Why Are The Liberals Lying?
"Opponents of President Bush routinely invoke the incantation that he lied about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction to take the nation to war... In doing so, they conveniently overlook the fact that if Bush lied, a long list of liberal icons have also been lying for a very long time, some from before the time he arrived in the Oval Office." —Jonathan Gurwitz
On way to Asia, president blasts war critics
By Peter Wallsten
KYOTO, Japan - With his approval ratings slipping at home, President Bush flew overseas for the second time this month -- but not before taking a parting shot at critics of his Iraq policy.
Bush, who arrived in Japan this morning for a four-nation Asian swing, used a refueling stop in Alaska to accuse Democrats of "playing politics" in their allegations that the White House manipulated intelligence to justify the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
He recited old quotes from three senior Senate Democrats -- John D. Rockefeller IV of West Virginia, Carl Levin of Michigan and Harry Reid of Nevada. All three backed the war in 2001 and 2002, but have recently led the criticism that the White House misled the public when it tied Iraq to al-Qaida and said that Saddam Hussein's regime had pursued nuclear weapons.
"'I think that the president's approaching this in the right fashion,'" Bush said Reid had told CNN in 2002.
"They spoke the truth then and they're speaking politics now," the president said to cheers from U.S. airmen at Elmendorf Air Force Base.
The president, meanwhile, will put the Iraq debate on the back burner during his visits to Japan, South Korea, China and Mongolia.
The nuclear ambitions of North Korea -- which Bush famously included in his "axis of evil" in 2002 -- are likely to be a prime topic later this week at the Asia-Pacific Economic Conference in Busan, South Korea. Other topics include preparations for a flu pandemic, the Japanese ban on U.S. beef, and the presence of U.S. military forces in the region.
Now tell me who is not being truthful about the leadup to the War in Iraq?
Here is what Teddy Kennedy

Said then: Read Full Statement Here
And here is what Teddy (Hiccup) says now: Read Statement Here Quite a Switch isnt it?
How about Jay Rockefeller?

Here is what Rockefeller said then:
Rockefeller in his 2002 speech warned that:
Saddam's government has contact with many international terrorist organizations that likely have cells here in the United States.
He could make those weapons [WMD] available to many terrorist groups which have contact with his government, and those groups could bring those weapons into the U.S. and unleash a devastating attack against our citizens. I fear that greatly.
I called Rockefeller’s office this summer and asked which terrorist groups the West Virginia Democrat was talking about. Wendy Morigi, Rockefeller’s communications director, responded.
He was talking about the Palestinian groups that had established relationships with Saddam," she said. "Abu Nidal was living in Baghdad before the war.
Perhaps. But one week before his floor speech, Rockefeller suggested something quite different in an interview with the Charleston Gazette. He said: "If you go pre-emptive, do you cause Hussein to strike where he might not have? He is not a martyr, not a Wahabbi, not a Muslim radical. He does not seek martyrdom. But he is getting older," Rockefeller told the paper. "Maybe he is seeking a legacy by attacking Israel or using al-Qaeda cells around the world." [Emphasis added.]
One month before the war began, Senator Rockefeller spoke of a "substantial connection between Saddam and al Qaeda.� In some interviews Rockefeller did say that he hadn't seen evidence of close ties between Iraq and al Qaeda. But asked about an Iraq-al Qaeda relationship by CNN's Wolf Blitzer on February 5, 2003, Rockefeller agreed with Republican Senator Pat Roberts that Abu Musab al Zarqawi's presence in Iraq before the war and his links to a poison camp in northern Iraq were troubling. Rockefeller continued:
The fact that Zarqawi certainly is related to the death of the U.S. aid officer and that he is very close to bin Laden puts at rest, in fairly dramatic terms, that there is at least a substantial connection between Saddam and al Qaeda.�
One final note. The resolution that Rockefeller supported specifically mentioned the presence of al Qaeda fighters in Iraq:
Members of al Qaeda, an organization bearing responsibility for attacks that occurred on September 11, are known to be in Iraq.
Remind me, who isn’t being straight with the American public about the Iraq War?
Rockefeller Now:
Read Statement Here
How about Harry Reid?

Nancy Pelosi?
Sandy Berger uh I mean Burglar?
Madeline Albright?
John Kerry?
Former President Clinton?
The list goes on and on..
Our friends over at
Truth Or Fiction.Com
Have quite a few statements from Congressman and Senators what they said before we ever went to war in Iraq.
My point is: The Liberals seem to have come up with a new, well not really a new tactic but one they have been working on for quite a while to make our President look like HE manipulated intelligence in the lead up to the war in Iraq.
But as usual this whole thing is going to backfire on the Liberals because the same Senators that voted FOR the war, were privy to the exact same intelligence that our CIA had, the British intel had, The UN, Russia, Italy, Japan, Northern Ireland, France, Germany, and for that matter the whole Middle East!
The question really isnt THERE WERE NO WMD!!!!!!!
The question really ought to be WHAT THE HELL DID HE (SADDAM) DO WITH THEM?
He had them, he used them, he would have used them again, so what the hell did he do with them? Oh sure when our UN (Crooks) went over on thier "Inspection" and "Said" they found "Nothing" but lets get rid of Saddam anyway UN Resolution 1441
Saddam had violated 17 Security Council resolutions and created the biggest UN fraud/scandal ever seen by the American people and the World, THE OIL FOR FOOD PROGRAM!
The Liberals cant have it both ways. They would like to, but they knew just as much as the President did before we went to Iraq and dont let them make you believe any different. I still think Saddam had the WMD. The question I have is: Did the UN weapons inspectors cover up where Saddam hid them? Did the Weapons inspectors just take Saddam's word that he didnt have them knowing full well he did? Or Did they help him hide them on purpose? I wouldnt be the least bit surprised that the Crooks in the UN since they were making money off the "Oil For Food Program" helped hide the large stockpiles of weapons themselves!
Another question I have is: Why are these Senators so hell bent on getting a Timetable for the withdrawl of our Troops from Iraq? Could it be that they know once Saddam's trial starts, the truth will come out about where the WMD went? And they just want to make the President look bad now? Which in actuality makes the Senators look even worse because they are bitching that they voted for this war and nothing has been found, which of course isnt true because WMD has been found in Iraq, just not the large stockpiles that EVERYONE assumed would be there! What's also interesting is when our troops first entered Iraq, and found abandoned sites where the Iraqi Army had been, and fled, they found Gas Masks left behind. Wonder why? Remember the infamous "Red Zone"? Where Saddam himself said: If the US troops cross this line we will gas them!! Wonder why he would say such a thing if HE HAD NOTHING TO GAS THEM WITH? How stupid can these Liberal Senators get before they realize this crazy attempt to discredit the President isnt going to work?
The Liberal Lie continues...
President Bush didnt Mislead, or Manipulate intel.
And I hope President Bush goes on the attack constantly and makes those Senators eat thier own words!
On way to Asia, president blasts war critics
By Peter Wallsten
KYOTO, Japan - With his approval ratings slipping at home, President Bush flew overseas for the second time this month -- but not before taking a parting shot at critics of his Iraq policy.
Bush, who arrived in Japan this morning for a four-nation Asian swing, used a refueling stop in Alaska to accuse Democrats of "playing politics" in their allegations that the White House manipulated intelligence to justify the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
He recited old quotes from three senior Senate Democrats -- John D. Rockefeller IV of West Virginia, Carl Levin of Michigan and Harry Reid of Nevada. All three backed the war in 2001 and 2002, but have recently led the criticism that the White House misled the public when it tied Iraq to al-Qaida and said that Saddam Hussein's regime had pursued nuclear weapons.
"'I think that the president's approaching this in the right fashion,'" Bush said Reid had told CNN in 2002.
"They spoke the truth then and they're speaking politics now," the president said to cheers from U.S. airmen at Elmendorf Air Force Base.
The president, meanwhile, will put the Iraq debate on the back burner during his visits to Japan, South Korea, China and Mongolia.
The nuclear ambitions of North Korea -- which Bush famously included in his "axis of evil" in 2002 -- are likely to be a prime topic later this week at the Asia-Pacific Economic Conference in Busan, South Korea. Other topics include preparations for a flu pandemic, the Japanese ban on U.S. beef, and the presence of U.S. military forces in the region.
Now tell me who is not being truthful about the leadup to the War in Iraq?
Here is what Teddy Kennedy

Said then: Read Full Statement Here
And here is what Teddy (Hiccup) says now: Read Statement Here Quite a Switch isnt it?
How about Jay Rockefeller?

Here is what Rockefeller said then:
Rockefeller in his 2002 speech warned that:
Saddam's government has contact with many international terrorist organizations that likely have cells here in the United States.
He could make those weapons [WMD] available to many terrorist groups which have contact with his government, and those groups could bring those weapons into the U.S. and unleash a devastating attack against our citizens. I fear that greatly.
I called Rockefeller’s office this summer and asked which terrorist groups the West Virginia Democrat was talking about. Wendy Morigi, Rockefeller’s communications director, responded.
He was talking about the Palestinian groups that had established relationships with Saddam," she said. "Abu Nidal was living in Baghdad before the war.
Perhaps. But one week before his floor speech, Rockefeller suggested something quite different in an interview with the Charleston Gazette. He said: "If you go pre-emptive, do you cause Hussein to strike where he might not have? He is not a martyr, not a Wahabbi, not a Muslim radical. He does not seek martyrdom. But he is getting older," Rockefeller told the paper. "Maybe he is seeking a legacy by attacking Israel or using al-Qaeda cells around the world." [Emphasis added.]
One month before the war began, Senator Rockefeller spoke of a "substantial connection between Saddam and al Qaeda.� In some interviews Rockefeller did say that he hadn't seen evidence of close ties between Iraq and al Qaeda. But asked about an Iraq-al Qaeda relationship by CNN's Wolf Blitzer on February 5, 2003, Rockefeller agreed with Republican Senator Pat Roberts that Abu Musab al Zarqawi's presence in Iraq before the war and his links to a poison camp in northern Iraq were troubling. Rockefeller continued:
The fact that Zarqawi certainly is related to the death of the U.S. aid officer and that he is very close to bin Laden puts at rest, in fairly dramatic terms, that there is at least a substantial connection between Saddam and al Qaeda.�
One final note. The resolution that Rockefeller supported specifically mentioned the presence of al Qaeda fighters in Iraq:
Members of al Qaeda, an organization bearing responsibility for attacks that occurred on September 11, are known to be in Iraq.
Remind me, who isn’t being straight with the American public about the Iraq War?
Rockefeller Now:
Read Statement Here
How about Harry Reid?

Nancy Pelosi?
Sandy Berger uh I mean Burglar?
Madeline Albright?
John Kerry?
Former President Clinton?
The list goes on and on..
Our friends over at
Truth Or Fiction.Com
Have quite a few statements from Congressman and Senators what they said before we ever went to war in Iraq.
My point is: The Liberals seem to have come up with a new, well not really a new tactic but one they have been working on for quite a while to make our President look like HE manipulated intelligence in the lead up to the war in Iraq.
But as usual this whole thing is going to backfire on the Liberals because the same Senators that voted FOR the war, were privy to the exact same intelligence that our CIA had, the British intel had, The UN, Russia, Italy, Japan, Northern Ireland, France, Germany, and for that matter the whole Middle East!
The question really isnt THERE WERE NO WMD!!!!!!!
The question really ought to be WHAT THE HELL DID HE (SADDAM) DO WITH THEM?
He had them, he used them, he would have used them again, so what the hell did he do with them? Oh sure when our UN (Crooks) went over on thier "Inspection" and "Said" they found "Nothing" but lets get rid of Saddam anyway UN Resolution 1441
Saddam had violated 17 Security Council resolutions and created the biggest UN fraud/scandal ever seen by the American people and the World, THE OIL FOR FOOD PROGRAM!
The Liberals cant have it both ways. They would like to, but they knew just as much as the President did before we went to Iraq and dont let them make you believe any different. I still think Saddam had the WMD. The question I have is: Did the UN weapons inspectors cover up where Saddam hid them? Did the Weapons inspectors just take Saddam's word that he didnt have them knowing full well he did? Or Did they help him hide them on purpose? I wouldnt be the least bit surprised that the Crooks in the UN since they were making money off the "Oil For Food Program" helped hide the large stockpiles of weapons themselves!
Another question I have is: Why are these Senators so hell bent on getting a Timetable for the withdrawl of our Troops from Iraq? Could it be that they know once Saddam's trial starts, the truth will come out about where the WMD went? And they just want to make the President look bad now? Which in actuality makes the Senators look even worse because they are bitching that they voted for this war and nothing has been found, which of course isnt true because WMD has been found in Iraq, just not the large stockpiles that EVERYONE assumed would be there! What's also interesting is when our troops first entered Iraq, and found abandoned sites where the Iraqi Army had been, and fled, they found Gas Masks left behind. Wonder why? Remember the infamous "Red Zone"? Where Saddam himself said: If the US troops cross this line we will gas them!! Wonder why he would say such a thing if HE HAD NOTHING TO GAS THEM WITH? How stupid can these Liberal Senators get before they realize this crazy attempt to discredit the President isnt going to work?
The Liberal Lie continues...
President Bush didnt Mislead, or Manipulate intel.
And I hope President Bush goes on the attack constantly and makes those Senators eat thier own words!
Hey Marie - thanks for the frequent visits to my site...I just love the first line of the AP story: 'With his approval rating slipping, the President left for the Far East, etc.' As if there is a causal link between the ratings and his trip. The press does this kind of crap all the time and I hate it. When I was a journalism student, I never wrote like that. But then again, I'm not a lefty with an ax to grind against this administration. Still, headlines like that followed ex-President Busy Pants, too. But we all know that the press was and is far kinder to him than W. Thanks again for all of your visits to my site. Keep The Faith!
Your welcome!
I will try to keep the faith, but I am getting fed up with the Liberal lies, and mudslinging from not only the House and the Senate but the media also.
We have sat back and took this crap long enough.
I think it's time we all go into full attack mode!
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