What A Disgrace!!!
What a peaceful beautiful woman. To have her Funeral Service turned into a Bush Bashing Ceremony, and a Political Forum by the Liberals is just an utter disgrace. Every Liberal should feel sick that thier party chose this time to pick this forum to turn her service into a diatribe for the left.
Poor Coretta she is probably sickened by her sendoff!
There is a time and a place for this kind of crap, and Coretta's Funeral sure wasnt the time or place.
Coretta Scott King

Tue Feb 07 2006 15:49:48 ET
Today's memorial service for civil rights activist Coretta Scott King -- billed as a "celebration" of her life -- turned suddenly political as one former president took a swipe at the current president, who was also lashed by an outspoken black pastor!
The outspoken Rev. Joseph Lowery, co-founder of Southern Christian Leadership Conference, ripped into President Bush during his short speech, ostensibly about the wife of Martin Luther King Jr.
"She extended Martin's message against poverty, racism and war. She deplored the terror inflicted by our smart bombs on missions way afar. We know now that there were no weapons of mass destruction over there," Lowery said.
The mostly black crowd applauded, then rose to its feet and cheered in a two-minute-long standing ovation.
A closed-circuit television in the mega-church outside Atlanta showed the president smiling uncomfortably.
"But Coretta knew, and we know," Lowery continued, "That there are weapons of misdirection right down here," he said, nodding his head toward the row of presidents past and present. "For war, billions more, but no more for the poor!" The crowd again cheered wildly.
Former President Jimmy Carter later swung at Bush as well, not once but twice. As he talked about the Kings, he said: "It was difficult for them then personally with the civil liberties of both husband and wife violated as they became the target of secret government wiretaps." The crowd cheered as Bush, under fire for a secret wiretapping program he ordered after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, again smiled weakly.
Later, Carter said Hurricane Katrina showed that all are not yet equal in America. Some black leaders have blamed Bush for the poor federal response, and rapper Kayne West said that Bush "hates" black people.
Then it was Jesse Jackson's and Al Sharpton's turn Read Full Story Here
Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2006 1:12 p.m. EST
Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton Blast Bush at King Service
A Nation Mourns Coretta Scott King
The Revs. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton lambasted President Bush Monday night at a memorial service in Atlanta for Coretta Scott King, faulting him for the Iraq war and for ignoring the plight of black people.
The two Democratic Party civil rights leaders "galvanized the crowd" during a three-hour service at the city's famed Ebenezer Baptist Church, as they blasted government figures like Bush for trying to make the King legacy their own, the Associated Press said.
"We can't let them take her from us and reduce her to their trophy and not our freedom fighter," Jackson railed.
"This is not a celebrity funeral," added Sharpton. "This is us coming to say thank you to a woman who took a bullet in her husband and kept on marching."
The dueling reverends excoriated Bush for the Hurricane Katrina disaster and for diverting the nation's resources to the Iraq war.
President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush attended Mrs. King's funeral on Tuesday, along with former first couple Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Just when you think the Liberals cant possibly sink ANY lower!!
This should sicken ALL Americans!!!!!
Poor Coretta she is probably sickened by her sendoff!
There is a time and a place for this kind of crap, and Coretta's Funeral sure wasnt the time or place.
Coretta Scott King

Tue Feb 07 2006 15:49:48 ET
Today's memorial service for civil rights activist Coretta Scott King -- billed as a "celebration" of her life -- turned suddenly political as one former president took a swipe at the current president, who was also lashed by an outspoken black pastor!
The outspoken Rev. Joseph Lowery, co-founder of Southern Christian Leadership Conference, ripped into President Bush during his short speech, ostensibly about the wife of Martin Luther King Jr.
"She extended Martin's message against poverty, racism and war. She deplored the terror inflicted by our smart bombs on missions way afar. We know now that there were no weapons of mass destruction over there," Lowery said.
The mostly black crowd applauded, then rose to its feet and cheered in a two-minute-long standing ovation.
A closed-circuit television in the mega-church outside Atlanta showed the president smiling uncomfortably.
"But Coretta knew, and we know," Lowery continued, "That there are weapons of misdirection right down here," he said, nodding his head toward the row of presidents past and present. "For war, billions more, but no more for the poor!" The crowd again cheered wildly.
Former President Jimmy Carter later swung at Bush as well, not once but twice. As he talked about the Kings, he said: "It was difficult for them then personally with the civil liberties of both husband and wife violated as they became the target of secret government wiretaps." The crowd cheered as Bush, under fire for a secret wiretapping program he ordered after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, again smiled weakly.
Later, Carter said Hurricane Katrina showed that all are not yet equal in America. Some black leaders have blamed Bush for the poor federal response, and rapper Kayne West said that Bush "hates" black people.
Then it was Jesse Jackson's and Al Sharpton's turn Read Full Story Here
Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2006 1:12 p.m. EST
Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton Blast Bush at King Service
A Nation Mourns Coretta Scott King
The Revs. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton lambasted President Bush Monday night at a memorial service in Atlanta for Coretta Scott King, faulting him for the Iraq war and for ignoring the plight of black people.
The two Democratic Party civil rights leaders "galvanized the crowd" during a three-hour service at the city's famed Ebenezer Baptist Church, as they blasted government figures like Bush for trying to make the King legacy their own, the Associated Press said.
"We can't let them take her from us and reduce her to their trophy and not our freedom fighter," Jackson railed.
"This is not a celebrity funeral," added Sharpton. "This is us coming to say thank you to a woman who took a bullet in her husband and kept on marching."
The dueling reverends excoriated Bush for the Hurricane Katrina disaster and for diverting the nation's resources to the Iraq war.
President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush attended Mrs. King's funeral on Tuesday, along with former first couple Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Just when you think the Liberals cant possibly sink ANY lower!!
This should sicken ALL Americans!!!!!
Congressman John Conyers, Jr. is in Lithonia, Georgia for Coretta Scott King's funeral. The Congressman, who worked with Mrs. King to author the bill making Martin Luther King Day a national holiday, will be honoring her life's work with the following remarks.
Today we mourn the passing of a dignified and peaceful woman who should be remembered as an equal partner in the struggle for civil rights. For more than forty years, she continued the pursuit of her husband's legacy of justice and equality – proving that she was an activist in her own right. For that, our nation owes her its most profound gratitude.
I first met Coretta when I traveled South during the civil rights movement as a lawyer. What many people may not realize is that Martin did not bring her to the Movement. She was already there. As a child of the South, she recognized the injustices of segregation and as a college student, began her own work to obtain equality.
We all recognize Coretta as a vibrant and dedicated partner to Dr. King. When he insisted that the Civil Rights Movement begin in the deep South, where racial injustice permeated every aspect of its society, she could have joined those who tried to dissuade him. Coretta could have made a strong case for standing on the sidelines when he was called to lead the Montgomery Bus Boycott with Mrs. Rosa Parks. After all, King was working on his doctorate, they had just started a family, and there was a great deal of danger involved in this struggle. However, she recognized the fact that the importance of this struggle transcended personal interest and people would have to step out on faith and do the right thing.
As Martin Luther King grew in the struggle, Mrs. King grew along with him. When he traveled to India in 1959 on a pilgrimage to disciples and sites associated with Gandhi, Mrs. King was by his side. She would travel around the country, giving speeches, singing, and leading marches. Coretta was not trying to make headlines or gain personal recognition, but she quietly and eloquently acted as a leader in the Movement.
Following Dr. King's assassination, Coretta continued to advance their shared vision of a free and equal America. She honored her husband's legacy by founding the King Center in 1968, the largest repository of King's speeches, writings, and other works. Coretta devoted her life to advancing racial and economic justice and the recognition of the rights of women, children, the poor, the homeless, and all those disenfranchised. Most notably, this woman stood for equality and peace – the virtues to which her husband dedicated his life.
Lessons from the funeral.
1. Not all liberals, especially G.w. Bush's biggest threat and arguably one of the most liberal congressman, resorted to levity at the expense of the current president.
2. Categorizing people and segregation are apparently still alive and well as demonstrated by your own article.
"lashed by an outspoken black Pastor!"....."The mostly black crowd applauded"......"Some black leaders have blamed Bush for the poor federal response, and rapper Kayne West said that Bush "hates" black people."
You chose to categorically describe the pastor, the crowd, and leaders that have spoken about Katrina as black. Why? The article would read the same without referencing blacks.
3. Dr. and Mrs King were also illegally wiretapped by our government, just like what's happening to some Americans today.
4. Rev. Jesse Jackson was more than a friend to the King's. He was in Memphis on April 4th and watched his comrade get executed by a bullet that smashed open Dr. King's jaw and face, then slumped to the ground(2nd floor balcony walkway). He has known Correta for over 38 years. I think Rev Jackson would know how she would feel about the funeral.
5. Iraq is a war of hate and retribution against terrorists and her whole life was dedicated to a liberal political agenda. How do you think people are going to memorialize her life's works? By not talking about her highest moral principles of peace and forgiveness?
6.Come on, who are you trying to kid?. Pull your head out of the sand. The King's were liberal activists. If they were alive today, you would think they are disgraceful liberals writing books and speeches for monetary gain and popularity.
The only people I ever group together are Liberals! I dont give a hoot what color they are.
John Conyers isnt mentioning Weapons of Mass Destruction in that speech.
And his speech sounds tactful considering the President wont be sitting directly behind him while he is making it.
Taking into consideration Conyers is one of the LIBERALS that are trying to impeach our President for protecting our butts!
Why dont you pull YOUR head out of the sand and come back with a real name.
From Wikipedia:
King was vocal in her opposition to capital punishment and the 2003 invasion of Iraq, thus drawing criticism from conservative groups. She was also an advocate of women's rights, lesbian and gay rights and AIDS/HIV prevention. Her support for gay and lesbian rights, including same-sex marriage, sometimes put her in conflict with some members of her family including her daughter Bernice and her niece Alveda King.
King called her adoption of a vegan diet in 1995 a blessing. Her son, Dexter, had been vegan since 1988, saying that an appreciation for animal rights is the "logical extension" of his father's philosophy of non-violence. Dick Gregory and Richard Pryor made similar connections between the civil rights movement and animal issues.
She may have been an advocate for peace, but she was a flaming Liberal. And the Libs dishonored one of their own by politicizing her funeral! Too funny!
Yes Mark, She may have been a flaming Liberal but her Memorial service should never have been scarred with malicious intent by the Liberals as to which she and her husband fought so hard for as well as Republicans that felt the same way.
What is truly amusing is they gave a rounding applause for Ted Kennedy, and his brother Bobby who was Attorney Gerneral at the time is the one who authorized the King's being wiretapped!!
What are those people blind?
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