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Maries Two Cents

Far Right Conservative And Proud Of It!..... Stories That I Think Need Special Attention, And, Of Course, My Two Cents :-)

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Homeland Security Advisory

November 20, 2006

Feed Shark Turbo Tagger

Global Orgasm For Peace Day

Anti-War Activists Plan 'Global Orgasm For Peace'

SAN FRANCISCO (Does'nt it just figure?) Two peace activists have planned a massive anti-war demonstration for the first day of winter.

But they don't want you marching in the streets. They'd much rather you just stay home.

The Global Orgasm for Peace was conceived by Donna Sheehan, 76, and Paul Reffell, 55, whose immodest goal is for everyone in the world to have an orgasm Dec. 22 while focusing on world peace.

"The orgasm gives out an incredible feeling of peace during it and after it," Reffell said Sunday. "Your mind is like a blank. It's like a meditative state. And mass meditations have been shown to make a change."

The couple are no strangers to sex and social activism. Sheehan, no relation to anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan, brought together nearly 50 women in 2002 who stripped naked and spelled out the word "Peace."

The stunt spawned a mini-movement called Baring Witness that led to similar unclothed demonstrations worldwide.

The couple have studied evolutionary psychology and believe that war is mainly an outgrowth of men trying to impress potential mates, a case of "my missile is bigger than your missile," as Reffell put it. (Oh it couldnt possibly have anything to do with 3000 American's slaughtered on 9-11 could it?)

By promoting what they hope to be a synchronized global orgasm, they hope to get people to channel their sexual energy into something more positive.

The couple said interest appears strong, with 26,000 hits a day to their Web site,

"The dream is to have everyone in the world (take part)," Reffell said. "And if that means laying down your gun for a few
minutes, then hey, all the better."

Story Here
I dont even have a comment for this!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marie, this is so funny I can hardly type this. Where do you find this stuff, maybe you missed your calling and should have been a comedian. Hokey Smokes Bullwinkle!

November 20, 2006 8:27 PM  
Blogger Marie's Two Cents said...


Hey! You know where this is taking place? San Fransisco!!! Home of Nancy Pelosi!

Does'nt this bring good Old Fashioned San Fransisco values to the table?

When are these Morons going to realize the 60's are over?

November 20, 2006 8:54 PM  
Blogger The Liberal Lie The Conservative Truth said...

Marie, this goes right along with the, "get out the vote orgy, " libs put together in 2004 for the intice people to vote for Kerry. The idea was to vote and, to quote the Newlywed Game, "make whoopie, " at the same time. They held it and Kerry still lost. Libs have a sick mind in so many ways!

November 21, 2006 6:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've looked at the photo of the couple on their web site, and I'm really of two minds on this.
On the one hand, it's nice that they would still be interested in having orgasms (presumably with each other) at this stage of their lives.
On the other hand, I'm going to have to find a train wreck to get that image out of my head.
Happy motoring...

November 21, 2006 7:19 AM  
Blogger Marie's Two Cents said...


Marie, this goes right along with the, "get out the vote orgy, " libs put together in 2004 for the intice people to vote for Kerry. The idea was to vote and, to quote the Newlywed Game, "make whoopie, " at the same time. They held it and Kerry still lost. Libs have a sick mind in so many ways!

Ha! I cant even answer that with a decent response!

November 21, 2006 9:04 AM  
Blogger Marie's Two Cents said...

Uncle P,

I've looked at the photo of the couple on their web site, and I'm really of two minds on this.
On the one hand, it's nice that they would still be interested in having orgasms (presumably with each other) at this stage of their lives.
On the other hand, I'm going to have to find a train wreck to get that image out of my head.
Happy motoring...

Funny you should mention "On the one hand" because the image I keep getting from thier website is hand's are going to be quite busy on the first day of Winter!

LMAO @ Trainwreck!

November 21, 2006 9:08 AM  
Blogger Marie's Two Cents said...

Sweet Cheeks,

If you don't have a comment then don't write about it. Who cares about dumb shit like this. The war is killing innocent people period! Talk shit all you want it does not justify murder no matter how you spin it........
I have an idea! If YOU dont like it, dont read it! And just move on because I'm not in the mood to rehash the same old tired arguement with you.

How about giving the Troops a big SHOUT OUT and THANK YOU, this Thanksgiving?

Oh that's just to much to ask from a "Blame America First" Moron.

November 21, 2006 4:15 PM  
Blogger Isabella di Pesto said...

Just heard about this.

Words fail me.

But Happy Thanksgiving to y'all.

Peace to everyone and your families.


November 21, 2006 4:51 PM  
Blogger purple jesus said...

Right, where are my manners? Here is a big thank you to our armed forces. Thank you for murdering a six month old innocent Iraqi baby in your latest air strike. God knows that baby could have been a terrorist.

November 22, 2006 9:23 AM  
Blogger Marie's Two Cents said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you too Mrs Green.

November 22, 2006 11:25 AM  
Blogger Marie's Two Cents said...

Piss Off Purple. That was pretty cheap.

I'll leave that up there for a while so everybody can see what a raving Lunatic you are. Then it's gone!

Dont take it out on me or the Troops if the Democrat's ran on alot of Promises YOU voted for, that they will never deliver on!


November 22, 2006 11:29 AM  
Blogger purple jesus said...

Whatever. You call cold hard reality 'cheap' and 'raving lunacy' not me. It is a FACT that a 6 month old Iraqi child was murdered in the latest US airstrike! You may be proud and thankful of this but I'm not. The US military is wrong to be in Iraq just as it was wrong to be in Vietnam. The only difference is we finally came to that realization in Vietnam. How many innocent lives must be lost to learn that lesson over again, dumbass! Thanks for nothing GOP!

November 22, 2006 12:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

November 22, 2006 12:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a shame that innocent civilians get killed in war. Maybe if your guys would lay down their arms and act ciivilized to form a government of the people then the killing of innocents would stop.

Your guys are blowing up innocents by homicide bombs every day. You and your friends are cowards and the Marines are proud to be called the 72 virgin dating service.

I wrote some other stuff purple asshole but I'm not going to lower myself to your level so I deleted it and in the spirit of my favorite holiday.

Happy Thanksgiving.

November 22, 2006 1:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When are these Morons going to realize the 60's are over?

I dunno, Marie...With everybody walking around like it's 1971 all over again, I'm feeling younger already.

November 22, 2006 4:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So purple jesus says, Here is a big thank you to our armed forces. Thank you for murdering a six month old innocent Iraqi baby in your latest air strike. God knows that baby could have been a terrorist.

Hey, Marie--Ever see a t-shirt that says, "Who would Jesus behead"?

Me, neither.

November 24, 2006 4:09 PM  
Blogger purple jesus said...

Those are all such charming comebacks.... Too bad the dead aren't here to fully appreciate your violent patriotism..... you sit back all proud of yourselves and 'da troops' as if you are over there actually supporting the mission you so comfortably believe in from the safety of your living rooms. I'm glad to see how strong you all are and that the loss of a few lives is just the price to be paid by others for democracy (OIL)but not yourselves. Kill them there so we can racially profile them here. So go ahead and say I'm crazy and it's not the 60's (thank god though there isn't one) and I'm on the crack pipe and all your other denial tactics I realize it makes you all feel better to point your fingers away from yourselves because you could never possibly be wrong. VIETNAM. Speaking of Vietnam wasn't it quite a hoot to see George Bush finally get up the nerve to go to Vietnam (40 years too late mind you) and when he get's there only then does he compare it to the 'fiasco' in Iraq? What an asshole. But of course Rummy did a bang up job that's why he 'retired' right? See ya at the protest when we illegally invade Iran. But of course you'll all be in support of that too. Warmongers!

November 27, 2006 1:17 PM  
Blogger purple jesus said...

Oh and j_g I'm glad to hear that Thanksgiving is your favorite holiday. I guess the 'genocide' of the native americans would seem like a reason to celebrate to you. Maybe once we wipe out that annoying evil axis (i.e. whoever Bush determines is evil) we can create another holiday based on slaughter but filled with dead birds, mashed potatoes and giblet gravy. BTW I an American citizen not a terrorist but leave it to you to lump us all in together. Like Bush says 'if your not with us then your with the terrorists' guess you got alot more killin' to do.....

November 27, 2006 1:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a terrorist sympathiser and you are part of the problem. Solutions are much harder to come by.I do have a few suggestions though purple cannon fodder.

November 27, 2006 5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, let's back up a little, purple.
You're saying, what? That the Americans killed in the first World Trade Center bombing, the Khobar Towers, the USS Cole, the embassy bombings, and on September 11, 2001, all deserved to die because the United States is a bad country? And that it's okay for the enemies of the United States to stage more attacks and kill more Americans because...why?
Explain to me, please, how that works.
But before you start, how about switching to decaf?

November 28, 2006 7:19 AM  
Blogger purple jesus said...

Uncle Pavian, how is it that my comments get so misconstrued by you people? I am not in support of the terrorists and I am not against americans or terrorist victims. I am against the taking of innocent lives period! I have never said that any victims of any terrorist acts deserved to die or be injured. I am against the war in Iraq because it had nothing what so ever to do with al-Qaida or Bin Laden. It was like invading Canada to get back at Tokyo. We were lied to believe there was an imminent threat and a connection that did not exist and it cost billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives. For nothing! And BTW whatever happend to the hunt for Bin Laden??? Why has that vanished into the background why is that not our primary focus which of course it should have always been! 'Dead or alive' I think George said. 'Smoke 'em out of his hole' right? Or is it 'I don't spend that much time thinking about him.' 911 allowed the Bush administration the fear it needed to persuade us to allow for them to invade Iraq and now look at the consequences. The Iraq war is a failure, we have lost. Whether you can bring yourself to realize this or not it's a fact. We so proudly rally around patriotism as if our own acts are not terrorism. I do not support Islamic terrorists nor do I support American terrorism. Please explain to me the difference between an ied that explodes along the highway and kills a US soldier and an American airstrike that blows apart a six month old iraqi baby?? I am really confused why one is 'terrorism' and the other 'progress'. It's so easy to convince oneself that their actions are good and the opposition is evil. I do not hate america, I love this country and it really pains me to see so many of my fellow americans rally around war, applaud death, and seek revenge instead of really focusing on world wide relief and compassion. Terrorism is a direct result of our world dominance, our arrogance and our self-righteousness, I do not in any way support the use of terrorism but if we fail to understand it we will continue to fail to end it!

November 28, 2006 11:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, you want Saddam Hussein back in power, or you would rather have Iran and Syria running Iraq? Is that your ideal outcome, purple?
And since you love this country so much, what do you suggest be done to protect the people who live here from being blown up by misguided adherents of the Religion of Peace?

November 28, 2006 11:35 AM  
Blogger purple jesus said...

That is exactly what I expected from you. Hostility. It's the American way. I do not think Saddam should have been removed, Iraq was much less violent with him in charge but of course now we cannot undo what we have done. If you think we were so righteous in our removal of Saddam then why aren't you all rallying for us to invade Darfur and bring democracy to the genocide that is taking place there? All of the countries in the middle east should be involved in any resolution of the Iraqi issue. We reap what we sow. once again what is the difference between the US killing somebody and a foreigner killing somebody? I realize you cannot provide an answer to this....

November 28, 2006 11:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've looked over my previous posts, purple, and I'm not sure what I said that caused you to think that I was being hostile. Could you point this out, please?
As for my position on the unpleasantness in Darfur, this is the first time the topic has come up in this forum. But now that you mention it, I do think that the violence in that part of the world ought to be ended, and the United States and the world community (if such a thing exists) have not done enough to stop it. This is in the same category of event as the troubles in Rwanda or the Yugoslavian civil war during the Clinton Administration.
I think this raises an interesting contradiction, since you seem to think that the violence in Darfur should be stopped, but not the violence inflicted by Saddam Hussein on his people.
Likewise, it seems to be a problem for you that military action by coalition forces is causing the deaths of Iraqi civilians, but not that there are more Iraqi civilians being killed by the "insurgents".
That said, you still haven't indicated how you propose to keep Americans from being blown up by the people who are blowing up Iraqi civilians in Iraq.
Just asking...

November 28, 2006 12:57 PM  
Blogger purple jesus said...

'So, you want Saddam Hussein back in power, or you would rather have Iran and Syria running Iraq? Is that your ideal outcome, purple?
And since you love this country so much'

The above statement has a hint of condescension and hostility in it (or perhaps I am reading too much into it)Generally my posts ask for the retalliation and hostility that I receive. I can accept that. I proclaim to be the 'conscience' of this blog since you all seem to be so damn trigger happy. Needless to say in previous posts you have been a bit more hostile than today. Actually this is the most reasonable interaction I've had with any of you. I don't feel that I am contradicting myself. The atrocities in Darfur and Rwanda far outweigh the Saddam regime and should be dealt with by the US because we are capable of helping those in need. Unfortunalty it seems we only come to anothers aide when it directly benefits us and by us I mean, Haliburton, Boeing, Exxon, etc.... We have nothing to gain in North Korea so we ignore it. But Iraq has Oil so we invade it. You are not convinced of this but I really do not understand how it isn't obvious. We exploded into Iraq with our obnoxious 'shock and awe' laying waste to thousands of innocent people and billions of dollars in destroyed property. The prowar americans celebrated it as a revenge for 911. We killed innocent iraqis' to get back for the deaths of our fellow americans that died in the WTC and Pentagon. We called it liberation, operation freedom but it was mass murder. We had no plan to succeed only a plan to conquer with military might. Now we are paying the price. We created the terrorist training ground that is now Iraq we are the reason for their civil war. I do not apporve of the way Saddam ran his country, but if I may ask, where were the insurgents when Saddam was in power? Where were the ieds that explode everyday? we brought terror with us to Iraq and have created a terror state where there was none. Saddam was a bad man a ruthless dictator but not an imminent threat. Under established 'just war' principles we did not have the right to invade. The decision to invade Iraq was the most heavily protested war in history. Millions of people all over the world protested this decision but the Bush administration, although they lied and said war was the last resort, ignored a world wide call for a peaceful solution. Even the pope pleaded to not invade Iraq. That does not mean Saddam was not evil it means we had other methods at our disposal. You know like the 'diplomacy' that somehow Bush has decided to use for North Korea. Bush is only the latest in a long line of american leaders that have spread pain and fear in the name of freedom. People are so quick to see it all in black and white. liberal versus conservative. Clinton made bad desicions, Bush has made bad decisions. The problem is, a bad decision by a world leader kills alot of innocent people that are very far removed from the intended solution. A pre-emptive strike aimed at every threat real or imagined is not a solution for terror and hatred it is fuel for terror amd hatred. I am not opposed to safety but I am opposed to war to preserve the peace. To directly acknowledge your last question the people blowing up Americans have reached such a point of desperation to get the occupiers 'infidels' out of their land that they sacrifice their own lives. THERE IS A REASON THEY ARE TERRORISTS! They don't just get out of bed one day and decide to hate America. Actions we have taken and decisions we have made throughout history have driven people to extremism. You all act as though we have always been here innocently minding our own business and then all of a sudden Ossama Bin Laden decided he hated us out of jealousy or boredom or something. think about it, for every action there is a reaction. I'm not saying the victims of 911 deserved to die, I'm saying that we push and push and push and they decided to push back. Somehow we are shocked by it because until now we have fealt safe and ignored what may have caused all this in the first place. Peace...

November 28, 2006 1:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting post, purple. I think you're confusing the rationale for going into Afghanistan with the one for going into Iraq. You recall that the Taliban were ruling Afghanistan in 2001, and allowed Bin Laden to use their country as a base for his operations against the United States. Nobody in the Bush Administration has ever claimed that the war in Iraq had anything to do with the September 11 attacks. What the war in Iraq was about was Saddam's refusal to comply with United Nations resolutions and the ongoing threat he posed to his neighbors.
As for whether the United States should intervene in Darfur or North Korea, these are two different problems. You remember that it was the Tanzanians who finally intervened to take out Idi Amin, and the Vietnamese who put an end to Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge in what was then the Democratic Republic of Kampuchea. I'm not particularly happy with so much of the oil that it takes to run this country coming from places like the Middle East, but for now we're stuck with it. It sounds like you're suggesting that, if a place has oil, the United States has no business being there. If so, I'm not sure that I follow the logic.
As for North Korea, there is a lot of difference between a country that is trying to get nuclear weapons and a country that already has nuclear weapons, but that's a different subject, as is whether there is a conscience for this blog, and if so, who it is.

November 29, 2006 8:21 AM  
Blogger purple jesus said...

Pavian, quickly - 'Nobody in the Bush Administration has ever claimed that the war in Iraq had anything to do with the September 11 attacks' Are you fucking kidding me? That is a lie and a joke.

Jennifer, first of all STFU. You don't know the first thing about me so get your panties out of the knot you've worked them into. First I can validate my statements on a daily basis with every relevant televised news report, magazine article, book, and internet story that is released about the situation in Iraq. Meanwhile you are off in la la land painting pretty pictures of grateful iraqi children throwing roses at our feet and greeting us as liberators. We are the problem in Iraq and the sooner we accept our blatant defeat and get out the better for everybody! Also: 'How about your delapidated and run down neighborhood?' J_G pardon me but what the fuck are you talking about? Let's just say I live in a bad neighborhood, what of it? Are you prejudice against the poor or those that have less than you? Am I some how a second class citizen that cannot get a decent education? You are a fucking idiot! The facts support my rants, you just make shit up that sounds good to you and live in denial. We will leave Iraq because we have lost. It may not happen tomorrow unfortunatly alot more people are going to die and Bush will hand his failures over to our next president but we will withdraw as losers just like we did in Vietnam. The war is lost, just like you.

November 29, 2006 10:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pavian, quickly - 'Nobody in the Bush Administration has ever claimed that the war in Iraq had anything to do with the September 11 attacks' Are you f*****g kidding me? That is a lie and a joke.
If you can provide a citation to this statement, I'd love to see it, purple.

November 29, 2006 1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Purple moron, that pretty much covers it.

November 29, 2006 4:59 PM  
Blogger purple jesus said...

Good come back Jennifer, that really cuts deep. Fool.


Iraq continues to flaunt its hostility toward America and to support terror.
President Bush in his State of the Union address, January 2002. The speech was primarily concerned with how the US was coping in the aftermath of 11 September.
We also must never forget the most vivid events of recent history. On 11 September, 2001, America felt its vulnerability - even to threats that gather on the other side of the earth. We resolved then, and we are resolved today, to confront every threat, from any source, that could bring sudden terror and suffering to America.
President Bush speaking in Cincinnati, Ohio, in October, 2002, in which he laid out the threat he believed Iraq posed.
Before 11 September 2001, many in the world believed that Saddam Hussein could be contained. But chemical agents and lethal viruses and shadowy terrorist networks are not easily contained. Imagine those 19 hijackers with other weapons, and other plans - this time armed by Saddam Hussein. It would take just one vial, one canister, one crate slipped into this country to bring a day of horror like none we have ever known.
President Bush in his State of the Union address, January 2003. He made these comments in the context of the links he perceived between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda.
The terrorists have lost a sponsor in Iraq. And no terrorist networks will ever gain weapons of mass destruction from Saddam Hussein's regime.
President Bush in his speech to the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia, September, 2003.
For America, there will be no going back to the era before 11 September 2001, to false comfort in a dangerous world. We have learned that terrorist attacks are not caused by the use of strength.
They are invited by the perception of weakness. And the surest way to avoid attacks on our own people is to engage the enemy where he lives and plans.
We are fighting that enemy in Iraq and Afghanistan today so that we do not meet him again on our own streets, in our own cities.
President Bush in a televised address to defend his administration's policy on Iraq, September 2003.
We've learned that Iraq has trained al-Qaeda members in bomb-making and poisons and deadly gases. And we know that after 11 September, Saddam Hussein's regime gleefully celebrated the terrorist attacks on America.
Some citizens wonder, after 11 years of living with this problem, why do we need to confront it now? And there's a reason. We've experienced the horror of 11 September.
US Secretary of State Colin Powell in a presentation to the UN Security Council, setting out the US case against the Iraqi regime, February 2003.
We don't know.
Vice-President Dick Cheney when pressed on whether there was a link between Iraq and 11 September during a TV interview, September 2003.
We will have struck a major blow right at the heart of the base, if you will, the geographic base of the terrorists who've had us under assault now for many years, but most especially on 9/11.
Mr Cheney in the same interview, commenting on the war against Iraq.
We've never been able to develop any more of that yet, either in terms of confirming it or discrediting it.
Mr Cheney in the same interview, while recounting the controversial claim that one of the hijackers, Mohammed Atta, met an Iraqi official in Prague before the attacks.
[Saddam Hussein posed a risk in] a region from which the 9/11 threat emerged.
National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice defending the reasons why the US went to war against Iraq, September, 2003.

November 30, 2006 6:35 AM  
Blogger purple jesus said...

CLAIM: There's overwhelming evidence there was a connection between al Qaeda and the Iraqi government. I am very confident that there was an established relationship there." - Vice President Cheney, 1/22/04
CLAIM: ?The regime of Saddam Hussein cultivated ties to terror while it built weapons of mass destruction.? ? President Bush's UN speech, 9/23/03
CLAIM: ?Iraq [is] the central front in the war on terror.? ? President Bush's UN speech, 9/23/03
CLAIM: ?You can't distinguish between al-Qaida and Saddam.? ? President Bush, 9/25/02
CLAIM: ?There's no question that Saddam Hussein had al Qaeda ties.? ? President Bush, 9/17/03
CLAIM: ?There was a relationship between Iraq and al-Qaeda.? ? Vice President Cheney, 9/14/03

November 30, 2006 7:31 AM  
Blogger Marie's Two Cents said...


You should be happy my arm is in a sling right now or I would be all over this!

November 30, 2006 10:00 AM  
Blogger purple jesus said...

A sling huh? sounds like you took that "orgasm for peace story a little to seriously"

actually I could care less what you're all over or what you have in a sling. Maybe if one of your babies were blown apart you could find your conscience.....

November 30, 2006 11:30 AM  
Blogger Marie's Two Cents said...


Why do you come here with your hatred?

Do you realize you make yourself look like an uncaring, self righteous, horrible individual that claims to Love this Country but have NO reguard, nor respect for the people in it?

You claim you care about an innocent Iraqi baby getting killed yet you neglect all Americans that have been killed in terrorist attacks throughout the world over the years and especially those that were killed on our own soil.

The truth is you dont give a rats ass about anyone.

So quit pretending you do.

November 30, 2006 11:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks to me as if you're filling in some details about what you wish the Administration had said where there are no such statements.
Everybody admits that Saddam was involved with terrorists. No one has been able to connect him definitively with the 9/11 attacks, which many of the people on your side blame on the U.S. government anyway.
But Marie raises an interesting point., viz., what exactly has you so upset? If you're trying to persuade people that your point of view is correct, you've picked an unlikely way to go about it.

November 30, 2006 1:28 PM  
Blogger purple jesus said...

Pavian, those are quotes, accept it or not. The Bush administration based the justification for war in Iraq on the Americans fear after 911. I really doesn't matter to me if you are in denial. I'm not upset I am ashamed that the same people that claim to be pro-life and christian and moral upright citizens ignore the fact that you are murdering innocent women and children. I have no idea how you sleep at night.

December 01, 2006 10:37 AM  
Blogger Marie's Two Cents said...


J_G i hate to imply that you're a fucking moron but I do live in this country and as far as I know I am still entitled to think however I want. Also I'd like to point out that I live in a fantastic neighborhood, have lot's of clout and have to say that almost everybody that I know personally (lot's and lot's of Americans) feel the same way I do so piss off. The voters nationwide sent a pretty clear signal that we do not agree with Bush or his illegal occupation of Iraq, his open torture policy or his illegal eavesdropping. You idiots are the minority. It's only a matter of time before the lost war in Iraq is made obvious to those of you that remain in denial.
Oh Please!!! You guy's got lucky that the Republicans sat this last election out thinking it was all sewn up. THIER MISTAKE!

And YOUR mistake too! What are you going to do when Charlie Rangel re-instates the DRAFT and YOU are FORCED to have to defend this Country? Run for the hills I presume you will!

You Morons are the ones in DENIAL!

Lost war my ass! You see car bombs blow up on tv with the Main Stream Media totally ignoring all of the good things happening in Iraq. Schools opening, Infastructure rebuilding, Hospitals opening, Doctors learning new operating techniques, etc, etc, but you NEVER see any of this on the news. And WHY? BECAUSE THE MAIN STREAM MEDIA DOESNT WANT US TO WIN IN IRAQ! And most of YOUR party doesnt want us to win in Iraq!

Ironic isnt it? When Clinton sent Troops to Kosovo/Bosnia nobody bitched, NOBODY leaked classified info to the New York Times, nobody said a word not even Republicans, and you know what? WE ARE STILL THERE!!! And you know what else? KOSOVO/BOSNIA NEVER ATTACKED US EITHER! Why was it ok for Clinton to send troops into harms way when they were NO threat to us, but When Bush sent troops to Iraq when they violated 17 UN resolutions, attacked thier neighbors, shot at our planes in the no-fly zones, committed Genocide, Scortched the Earth, lied to EVERYONE about having weapons of Mass Destruction, appeared to be a major threat to the US after 9-11 YOU GUYS HAVE BITCHED AND MOANED EVER SINCE!

WHY WAS IT OK FOR CLINTON, BUT NOT OK FOR BUSH? Because Clinton was the Media's Darling!!

You are so terribly misguided and the people that voted Democrat in this last election are so terribly misguided you guys dont know what the hell your doing or have done! But you will see soon enough what a mistake you all made.

But back to the election, this should have been you on the left's big moment, you should have picked up 50 seats or more, and with the undecided seats still contested, and the amount of the ones that have been recounted, alot of those seats have now gone to the Republicans! So YOU guys have alot fewer seats in Congress than you even imagined. I dont know what the exact count is today but I know for damn sure you guys dont have a huge Mandate! You just barely took the House with a few seats to spare!

Which in '08 it wont be difficult for us to retake the House and the Senate because you all will screw it up so bad in 2 years even the Democrats will be running back to the Republicans.

Enjoy your short lived Victory because you have 2 years to prove you can do ANYTHING, and you wont be able to because your party ran on a bunch of promises to get you guys to vote for them, and they will never deliver on any of them.

Talk about a bunch of idiots! But oh well YOU voted for them I didnt!

December 01, 2006 12:04 PM  
Blogger purple jesus said...

Nice come back Marie NOT, for one I'm too old for the draft, two my father died in Vietnam so I would get out for that and three I am a conscientious objector and am opposed to the taking of anothers life. Also Charlie Rangel's point in reinstating the draft is that Bush may not be such an arrogant war monger cowboy fool if his alcoholic twins had to be shipped off to the middle east to kill children and get their limbs blown off by ieds for oil and lies. You're a fool a loser and you are the minority. BTW if you are so supportive of our soldiers why are you not in Iraq killing mothers and their young?

December 01, 2006 1:17 PM  
Blogger Marie's Two Cents said...

Purple Ass,

Who are you kidding we kicked your ass in the elections. You thought there was no way we would take the house then and now your saying we should have gotten more seats? Whatever loser. Go back to your Fox news and your fat ass pill popping Limbaugh while we take care of business! The republicans couldn't distance themselves far enough from Bush but they sure tried except of course for the rascist Maccaca and pedophile alcoholics. Nice party you got there!
You just barely gained control of the House and Senate and you call that an ass whoopin?

You should have picked up at least 50 seats in the House and at least 15 in the Senate since you guys are so convinced we are Warmongers, Bush is out of control, Republicans are evil people, the GOP is corrupt lol etc, and you picked up what 15? 20 seats maybe in the House, and just barely gained control of Senate? I hardly call that a "Mandate" There are still undecided races out there (RECOUNTS) and most seem to have gone Republican, so in actuality you are losing House seats weekly as the recounts come in.

What has you on the left so pissed about Fox? Is it because they tell BOTH sides of the story instead of just the Liberal view? It was time in our History to hear from both sides dont you think?

And at least ol pill poppin Limbaugh is still on the air. I cant say the same about Air America!

You guys wont be able to take care of business because not only do you still not have any plan for this Country (Except the promises you ran on that will never be kept) but you are tossing your own to the wolves because there were to many ethics violations to have to be dragged through the mud and Murtha and Hastings are just the latest casualties. Jane Harmon would have been a fine House Intel Chair, but you tossed her overboard too. I dont like her but at least she had some sense. Nope you guys will have those that voted for the Democrats RUNNING back to the Republicans in 2 years because you guys are already fighting amongst yourselves, tossing each other overboard, and will never keep the promises you ran on.

And what was really funny was Leiberman! You were all hyped up about Leiberman and he WON! AS AN INDEPENDENT!!! I guess the kiss ol George baby planted on him didnt affect his outcome lol.

Talk about parties? lol

Cynthia McKinney D-GA (Cop Puncher)

Teddy Kennedy D-MA (Drunk, Murderer)

Gerry Studds D-MA (Censured, Pedophile)

Barney Franks D-MA (Gay, Caught in the act of running a prostitution ring out of his own home, Pedophile)

Patrick Kennedy D-RI ( Drunk Driving while also popping pills, hits a car and rail, and enjoys a stay recently in Rehab)

Bill Clinton D-AK Former President (Whitewater, numerous sex charges filed against him, lied to the American people, caught poking Monica Lewinski with a Cigar in the Oral office, Impeached, Barred from practicing law, Retired)

John Murtha D-PA (ABSCAM Scandal)

Alcee Hastings D- ( Censured, Impeached, Removed from office, Ethics violations, Bribes)

William Jefferson D-LA ( Caught with $90,000 in his freezer from bribe money from Nigeria, case pending. NOW THAT'S WHAT I CALL FROZEN ASSETS!!)

Robert Byrd D-VA ( X- Klu Klux Klan Member, once was the Grand Dragon of the KKK)

And that's just a few of the corrupt left wing Lunatics in YOUR party! God knows over the course of the next 2 years how many more are going to get the axe, but hey we will be counting.

You know for the life of me I dont understand why you guys elected Robert Byrd's ass again. He's almost 90 years old. He wont even make it through his term in the Senate this time. And when he dies are you guys going to try to make a Martyr out of an X-Klu Klux Klan Member? C'mon get real here.

The most honest, ethics violation free Congress ever? LMMFAO!!!

This is going to be a hoot watching you guy's implode over the next 2 years. I'm actually going to enjoy watching you eat crow!

Yep that's quite a party YOU have there, and they do LOVE to Party!!!

December 01, 2006 9:41 PM  
Blogger Marie's Two Cents said...

Purple Ass,

Nice come back Marie NOT, for one I'm too old for the draft, two my father died in Vietnam so I would get out for that and three I am a conscientious objector and am opposed to the taking of anothers life. Also Charlie Rangel's point in reinstating the draft is that Bush may not be such an arrogant war monger cowboy fool if his alcoholic twins had to be shipped off to the middle east to kill children and get their limbs blown off by ieds for oil and lies. You're a fool a loser and you are the minority. BTW if you are so supportive of our soldiers why are you not in Iraq killing mothers and their young?
You are thee most pathetic, ignorant, irritating, weak minded, illiterate, fool with no cognitive thought process I have ever had the unfortunate experience to meet up with on my blog!

If the rest of the people you claim live in the same neighborhood as you, they must hide when you come out the door knowing you are a complete and total Lunatic.

How you get by day by day without tripping over what is left of the grey matter that dribbles out of your ears onto the ground is beyond me.

You are not to old for the draft you MORON your in College!!!

Just because your Dad died in Viet Nam DOES NOT MAKE YOU NON ELIGIBLE FOR THE DRAFT! What Moron told you that? Geez do you even have half a brain?

Being a Conscientious Objector doesnt mean you wont be called up for the draft either, they will still put you in a position guarding the Iraq/Kuwait, Iraq/Syria, Iraq/Iranian border, or behind a desk! I'm quite sure they will find something for your silly ass to do. But in YOUR case you would hide behind religious purposes, claim you are insane, (Which that would be acurate actually), or refuse to serve and head for Canada! Because you have no balls!

Charlie Rangel has his own reasons for wanting the draft re-instated, oh he claims that it's all about Bush but that's another lie!

As for Oil, where is it? It hasnt gone in my gastank since the war started! Has it gone in yours? If there had been ONE oil tanker from Iraq heading for the US, IT WOULD HAVE HIT THE FRONT PAGE OF THE NEW YORK TIMES, AND EVERY SINGLE MEDIA OUTLET KNOWN TO MAN!!! But there hasnt been. You keep believing the same old worn out statement about oil, oil oil, this entire war has been based on bringing TERRORISTS to Justice BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY! And perceived threats to the United States of America eliminated PERIOD! Saddam Hussein was BOTH! And YOU know it.

As for Lies, who lied? The UN? Britain? France? Germany? Everybody? Did EVERYONE Lie to President Bush? Hell they ALL had the same information and intelligence we did. And given the fact that Hussein was spouting off crap like Lunatic in Iran is now before the War started, and fresh off the attack on OUR Country on 9-11, were we suppose to believe that Saddam was just fooling with us? Get friggen real! After 17 UN Resolutions, attacking Kuwait, poisening his own people AND the Iranians, shooting at United States Aircraft in the no-fly zones constantly, trying to assasinate our President, Scorching the earth, commiting Genocide, sending SCUD missiles into Israel constantly, paying $25,000 apiece to families of Palestinian Homicide bombers, using WMD and trying to aquire more, trying to aquire Nuclear Weapons, and who could forget the infamous "Oil For Food Program" he was bilking American taxpayers for that he was suppose to be feeding his people with but instead tried to and succeeded somewhat in aquireing more weapons while living high on the hog and letting his people starve to death, etc, etc, the list goes on and on, were we suppose to take Saddam's word for it after claiming he was going to attack America that he was only joking? Or not serious? Are you for real? Are you on the left so friggen blind you would have let him sit there and fester until he DID aquire weapons capable of reaching the United States of America with? I mean think about it. Saddam did have WMD, hell he used them on his own people!!!
Why are you Lefty Loones so blind? The only question remaining is what the hell did he do with them?
I guess we didnt torture Saddam or he would have told us by now. Maybe on or just before the night of his execution we may finally find out! Maybe a deathbed confession?

We are the minority temporarily in the House and the Senate just barely mind you for 2 years. You guys cant possibly screw this Country up that bad in 2 years since our President still has his VETO Pen! Besides you guys are already fighting amongst yourselves, tossing those who were promised all these high up jobs aside, pissing each other off and wondering around aimlessly without a plan till yet, well except for the plans you ran on that you will never deliver. Your party is already starting to crumble without any help from us. This should have been a big huge year for you guys, you should have picked up at least 50 seats or so but you guys only picked up what 15? 20? Maybe? Barely a Majority. And you were so fired up over Lieberman and he won! There are still some undecided races out there and most have gone Republican, so in actuality you guys are losing seats every day so your win is nothing really to brag about anyway!

And BTW if any branch of the Armed Forces would have me, I would serve in a heartbeat. There comes the age issue you claim to have although you are in College and I'm way beyond that. But I support the Troops in as many way's as I can even though I am overage. I comunicate with Centcom all the time, donate, time, money, gifts for our Troops, you name it and if I have the chance I do it. Not to mention quite a bit of my family that are of age are serving now and/or have served in the past in the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines, pretty much every branch of the Service, some are also in the National Guard. There are alot of Vets in my family. Going back in time I think it's safe to say I have had at least one relative in just about every single war this Country has ever been involved in. I have a huge Military family. And I am damn proud of all of them.

BTW since you dont have a clue who I really am, and have no clue what state I may be in at any given time, if you or your buddies on the left decide once our Troops start comming home, to spit on them or worse, let me remind you this isnt the 60's or 70's anymore and you will get your asses kicked on the spot because AMERICA will NOT tolerate that kind of behavior ever again and it will be worth spending a few nights in the clink for assault!

December 01, 2006 9:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess you find what you look for, purple.
It's pretty clear to me that you have the utmost contempt for this country, the people who live here, the people who run it, the people who get up every morning and go to work or to war so you can have the freedom to say whatever pops into your head and say it in the most vulgar way possible. From everything you've said in here, it's obvious that you don't mind seeing your fellow citizens blown up, whether they are Marines in Baghdad or just some people who happened to work at the wrong building on the wrong day.
You are exercising your constitutional right to be an idiot.

December 02, 2006 1:36 PM  
Blogger Marie's Two Cents said...

Yeah well Purple, I had another revelation your really going to Love. WE ARE SCREWED!! If you look at what has happened Globaly since the taking of our Hostages in the 70's, the Muslims-Extremists (And when I refer to them in this wrather lengthy post I will use ME's) have krept into EVERYTHING over time! The ME's are trying to accomplish World Domination LEGALLY! And it's WORKING!! Only some people are to blind to see this. I'm not even sure President Bush sees all of this. ME's have krept into the Govenments of Lebanon, Palestine, and most of Europe. And now you guys just elected one whose name escapes me at the moment but I do know he want's to be sworn into OUR GOVERNMENT SYSTEM with the Quran instead of a bible! And all this has been carefully orchestrated over the years by the Mullah's and The Imams and they stick some Lunatic out there like President nutjob of Iran to make us think "Oh he's just a nut" when in actuality he REALLY IS A NUT! Oh these freaks are smart alright, Germany and France Couldnt get involved in Iraq not because they didnt want to, but because they couldnt! Because they are ME dominated. They have already went down the drain. And we are about to. Britain had no idea how ME dominated they really were until they got attacked a couple years ago. And now they are trying to kreep into OUR government. And pretty soon they will be in everyones governemnt until domination is complete! And then they will strike. And they will try to turn all of us Muslim and what are you or I going to be able to do about it then? Of course you claim to be part Lebanese, so you probably LOVE this idea. Unless are after reading all this thinking I may be right! I doubt that though your just going to think this is another one of Marie's crazy ideas. But look what is going on around all of us. And what's the one thing President Lunatic wants? He wants us OUT of Iraq! And why? So HE can take over! He want's to wipe Israel off the map! He knows we will be little more of a challenge though because we have the right to bare arms! So any ME uprising would be squashed. So he is kreeping into our government next. He knows how to get to us, he knows how to maipulate our media, and get them to show nothing but bombs going off on our tv's, nothing about another school that opened in Bakuba, or a hospital that opened in Nasariah, just car bombs going off. And watch next it will be millions of suicide bombers all over the world just waiting for the go ahead to strike all at once!
Iran want's to take over the world just like Hitler thought he was going to. And we are just going to sit here without a missile defense system, without all the tools we need to take these bastards out and why? Because you fools voted for these Lunatics! Cant you see what is happening? It's gotten to the point we move on any ME's and WE look like the "Bad Guys", we get bitched and hollared at when we try to stop any of this from happening. AND THEY KNOW IT!! They have us right where they want us and WE ARE SCREWED! What if I am right? What are you going to say then? And if I am right which I already know I am will it be to late to stop them? Just think about that!

December 04, 2006 8:15 AM  
Blogger purple jesus said...

and you think I'm a conspiracy theorist? and if I may bury the hatchet, I would like to apologize not for my opinions but for my vulgarity and personal attacks. I am not insane but I am passionate and easily fired up. We disagree but that hardly means that we each don't want peace on earth. Merry Christmas to you and to all the characters that populate your blog. I hope your arm has fully healed and is nothing serious. Peace! PJ

p.s. don't make me regret being nice :)

December 04, 2006 10:29 AM  
Blogger Marie's Two Cents said...

Not so fast with those apologies there Purple, I'm quite sure I will say something that will piss you off again!

These are NOT conspiracy theories.

If I am right the Iranians are going to make Al-Quaeda look like a piece of cake compared to what is about to happen. Hell even Bin Hidin said once they werent going to stop until everyone has turned Muslim!

Anyway, Merry Christmas to you too.

December 04, 2006 4:36 PM  

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