Our Forefathers Must Be Spinning In Thier Graves

This idiot has to be stopped!
Atheist wants God off U.S. money
Tuesday, November 15, 2005 at 07:53 JST
SAN FRANCISCO — An atheist waging a legal battle to delete the words "under God" from a patriotic oath recited in U.S. public schools vowed Monday to sue to have the phrase "In God We Trust" removed from U.S. coins and bank notes.
Both U.S. currency and the Pledge of Allegiance should be fully secular to reflect the Constitution's division of church and state, and "to have all Americans treated equally by their government," Michael Newdow said.
Newdow said he plans to file his new lawsuit electronically in federal court in Northern California by the end of the week.
"Can you imagine if, in some Catholic church, they passed the collection plate and the coins said there is no God?" Newdow asked rhetorically.
"They wouldn't take that. I have a church, and I can't take currency for fundraising."
Newdow is a doctor, lawyer, and a priest in his own church.
His church is based on three "suggestions," Newdow said. Those suggestions are "question, be honest, and do what's right."
"We hold a definite view that being honest means you cannot reasonably conclude there is a God," Newdow said.
Newdow's civil suit arguing it is unconstitutional to make school children to recite the words "under God" as part of the Pledge of Allegiance cleared a lower court hurdle this year and is working its way through the legal system.
The Supreme Court nixed an effort by Newdow to keep religious references out of the January inauguration ceremony for President George W Bush.
"We are a nation of religious refugees," Mathew Staver of the conservative Christian group Liberty Counsel said during the inauguration controversy.
"Prayer has been an essential part of America and her history. Our history is pervaded by religious expressions. We are a nation of religious refugees, and it is therefore commonplace to see and hear expressions of religion."
Thank The Lord President Bush was re-elected and has chozen Conservative Nominees to be Supreme Court Justices!
Can you imagine the outcome if it was President Kerry? And he appointed more Liberals to the bench?
Christmas which we ALL grew up with is already under attack, the Pledge of Alligiance, Now Money?
Oh I hope when all this reaches the Supreme Court the Justices will be clear thinking and abide by how our forefathers founded this Country with Religion being a major part of it!
Between Liberals and the ACLU we wont even have Santa Claus anymore!
Over at American Values Under Attack It's already started. Coca Cola has already dumped Santa Claus!
There on his site you will find a form where you can write Coca Cola and tell them exactly what you think :-)
This ain't gonna happen. Our nation was founded by religious nuts with guns. Taking God off of our money won't happen. Nice try, pinkos. Print your own money or better yet; use your own. Barter with beans and string and see if you can buy anything.
I hope not. This Lunatic has already won a court battle taking "Under God" out of the Pledge of Alligiance. I cant wait till that get's to the supreme court. Between the Liberals, the ACLU, and the Athiests this Country is going straight to hell!!
You mean roll back over. The first time they rolled over was when you put God in the Pledge and on the money in the 50s.
Separation of Church and State; it's that easy.
Would you want "In Allah we Trust" on the money? NO? Now you know how we feel.
And for your first history lesson I will remind you that our nation wasn't founded by religious nuts; it was founded by people who were trying to make money. Jamestown, Roanoke and St. Augustine all predate your religious colony at Plymouth. America was founded on commerce, greed and conquest, not Christianity.
So now that we want to take God off the money does that mean we should brace for more hurricanes?
Your rhetoric might hold some water if you would do your homework now and then Toad!
Here is a little history lesson for you:
You Heathen you lol!
If your only link to the real world is some off path Christian news source you are going to have a hard time debating with the real world. However, yes, there were a few coins prior to 1950 that included the word God on there at some point(we all know how much Jesus loved money), but for the most part the Anti-Communist nuts of the 50s were responsible for it being printed on paper money. And no it is not illegal to not put "In God We Trust" on our money.
This reeks of unconstitutionality mainly because you would wet your pants if they printed in Allah we Trust on our money which obviously proves that your intentions are of a Christian nature and our Government cannot endorse one religion over another.
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