Does Anyone Remember?
Does anyone remember back in 1991 when Saddam Hussien and his henchmen ravaged the Kuwaiti people and SCORCHED the earth by lighting the Kuwaiti Oil fields on fire? They not only scorched the earth, but caused one of the greatest environmental disasters of all time. Burned for 8 months before the last one was put out, and had countless thousands of workers cleaning off and giving baths to the animals that did make it through that disaster.

I dont think I want to hear another soul say "The United States and its environment policy's have blah blah blah". Does the world actually believe we are the only Country on earth that burns fuel? Does the world think we are the only Country that emits green house gases? Before judging the US, other Countries better take a good look in thier own backyards, and quite franky so should alot of Americans.

I dont think I want to hear another soul say "The United States and its environment policy's have blah blah blah". Does the world actually believe we are the only Country on earth that burns fuel? Does the world think we are the only Country that emits green house gases? Before judging the US, other Countries better take a good look in thier own backyards, and quite franky so should alot of Americans.
I dont know about that China out does us 2-1 in the People dept. over there and I've heard they put out way more ozone hole building emissions than we ever could, but then you have to look at the Eoropean Countries etc. as well.
But the point I was trying to make if anyone is responsible for global warming in the last 50-100 years its Saddam.
Looking at the US combined with the European countries never put out that much crap combined as he did in 8 months.
And about 8 months ago President Bush mentioned something about a Hydrogen running vehicle. Sounded scary at first but then I started thinking about it and it made sense. I would look in the next two years for us to start building something like that. And we have wont to be dependent on Foreign oil, that's why I Love Bush, he wont take that kind of crap.
Thank You Jeffery. I thought I was part of that, but I'll check and see.
Well I agree with some of that, but really if you think about it we may consume more energy than 1 Country,but all of them combined? No Way!!! I'm saying if we measured what we consume against all the other Countries combined ours is miniscule. And what Saddam did to the earth and the atmosphere in 1991 was till this day uncalcuable.
How about this, kids? Let's just say we ALL need to get off our "who's exhausting the world's oil supply faster" kick and DO something about it? Regardless of who won the election, I think that either man would have gone ahead with research for more efficient and environmentally sound fuel for two reasons: It'll be cheaper in the long run,and our hydrogen-electric cars won't be stamped with MADE IN JAPAN for once...Oh, the Kuwaiti oil fields disaster WAS one of the biggest environmental crashes ever, however the BIGGEST, or at least in the long-term, was the Exxon-Valdez running aground off the coast of Alaska, destroying half an ecosystem.
Ok somehow we wound up a bit off topic here. What my point was, I am sick to death of seeing people in other countries walking around with signs saying "America is The Global Warming Capital" etc.,for instance. I refuse to take responsability for THE WORLD. They are contributing as much if not more than us to the merk of the environment and I'm just not going to take responsability for them. And I'm tired of them blaming every damn thing on us. And I was saying next to the long list of crimes Saddam has got to answer for, he caused alot of the merk too. The Valdez I thought of as being one of the worst but Scorching the earth, and burning fuel for 8 months, and seeing all the animals getting scrubbed and way more washing up dead along the shore of the Persian Gulf, and watching all that smoke fill the air black black, and remembering when I saw that I thought(Well I better not use the verbage of what I thought) has to have been the worst. I'm not to sure I was blaming it on any particular President I didnt think I was if I did. I'm just sick of the other Countries pointing the finger at us when they are just as guilty if not more so, and I havent heard one of them say a damn word about what Saddam did. "As for doing something about it", short of riding a bicycle to work fortunatly I live close enough to my job where I can do that, unless they bring back the horse and buggy I dont know what else I could possibly do. I dont know where you live but I live in Oklahoma, if you have ever been through a winter in Oklahoma you would know that you CANNOT be without a car in the winter, its kind of hard with ice and snow on the ground to ride your bicycle back and forth anywhere. You have to break out the ol vehicle! What I should have said was I dont give a rats ass if France and the other countries seem to have mounting hatred for us those leaders arent going to get elected again anyway for that kind of attitude. And nobody likes protesters anymore anyway. They can stuff it up thier ass if they think we are burning the planet to the ground when they are also. We should start making flame retardent Flags so those wont burn up the ozone either when Morons decide they want to burn it. And Saddam should be hung by his balls until he is dead right in the center of Baghdad!
But that's just my opinion :-)
P.S. I do recycle too lol....
Oh I agree, you could make a fortune manufacturing flame retardant American flags..;) "If you must burn our flag please wrap yourself in it first." I dunno how I managed to get off topic, this kinda thing really gets me incensed I mighta wandered a tad bit. Hehe. And I don't think protestors are obsolete just yet(this is one speaking so pardon my bias :) When we attend or organize protests we don't expect to change the world, we just want to show that there are those of us who think and feel differently...we don't have an avenue like media conglomerates to help us out in that region because of course, all those who aren't satisfied with the status quo are unpatriotic and shouldn't be shown in a good light. Blah...*sputters* Hey, I live in Missouri, I gotcha on that whole winter thing; the Midwest is the craziest area for weather in America...hell its supposed to snow Tuesday...I soooo wouldn't fancy walking to work in THAT.
Oh I agree on that if you are going to have the mentality of a rock to think of lighting our Flag on fire, yes by all means wrap yourself in it.
On the protesting, If your not so left you are about to fall off the map, If you dont "Burn Our Flag", have an efigy of Our President and a Swatztika on some tall stupid looking poster, or get violent, I guess I can live with it. I still think they are losing thier appeal, well the Lunatic Left ones.. It's those that act like complete Morons are the ones I cant stand. And yes you sure know about winter. A walk all the way to work in ice and snow is not something I will do. A few blocks maybe but not all the way to work. Its break out the vehicle time! It's closer by bike lol. Walking that far NO!
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