Hillary Clinton Moves Closer To Answering For Fraud

Hillary is named as a defendant in a civil law suit in California brought by Peter Paul, the largest single campaign contributor to her 2000 Senatorial campaign. Paul has turned from a close associate of Bill and Hillary Clinton who underwrote the “Hollywood Salute to President Clinton” in 2000, to a whistle blower exposing the corruption and lies that were an underpinning of Hillary’s election to the Senate.
Hillary Clinton is desperately trying to avoid being put under oath and forced to testify about her involvement in the 2000 fundraiser for her Senatorial Campaign underwritten by Peter Paul. She has summoned every resource at her disposal to avoid making statements under oath about her knowledge of the under reporting of more than $700,000 on her campaign finance statements. Hillary’s strategy is simple: delay as much as possible Peter Paul’s Civil suit and sacrifice the “small fish” associated with this wrongdoing.
United States Justice Foundation Reports:
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By all accounts, the 400-page Barrett report is a bombshell, capable possibly of wiping out Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential prospects. At the very least, it would bring to public attention a scandal that would make the Valerie Plame affair vanish into comical insignificance.
Release The Barrett Report Now

Hillary is named as a defendant in a civil law suit in California brought by Peter Paul, the largest single campaign contributor to her 2000 Senatorial campaign. Paul has turned from a close associate of Bill and Hillary Clinton who underwrote the “Hollywood Salute to President Clinton” in 2000, to a whistle blower exposing the corruption and lies that were an underpinning of Hillary’s election to the Senate.
Hillary Clinton is desperately trying to avoid being put under oath and forced to testify about her involvement in the 2000 fundraiser for her Senatorial Campaign underwritten by Peter Paul. She has summoned every resource at her disposal to avoid making statements under oath about her knowledge of the under reporting of more than $700,000 on her campaign finance statements. Hillary’s strategy is simple: delay as much as possible Peter Paul’s Civil suit and sacrifice the “small fish” associated with this wrongdoing.
United States Justice Foundation Reports:
Read Full Story Here
By all accounts, the 400-page Barrett report is a bombshell, capable possibly of wiping out Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential prospects. At the very least, it would bring to public attention a scandal that would make the Valerie Plame affair vanish into comical insignificance.
Release The Barrett Report Now
Legal troubles
Paul retained public interest law firm, and frequent Clinton opponent, Judicial Watch to represent him. He approached the US Justice Department with claims of corruption on the part of the Democratic National Committee and Senator Clinton, as detailed by Robert Novak in his syndicated coulmn Hillary's Donor, June 28, 2001.
On June 12. 2001, Paul was indicted on one count of violating SEC Reg. 10(b)5, for manipulating the price of the stock in Stan Lee Media. A week later, he filed a landmark civil fraud and coercion suit against President and Senator Clinton.Paul appeared on ABC's 20/20 and claimed that Hillary Clinton was commiting election fraud.
After the indictment, Paul alleged in a lawsuit that he donated more than $2 million worth of in-kind contributions to Hillary Clinton's campaign, and that these donations had never been properly reported to the FEC. He called for a formal investigation by the FEC and by the U.S. attorney general's office.[20]
On August 3, 2001 Paul was arrested in Brazil and jailed, pending the outcome of extradition proceedings. [1]
In December, 2001, Los Angeles Superior Court judge Aurelio Munoz dismissed Paul's June lawsuit against Bill and Hillary Clinton, noting that Paul could not bring suit for so long as he remained a fugitive in Brazil. Paul appealed but lost. [21]
Upon Paul's return to the U.S. in October, 2003 Paul refiled his civil suit against the Clintons and in October, 2004, the California Supreme Court denied the Clintons' appeal to dismiss Paul's claims against them, [22] setting up the opportunity for Paul to compel both a President and a Senator to testify under oath about their roles in the business and campaign finance fraud that was admitted by Hillary Clinton's campaign treasurer, Andrew Grossman, on December 13, 2005, in a settlement with the FEC.
Paul then brought suit against the Federal Election Commission (FEC) for failing to take action on his complaints against Senator Clinton. The case was later dismissed by the U.S. Court for the District of Columbia. [23] However, Paul's official complaint against Hillary Clinton's Senate campaign was finally acted upon on December 13, 2005, when the Federal Election Commission notified Paul that the FEC found probable cause that Hillary Clinton's campaign violated the Federal Election law, that the campaign was being fined and forced to refile its false FEC returns to reflect Paul's hidden contributions exceeding $720,000.
Paul failed in his efforts to avoid extradition and, in September 2003, he was delivered to the Metropolitan Detention Facility in Brooklyn, New York for arraignment and trial. [24][25]
In August 2004, the SEC formally filed its complaint against Paul for the manipulation of Stan Lee Media's stock in violation of the antifraud provisions of Section 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act, and SEC Rule 10b-5. [26]
In March of 2005, Paul had a falling out with his advocates at Judicial Watch. He accused them of using his name to raise more than $15 million from people who disliked the Clintons, while doing little to advance his case. He has threatened to sue them for $1 million, and announced his plan to replace them with a "dream team" of Republican lawyers. [27]
For their part, Judicial Watch has filed papers seeking to formally sever all ties with Paul. [27] [28]
Also in March, Paul pled guilty to criminal charges of stock fraud. While Paul's guilty plea made no refernces to his causing losses to the investing public, a press release bu the US Attorney's office alleged that his actions caused "losses to the investing public and financial institutions of approximately $25 million". [1] However, in a separate federal civil suit brought by Stan Lee Media against Merrill Lynch to recover damages for Merrill Lynch's role in Paul's misuse of margin accounts he held there, the judge ruled that " [SLM] asserts that Merrill is liable for the collateral consequences of a fraud scheme [by Peter Paul and others]..on the public..which was undertaken to benefit, not damage SLM. As part of the broader decline in the NASDAQ market, SLM share prices collapsed in spite of, not because of, the effort to inflate the share price of SLM stock. The margin calls...did not cause the share price decline but rather resulted from the collapsing share price, which in turn resulted from an "attack by short sellers" [29] Paul's actions may have violated 10(b)5 anti fraud regulations, they did not cause the collapse of Stan Lee Media's stock, and therefore were not responsible for the losses to investors that resulted when the stock collapsed.
More on the criminal Peter F. Paul here:
If there is any justice, she will someday have to answer for a lot. Like her gang thugs she ran out of the White House to go after and attack anyone who started making too much noise about Bill's escapades.
I enjoyed my short visit to your blog, I'll be back.
Poll: Bush Ratings At All-Time Low
NEW YORK, Feb. 27, 2006
(CBS) The latest CBS News poll finds President Bush's approval rating has fallen to an all-time low of 34 percent, while pessimism about the Iraq war has risen to a new high.
Americans are also overwhelmingly opposed to the Bush-backed deal giving a Dubai-owned company operational control over six major U.S. ports. Seven in 10 Americans, including 58 percent of Republicans, say they're opposed to the agreement.
Lazlo, 2 words:
Barrett Report
Are you serious?
CBS? The same News Station that brought us false reports of President Bush's National Guard Service? Better known as Rathergate?
And we are suppose to believe them?
They probably polled mostly Democrats anyway!
This President doesnt Govern this Country on POLL numbers!!!
My God you people are "Unhinged"
you are right marie....
CBS Slants Bush Poll in Favor of Democrats
In its classic "fair and balanced" tradition, CBS slanted in favor of Democrats its poll that found Bush has a 34 percent approval rating and a 59 percent disapproval rating, an all-time high for a CBS poll.
On the bottom of the PDF version of the poll (page 18) it says how many Democrats versus Republicans were contacted.
"Total Republicans" contacted: 272 unweighted and 289 weighted.
"Total Democrats" contacted: 409 unweighted and 381 weighted.
"Total Independents" contacted: 337 unweighted and 348 weighted
Yep Seaspook and it's going to have to be up to people like us to make sure it happens.
You are welcome back anytime :-)
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