Wow!!! Could this be the Domino effect??

Could it be? A Domino effect?
Could President Bush, Rumsfeld, and Rice have been right all along?
Lebanon's Govt. Resigned, the Lebanese are taking to the streets because they want thier Country back.
Egypt may have elections.
The Saudi's might or hopefully will let women vote.
What is going on here?
Could it also be so contagious that it happens so fast with alot of countries that it takes the world by to much surprise?
The Domino effect does seem to be happening. I just hope it doesnt happen so fast that they are shaking thier heads at the State Dept., Dept. Of Defence, etc., but this is truly astounding. Almost scary!!!
If there are two things you can already say about Bush 43's Legacy, He left alot of free people behind him and, us alot safer at home.

Could it be? A Domino effect?
Could President Bush, Rumsfeld, and Rice have been right all along?
Lebanon's Govt. Resigned, the Lebanese are taking to the streets because they want thier Country back.
Egypt may have elections.
The Saudi's might or hopefully will let women vote.
What is going on here?
Could it also be so contagious that it happens so fast with alot of countries that it takes the world by to much surprise?
The Domino effect does seem to be happening. I just hope it doesnt happen so fast that they are shaking thier heads at the State Dept., Dept. Of Defence, etc., but this is truly astounding. Almost scary!!!
If there are two things you can already say about Bush 43's Legacy, He left alot of free people behind him and, us alot safer at home.
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