Rick Santorum Calls For Release Of All De-Classified Documents On WMD Found In Iraq
I cant find the story that I heard earlier this morning, but I did hear that Rick Santorum is calling on President Bush and Secretary Rumsfeld to release all De-Classified Documents pertaining to the discovery of WMD in Iraq.

And I agree!! President Bush and Secretary Rumsfeld, REALEASE THE DOCUMENTS!! This is one of the Primary reasons we went to war in Iraq, the Democrats have been bitching all this time "Where are the WMD'S"? So let's see the evidence so we can shut these freaks up once and for all about Weapons of Mass Destruction.

And I agree!! President Bush and Secretary Rumsfeld, REALEASE THE DOCUMENTS!! This is one of the Primary reasons we went to war in Iraq, the Democrats have been bitching all this time "Where are the WMD'S"? So let's see the evidence so we can shut these freaks up once and for all about Weapons of Mass Destruction.
They won't release the documents because they do not show that Saddam had WMDs. If that were true, every newspaper and cable outlet would be reporting it.
You have to internalize the fact that THERE WERE NO WMDs. The Bush administration was wrong, wrong, wrong. We went to war on a guess, and it was wrong.
It's hard for you 35 percenters to understand that your hero is not liked by a majority of the American people. A majority of the American people DO NOT BELIEVE THIS COUNTRY IS ON THE RIGHT TRACK.
You here at Marie's blog ARE IN THE MINORITY.
Deal with it.
I wouldn't believe anything Rick Santorum says anyway. He knows he is screwed and won't win re-election unless he does something drastic. I am a Pennsylvanian myself and the vast majority feels he is not doing the best job and his interests are not benefitting Pennsylvanians
Are you a complete Moron?
Some of the Documents Rick Santorum got were RELEASED BY THE PENTAGON!! Rick Santorum want's THE REST of the Documents.
500 cannisters of Sarin, Mustard Gas and other nifty shit Saddam claimed he didnt have before the war started that have been found since the war started consitute WMD! Saddam lied.
Bush was RIGHT!
And if I am in the Minority why are you so worried about what I post? And feel the need to comment on it instead of just going on your merry, defeatest, cut and run way?
Kerry LOST, get over it!
You wouldnt believe it if they slapped 500 cannisters of Sarin on your Kitchen Table.
I guess we will see how the people really feel come November.
We already knew Saddam had sarin gas. Third World Countries have sarin gas, for christ's sake. We knew in 1991 he had sarin and mustard gas. The US supplied Iraq with them in the 1980's. It is nothing new.
Rick Santorums approval rating is below President Bush's. so we'll see what happens in November. I know die hard republicans that are voting for the Democrat because Rick Santorum is a piece of shit
I care what she thinks. Most of the time she is right on the money.
She is the reason I changed partys.
i still have issues with some of what she posts and she nows it. But she is stuborn and she sticks to what she is saying thats why I like her and you guys are the reason i switched party's.
i think if they have found weapond of destruction that was the reason we went there. and it looks like the Bush was right they did have weapons and they found them. doent that make the hole case for going there?
The fact that WMD has been found, no matter how old it is, (And by the way, still deadly) that Saddam claims he destroyed before the war started and the UN missed before the war started and has been found since the war started makes him a liar.
And Bush right all along.
We just want to see what all was found that can be released de-classified.
I want to know.
And if poll numbers were correct your guy would be President!
Then why are you here?
Thank's but I cant take the credit, you made your own mind up not to be part of the squaller that has become the Lunatic Left party.
The poles during the election of 2004 were tied or had President Bush at a slight lead. I regret this but i will admit I didn not vote in the presidential election of 2004 because I couldn't decide which LOSER I wanted to vote for.
Anyway, why is the Pentagon denying there are clasified documents and if there were you would think the President would have had them declassified or the Times would have leaked it out into the media.
Besides, if I had to believe the media or Santorum, I honestly would not believe any one of them because they have one thing in common THEYRE LIARS AND CANNOT BE TRUSTED.
The Pentagon has never denied there arent Classified documents related to this matter.
And It's up to Secretary Rumsfeld to "De-Classify" them not the President!
Which Secretary Rumsfeld is in the process of doing.
And as for the Times, they would probably post it on page 16 in thier paper or bury it way back there somewhere because they hate Bush!
The last thing most of these papers want to do is admit Bush was right.
Has the idea that maybe they arent lying ever crossed your mind?
You cannot believe anything a career politicans states.
Well your certainly entitled to your opinion.
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