Angry Hillary Clinton Plays Gender Victim
'Angry' Hillary Clinton Plays Gender Victim
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Responding to Republican claims that she may be too angry to win national office, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton

told an audience Monday to wear such criticism as "a badge of honor" and suggested that gender played a role in the attacks.
"When you run as a Democrat, and in particular, when you run as a Democratic woman, whether you're running at the local, state or national level, it's likely you're going to draw some unfriendly fire," Clinton said at a breakfast fund-raiser hosted by black and Hispanic women supporters. "People will be attacking you instead of your ideas; they may impugn your patriotism; they may even say you're angry."
She added, "If they do that, wear it as a badge of honor, because you know what? There are lots of things that we should be angry and outraged about these days." She cited, among other things, the federal budget deficit, lobbying scandals in Washington, and the government's slow response to the Hurricane Katrina disaster.
(She neglected to mention her own scandal and the Report that will be released soon The Barrett Report<~~ That by all accounts is damaging to Hillary) (She also neglected to mention that even if she were President today there is nothing she could have done any differently about Hurricane Katrina than President Bush has done, and would have the same battle at the Government and Local levels of the Government in Louisiana as President Bush is having)(She also neglected to mention that her husband Former President Bill Clinton is making alot of money off this Dubai Port's Deal and has somehow managed to talk President Bush into this idea)
It was the latest volley in a rhetorical back-and-forth between Clinton and leading GOP strategists that began last month, when Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman said Clinton "seems to have a lot of anger" and that American voters tend not to elect angry candidates.
He pointed to comments Clinton made on Martin Luther King Day, when she called the Bush administration "one of the worst" (Neglecting to Mention the Clinton era) in history, and compared the Republican-controlled House to a plantation. (She went from a Gender issue to a Race issue)
Top White House strategist Karl Rove later echoed that view, telling Washington Times reporter Bill Sammon in a new book that Clinton could have trouble winning the White House because there is a "brittleness about her."
Clinton, who has not yet said whether she's considering a presidential run in 2008, has responded in various ways. At first, she called the attacks a diversion from Republican "failures and shortcomings." (Neglecting to mention all the failures and shortcummings of the Clinton administration, notably the fact that Former President Clinton had Usama Bin Laden handed to him 3 times by the Sudan and never once took them up on thier offer to hand Bin Laden over to him, which could have prevented 9-11, and possibly the USS Cole bombing, as well as the Sexual escapades of the Former President in the White House and dating back to his days as Governor of Arkansas as well as the Former Presidents Impeachment for lying to Congress and the American people) And in a radio interview last week, she said "Karl Rove spends a lot of time obsessing about me,"?????????????????? suggesting he spends more time thinking about her political future than she did.
Until now, she has not said she considered any of the criticisms gender-based, although many observers have done so.
They include New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, who said Republicans "are casting Hillary Clinton as an angry woman, a she-monster melding images of Medea, the Furies, harpies, and a knife-wielding Glenn Close in 'Fatal Attraction.'" (With the General Public wondering the same thing)
Ross Baker, a political scientist at Rutgers University, said he agreed with Clinton's assessment but questioned whether she should have said anything.
"I think she's right, but whether or not it was prudent to acknowledge it this way is another thing," Baker said. "I think another politician might have dealt with it more humorously, to defuse its influence."
For her part, Republican National Committee spokeswoman Tara Wall declined to address the suggestion gender played a role in the attacks.
"When you vote to consistently raise people's taxes, vote against common-sense judicial nominees and use Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday to divide Americans along racial lines, you're likely to encourage criticism of both your ideas and temperament," she said.
Clinton's comments came the same day Kathleen Troia "KT" McFarland, a former Pentagon official under President Reagan, said she would seek the Republican nomination to challenge Clinton's re-election bid this year.
Is this chick for real?
Breaking from
Responding to Republican claims that she may be too angry to win national office, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton

told an audience Monday to wear such criticism as "a badge of honor" and suggested that gender played a role in the attacks.
"When you run as a Democrat, and in particular, when you run as a Democratic woman, whether you're running at the local, state or national level, it's likely you're going to draw some unfriendly fire," Clinton said at a breakfast fund-raiser hosted by black and Hispanic women supporters. "People will be attacking you instead of your ideas; they may impugn your patriotism; they may even say you're angry."
She added, "If they do that, wear it as a badge of honor, because you know what? There are lots of things that we should be angry and outraged about these days." She cited, among other things, the federal budget deficit, lobbying scandals in Washington, and the government's slow response to the Hurricane Katrina disaster.
(She neglected to mention her own scandal and the Report that will be released soon The Barrett Report<~~ That by all accounts is damaging to Hillary) (She also neglected to mention that even if she were President today there is nothing she could have done any differently about Hurricane Katrina than President Bush has done, and would have the same battle at the Government and Local levels of the Government in Louisiana as President Bush is having)(She also neglected to mention that her husband Former President Bill Clinton is making alot of money off this Dubai Port's Deal and has somehow managed to talk President Bush into this idea)
It was the latest volley in a rhetorical back-and-forth between Clinton and leading GOP strategists that began last month, when Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman said Clinton "seems to have a lot of anger" and that American voters tend not to elect angry candidates.
He pointed to comments Clinton made on Martin Luther King Day, when she called the Bush administration "one of the worst" (Neglecting to Mention the Clinton era) in history, and compared the Republican-controlled House to a plantation. (She went from a Gender issue to a Race issue)
Top White House strategist Karl Rove later echoed that view, telling Washington Times reporter Bill Sammon in a new book that Clinton could have trouble winning the White House because there is a "brittleness about her."
Clinton, who has not yet said whether she's considering a presidential run in 2008, has responded in various ways. At first, she called the attacks a diversion from Republican "failures and shortcomings." (Neglecting to mention all the failures and shortcummings of the Clinton administration, notably the fact that Former President Clinton had Usama Bin Laden handed to him 3 times by the Sudan and never once took them up on thier offer to hand Bin Laden over to him, which could have prevented 9-11, and possibly the USS Cole bombing, as well as the Sexual escapades of the Former President in the White House and dating back to his days as Governor of Arkansas as well as the Former Presidents Impeachment for lying to Congress and the American people) And in a radio interview last week, she said "Karl Rove spends a lot of time obsessing about me,"?????????????????? suggesting he spends more time thinking about her political future than she did.
Until now, she has not said she considered any of the criticisms gender-based, although many observers have done so.
They include New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, who said Republicans "are casting Hillary Clinton as an angry woman, a she-monster melding images of Medea, the Furies, harpies, and a knife-wielding Glenn Close in 'Fatal Attraction.'" (With the General Public wondering the same thing)
Ross Baker, a political scientist at Rutgers University, said he agreed with Clinton's assessment but questioned whether she should have said anything.
"I think she's right, but whether or not it was prudent to acknowledge it this way is another thing," Baker said. "I think another politician might have dealt with it more humorously, to defuse its influence."
For her part, Republican National Committee spokeswoman Tara Wall declined to address the suggestion gender played a role in the attacks.
"When you vote to consistently raise people's taxes, vote against common-sense judicial nominees and use Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday to divide Americans along racial lines, you're likely to encourage criticism of both your ideas and temperament," she said.
Clinton's comments came the same day Kathleen Troia "KT" McFarland, a former Pentagon official under President Reagan, said she would seek the Republican nomination to challenge Clinton's re-election bid this year.
Is this chick for real?
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