to interview the two former NSA linguists for his new book, "The Shadow Factory," which will be published next week. Bamford told CNN the accounts from the whistle-blowers demonstrate the NSA was listening to the private conversations of Americans, transcribing them and keeping them.
"They don't delete them," he said.
Bamford has written two other books on the NSA and was a party to an unsuccessful ACLU lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the Terrorist Surveillance Program.
The ACLU issued a statement on Thursday saying the allegations show that the government "misled the American public about the scope of its surveillance activities."
The ABC report "is an indictment not only of the Bush administration, but of all of those political leaders, Democratic and Republican, who have been saying that the executive branch can be trusted with surveillance powers that are essentially unchecked," said ACLU official Jamell Jaffer.
Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Jay Rockefeller, D-West Virginia, called the allegations "extremely disturbing."
"Anytime there is an allegation regarding abuse of the privacy and civil liberties of Americans, it is a very serious matter," said Rockefeller, adding that his committee is prepared to take whatever action is necessary to ensure the government is following the strict procedures to protect U.S. citizens against unwarranted surveillance.
A House Intelligence Committee spokesman said the panel has been in contact with the NSA and is awaiting the agency's response
Hi Marie, as always today blog was a great one.
I did one on the same topic today myself.
Btw, there do these Nut cases like you seem to get here come from. I thought that termite season was over.
Yep, LOL found the Video and posted it :-)
This is Unreal lol
The NSA doesnt moniter calls from the Troops to thier wives back home! My son was in Iraq and no one ever monitored our phone calls, and you know what? I wouldnt have minded if they did! We Had nothing to hide.
That is a completely untrue statement!
Quit posting this crap on my blog from CNN or Huffpo or wherever or I mean it I will delete it!
I dont know, I alway's get swarms of them during election cycles!
A) you wouldn't know if they did or didn't
B) your remark, "I wouldn't care if they did" is the most UNAMERICAN comment I've ever read anywhere!
I knew you were against the Democrats but I didn't know you hated the Constitution as well! Wow!
Republicans in this decade sort of remind me of those "Americans" who sided with the British during the American Revolution ---"Who cares about civil liberties? I've got nothing to hide."
Talk about a white flag of surrender...
A) you wouldn't know if they did or didn't
Then How do you?
Oh here we go again try to change the subject!
I dont give a rats ass what it takes to prevent another terrorist attack in this Country.
And last I knew we were at war and the Supreme Court has NOT ruled it unconstitutional!
As a matter of fact YOUR Guy Jimmy Carter signed it into law to begin with. It's called FISA!
Foreign Intelligence Survelliance Act Of 1978
Dont even start argueing about this with me I know all about it and have argeued about this way back when everyone was bitching about it!
Wave the White Flag of Surrender my ass!
Dont even get this started!
And quit trying to change the subject!
We are going to find out about Obama and you guy's are NOT going to stop us!
NSA Surveillance programs that have kept our country safe these several years is not the problem.
If there is a lack of oversight, that would be a problem. If there is an epidemic of rampant abuse, that is a problem.
NSA spokeswoman Judith Emmel said the agency's Inspector General has investigated some of the allegations and found them "unsubstantiated." Other accusations are still being looked at, she said.
The NSA operates in "strict accordance with U.S. laws and regulations," she said. "Any allegation of wrongdoing by employees is thoroughly investigated" and if misconduct is discovered, "we take swift and certain remedial action."
"unsubstantiated allegations"....I'll take a wait and see attitude; not sure how much stock I'd put into a Jim Bamford book.
Uh-Oh...another Democrat involved in a HETEROSEXUAL sex scandal! What is it with Democrats and being HETEROsexually promiscuous?
That Florida seat is a dangerous one: Mahoney took Mark "I would love to slip those shorts off ya" Foley's seat - REPUBLICAN.
But like Wordsmith says, "Let's play the wait and see game."
WASHINGTON (CNN) — Florida Democratic Rep. Tim Mahoney called on the House ethics committee to investigate his own behavior after ABC News reported that he paid a former staffer who was also his mistress $121,000 to avoid a sexual harassment lawsuit.
Mahoney, who is married, did not directly address the ABC report, but said in a written statement, "I was notified this afternoon about a story that ran on ABC News' web site reporting allegations about a former employee. While these allegations are based on hearsay, I believe that my constituents need a full accounting. As such, I have requested the House ethics committee to review these allegations. I am confident that when the facts are presented that I will be vindicated."
The ABC story said Mahoney began an affair with Patricia Allen during his campaign in 2006. Allen was later hired to work for Mahoney's Florida congressional office. In addition to the $121,000 legal settlement, the story reports that Mahoney secured Allen a job at the consulting firm that handles his campaign commercials. A spokesman in Mahoney's campaign office in Florida declined to answer any questions regarding the allegations in the ABC report.
Mahoney's West Palm Beach area congressional seat was formerly held by Republican Mark Foley, who resigned in late 2006 after his own sex scandal involving inappropriate communication with male House pages.
And the connection between Mr. Mahoney paying off his girlfriend and Professor Ayers is what, exactly?
The same connection that exists between Ayers and Obama: none.
Or, better yet, the same level of connection that exists between John McSame and the US Council for World Freedom. Or the lobbyist that worked for McSame and also worked for Saddam Hussein.
Just saying...
The same connection that exists between Ayers and Obama: none
federalist, that's what Obama would have YOU believe. He's not being forthcoming. They didn't just "cross paths". They formed a political partnership; probably as early as 1993 (Woods Fund), not 1995 as Obama claims.
Together, they controlled the money and the money flow during their work on CAC. And together, they poured money down the drain- well, actually more like poured it toward political allies and for purposes of politically radicalizing school children, rather than for promoting real education.
I don't see how you get from a Democratic congressperson sleeping around on his wife and then paying hush money to one of his ex-girlfriends to this being Senator McCain's fault, but I guess that would be to miss the point, Federalist.
I've said it before, but it bears repeating: Having friends (in this case Professors Ayers and Dohrn) who tried to blow up the Pentagon is only a problem for people who think the Pentagon ought not to be blown up. If you agree with Professor Ayers, then of course you don't see it as a problem. Likewise, if nothing will do but that we must have an affirmative action president, then no associations from the fabulously corrupt and un-democratic world of Chicago politics will serve to discredit B-O.
But then again, having the Messiah as President of the United States is a problem only for people who actually believe in the separation church and state.
Hopefully you get the point.
Yeah: That you totally miss the argument and your analogy is misplaced.
It's not about what Ayers did when Obama was 8 years old. It's his associating with Ayers, an unrepentant terrorist, when Obama was an adult, and their work together through the Woods Fund, CAC, and views regarding education as a tool for political activism, and funneling of money to those with political agendas rather than to real education.
Just love posting on dump blogs as this one! Assholes usually do, Karyn.
I had to get Karyn out of here,
She is not allowed to sit here and use this blog for her Liberal crud.
Here they come, I need to get back on my game!
Freedom of speech! You can delete my comments but I will continue to post on your blog....wait until November 4th!!!
Wordsmith from Nantucket - Are you afraid of an African American becoming the President of the United States?
So who's hemorrhaging, I would say you and this entire site, because you're spending your entire time posting stories about Barack Obama
and for what? Are you afraid your life will not be the same because the President of the "free" country is an African American. Are you having sleepless nights and can't eat!! You are a joke and so is this site!
I only come here to see what dumb new blog is posted, so I can show my friends and we can laugh at the joke.
So what do you think about Ms Todd, who claimed she was attacked for being a McCain supporter? The poor woman went as far as carving a B in her face (and of course she blamed a African American). Now this is a story you should blog about and don't forgot McCain and Palin camp both called the girl's parent and offered condolences before the news broke that she had lied! HAHAHAHA!
Until next time....go F$%@ yourself Wordsmith from nantucket!
Wordsmith from Nantucket - Are you afraid of an African American becoming the President of the United States?
If Clarence Thomas or Michael Steele or Thomas Sowell were running for president, and you opposed, should I accuse you of fearing a black president?
So who's hemorrhaging, I would say you and this entire site, because you're spending your entire time posting stories about Barack Obama
and for what?
Because- HELLO! There's an election happening in less than 2 weeks?
Are you afraid your life will not be the same because the President of the "free" country is an African American. Are you having sleepless nights and can't eat!! You are a joke and so is this site!
Why does the skin color of a presidential candidate matter to you? Are you racist?
Why do you attack Marie's blog without knowing her, projecting your own hatred and stereotypical preconceptions?
I only come here to see what dumb new blog is posted, so I can show my friends and we can laugh at the joke.
I'm embarrassed for you.
Do you only like setting up strawman arguments and seeing your own idiocy in type and ignorance on full display?
So what do you think about Ms Todd, who claimed she was attacked for being a McCain supporter? The poor woman went as far as carving a B in her face (and of course she blamed a African American). Now this is a story you should blog about and don't forgot McCain and Palin camp both called the girl's parent and offered condolences before the news broke that she had lied! HAHAHAHA!
It was a story that sounded suspicious from the beginning. The woman's story was just too over-the-top to be believed. And it was already talked about at Flopping Aces, a site I contribute to, and one you'd probably love to visit also. The owner would probably ban you, though, because unlike the regular lefty commenters there, you don't seem to really add anything to a debate but are only interested in trolling and insulting.
Until next time....go F$%@ yourself Wordsmith from nantucket!
Thanks for the love, Karyn.
Here ya go.
The only reason I deleted your commented was because you were namecalling and I wont have that on MY blog!
There is no reason to call MY readers names like (Assholes)
Ya keep that up and I will delete ALL your posts!
If you notice up until that point I left you and your Liberal talking points alone so you can debate whom you want.
But I WONT put up with you calling my readers names PERIOD!
Until next time....go F$%@ yourself Wordsmith from nantucket!
See what I mean?
I will let this stand but that's it.
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