Murtha Says: US More Of A Threat Than Terrorists
South Florida Sun-Sentinel Is Reporting:
Murtha says U.S. poses top threat to world peace
South Florida Sun-Sentinel
American presence in Iraq is more dangerous to world peace than nuclear threats from North Korea or Iran, Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., said to an audience of more than 200 in North Miami Saturday afternoon.
Murtha was the guest speaker at a town hall meeting organized by Rep. Kendrick B. Meek, D-Miami, at Florida International University's Biscayne Bay Campus. Meek's mother, former Rep. Carrie Meek, D-Miami, was also on the panel.
Congressman John Murtha

War veterans, local mayors, university students and faculty were in the Mary Ann Wolfe Theatre to listen to the three panelists discuss the war in Iraq for an hour.
A former Marine and a prominent critic of the Bush administration's policies in Iraq, Murtha reiterated his views that the war cannot be won militarily and needs political solutions. He said the more than 100,000 troops in Iraq should be pulled out immediately, and deployed to peripheral countries like Kuwait.
"We do not want permanent bases in Iraq," Murtha told the audience. "We want as many Americans out of there as possible."
Murtha also has publicly said that the shooting of 24 Iraqis in November at Haditha, a city in the Anbar province of western Iraq that has been plagued by insurgents, was wrongfully covered up.
The killings, which sparked an investigation into the deadly encounter and another into whether they were the subject of a cover-up, could undermine U.S. efforts in Iraq more than the prison abuse scandal at Abu Ghraib in 2004, Murtha said.
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Murtha Rambles On Some Other Nonsense Here
John Murtha has done more than lost his mind. Now he is bordering on TREASON! In a time of WAR this Lunatic has the gall to say that the Country that has brought more Freedom and Democracy to more people than anyone else in the WORLD (The United States) HIS COUNTRY is more of a threat to the World than terrorists! This is uncontionable. All he does is talk about the Army being broken (Which it isnt), (The Troops are up to no good, or are covering things up) Which they arent, And SLAMS the troops at every opportunity he gets, has the Gall in a Time of WAR to say these things about his own Country. I think Congressman who undermine our troops, and accuse our Country of being more of a threat to the World than terrorists are GUILTY OF TREASON!!
Murtha says U.S. poses top threat to world peace
South Florida Sun-Sentinel
American presence in Iraq is more dangerous to world peace than nuclear threats from North Korea or Iran, Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., said to an audience of more than 200 in North Miami Saturday afternoon.
Murtha was the guest speaker at a town hall meeting organized by Rep. Kendrick B. Meek, D-Miami, at Florida International University's Biscayne Bay Campus. Meek's mother, former Rep. Carrie Meek, D-Miami, was also on the panel.
Congressman John Murtha

War veterans, local mayors, university students and faculty were in the Mary Ann Wolfe Theatre to listen to the three panelists discuss the war in Iraq for an hour.
A former Marine and a prominent critic of the Bush administration's policies in Iraq, Murtha reiterated his views that the war cannot be won militarily and needs political solutions. He said the more than 100,000 troops in Iraq should be pulled out immediately, and deployed to peripheral countries like Kuwait.
"We do not want permanent bases in Iraq," Murtha told the audience. "We want as many Americans out of there as possible."
Murtha also has publicly said that the shooting of 24 Iraqis in November at Haditha, a city in the Anbar province of western Iraq that has been plagued by insurgents, was wrongfully covered up.
The killings, which sparked an investigation into the deadly encounter and another into whether they were the subject of a cover-up, could undermine U.S. efforts in Iraq more than the prison abuse scandal at Abu Ghraib in 2004, Murtha said.
Read Full Story Here
Murtha Rambles On Some Other Nonsense Here
John Murtha has done more than lost his mind. Now he is bordering on TREASON! In a time of WAR this Lunatic has the gall to say that the Country that has brought more Freedom and Democracy to more people than anyone else in the WORLD (The United States) HIS COUNTRY is more of a threat to the World than terrorists! This is uncontionable. All he does is talk about the Army being broken (Which it isnt), (The Troops are up to no good, or are covering things up) Which they arent, And SLAMS the troops at every opportunity he gets, has the Gall in a Time of WAR to say these things about his own Country. I think Congressman who undermine our troops, and accuse our Country of being more of a threat to the World than terrorists are GUILTY OF TREASON!!
"South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Tucson, Arizona | Published: 06.25.2006
advertisementMIAMI — American presence in Iraq is more dangerous to world peace than nuclear threats from North Korea or Iran, Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., said to an audience of more than 200 in North Miami Saturday afternoon."
Were I in Sun-Sentinel's shoes, I'd sit quiet as a mouse, hoping this will all blow over without much more fuss. Elizabeth Baier quotes Murtha several times in her Breaking World News (Brit Hume of Fox News as well as the Wall Street Joural have taken Baier's ball and run with it) claims of what Murtha said in Miami. When direct quotes are used, it's often the case the reporter has recorded the event, in order to make certain their quotes are accurate. What initially drew my attention was her lack of quotes for what she claims Murtha said in her first paragraph.,0,7119684.story
Shortly after reading the Sun Sentinel story, I googlenews'ed "Murtha Miami Iran Nuclear"
Among the dozens of hits quoting Ms. Baier indexed within a few hours of the Sun Sentinel's earth shaking expose' of Murtha's talk, I found another article published by the Miami Herald.
You will notice, this writer totally missed Murtha's "shot heard around the world" (technorati now has 400+ hits for what Ms. Baier claims Murtha said.)
On the unlikely chance Ms. Baier did *not* quote Murtha from a recording she made at the event ... I've written the Florida International University Public Relations folks asking them to preserve their audio/video recording of this event they sponsored for Murtha to speak at.
I've sent inquiries to the entire editorial boards of the Sun Sentinel, Wall Street Journal, Arizona Sun Star and Miami Herald, as well as Knight Ridder, asking them to pursue any recording of this event, in pursuit of the real news story, Elizabeth Baier.
It shouldn't take more than a day, or three, for Ms Baier to experience personally, that the world of journalism is flat. Whether you like or despise John Murtha is no longer the story. The real story is ... just how far has mainstream media sunk? Is Jerry Springer Journalism the new standard for reporters?
Here's what should strike every blogger as truly shocking... If Murtha never said anything like this ... If America's Conservative Talking Heads plastering this "Murtha fiction" all over the internet, including Fox News and the Wall Street Journal, then who's to blame for this story achieving such prominence that our enemies will have no trouble finding it, and get the comfort these stories provide them?
Hold your breath and hope that this aid to our enemies really doesn't have anything to do with John Murtha, at all. Until this gets cleared up by audio/video recordings of what took place in Miami, it's America's media "dittoheads", including bloggers that are the ones providing comfort our enemies.
Let's hope Fox News, Wall Street Journal, and of course, conservative bloggers ain't the real culprits giving comfort to our enemies.
Keep in mind there are only two stories written by reporters who were actually in Miami last Saturday, where Murtha spoke. One used Mutha's outrageous comments as her opening paragraph, and the other, at a competing Newspaper in Florida, never mentioned them at all.
I spent a few hours on the phone with a friend of mine who is editor for a news site. I'm letting him run with this ball. You can follow how this story develops at:
Thank's for the update.
John Murtha is another one giving aid and comfort to the enemy and he needs to be brought up on charges of Treason also. Although FAT CHANCE!
I will check out the links you provided and would appreciate your take on this situation whenever you get around to it.
I dont think John Murtha has this countrys interests at heart
Very good observation!
Looking at the large number of blog posts I've placed throughout the blogsphere in the last 2 weeks, I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking they look like spam.
My apologies to all.
Some interesting things happened today. I received an email response from Bill Pasco(e) of Diana Irey's campaign against John Murtha for the 12th District of Pennsylvania seat in the House of Representatives.
In responding Mr. Pascoe's email, I found it useful to CC that response to him to Elizabeth Baier and her editor Ms. Rosenhause (Managing Editor Sun-Sentinel).
The topic of those emails was "Rovian Architecture Unplugged". If you are interested to learn more, feel free to write them.
Make "Rovian Architechure Unplugged" your subject heading so they know what your inquiry is about.
Their email addresses:
Bill Pascoe phone: (724) 258-2300
Elizabeth Baier
Sharon Rosenhause
Cliff Hancuff
The World of Journalism Is Flat, Too
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