66 Years Later U.S.S. Oklahoma Finally Get's Her Memorial
Memorial Dedication Set For USS Oklahoma
OKLAHOMA CITY — For more than 60 years, the haunting memories of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor have been seared into the mind of Walter Becker.
Now 86, Becker was one of about 600 sailors who escaped with their lives on Dec. 7, 1941, when Japanese torpedoes sunk the battleship Oklahoma.
U.S.S. Oklahoma In 1941

On Friday, the 66th anniversary of the surprise attack, the 429 sailors and Marines aboard the Oklahoma who died will be honored with a memorial at the Hawaiian naval base.
“It’s about 60 years too late,” Becker said from his home in Casper, Wyo. “We’re losing a lot of [survivors]. They all have to be 80 years old or better by now, so there’s only a few of us lucky enough to live that long.”
About 18 of the estimated 90 living survivors who were aboard the Oklahoma are expected to join Oklahoma Gov. Brad Henry and other dignitaries for Friday’s dedication of the $1.2 million memorial.
The monument includes 429 white marble standards, each with the name of a fallen sailor or Marine, surrounded by black granite panels etched with a silhouette of the battleship and notable quotes from World War II-era figures that were selected by some of the survivors, said retired Rear Adm. Greg Slavonic, co-chair of the USS Oklahoma Memorial Committee.
The layout of the white marble standards, each about 7 feet tall, signifies sailors “manning the rail” in their white uniforms when a ship pulls into port, Slavonic said.
“It’s a very quiet, simple memorial, and when you think about sailors manning the rail, it’s a very fitting memorial,” Slavonic said. “It represents well what this committee was trying to do for these sailors, both past and present, to symbolize their service to our country.”
The black granite, purchased in Italy, and the white marble from Vermont were shipped to Oklahoma, where it was engraved and prepared for the memorial. The pieces were driven by truck to Long Beach, Calif., and taken by ship to Hawaii.
U.S.S. Oklahoma Memorial

Becker, whose wife has been ill in recent months, said he won’t be able to attend the dedication, but still remembers vividly the day the Oklahoma was attacked.
Twenty years old, Becker was catching up on some laundry in one of the ship’s engine rooms when the first torpedo hit. Even when word came to abandon ship, Becker hesitated to leave.
“I had just a couple of days before read an article in “Our Navy” magazine by an admiral who said it was impossible for an aircraft to sink one of our battleships,” Becker recalled. “I was just a kid, and if an admiral said something like that, it’s as if the Lord said it.
“Boy, he sure got proved wrong.”
By the time the ship started listing at about a 40-degree angle, Becker decided it was time to get out.
“I came up through a ventilator, through the machine shop, and just as I got to the surface, the shipped turned on over,” he said.
Becker found himself underwater, struggling to find the surface, and eventually lost consciousness. When he came to, he found himself in a life raft.

“I think there was probably an explosion nearby that helped blow me out of the water,” he said.
After finally reaching land, Becker said he learned that many of his shipmates were still trapped inside the ship. He said he spent the next two days working to try and free the trapped men.
“I don’t remember how many [survivors] we got out of there, but it seems like it was about 21 or so that we got out,” he said. “I left after two days, because there was no more rapping on the hull.”
Retired Navy Cmdr. Tucker McHugh, who co-chaired the USS Oklahoma Memorial Committee with Slavonic, said he thinks the memorial will bring some sense of closure to those that survived and even to those who perished.
“I think there’s been a void in the minds and hearts of these shipmates that their shipmates were never honored with a lasting memorial,” McHugh said. “Total closure might come when the last survivor passes away and they’re all reunited together.”
Besides survivors and Oklahoma dignitaries, others expected to speak at Friday’s dedication include Adm. Timothy Keating, the commander of U.S. Pacific Command; Sen. Daniel Inouye, D-Hawaii; and Hawaii Gov. Linda Lingle.
Beautiful Tribute To The New U.S.S. Oklahoma Memorial
Finally! 66 Years Later the U.S.S. Oklahoma get's her Memorial from the December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor. God Bless All Those Who Perished On The USS Oklahoma, and the rest who perished that day. We Will Never Forget. A Day Of Infamy...
Semper Fi
OKLAHOMA CITY — For more than 60 years, the haunting memories of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor have been seared into the mind of Walter Becker.
Now 86, Becker was one of about 600 sailors who escaped with their lives on Dec. 7, 1941, when Japanese torpedoes sunk the battleship Oklahoma.

On Friday, the 66th anniversary of the surprise attack, the 429 sailors and Marines aboard the Oklahoma who died will be honored with a memorial at the Hawaiian naval base.
“It’s about 60 years too late,” Becker said from his home in Casper, Wyo. “We’re losing a lot of [survivors]. They all have to be 80 years old or better by now, so there’s only a few of us lucky enough to live that long.”
About 18 of the estimated 90 living survivors who were aboard the Oklahoma are expected to join Oklahoma Gov. Brad Henry and other dignitaries for Friday’s dedication of the $1.2 million memorial.
The monument includes 429 white marble standards, each with the name of a fallen sailor or Marine, surrounded by black granite panels etched with a silhouette of the battleship and notable quotes from World War II-era figures that were selected by some of the survivors, said retired Rear Adm. Greg Slavonic, co-chair of the USS Oklahoma Memorial Committee.
The layout of the white marble standards, each about 7 feet tall, signifies sailors “manning the rail” in their white uniforms when a ship pulls into port, Slavonic said.
“It’s a very quiet, simple memorial, and when you think about sailors manning the rail, it’s a very fitting memorial,” Slavonic said. “It represents well what this committee was trying to do for these sailors, both past and present, to symbolize their service to our country.”
The black granite, purchased in Italy, and the white marble from Vermont were shipped to Oklahoma, where it was engraved and prepared for the memorial. The pieces were driven by truck to Long Beach, Calif., and taken by ship to Hawaii.

Becker, whose wife has been ill in recent months, said he won’t be able to attend the dedication, but still remembers vividly the day the Oklahoma was attacked.
Twenty years old, Becker was catching up on some laundry in one of the ship’s engine rooms when the first torpedo hit. Even when word came to abandon ship, Becker hesitated to leave.
“I had just a couple of days before read an article in “Our Navy” magazine by an admiral who said it was impossible for an aircraft to sink one of our battleships,” Becker recalled. “I was just a kid, and if an admiral said something like that, it’s as if the Lord said it.
“Boy, he sure got proved wrong.”
By the time the ship started listing at about a 40-degree angle, Becker decided it was time to get out.
“I came up through a ventilator, through the machine shop, and just as I got to the surface, the shipped turned on over,” he said.
Becker found himself underwater, struggling to find the surface, and eventually lost consciousness. When he came to, he found himself in a life raft.

“I think there was probably an explosion nearby that helped blow me out of the water,” he said.
After finally reaching land, Becker said he learned that many of his shipmates were still trapped inside the ship. He said he spent the next two days working to try and free the trapped men.
“I don’t remember how many [survivors] we got out of there, but it seems like it was about 21 or so that we got out,” he said. “I left after two days, because there was no more rapping on the hull.”
Retired Navy Cmdr. Tucker McHugh, who co-chaired the USS Oklahoma Memorial Committee with Slavonic, said he thinks the memorial will bring some sense of closure to those that survived and even to those who perished.
“I think there’s been a void in the minds and hearts of these shipmates that their shipmates were never honored with a lasting memorial,” McHugh said. “Total closure might come when the last survivor passes away and they’re all reunited together.”
Besides survivors and Oklahoma dignitaries, others expected to speak at Friday’s dedication include Adm. Timothy Keating, the commander of U.S. Pacific Command; Sen. Daniel Inouye, D-Hawaii; and Hawaii Gov. Linda Lingle.
Finally! 66 Years Later the U.S.S. Oklahoma get's her Memorial from the December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor. God Bless All Those Who Perished On The USS Oklahoma, and the rest who perished that day. We Will Never Forget. A Day Of Infamy...
Semper Fi
Labels: 12-07-1941, U.S.S. Oklahoma
Excellent post Marie! Too often things like this get forgotten and I'm glad to see them honoring the sailors that served aboard the USS Oklahoma.
Here's the story of the ship at Pearl USS Oklahoma BB-37
Amazing that it's taken this long! Thanks for your post, Marie.
Thanks for the info about a well over due memorial to brave survivors and lost sailors both heroic and deserving of tribute through this memorial.
AND of course it is OKLAHOMA!
Thank's Jenn,
I posted on this last year and was hoping that this year I would be able to post that the USS Oklahoma had her memorial.
And she does! :-) It's suppose to be on tv here the dedication ceremony.
I will be updating with more pictures.
And a huge Thank You to President Bush for signing this Oklahoma Memorial into law :-)
I dont think it ever would have happened at all Word, if it wasnt for this man named Paul Goodyear who noticed on his trip back to Pearl Harbor after so many years that the USS Oklahoma had no memorial. And he got on the ball and got Senator Cole and others to get involved in building a beautiful memorial and This President Bush signed it into law and here we are :-)
You are welcome. Oklahoma seems to have more memorials than anybody else in the United States. We just cant seem to avoid getting attacked by somebody! Maybe that will all change.
Yes, OKLAHOMA where the wind comes sweeping down the plains...lol :-)
Although the Olkahoma thing is great and all, this comment is about your little header picture:
1. Finally, after all the ethnic cleansing and half of the country either evacuating or dead, violence has finally gone down. Its only 4 years after Bush said it would be over and only 4000 dead US servicemen. Oh, and as it turns out, Bush lied about WMD's and none were found. Strike 1
2. "The economy is in solid shape." Is that supposed to be a joke?
The US dollar is at an all time low.
US consumer debt is at an all time low.
Housing starts and home sells are at an all time low.
The Budget deficit is at an all time high.
Health Care costs are at an all time high; Americans spend 16% of their GDP on health care alone.
Most mortgage companies are on the brink of collapse.
Energy prices are at an all time high.
No president since the Great Depression has every had a private sector net job loss except for Bush.
Real hourly wages are down
The US trade deficit is at an all time high
Over 3million factory jobs have been lost since 2000
3. The Homeland hasn't been attacked since 9/11. False
I recall a bunch of Anthrax letters going around after 9/11. Not only that, 9/11 happened on Bush's watch, in fact, he was warned about it a month earlier and did nothing. So far over 7000 Americans have lost their lives due to foreign agents since Bush took office. Do you want to compare that to Clinton or Carter?
4 This is the time for change.
You're damn right it is.
Good post, Marie. We should never forget.
Was this really the appropriate venue to give an opinion like that?
You are amazing, really, reality has shaped you differently than other folks.
But then again I have picked apart a WHOLE lot more people than you....
1. Finally, after all the ethnic cleansing and half of the country either evacuating or dead, violence has finally gone down. Its only 4 years after Bush said it would be over and only 4000 dead US servicemen. Oh, and as it turns out, Bush lied about WMD's and none were found. Strike 1
Ethnic Cleansing? Where the hell did you come up with that notion? Those Iraqi's that left the Country are streaming back in to their normal lives now, because all the crap for the most part has stopped. Uh....You better get your fact's straight about WMD, the British said they has it, the Israeli's said they had it and Saddam himself threatened to use it against us should we attack them.
2. "The economy is in solid shape." Is that supposed to be a joke?
The US dollar is at an all time low.
US consumer debt is at an all time low.
Housing starts and home sells are at an all time low.
The Budget deficit is at an all time high.
Health Care costs are at an all time high; Americans spend 16% of their GDP on health care alone.
Most mortgage companies are on the brink of collapse.
Energy prices are at an all time high.
No president since the Great Depression has every had a private sector net job loss except for Bush.
Real hourly wages are down
The US trade deficit is at an all time high
Over 3million factory jobs have been lost since 2000
Oh God! You are so full of shit! The Economy is kicking ass for anyone that decided to educate themselves and become an above minimum wage employment status (Not that you fit in of course), but those of us that did and even those of us that didnt arent even making minimum wage, employers here in Oklahoma (For Instance) pay way beyond minimum wage even though Congress (And that's the only thing they have accomplished) approved and Bush signed the minimum wage increase!
The dollar fluxuates, it alway's has, and it will continue to do so.
Consumer confidence is at an all time high! Where the hell do you get your information? The Hufffington Post?
I will agree gas prices are high but not like in the Carter administration where we had to wait in lines for gas, or had odd or even license plates as to what day you could get gas on give me a break!
Now would be the perfect time to buy a House, just read the paperwork and the fine print so you wont get gobbled up in red tape and get taken in the long run Geez.
Health Care? Are you friggen serious? I pay 66.97 a week in Heath care coverage, that will hardly brake my ass. And this is the first year I have used it so I get a discount there too. There are health care plans all over the internet for people that need it at a cost that suits thier income. Dont give me that shit.
Mortage Companies should have told thier consumers what they were really getting into before they signed those papers and were unable to pay causing the mortgage companies to have to file loses, some people actually read the fine print you know?
PLEASE!!! 94.6 percent of the American public is working, you cant argue that point with me.
I think you see the cup as half empty, if you think it's bad now, wait till till the Democrats get ahold of your paycheck. There will be expenses on there you NEVER signed up for!
3. The Homeland hasn't been attacked since 9/11. False
I recall a bunch of Anthrax letters going around after 9/11. Not only that, 9/11 happened on Bush's watch, in fact, he was warned about it a month earlier and did nothing. So far over 7000 Americans have lost their lives due to foreign agents since Bush took office. Do you want to compare that to Clinton or Carter?
Are you friggen serious? A bunch of unopened Anthrax letters? That's it? That's all you have to go on? Get real buddy we havent had planes or anything else crash into our buildings at home or abroad since 9-11.
Yeah and Bin Laden declared war on us during Clinton's watch! So what's your point? Clinton didnt get the asshole either.
Oh I'll compare Bush to Clinton or Carter any day of the week.
Carter was as week as they come and Clinton cared to much about having sex with anything that moved during his administration.
4 This is the time for change.
You're damn right it is.
Oh yeah! Let's have a change, let's all be taxed to death for no reason, let's let our security down, let's demolish all the protocols put in place since 9-11 that have kept us safe, let's all sign on for taxpayer health care, lets embolden the enemy more than he has been through the Democrat party, and let's expand government to the point of no return.
That's a plan!
Bullshit Toad, I aint paying for any of it!
Thank's Danny,
No we should never forget.
Love the new pic of the sailor. I had to swipe it for use with my next post about how I helped Ronald Reagan win the Cold War (mostly be showing Victory At Sea reruns on an AFTV station in Greece).
Only thing is, you don't think it's kinda, well, butch?
Marie, that toad guy is a mind numb Huffypo from way back. He never checks the so called facts he regurgitates from huffypo run by the Zsa Zsa wannabe.
That was an awesome answer to Toad, Marie. You go, girl! You said it exactly like it is. :)
Wonderful post, and as Wordsmith said, it is amazing that it took so long to get around to a memorial.
Hi Marie!
First, I just added Daniel Ruwe to the RNI family! Thanks for the referral!
Second, FWIW, my father, a cabinet builder by trade, worked in Pearl Harbor from 1942-1944, helping to rebuild the fleet.
He also helped build the USS New Jersey and the Wisconsin!
I'd really love to see the Oklahoma monument get built soon!
great great find Marie and longggggggggg overdue !!
There aren’t to many of these brave men/Heros left and they are getting fewer and fewer as the days pass. So let’s give the ALL the appreciation that they deserve while they are still around to see and hear it.
It's wonderful that at last those who lost their lives will be remembered in a memorial. Good news.
glad to see the respect paid
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