Saddam Executed For Crimes Against Humanity
Saddam Hussein Executed in Iraq

State TV has been showing footage of Saddam Hussein's atrocities
Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has been executed by hanging at an unspecified location in Baghdad, for crimes against humanity.
Iraqi TV said the execution took place just before 0600 local time (0300GMT).
The news was confirmed to the BBC by the Iraqi Deputy Foreign Minister, Labeed Abawi.
Two co-defendants, Saddam Hussein's half-brother Barzan al-Tikriti and former Iraqi chief judge Awad Hamed al-Bandar, were also executed.
All three were sentenced to death by an Iraqi court on 5 November after a year-long trial over the 1982 killings of 148 Shias in the town of Dujail.
"Criminal Saddam was hanged to death," state-run Iraqiya television announced, as patriotic music and images of national monuments were broadcast.
A scrolling headline read: "Saddam's execution marks the end of a dark period of Iraq's history."
Iraqi-Americans Celebrate Saddam's Execution In Dearborn, Michigan

No this guy isnt trying to hang the Flag upside down, he was grabbing at the Flag to pull it over his head.
Other Arab TV stations aired live footage of the sunrise over Baghdad's Firdous Square, where US Marines pulled down a statue of Saddam Hussein, after he was deposed in April 2003.
'Turning a page'
US troops and Iraqi security forces are on high alert for any violent backlash. The US State Department has urged all its embassies to increase security.
The BBC's Peter Greste in Baghdad says Shias have generally welcomed Saddam Hussein's death and hailed the execution as justice for the suffering endured under his leadership.
But Saddam's own Sunni tribesman were angered by his treatment and they may well protest once more, our correspondent adds.
The White House is expected to issue a written statement, although President Bush is not expected to make an address.
The BBC's Adam Brookes in Washington says the Bush administration will see the act as turning a page in Iraq - a demonstration that Iraq has a sovereign and democratic government.
However, the administration will be keen to portray the execution as a matter purely for the Iraqi government and its court system, our correspondent says.
UK Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett welcomed the fact Saddam Hussein had been tried by an Iraqi court "for at least some of the appalling crimes he committed" and said "he has now been held to account".
France called on Iraqis to "look towards the future and work towards reconciliation and national unity".
Story Here
Well the Butcher of Baghdad is DEAD!! Iraqi's are clebrating, and this chapter is closed! Saddam will be buried somewhere in Iraq in an unmarked grave, fitting I think, never to be seen or heard from again. Rot in Hell with Uday and Kusay, Saddam!
Saddam's Last Words
Of course I'm still waiting for the real execution video, I just thought I would throw this little diddy on here in the meantime :-)
Happy Iraqi's


The Execution of Saddam Hussien
Partial Video
Iraqi TV show's Picture of DEAD Saddam Hussein
Saddam Hussein The Fall Of A Tyrant
Dedicated to Danny
Linked With:
Mike's America
Midnight Blue
Midwest Rightwingers
Sparks From The Anvil
**Actual Cellphone Video**
Saddam Hussein Hanging
Saddam Hussein Hanging
I dint have a code for this one just click it

State TV has been showing footage of Saddam Hussein's atrocities
Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has been executed by hanging at an unspecified location in Baghdad, for crimes against humanity.
Iraqi TV said the execution took place just before 0600 local time (0300GMT).
The news was confirmed to the BBC by the Iraqi Deputy Foreign Minister, Labeed Abawi.
Two co-defendants, Saddam Hussein's half-brother Barzan al-Tikriti and former Iraqi chief judge Awad Hamed al-Bandar, were also executed.
All three were sentenced to death by an Iraqi court on 5 November after a year-long trial over the 1982 killings of 148 Shias in the town of Dujail.
"Criminal Saddam was hanged to death," state-run Iraqiya television announced, as patriotic music and images of national monuments were broadcast.
A scrolling headline read: "Saddam's execution marks the end of a dark period of Iraq's history."
Iraqi-Americans Celebrate Saddam's Execution In Dearborn, Michigan

No this guy isnt trying to hang the Flag upside down, he was grabbing at the Flag to pull it over his head.
Other Arab TV stations aired live footage of the sunrise over Baghdad's Firdous Square, where US Marines pulled down a statue of Saddam Hussein, after he was deposed in April 2003.
'Turning a page'
US troops and Iraqi security forces are on high alert for any violent backlash. The US State Department has urged all its embassies to increase security.
The BBC's Peter Greste in Baghdad says Shias have generally welcomed Saddam Hussein's death and hailed the execution as justice for the suffering endured under his leadership.
But Saddam's own Sunni tribesman were angered by his treatment and they may well protest once more, our correspondent adds.
The White House is expected to issue a written statement, although President Bush is not expected to make an address.
The BBC's Adam Brookes in Washington says the Bush administration will see the act as turning a page in Iraq - a demonstration that Iraq has a sovereign and democratic government.
However, the administration will be keen to portray the execution as a matter purely for the Iraqi government and its court system, our correspondent says.
UK Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett welcomed the fact Saddam Hussein had been tried by an Iraqi court "for at least some of the appalling crimes he committed" and said "he has now been held to account".
France called on Iraqis to "look towards the future and work towards reconciliation and national unity".
Story Here
Well the Butcher of Baghdad is DEAD!! Iraqi's are clebrating, and this chapter is closed! Saddam will be buried somewhere in Iraq in an unmarked grave, fitting I think, never to be seen or heard from again. Rot in Hell with Uday and Kusay, Saddam!
Saddam's Last Words
Of course I'm still waiting for the real execution video, I just thought I would throw this little diddy on here in the meantime :-)
Happy Iraqi's


The Execution of Saddam Hussien
Partial Video
Iraqi TV show's Picture of DEAD Saddam Hussein
Saddam Hussein The Fall Of A Tyrant
Dedicated to Danny
Linked With:
Mike's America
Midnight Blue
Midwest Rightwingers
Sparks From The Anvil
**Actual Cellphone Video**
Saddam Hussein Hanging
Saddam Hussein Hanging
I dint have a code for this one just click it
Great cinema, LOL!
Great cinema, LOL!
That first one was a stitch! The second one was just,...weird!
Haha Cinema!
You're right I took that other one off lol
If anyone has the video code send it to me!! Please!
Yeah I'm Morbid! Sue me.
Marie: I've linked back to you too!
Great update on this important story.
And I also join you in remembering President Gerald Ford. He had little more than two years and perhaps his best legacy is his conduct in the years since he left office. Too bad his example was wasted on Democrat former Presidents.
Funny how the liberal commentariat seems to have dropped off the grid, innit?
Not if you go to DU or Daily Kos for their analysis, Pavian.
Excellent coverage - connected - over at Pettifog. Didn't catch this post earlier - you may have been building it and timing was missing. I didn't post anything - just connected to some who did - didn't want to give the "butcher" any mortality on my blog! lol
Marie: I've linked back to you too!
Great update on this important story.
And I also join you in remembering President Gerald Ford. He had little more than two years and perhaps his best legacy is his conduct in the years since he left office. Too bad his example was wasted on Democrat former Presidents.
Thank's Mike
I have a vested interest in seeing this Butcher hanged, I have a Kurdish friend named Danny, well it's a long as heck Iraqi name, so I call him Danny for short. Who lost most of his family to Saddam and in the last 3 years has given me some gruesome details I wont repeat out of respect for him.
Since I ("Was Sent") the actual execution video of this I just posted at the bottom because I dont have a code for it, I think this will be enough satisfaction for me.
And on to other stuff now. Unless some other situation warrant's.
Yes what preceeded President Ford was a nightmare! God Bless President Ford!
Uncle P,
Funny how the liberal commentariat seems to have dropped off the grid, innit?
Of course, the Liberals only seem to care and actually be waiting for American death's in Iraq to reach 3000 so they can throw some fire on all this. They dont care if one of the most miserable Tyrant's in our lifetime is gone.
Not if you go to DU or Daily Kos for their analysis, Pavian.
I know this was meant for Uncle P, but I had to chime in.
I usually dont visit Kos but I imagine on the left wing site's they are in memoriam for Saddam.
Oh come on Marie don't you realize that this was one of his doubles and that he is drinking Pina Colladas with Adolph in the Carribean waiting to return to Iraq? I only wish thah his execution had lasted six months with dailt vigorous torture ending in the same romm temerature demise!
Excellent coverage - connected - over at Pettifog. Didn't catch this post earlier - you may have been building it and timing was missing. I didn't post anything - just connected to some who did - didn't want to give the "butcher" any mortality on my blog! lol
Thank's Chrys
I started this post the morning of 29th and then it led into the 30th, had to make a new post because all this information was comming in so fast. I had no idea that the post was going to grow as huge as it did because I had no idea Saddam was going to be executed that night!
So you probably were missing it as I was posting.
Oh come on Marie don't you realize that this was one of his doubles and that he is drinking Pina Colladas with Adolph in the Carribean waiting to return to Iraq? I only wish thah his execution had lasted six months with dailt vigorous torture ending in the same romm temerature demise!
I have the actual video of his execution that was sent to me at the bottom of the blog post!
I didnt get a code for it like Youtube or Liveleak, so those of you morbid enough to want to see this as I am lol, just click on the link!
absurd thought -
God of the Universe wept
when Saddam was killed
he wanted him pissed on
being dragged through Baghdad
Take the credit, you dummy!
If I were a Hang-Man for a living, I wouldn't want to wear a mask,
Why can't people just stand up and say that they are sorry for the bad thing that they did or said? Mel Gibson put down Jews when he was drunk and later said that this is not the kind of person that he is. And if you believe him, You Are CRAZY!
Michael "Kramer" Richards calls audience members at a comedy club "niggers" and then says "that was not me, I don't know where it came from."And if you believe him, You Are CRAZY!
Some college football player not that long ago flipped his middle finger at someone or the other team when he was coming off the field and later said "that is not the kind of person that I am."
And if you believe him, You Are CRAZY!
Miss Nevada disgraces her crown, behaves poorly and is photographed kissing a woman then says "that was not me, that is not the kind of person I am..
And if you believe her, You Are CRAZY!
I hate everybody and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
absurd thought -
God of the Universe wept
when Saddam was killed
he wanted him pissed on
being dragged through Baghdad
Are you friggen serious?
Saddam should have been pissed on while being drug through the streets of Baghdad!
What the hell are you talking about?
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